Phil Fish (Creador de Fez): "Los jugadores son lo peor"
Igual estoy haciendo el slowpoke: slowpoke:slowpoke: , pero creo que vale la pena compartirlo: ... ng-people/

Cita:Phil Fish of developer Polytron Corporation took away the grand prize at this yearÔÇÖs Independent Games Festival. Winning the big event at the Game Developers Conference earned him $30,000 to help complete his long-awaited platfomer Fez, currently expected to hit Xbox Live Arcade later this year. However, thatÔÇÖs not what got him most of his headlines this week.

Speaking on a March 6 GDC panel promoting the documentary Indie Game: The Movie, in which heÔÇÖs featured alongside Braid creator Jonathan Blow and other independent game-makers, Fish fielded a question from a Japanese member of the audience, IDÔÇÖd by IT Media and Kotaku as a programmer and designer named Makoto Goto. Goto asked Fish his opinion of contemporary Japanese games, and he got it.

ÔÇ£Your games just suck,ÔÇØ said Fish, who went on to criticize the modern Japanese games industry in detail. Develop magazine reports that his remarks ÔÇ£sparked an audible reactionÔÇØ and considerable comment afterward. Goto himself apparently didnÔÇÖt get the gist of FishÔÇÖs feelings until the rest of the audience began to respond, which put the point across.

On Twitter, Fish added, ÔÇ£im sorry japanese guy! i was a bit rough, but your countryÔÇÖs games are fucking terrible nowadays.ÔÇØ

Once the panel concluded, FishÔÇÖs remarks quickly began burning up web forums and Twitter. At the moment, a thread on the NeoGAF forum runs to 54 pages, featuring accusations of everything from bad taste to outright racism. Several commenters had uncharitable things to say about Canadians (Fish is from Quebec).

Fish returned fire through his own Twitter feed. On March 8, he announced, ÔÇ£people telling me theyÔÇÖre going to pirate my game because they dont like me. gamers are the worst fucking people.ÔÇØ He also got personal with a few of his critics:

[Imagen: aqjip.jpg]

A este tipo de gente no se le debería apoyar de ninguna manera.
así le ira en la vida.
[Imagen: attachment.php?attachmentid=47663&thumb=1&d=1350790168]
Este tío es gilipollas. Le deseo la más grande hostia con su juego.
En cambio a él se le ve una bellisima persona
[Imagen: 259vh38.jpg]
Bueno, estando respaldado por una compañia tan masiva le da un poco igual... oh! wait!!! :clap: :clap::clap: :clap: :clap::clap:
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
Es lo que tiene estar de deudas hasta el cuello por no planificar un juego antes de empezar a desarrollarlo.

Aunque no me extraña no parece un gran comunicador.
Pero qué le pasa a ese tío? Parece un niño pequeño pidiendo atención constante macho.

Me atraía mucho su juego, pero los gilipollas no se merecen mi dinero....
Menudo bocachancla el amigo, mira que su juego pinta de miedo pero me estoy planteando no pillarlo solo por tener a este lumbreras a la cabeza.
Pues que le den. Con mi dinero que no cuente.
Esto debe ser publicidad a la inversa. Si no, no lo entiendo.
Está claro que no son las formas ni el fondo adecuados, pero no me extraña. Ya he comentado alguna vez que me parece denigrante el trato que se da a los desarrolladores. De ladrones, vagos y estafadores no los bajan a la mayoría una gran parte de los usuarios. Solo hay que ver el trato que recibió Gabe Newell por parte mucha gente dentro de la comunidad jugona durante mucho tiempo.....

Y repito que me resulta fatal que este hombre actúe así y un error acojonante......

Salto de foro:

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