[Hilo Oficial] Pillars of Eternity - Pili la eterna sale a escena - ¡GRAN ESTRENO!
(29-04-2015 16:59)Cikio link escribió:Yo hubiese empezado el Wasteland 2 ya que me he acabado el Pillars, pero claro, lo veo absurdo con la GOTY en desarrollo. Porque pasarmelo dos veces no lo vey a hacer seguro.

El caso es que hasta el The Witcher 3 no sé muy bien con qué ponerme.

Divnity? o sería mucho empacho de rpg?
(29-04-2015 17:00)seph1roth link escribió:Divnity? o sería mucho empacho de rpg?

Le tengo menos ganas a ese y como dices, un poco empacho de fantasía medieval quizás si sea, que luego empalmo con The Witcher 3 xD

Además que lo tengo de una cuenta de un amigo que tengo acceso en Steam, pero no lo he comprado aún.
Paea Original Sin hay anunciado también un parche que tocará bastantes aspectos, aunque no se sabe apenas nada, yo esperaría para jugarlo a ver si con suerte apañan cosas como el terrible loot, equilibran la dificultad, hacen más amigable el inventario y meten mano en el desarrollo de las misiones. Casi parece que lo estoy poniendo a parir, pero no es para nada mi intención, me sigue pareciendo lo mejor del año pasado.

Sobre el Pillars... debería terminarlo, pero salió el lunes KSP 1.0 y me tiene absorbido slowpoke .
[Imagen: 32742_s.gif]
Notas provisionales del parche 1.05, y ya está disponible la versión beta para descargar en steam. Este es el primero que incluye cambios gordos en cuanto a balanceo:

Cita:NOTE: The 1.05 beta will be released later today if our initial tests come back positive.

This is a big one. Patch 1.05 features hundreds of bug fixes, balance changes, and new UI features. There are many minor fixes that are not listed in these notes.

Please Note: Save games in 1.05 are not compatible with 1.04 or earlier versions. The game will automatically back up your save games in a special folder in the save game directory after converting the saves to the new format.

Known Issues
"Previous" button is disabled in character creation. This is currently being fixed and should be fine in the next beta that is released.
New Features
You can now rename save games.
You can now change the portrait and sound set of characters from the character sheet. Click on the gear icon to open the customization window. You can only use this feature on player characters and hired (non-companion) characters.
New Stash sorting. You can now sort stash by item type, enchant score, and sell value.
Added a news feature on the main menu to keep you informed on patches and Kickstarter updates.
Added a new color for unique items in the inventory.
Added a new hotkey for switching weapon sets on selected characters.
You can now bind extra mouse buttons to Ability hotkeys.
There's a new option to reset newly recruited companions to level 1 (without losing the experience). This will allow you to level up companions to your liking.

Reblanced XP rewards of some quests, particularly the bounty quests, to prevent parties from hitting max level before Twin Elms.
Ciphers now start with 1/4 max Focus instead of 1/2.
Wizard and Cipher's base endurance has been raised from 30 to 36, and per level from 10 to 12.
Wizard and Priests health multipliers were raised from 3 to 4.
Interdiction range has been reduced from 20 to 10.
Tuned down damage on the Retaliation mod.
Citzal's Spirit Lance will now do 50% more damage, is faster, and has an increased AoE.
Sanguine Plate's Retaliate mod has been replaced with Spell Holding: Frenzy.
Wind Blight's Returning Storm is now set to 1/encounter.
Earth Blight's Teleport ability is now set to 2/encounter.
Sturdy bonus is improved from +20 to +30 vs Prone.
Hand and Key's Preservation has been replaced with Loyal.
Aru Breaker's Preservation has been replaced with a +1 Speed.
Angio's Gambeson's Reflex bonus is replaced with 1/day Deleterious Alacrity of Motion.
Rebel's Call Preservation has been replaced with Wary.
Lightning Strikes damage is increased by 25%.
Fan of Flames damage is reduced by 25%.
Minor Arcane Reflection base duration is changed to 60 seconds.
Llengrath's Displaced Image gives 50% hit to graze conversion on Deflection and Reflex.
Wizard's Double now grants +40 Deflection against a single attack.
Mirrored Images now grants a base +30 Deflection. It decreases by 5 after each hit.
Ilengrath's Safeguard's bonuses are now unified.
Crucible of the Soul, Speaker to the Restless, and Steps to the Wheel ranges have been increased.
Arcane Veil now grants +50 Deflection, with Hardened Veil adding +25, for a total of +75 Deflection.
Scroll of Paralysis is now slightly weaker and has a higher skill requirement.
All Spell Holdings are 2/encounter.
Soul Shock radius reduced from 2.5 to 1.25.
Blizzard damage reduced significantly and attack speed increased to from 0.2 to 0.8.
Overwhelming Wave now uses a range of 30-40 and stun duration lowered from 10s to 8s.
Noxious Burst trap damage now is in line with other player trap damage.
Reduced the accuracy on higher level player traps.
Unbroken is now a per encounter ability.
Malignant Cloud damage increased.
Ghost Blades set to foe only.
Death Ring damage slightly raised, made foe only.
Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar switched over to foe only.
Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon set to foe only.
Stag's Horn damaged lowered. Reflex and Deflection penalties cut in half, and reduced duration from 15 to 10.
Bracers of Spiritual Power and Archer's Gloves reduced damage from +20% to +10%.
Scroll of Revival AoE reduced, range slightly reduced, and restored endurance halved.
Marked Prey and Sworn Enemy have been set to 0 recovery actions, so they can be used and the Ranger/Paladin can immediately act again.
Items, Spells, and Abilities
Many spells and abilities will have more accurate and updated stat blocks and improved output in the combat log, tooltips, and character sheet.
Modal abilities now have activation and deactivation timers.
Fixed an issue where some AOE attacks were not displaying the extra Intellect bonus properly.
Added new effect when petrified.
Traps can now be passively detected at -4 Mechanics.
Added an animation to the Fox and the Hunter ability and removed the damage effect.
Second Chance will no longer trigger the defeat screen if the entire party goes down right before the effect fires.
Fixed display of the cast UI for Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept.
Tuning Wheel's effect is not hostile anymore.
Painful Interdiction is now correctly marked as hostile.
Escape should now always prevent disengagement attacks.
Seven Nights She Waited While the White Winds Wept will no longer attack allies.
Barbarian Threatening Presence will no longer spam the combat log when the Barbarian loses all endurance.
NPC Chanters will now resume chanting once they use their invocations.
Getting maimed will not clear fatigue.
All wall spells should now disappear when combat ends.
New Glossary entries for spellbind, spell holding, and spell striking.
Switched the ingredients for Freezing and Shocking lashes.
Druid's Wildstrike Belt is now working as intended.
Marked Prey is now working at intended.
Draining Whip is now working as intended.
One Stands Alone is now working as intended.
Interrupting Blows is now working as intended, and will correctly increase interrupt.
Mortification of the Soul is now working as intended, and should only award 1 wound.
Scion of Flame, Spirit of Decay, Secrets of the Rime and Heart of the Storm should now correctly increase damage of all abilities.
Driving Flight will now work properly with Blunderbuss type guns.
The Retaliate mod should not strike allies after using Field Triage.
Pet fatigue has been removed.

Quests and Companions
Party member stats on the character sheet will now show properly if the companion is removed and re-added from the stronghold.
Fixed issues where companions could lose their items when assigned to the stronghold.
Grieving Mother's Perception and Intellect scores have been switched.
The Man Who Waits: The citizens of the Sanitarium will no longer become hostile if you kill and loot Azo after the Sanitarium riot and then fight flesh golems. Fix is retroactive.
Fixed issue with a reputation loss with Gilded Vale when entering Raedric's Hold.
Removed disposition exploit with the Records Keeper.
A few encounter placement changes.
Fixed issues with stronghold hirelings becoming hostile.
Retroactive fix to update Sanitarium quest stage to proper state if you already talked to Ethelmoer and then asked for Sanitarium directions from a city guard.
Added retroactive fix if you've advanced Heritage Hill quest to Icantha but then asked a city guard for directions to Heritage Hill.
Fixed a number of issues with the Winds of Steel quest. This should be a retroactive fix if the quest was already started before working on the second quest with the Dozens or Doemenels, or if the quest was acquired or completed in conjunction with Bronze Beneath the Lake or Changing of the Guard.
Attacking any of the main three Defiance Bay factions after having secured their invitation to the hearing will now make Lady Webb give you an invite in the name of Dunryd Row.
Fixed issues with the Hermit of Hadret House quest.
If Sul or Oernos were defeated before speaking to Desthwn for the first time then The Old Queen and the New King quest will not revert to an earlier quest stage
Hendyna's conversation is fixed up to be properly linked together.
Fixed a case where one of Clyver's responses would not appear in conversation if you ask him twice about the hearing.
Killing Alwah while she appears in Oldsong now prevents her from appearing alive in Galawain's Maw when you turn in the Prison of Ice quest
Fixed an issue where the Hall of Revealed Mysteries would turn hostile after opening the door to the Elder Archives and then re-loading into the scene (while not in stealth).
Rinatto will no longer appear in the Celestial Sapling if you convince him to leave Twin Elms as part of the Hard Bargain quest.)

Changed the display of most stat multipliers to be percentage based.
Added Shift as a default control for multi-selection, in addition to Ctrl.
Inverted the Stronghold log.
Improved the output in the Bestiary and added beast abilities.
Portraits now turn grey if Stamina is being capped by Health or Fatigue.
Improved multi-selection.
Stronghold adventures will now show the duration before you embark.
Added apply button to resolution options screen.
Default stealth key on Linux is now Ctrl.
Weapon set buttons are now disabled when Spirit Shifted.
Fixed several issues with containers and mouse cursor state on hover.
Fixed an issue where the Lore requirement on scrolls was always displaying as red text.
Fixed an issue where weapon sets were not visually unlocking.
HUD does not upscale until 1920x1200.

General Fixes
Removed exploit of being able to transition into a new area with a dead player character. Sorry speed runners.
Spells and abilities stuck in 'Already Activated' state will be fixed whenever a game is loaded.
Now camping in a stronghold map when Brighthollow is unlocked uses Brighthollow instead.
Party members will no longer switch weapon sets when charmed.
Resolved a problem where misses on some secondary attacks were not being reported in the combat log.
Camera should center on party members faster.
Trial of Iron: Loading a game will now force a save to happen to prevent save scumming.
Fixed many issues related to auto pause.
Firearms will now reload when combat ends on alternate weapon sets.
Poison and interrupted VO now has a cooldown.
Allow quick-loading when UI windows, like dialogue, are up.
[Imagen: e25ee221-9c1b-425a-aecd-f2bf61713f08_zps81f030c7.jpg]
Todo este puente sin poder jugar porque ya estoy en Pucela City. A superar el mono  palomitas
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
(01-05-2015 11:30)Jagang link escribió:Todo este puente sin poder jugar porque ya estoy en Pucela City. A superar el mono┬á palomitas

No te quejes que yo llevo dos o tres semanas sin poder jugar y las que me quedan...
----- Somewhere in the heavens... they are waiting -----
PC roto?? O me parece que dijiste que te estabas viciando a otro juego, no?

Creo que llevo tantas horas en el Acto 1 como vosotros terminado el juego  gaydude
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
(01-05-2015 11:55)Jagang link escribió:PC roto?? O me parece que dijiste que te estabas viciando a otro juego, no?

Creo que llevo tantas horas en el Acto 1 como vosotros terminado el juego  gaydude

Juego roto, el pc en principio va bien. Lo de las horas es muy relativo porque depende de lo que hagas. Yo llevaba 35 h y estaba al principio del acto II pero sin hacer Caed Nua y explorando un poco hacia el oeste (no me acuerdo como se llamaba el pueblo de la beta). El acto 1 puede durar 10 horas si lo haces de una forma y luego el acto 3 puede durar 50 horas o al reves
----- Somewhere in the heavens... they are waiting -----
Me he enfrentado a mi primer dragón (en el templo). Aguanto como 2 minutos contra el, pero lo peor es que no hago mas que fallar. No acierto ni un solo golpe, ni magico ni fisico. ¿Algun consejo?
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
Mi primer dragón fue en una cueva me parece y menos por la llamarada que suelta de vez en cuando, le aguanté bien. A él y a los 30 Xiarp que van con él.

Estoy en el faro de Bahía de Desafío, Acto 1, 53 horas de juego XD
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
(06-05-2015 22:09)Jagang link escribió:Estoy en el faro de Bahía de Desafío, Acto 1, 53 horas de juego XD
Acto 2, dirás. Empieza al entrar en la ciudad.
[Imagen: e25ee221-9c1b-425a-aecd-f2bf61713f08_zps81f030c7.jpg]
Que asco me da estar un tiempo sin jugar, entre pitos y flautas con la de tiempo ocupado que he tenido he estado más de una semana sin jugar y me he separado por completo del juego...una lástima.

Ahora mismo me cuesta darle a click de "jugar" debido a ese tiempo que he estado sin jugar pero haré un esfuerzo, porque por lo general cuando me reengancho, me reengancho bien.

Salto de foro:

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