[Hilo Oficial] Tales of 33bits - ¡Ya disponible Tales of Berseria!
De los ultimos Graces es el mas redondo en lo jugable, aunque ya arrastra aspectos mejorables heredados de Vesperia y añade algunos nuevos como el mapamundi lineal, pero aun asi sin duda es mas solido y interesante a mi parecer que Xillia y Xillia 2 en ese sentido sin duda en global excepto algun detalle como los diversos finales, las eleciones y el sistema de amistad de acuerdo a las eleciones de Xillia 2, en que simplemente Graces F carece.

Por contra, el argumento y personajes de Graces F creo que es el mas flojo de las ultimas entregas, y palidece con Xillia 2 en ese sentido, cuya parte no jugable de la ultima entrega de la franquicia hasta el momento a mi parecer creo que es la mas redonda y memorable desde Abyss y TOS, y en lo personal es uno de mis JRPGS favorito absolutos en esos aspectos.

Por lo que, en resumen, si te te decantas por lo jugable, Graces F sin dudar, y si es por lo argumental y personajes, Xillia 2.

Un saludo.
Persona 5..Ya falta menos de un mes.
Acá se puede ver algo de gameplay de un poblado:

[Imagen: Golden-Sun-Dark-Dawn-Wallpaper-th.jpg]


    Tales of Zestiria Oosaka Demo:

    There were apparently a few new tidbits of info I thought could be interesting, so I compiled them below.
┬á ┬á - The gameÔÇÖs script equals 7 volumes, according to BabaÔÇÖs talk show.

    - Attachments can be fully customized like in Xillia/Xillia 2, and it is also possible to equip multiple ones at the same time.

    - Cooking system works like Xillia, where you use the food you purchase before-hand.

┬á ┬á - There was apparently a video shown where AlishaÔÇÖs costume was light blue instead of pink. It is unknown whether it was a Color Variation costume, or if it is possible to change the color of certain parts of your costume now (neither was present in the playable demo).

    - Using Around-Step during your combo replaces the arte to be used in the combo and immediately follows up with the next one on the route.
    - You can link up to 3 Ougis in a row. If you activate Kamui, it is possible to follow-up without breaking the combo.

    - There is the possibility that combos can be longer by using certain skills, but this Demo only allowed up to 4 Artes linked one after the other.

    - Titles work like Graces, you equip them in the Equipment menu, and by earning experience and stuff you learn the Skills in them.

┬á ┬á - It doesnÔÇÖt seem like you can set Hi-Ougis. In the Hi-Ougi screen in the menu, there was no option to set them.

    - There was no system to change the order in the Tokugi Tier Artes, which most likely means these are fixed and changing them is not possible.
    - There was no shortcut for Artes.

┬á ┬á - Similar to Graces, Artes have elements attached to them. These arenÔÇÖt really Wind/Earth/Fire/Water, but rather those Graces used, which are called ÔÇ£Attack ElementsÔÇØ. In the demo there was an element named, ÔÇ£LeglessÔÇØ and another ÔÇ£Beast.

┬á ┬á - Free-run isnÔÇÖt as slow as Graces.

┬á ┬á Now, about Around-Step replacing an Arte, hereÔÇÖs the thing: in a normal Tokugi Artes Combo, you have something like Arte 1 -> Arte 2 -> Arte 3 -> Arte 4, and you execute each one and theyÔÇÖre automatically linked to each other and the combo doesnÔÇÖt break. But what happens if, for whatever reason, I want to perform Around-Step between Arte 1 and Arte 2? The following happens:

    Arte 1 -> Around-Step -> Arte 3 -> Arte 4.

No me gusta que las comidas sean como en Xillia, no me gusta que sean bonus pre combates.

Que no se puedan editar los Assault Artes es confuso, porque diría que se dijo previamente que a diferencia de Graces en Zestiria sí se podría.

Que no haya atajos para los Burst Artes también me parece bastante confuso, en Graces los había desde el principio.

Que los side step salten al siguiente nivel de Arte es también algo extraño, cuando en Graces no ocurría. Simplemente deberían de gastar AC.

No me ha gustado lo del recolor de Alisha y tampoco lo de los complementos como en Xillia. Namco encontró en los complementos la excusa para hacer de pago los trajes que siempre fueron desbloqueables.

Un saludo.
Lo del step me parece cojonudo. En Graces al hacer un esquive el siguiente golpe es la primera arte de ataque, es decir, se reinicia la ruta de las artes de ataque.┬á Aquí sustituirá al arte que tocara y después se ejecutaría el siguiente de la ruta y eso me parece genial.

Lo de la comida a mí tampoco me ha hecho mucha gracia.

Lo de los skills me está rallando, ¿con títulos otra vez como el Graces? Que se aclaren si los skills se equipan a lo Abyss-Vesperia-Xillia, a lo Symphonia o a lo Graces.
[Imagen: 55bdQQA.jpg]
Llevó 50 horas de juego en Tales of Xillia 2 y mis personajes están en nivel 59. Creo que ya voy entrando a la recta final del juego.

A ver si sigo haciendo algunas misiones secundarias y avanzo en el coliseo, antes de afrontar los capítulos finales del juego.
[Imagen: Golden-Sun-Dark-Dawn-Wallpaper-th.jpg]
Bueno, bueno, bueno.


Al fin, después de varios contratiempos y retrasos, sale la traducción española de Tales of Vesperia para Xbox 360. A disfrutarla todos los que podáis mola
[Imagen: Charleekun.png]

¿Y quien necesita eso?:

[Imagen: tales1.png]

Un saludo.
Empieza la promoción a nivel occidental:

[Imagen: normal_ToZ-anteprima-Milano-231014-02.jpg]

[Imagen: normal_ToZ-anteprima-Milano-231014-03.jpg]

[Imagen: normal_ToZ-anteprima-Milano-231014-08.jpg]
[Imagen: Golden-Sun-Dark-Dawn-Wallpaper-th.jpg]

Más detalles:


Un saludo.
Lo de hacer un viaje a los templos, y los templos en si, dedicados a un tenzoku elemental y las trampas que hay en el interior me recuerda a FF X y a TOS sin duda, en que en ambos tenias que recorrer el mundo visitando los templos esparcidos en que en si eran mazmorras con pruebas, puzzles, con extrutura labentirica y alineal. Quizá sea por ello un homenaje a TOS, en que ojalá tomen ejemplo de sus puzzles, trampas y extructura, alineal laberintica y con secretos y zonas completamente opcionales en los templos que hayan esparcidos en Zestiria.

Por otra parte hay una cosas que no me acava de gustar a cuanto lo de las cuatro habiliades del equipamiento, y es que tres de ellas, segun lea, sean aleatorias. A ver si profundizan mas en ese senntido porque de momento no me convence.

Un saludo.
Persona 5..Ya falta menos de un mes.

En la noticia en Inglés se detalla más el sisema:

Cita:New Gameplay Systems

Equipment Slot System

Each piece of equipment in Tales of Zestiria comes with four slots onto which Skills can be affixed. The first Skill within these slots is predetermined for every item, but whether any of the remaining three slots are filled in is left to chance upon acquiring a piece of equipment, meaning that two of the same variety can still come with different Skills attached. Currently equipped skills can be checked by pressing the R2 button on the Skill Sheet screen.

Although picking a characterÔÇÖs equipment on the merits of their abilities and sheer strength is hardly a bad idea in and of itself, careful consideration based on their latent Skills can also bring about unimaginable benefits later in battle. As such, the types of skills that the Skill Sheet screen break into two broad types: ÔÇ£Core Skills,ÔÇØ the fundamental ones that are affixed to the piece of equipment in question, and ÔÇ£Bonus Skills,ÔÇØ which are a secondary variety that are brought about through different combinations of Core Skills. LetÔÇÖs examine three different ways that Bonus Skills can be attained:

┬á ┬á Same Type: As the name implies, this type of Bonus Skill is conferred when more than one of the same Skill is equipped. In the bottom-right corner of each SkillÔÇÖs icon, you can see a number that indicates how many instances of it are currently stacked across your equipment. This bonus is triggered with two or more of the same Skill in effect.
    Elemental Type: This type of Bonus Skill activates when there are multiple Skills of the same element equipped that sit adjacent to one another horizontally on the Skill Sheet screen. Again, this type is activated when there are at least two Skills that meet this criteria.
    Union Type: This type of Bonus Skill turns on when an entire vertical row on the Skill Sheet screen is occupied with actively equipped Skills.

Equipment Fusion System

ItÔÇÖs an inevitability that as you traverse the world of Tales of Zestiria, youÔÇÖll accumulate multiples of the same type of equipment. But, like we mentioned earlier, just because two pieces of equipment share the same name doesnÔÇÖt mean that have the same Skills or abilities. ThatÔÇÖs where the Equipment Fusion System comes into play, enabling you to forge equipment thatÔÇÖs to your liking. By bring two of the same type of equipment together, not only can you buff up their Skills and abilities, but you can also swap them out, as well. This can be done by paying a visit to an Armory and selecting the ÔÇ£FusionÔÇØ option.

In the example provided in the included screenshots, you can see the fusion process being performed on SoreyÔÇÖs headgear, Ancient Earrings. His first pair of earrings only had the skill Locking attached to them, but his second pair had, another skill, and by fusing the two together, he was able to get a different pair of earrings altogether that has both Skills. Although the amount of Gald required to perform fusions varies based on factors such as the equipmentsÔÇÖ latent abilities, itÔÇÖs often well worth the cost just to consolidate skills into one item.

Equipment Proficiency

Each piece of equipment in the game has its own Proficiency Rank attached to it that can be raised by racking up victories in fights. With 5 total ranks in all, maxing out Proficiency comes with a variety of perks, particularly with respect to fusion, as maxed out items will yield even stronger results. As such, itÔÇÖs a good idea to break in equipment as you go about your journey; you never know just when it might come in handy.


Un saludo.

Un par de imágenes de la localización en Español mostradas en el salón del manga de BCN:

[Imagen: Bandai-Namco-PV-3.jpg]
[Imagen: Bandai-Namco-PV-4.jpg]

Y según Hideo Baba, saldrá en 2015 pero no confirma si la época de lanzamiento que sugiere IGN (y que esperamos todos por aquí), verano, sea cierta. La verdad es que si sale antes mejor, pero ¡que no lo anuncien para después, por favor!

Dewa mata!ÒÇÇÒüºÒü»Òü¥Òüƒ´╝ü
[Imagen: 55bdQQA.jpg]

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