[Hilo Oficial] El Renacimiento del gaming PC (Indies, kickstarter, etc...)
Buena pinta. El estilo visual recuerda a The Banner Saga, lo cual es bueno.
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
Sip, visualmente se parecen mucho. Y yo aquí todavía sin comenzar el primer The Banner Saga...  Facepalm

Nuevo vídeo de Divinity: Original Sin II con el nuevo modo de Game Master:


Cita:This, my friends, is the ultimate power trip. In Game Master Mode, you can write stories, create NPCs (both heroic friends and fiendish enemies), build your own customisable items and treasure, craft the scenes in which your tale will play out, and much, much more as you lead your friends through the ultimate role-playing adventure.

Will you be a kind and benevolent god, or will you cover every available surface in harsh, unforgiving flame? It’s entirely your choice, as up to four players put their fates in your hands and start off on an adventure through your collective imaginations.

With Game Master Mode, we set out to create something that bridges the freedom of tabletop role-playing, and the interactivity and visual presentation of a computer RPG.

We built Game Master Mode to be as flexible as possible, so you can adapt to your friends on the fly and create a truly reactive world. Do your players want to burn down an NPC’s home? Make a pact with, rather than kill, the demonic boss? Perhaps they want to parlay with the pack of rabid wolves using pet pal? Even if you haven’t planned for it, you can adapt quickly to their choices and still deliver a story that feels real.

Whether you’re new to tabletop role-playing or an experienced GM, we’ve worked hard to make sure this is easy to pick up and intuitive to use. We also have prepared campaigns so you can jump straight in, working with a preexisting world to get a feel for the tool or, of course, you can create your own.

Game Master mode comes with a variety of world maps and over 100 pre-made locations! But of course, you can always upload your own world map or craft your own location in our powerful Divinity Engine Editor.

Tweak the atmosphere, ambience, music, time of day (why yes, there is a night option), weather and more to fine-tune your story!

Unleash the bestiary with hundreds of monsters and characters from the Divinity universe or download player-made characters and enemies from Steam Workshop. Give characters unique skills and name them. Cover the landscape in any of our elemental surfaces using our Surface Painter. Make the fight worthwhile by creating unique items for the players to loot.

Control any enemy or NPC directly by possessing them.

Add NPC dialogue, narration, and present difficult choices with our powerful Vignette System. Add your own graphics and even additional dialog options on the fly! Managing different dialogs and encounters is now as simple as creating a presentation.

We brought in the essential component of every tabletop session: skill checks. Let your players roll the dice to see whether they succeed or fail!

Tell your story in real-time, no rulebooks needed. Possess creatures, level up the party, create new locations, encounters and items on the fly. Tell your stories, your way - and share them with the world using Steam Workshop!
(Ultima edición: 10-05-2017 08:24 por Sayckeone.)
Ostias, qué pintaza. Ese modo puede ser el que haga que precompre el juego.

Enviado desde mi MI 5s mediante Tapatalk
Más imágenes del tercer y último episodio de The Journey Down. Saldrá a la venta el 25 de agosto:

[Imagen: jd3screen4.jpg]

[Imagen: jd3screen5.jpg]

[Imagen: jd3screen6.jpg]

[Imagen: 55d4c44fe5dc0701e27cd37b6f6b985968b54436.png]

[Imagen: 690fc7e6afb7abe542b0bdc59b40f5995b53f619.png]

[Imagen: 9198761d98b14ac72d54cd27183c87dce4e32e50.png]
Paradox Interactive publicará Battletech. La beta para patrocinadores estará lista el 1 de junio. El juego ya tiene página en las tiendas de Steam y GOG:


Dos nuevos vídeos:

(Ultima edición: 12-05-2017 20:26 por Sayckeone.)
Mi sueño es que Paradox les produzca un juego de Shadowrun, algo grande.
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
Un Shadowrun más ambicioso, eso sería genial. Espero que se pongan manos a la obra cuando terminen Battletech.
The Long Journey Home, de Daedalic Studio West. RPG de exploración espacial inspirado por Faster Than Light y Star Control 2. Saldrá el 30 de mayo (PC, PS4 y Xbox One):

[Imagen: E3_Ruin.png]

[Imagen: Mars.png]

[Imagen: 07.jpg]

[Imagen: TLJH_SurfaceLandingCity.jpg]

[Imagen: TLJH_LanderTech.png]

[Imagen: 08.jpg]

Cita:Lead Your Crew: Pick 4 out of 10 possible characters, from astronaut Kirsten to expert pilot Malcolm. Harness their unique skills and personalities to uncover the mysteries of the universe, salvaging lost wrecks, raiding ancient tombs, and investigating alien artefacts.

Real Flying: Flying in space is a bit complicated…really, we looked it up. “The Long Journey Home” provides a flying experience with actual planetary gravity, which can be difficult to master but can also be used to your advantage. Flying in Long Journey Home is a bit different than in many other space games. Be careful not to be sucked into a black hole or outmaneuvered by an alien warship!

Lost in Translation: Meet and try and befriend fifteen strange alien races – four empires out of eight, plus assorted smaller civilisations in every game. Will they appreciate you approaching with raised shields as a sign of respect, or see it as an aggressive display? Can you win their respect, and with it, their assistance? With over two novels worth of dialogue, you’ll feel part of a living universe full of memorable characters and big decisions.

Weigh Your Options: Players have to land on planets in order to gather resources. By doing so, you always risk damaging the landing unit or even losing a crew member. Be sure to carefully consider the risks involved in every reward. Andreas Suika notes that “‘The Long Journey Home’ is about making the right decisions. When you alone are in space, there is no room for wasteful choices. It’s important to remember: always think twice and once you’ve made a decision, be ready to deal with the consequences.”

Procedural, not Random: Although most of the game is procedurally generated, there are no random aspects in it. For example, dialogues with aliens may vary in different playthroughs but the lore behind each race is very much consistent. Quests or reactions might change, but their core attitude and character always stays the same.

Same Game, Different Journey: Thanks to the variety of the key elements of the game, the experience can be very different with every new run. Players can expect to see about 20% of the possible content in one run which should only take about 6 – 8 hours.

(Ultima edición: 16-05-2017 19:02 por Sayckeone.)
Antigraviator, arcade de naves al estilo Wipeout, F-Zero, Redout, Fast Racing Neo/RMX.

Interesante entrevista a Paradox donde entre otras cosas comentan su interés por hacer un DLC/expansión que continúe el abrupto final de Tyranny. Todo ello a pesar de que el juego parece que ha vendido por debajo de sus expectativas.

También comentan aquí el interés por hacer un nuevo Vampire Bloodlines cuando "llegue el momento oportuno".

Entrevista completa

Me alegro de haber contribuido con una venta más. Todo mi amor para Obsidian y para los RPGs isométricos sisi
Hablando de RPG

Han anunciado esto un RPG de Pathfinder:

[Imagen: 18486382_698003537053362_653665354650527...e=59BF324A]

[Imagen: 18451813_698009493719433_700321093209314...e=59BFFAB4]

Con Avellone en el proyecto.
En el corazon llevo la miel, los platanos, y los muñecos de Lego que montan en serpientes.
Tiene buena pinta ese The Long Journey Home, aunque el nombre puede producir algún que otro microinfarto por su parecido a The Longest Journey. lol

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