[Hilo Oficial] Nintendo Switch
Nintendo está presionando a las third para que lancen sus grandes juegos en Switch lo antes posible

Nintendo is carrying out its promise to drive first and third-party software momentum according to a new report published by Asia Nikkei. The Kyoto based company asked a Japanese third-party company to introduce its major releases as early as possible on the Nintendo Switch as it doesn’t want a repeat of how things went on the Wii U with the giant software droughts.

Not a few analysts have the impression that Nintendo has learned from its mistakes with its previous console, the Wii U. The company has sought to make it easier to create games for the Switch by expanding the scope of development tools. It is also pushing developers to expand the Switch game lineup quickly. An executive at one software company said Nintendo asked it to introduce major releases “as early as possible.”

Una de las "quejas" que tenía se ha solucionado:


Los juegos que abandonaban la lista de "lanzamientos recientes" quedaban casi por completo ocultos, y solo se podían encontrar mediante una opción muy poco visible.

Ahora ya no es así.
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
EA está muy contenta con el lanzamiento de Switch y considera lanzar más juego

EA’s departure from the Wii U fold signalled and portended a larger exodus of third parties from the Nintendo camp- something from which the Wii U never quite recovered. It is why the prospect of EA actually being on board with the Switch was a little encouraging for the system’s prospects before its launch, when its fate in the market was uncertain.

Of course, its fate is not uncertain anymore- the Switch is out and it is a raging success, and it looks like EA is now more willing to commit to the system fully. Thus far, EA had only announced one game for the system, FIFA 18. However, speaking to investors in a financial call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson noted that the company is now very bullish on the Nintendo Switch, expressing excitement for it bringing an entirely new ecosystem into the fold. He noted that EA is considering bringing more of its games to the system, in addition to the previously announced FIFA 18. He also reiterated EA’s relationship with Nintendo.

What games EA could bring to the Switch remains unknown- maybe we will find out more at E3 next month.

[RUMOR] Las nuevas funcionalidades de Switch que llegarán este año

The Nintendo Switch has been out for nearly two months now. While it has been selling spectacularly, there has been little in the way of system updates. The updates to the system so far have been minor, fixing bugs or improving stability, but there have been no new features added since the day one update.
According to our source, an independent developer close to the company, Nintendo will be adding valuable new system features to the Switch this year. The details are likely to be announced by Nintendo during their E3 presentation or a later Nintendo Direct.

The new features are as follows:

Nintendo Switch notifications – The Nintendo Switch will show notifications from the exposed part of the screen while docked. Notifications may also show up when in portable mode similar to a smartphone screen.

Friend Messenger – With the online service will come messaging between friends. Notifications can be shown on the Switch screen.

Nintendo Switch Themes – Currently, there are two themes to choose on the Nintendo Switch. More will be coming in a future system update, tying in with new games such as Splatoon 2. The new themes will come with music. There will be a theme shop similar to the 3DS.

Streaming Apps – Streaming apps such as Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube are being prepared and will come this fiscal year. Nintendo wants to release the apps all at once, which is why they have not been released yet.

Cloud Saving – Game saves will be stored in your Nintendo Account, provided you are subscribed to Nintendo’s online service, this Fall.

Web browser – The Nintendo Switch will get a full-fledged web browser this year, similar to the Wii U’s offering. The Switch already has a built-in web browser, but its use is limited and not very accessible.

Wii U Pro Controller and GameCube controller Support – In order to support the Super Smash Bros. release this fiscal year, Nintendo will enable compatibility with Wii U Pro Controllers and GameCube controllers, with a new USB adapter for the latter.

If these features come to fruition, they would be a welcome addition to the Switch, already a stellar gaming console.

¿Rumor? Para mi ya tardan en meter todo eso.
Que pena que no se decidan a meter trofeos/logros
Eso la verdad es que si que no puede importarme menos XD.
[Imagen: cosplay-bodypaint-samus-aran-protagonist...k=DhKPBdf6]

[RUMOR] Metroid - Nintendo trabaja en dos juegos para Switch

A finales de la semana pasada os comentábamos que un nuevo título de la saga Metroid para Nintendo Switch podría estar ya en desarrollo por Retro Studios al unirse el compositor de la banda sonora de Deus Ex al estudio para trabajar en lo que definió como "un juego increíblemente emocionante". Pues bien, hoy venimos a contaros que Samus Aran podría regresar por partida doble en la nueva consola de Nintendo ya que han surgido nuevos rumores de hay dos nuevos Metroid en desarrollo para Switch.

Según ha explicado SuperMetalDave64, un conocido YouTuber especializado en información sobre Nintendo, durante el último SpawnCast Live del canal de YouTube de SpawnWave, Nintendo ya trabaja en dos nuevas entregas de la saga Metroid y una de ellas será presentada con seguridad en el E3 2017, aunque podrían acabar presentándose las dos. La primera de estas aventuras sería, siempre según la información manejada por SuperMetalDave64, la ya citada de Retro Studios.

Este nuevo juego de Retro Estudios sería un Metroid 3D, algo que la desarrolladora ya domina al ser la responsable de la saga Metroid Prime. Por ello, el YouTuber se refiere al título como Metroid Prime 4, aunque no está claro si ése será su nombre ni si se tratará de una nueva entrega de esta serie o de una aventura completamente independiente y original. Además, parece que Retro Studios llevaría trabajando en él ya unos tres años, aunque es posible que aún tardemos un tiempo en verlo.

Según la fuente, el otro nuevo juego de Metroid estaría siendo desarrollado por Climax Studios, aunque la compañía ha negado que así sea. Según parece, este título sería el que Nintendo podría mostrar en el E3 2017 y no se trataría de una aventura 2D como cabría esperar si es cierto que el Metroid de Retro Studios es 3D. Según el YouTuber, podríamos estar ante una aventura de plataformas y acción 2.5D al estilo de Assassin's Creed Chronicles, títulos que desarrollaron los chicos de Climax Studios.

De momento tendremos que esperar para ver si hay dos nuevos Metroid en camino para Nintendo Switch ya que Nintendo aún no se ha pronunciado al respecto. Lo que parece cada vez más claro es que Samus Aran regresará muy pronto y ahora podría hacerlo por partida doble para deleite de sus miles de fans. Tendremos que prestar mucha atención a Nintendo en el E3 2017 para descubrir si hay algún nuevo Metroid para Switch inminente.

Pues preferiría ese Metroid en 2,5D al de 3D
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
Yo igual, los Metroid 3D son broza.
Os baneaba fácil, eh? bate
La edición digital de Rime en Switch costará lo mismo que en otras plataformas

“Back in March, we announced that the Nintendo Switch version of RiME was going to be released at $39.99 / €44.99 / £39.99. The reason for the higher price was due to the additional development, manufacturing, and publishing costs involved with that port. While some were understanding of these go-to-market costs, there were still a number of folks who weren’t happy. We totally understand: nobody wants to pay higher prices.

At Grey Box, we are determined to provide a fair deal for everyone around. And so we discussed how we could do that, without simply selling at a loss, all while also being fair to our retail partners. So, here’s what we’re doing.

First off, the digital version of RiME on Nintendo Switch will now cost $29.99 / €34.99 / £29.99, the same price as the game on other platforms. So, that’s straightforward enough.

On the physical side, we can’t lower the price without selling at a loss, but we can add more value to the package. And that’s what we’re doing. For the Nintendo Switch version of RiME, all physical copies will include a printed code for a download of the complete, beautiful soundtrack by David García (a sample of which you can find here). You will be able to download the music via Bandcamp in one of the multiple high-quality formats. The soundtrack is planned on being sold separately for $10 in the US (and equivalent prices elsewhere), and so the value you’re going to get out of this will be the same as somebody who purchased a different version of RiME, and then bought the soundtrack.

Like I said, Grey Box’s goals are to provide a great product at a great value. We hope you’ll find this new offering to be fair. Personally, we’re excited about it, because we want as many people as possible to hear David’s music! Regardless, we can assure you that no matter which version of RiME you play – and we hope to have a Switch version release date announced shortly – you’re going to have an amazing and touching experience. Thanks very much for your support!”


La edición coleccionista física especial para España costará 5€ más que en las otras plataformas, 49,95€:

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