[Ronda de análisis] Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

Nextn.es - 92

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser´s Fury es uno de esos títulos que nadie debe perderse, ya que estamos ante uno de los mejores juegos de plataformas de todos los tiempos. Mario se enfrenta a dos aventuras totalmente diferentes, con estilos distintos en un mismo juego, cuya jugabilidad roza la perfección en ambas partes. Sin duda, un título imprescindible en la biblioteca de videojuegos de Nintendo Switch.

Meristation - 9

Super Mario 3D World llega a Switch seguramente más tarde de lo que muchos esperaban, pero lo hace esforzándose para compensar por el tiempo perdido. Es una adaptación excelente de un juego excelente, que primero encaja la experiencia original en la consola híbrida sin crear fisuras, luego la revisa y moderniza a nivel de controles, y luego encima decide añadir una expansión de alta calidad para que el relanzamiento sea un evento digno de la saga y no una simple casilla marcada en la lista de ports. El online, también de estreno, sí nos deja algunas dudas sobre cómo funcionará en según qué situaciones —o conexiones—, pero en sus mejores momentos es una experiencia difícilmente replicable en otros plataformas, y tanto el juego base como Bowser's Fury se aseguran de que todos los fans encuentren algo hecho a su medida.

IGN.es - 8.8

Super Mario 3D World ha envejecido bastante bien. Todavía sigue siendo una aventura muy disfrutable, actualizada en su ritmo y lo suficientemente diferente a Super Mario Odyssey para que lo descubran quienes llegaron a Switch sin pasar por Wii U. La gran sorpresa es Bowser's Fury, que trasciende el concepto de simple añadido y añade mecánicas y novedades de épicas dimensiones.

Area Jugones - 9.5

Estamos ante uno de los mejores plataformas de la historia, y su expansión no es ni mucho menos un contenido menor, ya que en algunos momentos brilla con más personalidad que el título original. En resumen, un pack indispensable hayas jugado o no al videojuego en Wii U, y una de las obras más imprescindibles de tu Nintendo Switch.

Alfa Beta Juega

Mario es uno de los mayores exponentes de la marca Nintendo a lo largo de más de 35 años y el relanzamiento de uno de sus videojuegos modernos más significativos es un buen síntoma de la salud de la que goza el personaje por mucho que pasen los años. 3D World es una auténtica obra maestra que demuestra la enorme calidad que atesora el rey del género de plataformas y Bowser’s Fury certifica que la franquicia no tiene miedo de dar un paso más allá en su propuesta y explorar nuevos horizontes, algo que ya inició Super Mario Odyssey y que no le sienta nada mal. Su combinación es la demostración de que el pasado y el presente de Mario en los videojuegos es totalmente compatible y que sus posibilidades para el futuro son infinitas.

Hobby Consolas - 93

No uno, sino dos geniales juegos de plataformas, en un sólo cartucho para Switch, que pueden presumir de un control exquisito, niveles que derrochan imaginación y un estupendo multijugador. Bowser´s Fury (sin ser tan largo y ambicioso como una entrega "canónica") está al nivel de los grandes Mario en 3D.

Ars Technica (no score):
Cita:Bowser’s Fury is a decent diversion for the four hours or so it'll take an experienced platform player to beat (with maybe four more hours of diversion for completionists). Overall, though, it feels like a half-baked proving ground for some new gameplay ideas that aren’t fully fleshed out as they would be in a standalone Mario release. But Bowser’s Fury works just fine as an added bonus packaged with an under-appreciated platforming gem from the Wii U era. If you’ve never played 3D World before, this is a great chance to catch up on a fresh take on 3D Mario design. If you’re mainly interested in Bowser’s Fury, though, maybe wait until the strong ideas get expanded into a full, standalone game.

Eurogamer (recommended):
Cita:It's the heady energy at the heart of every Super Mario 3D World level, pushed out across an entire map for what's a hugely entertaining, and very different brand of Mario action. There might be more polished Mario adventures around, and more coherent ones. But when it gets to the core of what makes these games so special - the inventiveness, the imagination and the eccentricity of it all - then this new pairing might well be peerless.

Kotaku (no score):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is essentially the same game on Switch that some of you may have experienced on Wii U. While there’s no denying that the new hardware can’t keep up with the game’s ambitions at times, this bundle is at its core another fantastic Mario experience. Sure, it pales in comparison to the franchise’s best installments, with a limited moveset and janky camera angles often spoiling the imaginative stages and power-ups, but just like pizza, “bad” Mario is still pretty damn good.

Polygon (no score):
Cita:I initially thought the two games — Super Mario 3D World and Bowser’s Fury — made for a mismatch. But I found from bouncing between the two that their formulas complement one another. Super Mario 3D World’s history-lesson-like approach to the series acts as a control group, making Bowser’s Fury’s experimental twists all the more striking. [Polygon Recommends]

The Verge (no score):
Cita:Bowser’s Fury is essentially a remix of 3D World, one that takes the same basic themes and mechanics but turns them into something that feels both new and familiar at the same time. Really, this package is indicative of 3D Super Mario games as a whole: it’s a series where you never quite know what to expect with each new release. Sometimes that means a whole new structure or gameplay twist. Other times it means towering monsters and lots of cute cats.

Console Creatures (recommended):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is an absolute must-play on the Nintendo Switch. It’s got so much charm and engaging gameplay that I can’t stress how important this game is to the legacy of the Super Mario series. It’s the culmination of 30 years of improvement and reiteration and it is paired with innovation that only Nintendo consistently delivers. If you can gather four friends to play together post-pandemic (or online with others!), you won’t find a better game to enjoy as a group (except maybe for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) but with online multiplayer built-in, you may have an alternate way to enjoy each other’s company these days.

Vice (no score):
Cita:All told, that's the most exciting part about Bowser's Fury: it feels genuinely new. That's not always the case with a new game in a franchise as long-running as Mario, but Bowser's Fury proves there are still ways to make the act of making Mario jump feel exciting all over again. Onward.

God is a Geek (10/10, ):
Cita:It’s still one of the best games Nintendo has ever made, and it’s going to be fantastic seeing it finally get the adulation it deserves. Back in 2013 I said the Wii U game was “beautiful, colourful, amusing, and bereft of any cynicism whatsoever”, and if you don’t need that in your life, I don’t know what to tell you, because bar the multiplayer elements, this just might be one of those elusive truly perfect video games.

Nintendo Life (10/10, ):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World remains one of the better linear Mario games, and anyone playing it for the first time is in for an absolute treat. Add to that the curious bonus adventure that is Bowser's Fury and you've got a package that provides great value for money. It isn't without its flaws, but most of these (online multiplayer, repetitive missions in Bowser's Fury) relate to the new additions; the main game itself remains as pure and perfect as it was seven years ago. Had it just been Super Mario 3D World on its own, we'd be thoroughly recommending it anyway; Bowser's Fury is just the cherry on top.

The Sydney Morning Herald (10/10):
Cita:While the combination of these two games may not be as exciting as an entirely new full-scale adventure, the overall incredibly high quality of this bundle means there’s plenty to dig into for both newcomers and dedicated fans. It’s a stunning addition to Switch’s already bulging library of Mario classics.

VGC (5/5):
Cita:3D World is Nintendo EAD at its imaginative, brilliant best and remains a platforming triumph. Bowser's Fury, while not nearly as inventive, offers hours of additional challenges and a welcome excuse to revisit a classic.

Vooks (5/5):
Cita:When Super Mario 3D World released on the Wii U, I said in my review that you’d play the game with a grin on your face and that the changes and ideas that it bought to the series were amazing. The same is true now of 3D World even seven years later.

While you might have played the game before you’ll still be surprised just how fresh it is, and with the small tweaks to the game this is the definitive way to play it. Bowser’s Fury, like 3D World seven years ago, is a joy to play, and again full of fresh ideas and a new way to play Mario. This is an excellent Mario package for new Switch players and returning ones just the same.

Destructoid (10/10, ):
Cita:To be clear, I’d still wholly recommend this version of 3D World even without Bowser’s Fury. The tweaks are small overall, and Bowser's Fury isn't going to sate the most hardcore of Mario fans looking for a brand new game, but the package as a whole is magical. If you were one of the many who missed out on this Wii U classic, fix that.

VG247 (5/5):
Cita:While Super Mario 3D All-Stars was content rich but low on actual effort, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury feels like a necessary release. It brings one of the best ever Mario titles to a platform people actually own, but also adds a new exclusive that’s completely worthwhile. It easily cruises onto the list of best Nintendo Switch games – and it’s a great start for Nintendo’s 2021. Just don’t leave us waiting too long for an Odyssey 2, yeah?

GamesBeat (5/5):
Cita:You can play a lot of 3D Mario games on your Switch. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is just as good as any of them. It contains makes the Wii U game feel better than you remember, and the bonus campaign makes the package one of the best ports Nintendo has brought to the Switch.

It’s reshaped my thoughts on 3D World. This is one of the best Mario games ever made.

Digitally Downloaded (5/5):
Cita:For so many people, Super Mario 3D World is going to be an all-new experience, with the bonus of an all-new half-game in Bowser’s Fury. For the rest, it’s an excuse to play through a masterpiece of game design and then, as a bonus that almost overshadows the "main" event, there’s the new Bowser’s Fury to play through. Either way, this is an exceptional first release for Nintendo in 2021, and it’s a safe bet that the Switch is in for a big year, even as those new generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft start to pick up steam.

PowerUp! (9.8/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is incredibly good value and a must-have for any Switch owner.

Atomix (98/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:Something like Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury feels like fresh water for anyone who is looking for more substantial experiences, and boy does this pack have substance, it contains one of the best Mario in all history with his best face so far, as well as an expansion that has left us very satisfied with its proposal and content in general.

Areajugones (9.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:If Super Mario 3D World was a masterpiece for Wii U, in this Nintendo Switch’s version it is confirmed again. Not only that, but Bowser's Fury, the unreleased expansion that includes this adaptation, should materialize in a new iteration of Super Mario in the future because it has a lot to say. Two great games, at the price of one?

Nintendo Blast (9.5/10, review in Portuguese):
Cita:Super Mario Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a package that offers two different ways to experience one of the best 3D Mario adventure, making it ideal for the franchise’s 35th anniversary celebration. There is no doubt that the game is a two-way diversion, able to preserve elements of the past and paint majestic novelties around it, as Bowser Jr. does with his paintbrush in the new and fascinating Bowser’s Fury.

PLAY! Zine (9.5/10, review in Bosnian):
Cita:An overclocked, moustached package of nostalgic goodies and refreshing, innovative greatness. While 3D World aged amazingly, and with a bit of polish shines strong again, Bowser's Fury could be the greatest Super Mario game of all time... When a miserable number of technical imperfections and shorter length of a game are its only flaws, be sure that we are talking about an absolutely mind-blowing title that should be a direction the series takes from now on. An Odyssey we were promised long ago, has finally reached us.

The Games Machine (9.5/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is an explosive pack. 3D World returns with an improved pace, while retaining the stellar gameplay that characterized it when it first launched, and of course being still as hilarious as it was back then. Bowser's Fury takes the lesson a step further, creating a small and dense open world that will put you to the test with a sense of urgency unlike any other Super Mario game. The result, needless to say, is pure, unadulterated joy.

SpazioGames (9.3/10, review in Italian):
Cita:If you love platforming (and cats) this is an absolute gem.

Hobby Consolas (93/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:It´s not one, but two great platformers for Nintendo Switch. One of the greatest Wii U games (with improvement such as online multiplayer and photo mode) and a new Mario 3D game, not as big and ambitious as previous games, but equally fun and full of surprises.

Game Informer (9.25/10, ):
Cita:Having another chance to revisit Super Mario 3D World (or experience it for the first time) is reason enough to be excited. However, with an excellent, all-new game joining the Wii U port, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a compelling option for anyone who wants more Mario in their life.

Video Chums (9.2/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World is an excellent game so if you still haven't played it or simply want it on Switch, this will make a wonderful addition to your gaming library. Oh, and you also get a fantastic bonus game with Bowser's Fury so how could you go wrong?

Multiplayer.it (9.1/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World, like seven years ago, is an almost perfect platform game. It has a lot of stages, and they’re brilliant. Bowser’s Fury is a pretty short adventure, and it has imperfections here and there, but its concept is amazing.

Wccftech (9.1/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World shows why Mario is an ageless franchise, with the seven-year-old game providing fresh fun and a delightful experience. Bowser's Fury is the exact opposite, showing just how exciting and experimental the series can be.

GameSpot (9/10, ):
Cita:Put together, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a spectacular package. Super Mario 3D World is an absolute joy of classic platforming excellence, and this is the best version of it thanks to some well-calibrated improvements. Bowser's Fury is peculiar and less polished, but it dares to poke fun at its own oddities and it has a wild creative streak. The two share thematic similarities, but more importantly, they work hand-in-hand to show the full extent of versatility in what a Mario game can be.

My Nintendo News (9/10):
Cita:To this day, Super Mario 3D World remains one of the best 3D Mario games that utilises the classic 2D platform style. Sure, it’s not on the grandiose scale of Super Mario Odyssey, but it never intended to be. Designed for couch co-op and online multiplayer, it certainly deserves its time in the Switch port limelight. And while Bowser’s Fury isn’t quite up to scratch, it offers those who owned the original pause for thought. After all, the euphoria from catnip only lasts so long.

IGN Italia (9/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World is in a better shape than ever. A joyful game that only suffers when put face to face with the best 3D Mario platformers. Bowser's Fury is an intriguing experiment, a surprising little adventure that shows some unexpected technical issues.

Metro GameCentral (9/10):
Cita:One of the best modern Super Mario titles is made that little bit better and accompanied by a brand-new game that bends the formula in new and exciting ways.

Screen Rant (4.5/5):
Cita:It's almost fitting to say that Super Mario 3D World is overshadowed by the hulking Fury Bowser. The couch co-op glamor of 3D World pairs well with the more single-player-driven setting of Bowser's Fury, creating an experience that marries the best of both worlds for fans of the various Super Mario titles and platforming in general. Nintendo Switch owners would be remiss if they overlooked Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, which is another quality addition to the console's impressive library.

Stevivor (9/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a delightful double act. Super Mario 3D World holds up well, and offers a unique multiplayer experience that works particularly well on Switch. Its opening worlds are designed to cater for that varied audience, while the second half injects some much needed difficulty and is best played solo. Bowser’s Fury is experimental in nature, and offers something completely different with a fully open world housing plenty of Shines to collect at a rapid pace. While neither quite reaches the dizzying heights of Super Mario Galaxy or Odyssey, it is a double dose of Mario doing things differently, and a fitting finale to Super Mario’s 35th anniversary.

Twinfinite (4.5/5):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury offers two adventures' worth of 3D Mario platforming action in one convenient package. Though Super Mario 3D World is a little limited in its QOL improvements, the game still offers over 80 charming levels of platforming action.

Critical Hit (9/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D is a great game to play solo or with friends and shows off some of Nintendo’s best level design yet, while Bowser’s Fury is an inventive take on the Mario formula that’s more generous with its content than it ought to be. Both games make for a fantastic bundle and should be checked out by fans and non-fans alike.

Switch Player (4.5/5):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a Double Cherry of entertainment that rejuvenates a Wii U classic while also satiating the appetite of fans looking for a completely new adventure. We’ll never tire of Mario, will we?

GameMAG (9/10, review in Russian):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for Nintendo Switch effectively handles two important tasks: introducing new players to the classic game that came from the Wii U, as well as pleasing hungry fans with new great content. Definitely a must-play for all Super Mario fans.

Nintendo World Report (9/10, ):
Cita:Collecting both Super Mario 3D World and the new Bowser’s Fury mode makes this package one of the best Wii U ports Nintendo has ever put out. The original game is as strong as ever with the outsized and welcome addition of online multiplayer, and Bowser’s Fury is among the strongest of Mario’s open-world 3D adventures. If you’ve never played 3D World before or haven’t touched it since the Wii U days, this is well worth the price of admission. Prospects get a little tougher if you’re not interested in going through 3D World, because while Bowser’s Fury is amazing, it’s still approximately less than 10 hours of gameplay even if you do everything. But no matter what: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury might be one of the strongest Mario games available on Switch. The base game is fun and varied, while Bowser’s Fury offers a distinctive, inventive, and superb open-world 3D Mario experience.

Gamer.nl (9/10, review in Dutch):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World is still a fantastic game that, thanks to a number of tweaks in the controls, graphics and an added online multiplayer, plays just a little better on the Switch. The included Bowser’s Fury is also a highly innovative standalone adventure, which, thanks to the open world, gives a fresh twist to the three-dimensional Mario formula.

PCMag (4.5/5):
Cita:A 3D Mario game is a rare and precious thing; most Nintendo consoles only get one in their lifetimes. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is mostly an old game, an improved version of an underplayed classic that will most likely be new to you. That said, the chunk that is actually new is so fresh, substantial, and fun in such unexpected ways that it genuinely feels like we’ve been given a gift from a franchise known for its gameplay generosity. In return, we give this game our Editors’ Choice award.

TheGamer (4.5/5):
Cita:Ultimately, Super Mario 3D World, in this package, is the best that game has ever been, with the increased speed and ease of multiplayer access making it far more enticing than ever before. Bowser’s Fury, meanwhile, is essentially the Super Mario Odyssey DLC that never was. It feels like Odyssey’s level and game design sensibilities, but placed in the Super Mario 3D World game engine, with all of the power-ups and quirks that game has to make something truly unique. Putting both of these games in one package is the best decision that Nintendo has made in a long while, as Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is one of the best Mario offerings available on Nintendo Switch, which is lofty praise given the existence of Super Mario Maker 2. Now it just needs the option to play again, but as Luigi.

The Digital Fix (9/10):
Cita:Near-perfect platforming, gorgeous visuals and a joy-filled soundtrack make Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury one of the best Mario titles of all time, and an essential purchase for all Switch owners.

TheSixthAxis (9/10):
Cita:I can't really recommend Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury enough. Whether you've played the original game before or not, the addition of online multiplayer is a big win, while Bowser's Fury is a testament to just how pure a Mario game can be while still feeling fresh and exciting. Put simply; this is an essential game for Mario fans.

Eurogamer Italy (9/10, review in Italian):
Cita:The original Wii U game was nearly perfect. With the addition of Bowser's Fury, online coop and other little touches, Super Mario 3D World now reach the platforming heaven.

GamePro Germany (90%):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World is still a fun package with no signs of age, which is even more attractive with Bowser's Fury.

GamesRadar (4.5/5, ):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is quite the package. The brilliance of a Wii U title most will have missed out on, with the added appeal of a brand new Mario adventure in the vein of Odyssey. It feels like an appropriate celebration for Mario's 35th birthday, and a must-play for Mario fans.

Nintenderos (9/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:The best part of Super Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury is the gameplay. It is an incredibly satisfying feeling to move with Mario through the different levels. The game also offers excellent level design for both experiences, scenarios full of creativity and mechanics worth discovering.

GAMINGbible (9/10):
Cita:Multiplayer gripes aside, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury easily earns its place on Nintendo Switch. As a port of an already exceptional game, it elevates itself to new heights with the inclusion of online multiplayer and a whole new add-on. While it may not be perfect, it's undoubtedly one of the best Super Mario games in franchise history, worth replaying time and time again.

Press Start Australia (9/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a fantastic package that showcases what makes Nintendo games so special. Super Mario 3D World is just as good as when it released, and Bower's Fury is a surprisingly good standalone adventure that paves the way for the future of Mario.

Trusted Reviews (4.5/5):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is both a welcome return for a platforming classic and a novel expansion of what made the game so special back on the Wii U. There’s a solid chance that millions of players missed out on its excellence back in 2013, so now is the perfect time to take it for a spin.

GameSpew (9/10):
Cita:Aside from some repetition between the two titles, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is a joy from start to finish. Super Mario 3D World is the perfect balance between Old Mario and New Mario, and its huge variety of levels ensures it’s nothing but entertaining from start to finish. Bowser’s Fury, on the other hand, leans more into modern, open world design, but the thrill of fighting against a giant version of Bowser is unrivalled. If you’re a Mario fan – hell, if you’re just a fan of having fun – Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is an absolute no-brainer.

Jeuxvideo.com (18/20, review in French):
Cita:If all Wii U ports are not equal and many do not necessarily justify a new investment at a high price, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is one of the best games of the machine to date, and will convince the nostalgic as to seduce novices.

Millenium (90/100, review in French):
Cita:Almost too easy! With this second release of the WiiU success, Nintendo will once again take over the free time of millions of players thanks to Mario. This episode is well worth the trip: game life, fun to play, crazy level design and multiplayer (local or online)... It has absolutely all the ingredients of a pure platform game, user-friendly and devilishly fun. Already a must-have, Super Mario 3D World added a 6-hour extension with a new world to explore in the company of Bowser Jr. with an original structure and full of new concepts.

Gameblog.fr (9/10, review in French):
Cita:Thanks to its many clever tweaks, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury give the player many reasons to enjoy a great 3D platformer, now a little bit faster, and with friends around the globe online. Let's not forget Bowser's Fury, a tiny open world adventure which rightfully mixes gameplays from the Wii U and Switch episodes, and delivers a strong experience with a twist.

MGG Spain (90/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:Nintendo has nailed it this time, with an excellent remaster for 3D World and a great add one called Bowser's Fury that teases us about the future of Mario games... We even wish it were longer.

Everyeye.it (8.8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:While the difference in tone and gameplay between the two games is quite apt, on the other hand, the global superiority of Super Mario 3D World compared to the new adventure is also evident, which ends up turning out to be an appendix or a little more. The effect is that of a very solid pairing, which once again celebrates the undisputed supremacy of the Big N in the platforming world.

IGN Spain (8.8/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World has aged quite well. It is still a very enjoyable adventure, updated in its rhythm and different enough from Super Mario Odyssey for those who came to Switch without going through Wii U to discover it. The big surprise is Bowser's Fury, which transcends the concept of simple DLC and adds mechanics and novelties of epic dimensions.

AusGamers (8.6/10):
Cita:Bowser's Fury has the effect of pushing the pretty good time that is Super Mario 3D World into the background - it's that good. So much so that a better title for this release would have been Bowser’s Fury + Super Mario 3D World.

Power Unlimited (85/100):
Cita:It's wonderful, more people are now able to enjoy Cat Mario's linear jumps. And it's amazing Nintendo added such a substantial, delightfully cool open world game to the game. This is the type of entertainment that humanity can really use at this time.

Telegraph (4/5):
Cita:It is, if there was any doubt, a thoroughly barmy escapade. There is the sense of the game’s designers being told to go nuts in a relatively constricted space and see what sticks. Mario has always been a conduit for madcap invention but it has rarely been this scattergun. Not the plumber at his most focussed, perhaps, but arguably at his most fun. It is a welcome and fitting part of a marvelously manic package.

Cubed3 (8/10):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World may not have had much added to it aside from an online function that is limited to only saving progress for the host, but it didn't necessarily need much else. Nintendo successfully found a way to evolve the 2D classics without going open world, and the result is one of the most consistently fresh and enjoyable games around, which, despite lacking the challenge of the NES games, has something for just about everyone. The bonus Bowser's Fury solo adventure is an absolute delight with a brilliant core idea that adds a crazy tension to Mario platforming, but it is hard to present a case for purchasing this pack just to play it. Whilst full of great content, it is too short-lived to feel worth the asking price, and really needs a standalone purchase option.

COGconnected (80/100, ):
Cita:These two titles offer distinct, yet familiar, Mario experiences. Especially if you’re new to 3D World, this double feature is an absolute steal of a deal. A massive stage-based 3D platformer AND a blissful Odyssey-style toybox? Say no more! On the other hand, anyone who played this back in 2013 has a more nuanced decision to make. While 3D World is still amazing, it’s exactly what you remember from the Wii U days. Whether or not Bowser’s Fury is enough of a draw to pull you back in depends on what sort of Mario game you’re hungry for. If it’s more 3D World, you might be left wanting. Alternately, if you’re open to something slightly unlike anything that’s come before, maybe Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury will be a perfect fit.

EGM (4/5):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is the Wii U port that Switch owners have been waiting for. Besides the inclusion of online multiplayer, 3D World is the same good game that players already experienced on the Wii U, and fans of the series who missed it the first time around will enjoy its hybridization of 2D and 3D Mario gameplay. But the highlight of the package is Bowser’s Fury, a scaled-down but surprisingly robust mini 3D Mario game that actually takes some chances.

Daily Mirror (4/5):
Cita:Bowser's Fury offers some great new ideas and is much more than a simple DLC. It's a great Mario game in its own right, with enough to entice those who played 3D World before with a wholly new and compelling experience, as well as offering one of the most epic showdowns in Nintendo history.

Bowser's Fury is a great take on 3D Mario and finally makes Bowser the menacing villain he deserves to be. The game's only flaw is that it left me wishing there was more of it.

Enternity.gr (8/10, review in Greek):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury achieves its goal as a package and not as individual experiences

Guardian (4/5):
Cita:3D World is one of the brightest and cutest Mario games, a real riot of fun and colour to brighten up a particularly depressing February. Bowser’s Fury, meanwhile, is itself a super little Mario experiment, a novel adventure that might have felt thin as an individual release but which works perfectly as a side dish. It’s impossible not to recommend.

The Washington Post (7.5/10, 3D World = 90, Bowser’s Fury = 60, ):
Cita:Even with the Bowser’s Fury miss, the content is worth it. If you want one of the best and most versatile multiplayer experiences to date for the Nintendo Switch, online or offline, go with Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury.

CGMagazine (7/10):
Cita:While Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury still doesn’t exactly do it for me, there’s enough in here to please most Mario fans, and maybe some who missed it on the Wii U.

IGN (7/10, ):
Cita:Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury packs a tonne of engaging gameplay, but neither component comes together as elegantly as it might have done. This is a solid option if you’re craving more Super Mario for your Switch, but it’s not the moustachioed must-play I was hoping for.
Yo tengo el de wiiU por lo que no voy a comprar este, pero yo me lo pasé teta con ese juego. Si no lo habéis jugado, os lo recomiendo, especialmente si os mola conseguir las cosas opcionales de cada nivel.

¿FANBOY?: ColecoVision,Nes,MasterSystem,Megadrive,GameGear,GameBoy,GBPocket,GBColor,SNES,TurboDuo, NeoGeoAES, NGCDZ, MegaCD, M32X, Saturn, N64, PSX, WonderSwan, NeoGeoPocket, GBA, GBASP, DreamCast, Ps2, NGC, Xbox, NDS, Xbox360, Wii, Ps3, PSP, 3DS, PS4, PC, WiiU, Switch +600 físicos
0 sorpresas con las notas. Super Mario World es un juegazo cómo la copa de un pino. Ahora, si ya lo jugaste en WiiU mucho te tiene que llamar el nuevo modo para volver a pasar por caja.
Entre todas las estrellas, una desprende más calor y brilla más que las otras, la luz de Samus Aran.
Sus batallas se extienden más allá de su vida y quedan grabadas en la historia.

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