[Hilo Oficial] Tales of 33bits - ¡Ya disponible Tales of Berseria!

A saber. Son capaces de lanzar las dos versiones tal cual y todas las novedades por DLC  sisi

Un saludo.
vista la situación, en el caso de que finalmente se conformara esa version de PS4, quizá lo recomendable seria, a mi parecer, a estas alturas,y de cara a occidente sacar un port en PS3 de la version muy posiblemente mejorada de PS4, o lanzar solamente la version de PS4 porque la franquicia no está para lanzar dos versiones en un intervalo de tiempo muy reducido, y mas si una esta inacabada e incompleta, la de PS3, aunque aun asi afectara y dispersara las ventas potencionales que pudiera ver en USA y en Europa si lanzan las dos versiones.

Un saludo.

Persona 5..Ya falta menos de un mes.
Los Tales of nunca han tenido un historial muy bueno en occidente como para arriesgarse a hacer eso otra vez. Espero que aquí nos llegue la versión completa porque no creo que consigan vender el mismo juego 2 veces teniendo en cuenta que no es una saga que venda tanto en occidente como otras en las que sí funciona eso.
Fan de la saga Tales of.
[Imagen: gxU8lxx.png]

Entrevista a Baba en Famitsu:

Cita:Notice: for those of you that wish to play Tales of Zestiria without knowing what happens, we recommended skipping this article to avoid spoilers.

Since Tales of Zestiria was released in Japan earlier this year, thereÔÇÖs been a lot of talk about the game, and not all of it has been positive. While dedicated fans have debated various aspects of the game (such as its wonky camera controls), the standout issue has been the way that Bandai Namco handled one of ZestiriaÔÇÖs leading female characters.

Skip this bit if youÔÇÖre familiar with this story: Alisha, one of the characters in Tales of Zestiria, was initially advertised by Bandai Namco as the gameÔÇÖs heroine. Once the game was actually released, it quickly came to light that Alisha leaves your party early in the game and is unavailable for the remainder unless you buy a DLC add-on package that features her in her own story. Worse yet, AlishaÔÇÖs exit from the party is unceremonious and abrupt, with the rest of the group barely reacting to her departure.

Disappointed Tales fans will tell you that it isnt just the fact that Alisha left, but rather the manner that she left in. That she was very obviously meant to be the games heroine and is one of the earliest characters to join your group, but is abruptly removed from the party for no justifiable reason. She doesnt die, she isnt just injured in the line of duty. She just leaves. Then theres the fact that her replacementa character that is introduced several hours into the gameis somehow more important and valuable to the party in the grand scheme of things.

Fans say that this draws attention to Tales of ZestiriaÔÇÖs weak writing, and the fact that Alisha can be seen accessed separately if you purchase her DLC package reeks of content that should have been in the game being cut from it. Now, fans make the ÔÇ£cut contentÔÇØ argument a lotÔÇöbut in this case, it actually holds water, and prompted Tales series producer Hideo Baba to issue an apology for making his fans uneasy. Now, speaking with Famitsu, Baba has decided to discuss the subject more openly. You can find the relevant quotes below.


Famitsu: About the issue with the ÔÇ£heroineÔÇØ this time, we believe that there are three main points that have caused the trouble. ThereÔÇÖs been information out there that makes Alisha seem like the main heroine. She leaves the party in the middle of the story, and there are DLC costumes for her despite the fact that she isnÔÇÖt around as much. After hearing about this, we still played the game, wrote our impressions, and thoroughly enjoyed the title; however, we still feel it was an unfortunate incident. Honestly, we wouldnÔÇÖt blame those that were attracted to Alisha due to the information sent out prior to the release, or through the DLC, and thought ÔÇ£huh?!ÔÇØ for better or worse, after finding out what happened.

Baba: We understand what you mean. Allow me to explain a little more about the information revealed prior to the release of the game. From the very first piece of information until now since the game┬á has been released, we never mentioned that Alisha was the ÔÇ£heroineÔÇØ to you folks at Famitsu or other media in any of the documents weÔÇÖve provided.

Again, the story was constructed while keeping AlishaÔÇÖs departure in mind, so we examined her costumes over and over again with the development team, so that AlishaÔÇÖs DLC costumes could be worn by Rose. However, since we wanted to avoid possible spoilers about their costume compatibilities, we did not reveal that information prior to the availability of the DLC.

Famitsu: We, too, agree that the documents your company have sent us never explicitly stated that Alisha as the ÔÇ£heroineÔÇØ of the game. On the other hand, in Tales of Asteria, the official profile for Alisha states ÔÇ£heroine,ÔÇØ and parts of articles by the media also introduces her as the heroine, so it appears that there was indeed some kind of unfortunate misunderstanding of information out there.

Baba: Yes. Some of the media out there presented something different than the what was in the document that we provided. Again, about the official profile seen in Tales of Asteria, thatÔÇÖs something we are completely responsible for. The development team for it is different from that of Tales of ZesteriaÔÇÖs, and weÔÇÖre deeply remorseful about the fact that incorrect information was conveyed, and has caused confusion among our fans. The Zestiria team that worked days and months throughout the past three years were truly heartbroken by all of this.ÔÇØ

Famitsu: Allow us to share a bit of our opinion, but perhaps if AlishaÔÇÖs departure was announced without any spoilers ahead of time, it wouldÔÇÖve been easier to understand the heroine and DLC situation. Additionally, about two weeks after the release of the game, the Alisha After Episode DLC was revealed, and we received a comment from you for our magazine, which stated that you felt that AlishaÔÇÖs ÔÇ£feelingsÔÇØ could have been better represented in the game.

Baba: If I could use this opportunity to talk a little more about Alishas situation In the story, she had two important roles. The first being her role to invite Sorey to the outside world. The other is her agony in being at the lowest seat for succeeding the throne, and the conflict Sorey faces about whether he can make his dream come true when he cant even help a single girl. And realizing that the company he wanted wouldnt be a possibility. However, these detailed psychological nuances were not exactly conveyed in the game.

Famitsu: Without question, some things are better communicated visually, but for things that arenÔÇÖt as clear, players can use their imagination. In AlishaÔÇÖs case, it seemed like there was a bit of both.

Baba: Alisha doesnÔÇÖt stay in the party for as long as other members, but as far as story goes, the role she plays is definitely an important one. As a result of Sorey meeting Alisha early in the story, he finds out about the world outside of Izuchi (SoreyÔÇÖs hometown). Even after becoming a Shepherd, Alisha becomes a partner for changing the world for the better; however, this leads to her role in Sorey knowing about his ÔÇ£failureÔÇØ.

With the power of being able to take out large enemy armies, he canÔÇÖt do anything about politics or the feeling of people. To top it off, even with the power of a Shepherd, he canÔÇÖt help a one human, Alisha, see the Seraphim, and as a result of repeatedly trying, it took a toll on his body.


BabaÔÇÖs answer isnÔÇÖt entirely satisfactory, of course. For starters, he doesnÔÇÖt address the manner in which Alisha is removed from the party. Then thereÔÇÖs the fact that Bandai Namco had to be aware of how fans perceived AlishaÔÇÖs role in the story prior to Tales of ZestiriaÔÇÖs release, and if they werenÔÇÖt, they probably werenÔÇÖt looking in the right places. ThereÔÇÖs a lot thatÔÇÖs being left unsaid, but unfortunately, it appears that this the best those that are seeking answers will get, for now.


Lo niega todo. Si en el próximo puede volverán a intentar colarla.

Un saludo.
Solo he leido algunas cosas por encima para evitar comerme muchos spoilers pero me parece brutal que niegue que Alisha fuera la heroína (cuando desde un principio era lo que daban a entender) y que desde un principio ya hubieran pensado en que
Spoiler :
Alisha se fuera de la party en cierto momento del juego y tuviera una historia propia.

Lo de esta gente con los DLCs y las versiones incompletas cada vez va a peor Facepalm
Fan de la saga Tales of.
[Imagen: gxU8lxx.png]

Es que publicitar trajes DLCs para un personaje y que acaben únicamente siendo utilizados por otro completamente distinto, ya es de por si publicidad engañosa, ya que en ningún sitio especifican que sólamente son utilizables por ese personaje temporalmente.

Ya sabía yo que Bamco no iba a dar su brazo a torcer y que Baba es un perrifo faldero de los directivos.

Un saludo.
En fin, de Hideo Baba en lo personal ya se me acabó darle otra optorunidad a cuanto darle de nuevo un voto de confianza despues de lo ocurrido en Zestiria y su gestion del 20 Aniversario y sus mentiras, en que era la ultima oprtunidad que le daba despues de su trayectoria en los ultimos años en la franquicia.

Lo unico que deseo a estas alturas es que dimita y que pongan a un productor mas honesto y competente e autoexigente, y que no ceda a la presion de los DLCS y demas para evitar lo que ha pasado con Zestiria en PS3, ni intenten vender gato por liebre.

Un saludo.
Persona 5..Ya falta menos de un mes.



Los Japoneses piden que Hideo Baba no produzca el próximo Tales of y llevan 1.000 firmas recogidas. Obviamente firmaré. La petición en si:


Un saludo.
A ver si esta iniciativa llega a buen puerto y recoge muchas firmas.

Un saludo.
Persona 5..Ya falta menos de un mes.
Bamco ha registrado las marcas Tales of Berseria, Tales of Orfellia y Tales of Alestia.

Con el camino que lleva la saga creo que Tales of Delecia o Tales of Incompletia hubieran sido unos nombres bastante más acertados sisi

Yo hubiese preferido Tales of Mala Baba.

Un saludo.
No me gusta ninguno de los nombres. Apoyo los nombres que ha dicho Dragon aunque el de Led tampoco está mal sisi
Fan de la saga Tales of.
[Imagen: gxU8lxx.png]

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