Lo que se viene en cine y TV - noticias, rumores, trailers...
(02-08-2016 22:06)Sir_Dekar escribió:Porque tú lo vales.

Y en cuanto a lo que dice DNC, a mí me vale más la crítica de los usuarios que la de la crítica especializada.

No, porque, al igual que en muchos otro sitios aqui se pusieron analisis detallados de porque la peli es una mierda. Casualmente al reves, salvo el sustentar una critica en el "pues a mi me ha gustado", no hubo nada. Porque nada puede haber. Es una pelicula que falla en absolutamente todo.

En cuanto a la critica de los usuarios... si tuvieramos que fiarnos de ella, BvS a 2 dias de su estreno tenia un 9,5 en IMBD, con cientos de votos poniendola como obra maestra. Ejem...
(Ultima edición: 02-08-2016 22:08 por kakafuti.)
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
(02-08-2016 17:19)kakafuti escribió:La estan dando por todos lados. Especialmente a Leto, diciendo que es el peor Joker de todos con diferencia. A DC le quedan dos oportunidades, si WW o Justice League no son sendos pelotazos de 1500 kilos cada uno, echan el cierre salvo con Batman.

Justice League no va a ser buena, de WW no puedo decir nada.
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
Las críticas de usuarios de IMDB y similares me las paso por las zonas más siniestras de mi cuerpo, cuando hay una MASA de gente que va a votar con un 10 por ser DC/Marvel.

Sacar notas es perder el debate, lo siento. Es recurrir al «pues fulanito dice que patata».
[Imagen: DNC-04.png]
(02-08-2016 22:11)Joanor escribió:Justice League no va a ser buena, de WW no puedo decir nada.

[Imagen: fotos-de-carnaval%2005).jpg]

Y Thor 3 va a ser la mejor película de la historia y Bélgica ganará el Mundial de Rusia 2018.
(02-08-2016 22:21)Sir_Dekar escribió:[Imagen: fotos-de-carnaval%2005).jpg]

Y Thor 3 va a ser la mejor película de la historia y Bélgica ganará el Mundial de Rusia 2018.

Con Snyder detrás poco se puede hacer.
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
No se como acabara saliendo, pero es primer trailer con Batman haciendo el payaso, no da para pensar bien la verdad...
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
[Imagen: lNOhjHb.jpg]
Ya tenemos el casting cerrado de IT. Aquí tenemos El Club de los Perdedores. Según he leído será igual que el telefilm, constará de 2 películas pero el problema es que si la 1ª no tiene éxito, no harán la 2ª.

[Imagen: AH2AlE5.jpg]

Del grupo, quitando Beberly, Ben y Mike, el resto no me atrae.

Este era el grupo de la anterior película

[Imagen: RA0JXcv.jpg]

Aquí tenemos al nuevo Pennywise. Personalmente no me gusta

[Imagen: Id2IKkh.jpg]
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
El segundo chaval por la izquierda es el de Stranger Things.
Sacado de Reddit, rumores de 4Chan:
Shazam movie news: Top candidates to direct Shazam are Sam Raimi and Shawn Levy.
Man of Steel 2 news: Top candidates to direct Man of Steel 2 are Doug Liman, J.J Abrams and Edgar Wright.

All other rumors point out that indeed this is the schedule:

Wonder Woman- June 2nd, 2017
Justice League- November 17th, 2017
The Flash- April 13th, 2018
Aquaman- July 27th, 2018
Man of Steel 2- October 5th, 2018
Shazam- April 5th, 2019
Batman- June 14th, 2019
Suicide Squad 2- November 1st, 2019
New Gods- April 3rd, 2020 (this one is wishful thinking IMO)
Green Lantern Corps- July 24th, 2020
Justice League II- October 2nd, 2020

Multiple TV shows that connect to the DCEU have been discussed. Titans and Secret Six are the top candidates.
Lots of casting only William Dafoe and Amber Heard are true so far.

TBD Movies:

Cyborg cancellation has been mention 5 times.
One of those rumors states that it will be replace by Titans. Another says he will appear in Flash.
Crime Syndicate movie has been mention 3 times and one said Zack Snyder to direct.
Dark Universe death has been mention twice.
Dark Universe resurrection has been mention once.
New Gods movie has been mention 4 times and now it seems like George Miller will direct it.
Birds of Prey has been mention 4 times.
Man of Steel 2 rumors were around for a long time one claims that Scott Snyder has pitch a script that has Parasite and General Sam Lane.
Batman will have a trilogy mention a couple of times.
Deathstroke has been mention once.
Legion of Superheroes has been mention once.
Blue and Gold (proof to be truth) mention only once.
Suicide Squad 2 supposedly has a script already and David Ayer to direct has been mention twice. He wants a more human threat and the movie happening has been mention a lot. Possible additions has been Bronze Tiger, Catwoman, Deathstroke, Poison Ivy.

Wonder Woman news: Circe and Ares are the villains.
Flash movie news:
Reverse Flash to be villain has been mention 3 times.
Captain Cold was mention once and then another rumor said it was out of plans due to cost.
Aquaman movie news:
Ocean Master and the Trench are the villains has been mention twice.
After saying the above constantly now they backpedal and say that Ocean Master is in movie but is minor character and that Black Manta is main villain.
Green Lantern movie news: Alfonso Cuaron to direct has been mention 3 times.

Justice League news:
Amanda Waller will be in it.
Barry and Victor went to high school together.
Atlanteans and Amazons hate each other.
Movie will start with an apocalyptic scene that will connect to BvS.
JL will include Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, J.K. Simmons, Jena Malone, Jeremy Irons, Connie Nielsen, Viola Davis, Diane Lane, Joe Morton and Harry Lennix.
It states that Justice League 2 might not be directed by Snyder if JL receives critical backlash like BVS.
Green Lantern will appear at the end of Justice League.
Batman will be the strategist of the team.
Flash will be the sweeper.
Cyborg will have a combination of long and short range attacks.
Aquaman's fighting style is straight up brutal.
Darkseid will still have a heavy presence in Justice League and will be the villain for Justice League 2.
Patty Jenkins might direct Justice League II.

False rumors:
William Dafoe role in JL.
George Miller producing JL.
The villains for Justice League are Ares and Ocean Master. Ares will be weakened after Wonder Woman but the recent conflicts with the Kryptonians and previous wars have re-powered him. He will spark a war between Atlanteans and the Amazons so he can reach the height of his powers. Ocean Master betrays Aquaman and takes the thrown and leads the attack on the Amazons.
The future of Superman is up in the air. Warner Bros wants to make another Superman film but they would like to avoid investing another 225 million since Man of Steel didn't meet the studios expectations. The studio would like to make the film for around 35 million dollars less than Man of Steel. The budget for Wonder Woman is 152 million and the budget for Suicide Squad was originally 178 million but after reshoots it increased to 183 million.

True rumors:
Ben directing solo Batman.
Wiiliam Dafoe and Amber Heard casting.

Batman solo news:
Joker and Black Mask will be the main two antagonist in the solo Batman film.
Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon will appear
A saber cuantos de esos rumores son ciertos y cuales no

¿El joker otra vez en la nueva peli de Batman? cagonrós, será que Batman no tiene una galeria de villanos amplia y diversa como para estar reutilizando siempre a los mismos
[Imagen: 5Kh4fak.png]
Yo he estado leyendo que Warner le ha dado la patada a Jared Leto tras sus rajadas (completamente razonables), hasta el punto de no dejarle trabajar en futuras películas de Warner.

Salto de foro:

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