Encuesta: Todos los rumores juntitos
Sólo los que sean del agrado de mi fanboyismo
La vida es chula
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Esta encuesta se cerrará el: 29-11-3833685
[HO Rumores pre-E3] - Dejadme morir el hilo que ya no vale. Today is the day.
Pues yo pienso como seph, si esas conferencias son reales va a ser un E3 un tanto infame.

Nintendo no puede tener el ritmo de lanzamientos de 5 compañías juntas, asumidlo y superadlo ya. Demasiados juegos hacen para dos consolas a la vez. Poco espero yo de Nintendo este E3 salvo lo que ya se sabe con videos nuevos de Yoshi y Fire emblem y el Zelda como sorpresa. Lo demás ya está todo dicho.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 es lo único que me atrae de esas listas.
Esa lista no llega ni a rumor.

¿Desde cuando el E3 sabe que va a salir o que no?
¿Que hace Mario Kart 8 ahí?
¿Symphony of the Night 2?

Venga por favor lol
Hemos llegado a un punto que cualquier subnormalidad relacionada con el E3 que salga "filtrada" es "noticia".

Yo hace ya que no me creo nada de insidiash ni de listashhh (sólo me creo a mi contable y a mi fiscal de confianza┬á roto2cafe)
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(12-05-2014 11:47)DarkBlade69 link escribió:P.D.

adorar adorar adorar
Esto es como todos los años, aunque echo de menos los Shenmue III, Half-Life 3...┬á roto2cafe
Ojalá pudiera hacerse algo medio parecido, pero es que tendrían que darse taaaaaaantas cosas que a día de hoy son imposibles dentro de la franquicia, que ya sólo por eso nada de lo demás es posible.
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(12-05-2014 21:52)yopmoi link escribió:[Imagen: K8Luv4O.jpg]

Vaya lol el Hirai en plan Moriarty XD
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Más rumores, esta vez de mistermierda

- Remedy Entertainment quantum brake mind blown/ and assurance that alan wake has start development.
- Ms games studio 343 halo 2 anniversary avaliable soon!
- Epics 3rd/1st person hybrid. "S.a.m.t.n"
- Horizon 2 / pgr 5 to devs
- Crytek 1st person shooter number 4
- Grasshopper  I haven't seen this but I am told it is the lollipop chainsaw sequel. And is apart of the Japanese push.
- Capcom resident evil ... and a monster hunter esquire game.. seeing how deep down is ps4 timed exclusive.
- Rare has two games but one of them is developed in conjunction with capcom. The other is a first person shooter. There will also be trailers for other rare games but there only just started heavy development so wont be released till late 2015/16. Its more of a fan service to keep minds at ease.
- Sega has a new sonic project. And iv heard of some type of sega all stars sort of game.. not sure if on show tho. And an rpg reboot not shinmue related.
- Black tusk just gow announcement and a small cgi trailer with 2 min of game play very early in development. 2016
- Ubisoft ac5 .. Division xbox one lead platform.. I have heard this also.
- Ms has a new Japanese 1st party studio. Not many people know what is coming from there .. but its is rumoured to be a big rpg franchise. But iv heard not lo2 Sad
- Now platinum games has two games one is heavily exclusive and is re imaged for today standards. I am told scifi rpg set in a esquire fantasy worlds. the other is ether mgsr2 or there totally new concept. Iv also heard crazy stuff which is hard to believe that bn2 is timed exclusive now and then will become multi platform. And that this is due to brake downs between big n and p+.. Nintendo are not keeping developers in the loop with new hardware emerging concepts.
- Bethesda fallout 4
- Biowear mess effect 4 .. and remaster of 123.
- Valhalla Game Studios devils 3rd... the last 24 hours I have heard exclusive to x1 and pc...
- Id4 Doom4
- valve multi plat left for dead 3.
- Ninja theory . Enslaved 2. Multi not sure how far in dev. I have heard people say this could be mistaken for heavily sword 2. But others have said Enslaved 2.
- Rock star games red dead redemption 2 and gta5 remastered. Every body is pushing for agent.. but rumours are that agent is gta6 and set back in london and you can fly to two different continents. Also talks of manhunt inspired action horror game.
- lionhead studios. Fable 4 .. they may not talk about risk .. a scifi rpg due to wanting to show off fable 4 it is amazing very pixar.
- Xbox minis / indie games. I only know there are hundreds so a montage trailer.
- kojima mgs5 and reassurance.
- Squresoft tomb Raider sequel / final fantasy playable.
- Avalanche studio. Justcause 2(misterx: must be a typo?)
[Imagen: j8rSOVO.gif][Imagen: IPwjiVb.gif]

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