[Hilo Oficial] Nintendo Switch
Yo si necesito más orden. O algún sistema para agrupar iconos. Es un puto caos.  Me gustaría tener los Sega Ages agrupados, los de Neo Geo agrupados, los Arcade Archives agrupados,  etc...
[Imagen: 50701731706_49f21af0b6_o.jpg]
(03-01-2020 12:49)Ibado escribió:Yo si necesito más orden. O algún sistema para agrupar iconos. Es un puto caos.  Me gustaría tener los Sega Ages agrupados, los de Neo Geo agrupados, los Arcade Archives agrupados,  etc...

Eso si, pero no con carpetas, sino como un hub al estilo de los mega drive classics de steam.
Y lo que ya me tocó los eggs... fue el Dragon Quest 1+2+3... te soltase tres iconos en vez de lanzar un simple menú y elegir juego como se ha hecho siempre.
[Imagen: 50701731706_49f21af0b6_o.jpg]
(03-01-2020 13:10)Ibado escribió:Y lo que ya me tocó los eggs... fue el Dragon Quest 1+2+3... te soltase tres iconos en vez de lanzar un simple menú y elegir juego como se ha hecho siempre.

Eso si es curioso, cosas de SE, me pregunto si en el FF7+8 pasa igual.

Emily Rodgers en Resetera: Hay 2 port más de WiiU que no ha anunciado Nintendo

I say this as someone who is optimistic about this year.

My only concern about 2020 is that Nintendo might lean a little too hard on re-releases of older stuff as a crutch to fill out their calendar. Nintendo has already officially announced Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Xenoblade Chronicles 1 remaster/remake for this year. I can also confirm that Nintendo has (at least) two more unannounced Wii U ports. They are not difficult to guess because there aren't many Wii U games left to port.

Also, if you aren't into Animal Crossing, then the first 3-4 months of 2020 won't be super amazing for you personally. Nintendo is obviously treating Animal Crossing as their big March title, so that's something people will just need to accept. And as we saw with 2019, Nintendo likes to dump most of their biggest releases in the second half of the year. Which typically makes the pacing for the first half of the year slower by comparison.

El diseñador jefe de Donkey Kong: Tropìcal Freeze ha vuelto a Retro

 The lead designer of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Stephen Dupree, has returned to Retro Studios after a two-year absence, VGC understands.

Dupree, who had been at the Metroid Prime developer for almost a decade prior to his departure in 2017, last worked at nearby Texas studio Playful Corp, where he helped design platformer New Super Lucky’s Tale.

The designer had previously contributed to the creation of Wii title Donkey Kong Country Returns at Retro, as well as Mario Kart 7 for Nintendo 3DS.

Dupree will now serve as a principle game designer at Retro, possibly on the upcoming Metroid Prime 4, however he’s not credited as having worked on any previous series instalments.

It’s currently unclear if Texas-based Retro is working on any projects in addition to Metroid.

Nintendo announced in early 2019 that it had decided to “restart development from the beginning” for Metroid Prime 4, with producer Kensuke Tanabe calling in Retro to take over the project from its original, unannounced developer.

Retro has been hiring for Metroid Prime 4 ever since and its jobs page is still advertising for a lead animator and senior designer, among other roles.

One key recent hire is veteran Halo creative Kyle Hefley, who joined as the studio’s new lead character artist in August.

Hefley is a vastly experienced character modeller who has worked on more than 20 titles, including Call of Duty: Black Ops and Sleeping Dogs. Most relevant for Hefley’s new role, however, is his nine years at Microsoft’s 343 Industries.

Around half of the full-time developers who worked on Metroid Prime 3 remain at Retro Studios, according to VGC analysis conducted in August 2019.

It found that a core team of around 50 people worked full-time on the 2007 Wii shooter and around 27 remained at the developer, including four contractors made permanent.

Crucially, five of Metroid Prime 3’s 11 designers were still at Retro and potentially working on the upcoming Metroid Prime 4.

However, from the original Metroid Prime – which released almost two decades ago – less than 10 of the 40-plus team members remained at Retro and virtually all of the lead creators had moved on.

Instant-Gaming lista Metroid Prime Trilogy para 2020:


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(04-01-2020 17:57)zothenr escribió:Instant-Gaming lista Metroid Prime Trilogy para 2020:


Lo ví hace poco y me ilusioné pensando que lo iban a anunciar en los TGA, y resulta que la ficha lleva hecha desde que se anunció el MP4 o así.

Un saludete
(Ultima edición: 04-01-2020 19:09 por DalaiRasta.)
Parece que empiezan los rumores de una Switch más potente para el próximo verano:

Aunque alguno no lo ve claro...

Yo estoy con Daniel.
Primero, a Nintendo no le interesa sacar una consola cuyo atractivo es ser más potente que la actual en el mismo año que van a salir las nuevas de la competencia que van a estar muchísimos escalones por encima de cualquier sistema portátil que puedan sacar sin que cueste 2000€. Cuando haya un poco de margen respecto a la salida y al marketing agresivo que van a tener estas dos, la veo clarísima, vista la tendencia de DSi y New 3DS. En 2021 me parecería un buen año para ello.

Segundo, que llevamos desde mediados de 2017 con esta cantinela ya. Que haya otro brote espontáneo no me indica personalmente nada, sobretodo cuando viene de fuentes que no son férreas y que los comentaristas habituales ya duden. Es el Pedro y el lobo de manual, llegará un día en el que salga el rumor definitivo y no me lo voy a creer. Pero a estas alturas prefiero eso a darle verosimilitud a todos.
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