[Hilo Oficial] |†| Bloodborne The Old Hunter |†| Let's Hunt the GOTY!
Moar hypeant impressions penises:


Turns out that Bloodborne is so much like a Souls game it's spooky. The E3 demo opens with the main character rising from a stooped position, exactly like the Souls avatar does after every death. The animations and sound effects are identical to Souls 2's - there's a backstep, a kick, a roll, ragdoll corpse physics, floating flames over corpses with items hidden on them, a torch... early on in the demo an undead came crashing through a wooden barrier with that exact same sound of collapsing wood that's all too familiar to every Souls player who's ever been caught by surprise by a Hollow. When the first enemy was slain, I heard that familiar whoosh of souls being absorbed. It's even got a struggling frame rate (though that will presumably improve with time).


It's set in an impressively gothic town, all looming, craggy towers and imposing churches, the building all pressed up against each other and blocking out a dark sky. The people and... things that live here are, unsurprisingly, not friendly. Townspeople clad in quasi-Victorian apparel - long coats, elaborate hats - lumber around the streets, attacking on sight. In the distance, a crowd of them gather around some crucified monster as it burns on its cross, watching wordlessly. It is profoundly chilling. I was gripped by curiosity at what was going on here, battling with a simultaneous urge to run away and never look back - exactly the same feeling that I get upon entering some unknown area in Souls.

The protagonist, too, is clad in black - long cape coat, face masked, fine feathered hat - with a weapon on each hand, the two shown in the trailer: a cleaver blade that extends for greater reach, and a blunderbuss. There's no shield to hide behind, though the Sony producer tells me that these weapons can be switched out later on. Combat is fast, dodge heavy and notably violent, with great gouts of blood spurting from slashed enemies and saturating the avatar's clothes in crimson. (The clue is in the name, I guess: blood looks like it will be a key thematic motif.)

The ruined town extends out in several directions. Like Souls, Bloodborne does not tell you where to go, and like Souls it does not hold back on punishing you for wandering in the wrong direction. Crazed townpeople throng the main roads, far too many of them to cut through. Our demonstrator picks a path around side streets and over bridges, cutting through the lone enemies he finds there. The blunderbuss is interesting - it has no range, but if you let it off just in the instant before an enemy attack hits, it brings the aggressor to their knees and lets you despatch them more gruesomely, rather like Souls' counter mechanic.

It looks practically open-world. Fog-gates will apparently still exist, says the Sony producer, but I didn't see one sectioning the world off. There's barely any light coming from anywhere; torches flicker in braziers and in the hands of dead-eyed townspeople, and there's illumination from a pale moon, but inside buildings it is absolutely pitch black; you can only see with a torch of your own to pick out the terrors in the dark.

I'm pretty taken with this game, if that wasn't obvious. I discovered Demon's Souls when I was living in Japan back in 2008, back when it was an Asia-only game put out on the quiet by Sony, and the series is deeply special to me. Bloodborne has, for want of a better word, the soul of a Souls game, but it's not just another sequel - it's something new, taking that eeriness and incomparable visual design and bloody combat and sense of mystery and doing something different with it.

What proves its calibre, for me, is the sound design. There's music, if it can be called that - creepy choral notes and strings - but the incidental sound design is what makes the unmistakeably a FROM game. The townspeople gurgle and scream, footsteps echo, blood spurts and squelches, the sound when a cleaver connects with some monster's flesh is enough to make you wince. A door shudders as some horrible thing on the other side of it bangs on the wood and moans. I wasn't prepared for the first boss, though. Nothing could have prepared me for that.

After making his way through the town, our demonstrator ends up on a bridge where townspeople are fighting monsters - messed-up undead dogs, massive crows with bloodied beaks that drag themselves along the ground on their bellies (there's something so disturbing about that). Towards the end of the bridge, though, something massive and horrendous climbs up to meet him. It's... I can't even describe it. It's like a massive undead goat demon, its ribs exposed, one side of its monstrous body covered in hanging moss. But the heart-stopping thing about it is the sound. It emitted this unbelievably discomfiting, echoing scream that sounded like it was coming from somewhere underwater, a sound that got louder and reverberated more intensely with proximity. Within about twenty seconds it had picked the blood-soaked protagonist up in its horrible claw and thrown him off the bridge.

This is what I want from Bloodborne. I want to be disturbed and surprised and challenged - not just by the game's difficulty, but by its subtlety and mystery and all its various horrors.


M-my body is n-not ready.

[Imagen: V0K4Egj.png]
(Ultima edición: 11-06-2014 18:52 por DarkBlade.)
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
Ninja Gaiden total sisi
[Imagen: V0K4Egj.png]

Con esto no se juega ┬¼┬¼ (mi nivel favorito junto al pantano y tambien unos monstruos muy cariñosos que buscan hombres xD)
Para mi ya no pinta tan bien independientemente de que despues salga una obra maestra...
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
No sé qué esperabas viendo lo mostrado antes del E3. Ni que haya salido algo nuevo. :nusenuse
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
Un Dark Souls 3 o un Demons Souls 2 no esta mezcla de la saga con un hack & slash... :nusenuse
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
¿Dónde hay Hack&Slash?
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
En muchas de las impresiones que van saliendo, que si el combate es mas agresivo, mas vertiginoso, que si armas de fuego, etc...
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
Si de las mil impresiones que he puesto sacas que este juego es un H&S, a uno de los dos le falla la comprensión lectora.
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
vamos a ver que no estoy diciendo que sea un NG, pero que va a ir enfocado mas en ese camino que los anteriores lo esta dejando todo el mundo claro. Ni es bueno ni es malo a mi simplemente me parece un error y disminuye mi interes por el juego. Y ya me lo olí cuando se dijo que habria armas de fuego...
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen
A mi por encima lo único que no me agrada es que se haga tanto uso e hincapié en el tema "sangriento" unido a combate "rápido" y, como dicen, no esconderse tras un escudo. Por eso me hace pensar que estará cerca de ser un hack en cuanto al combate. Demasiada referencia a dinámico, vertiginoso, rapidez, sangriento...

Hay obligación de ver algo ingame ya, joder. A mi es que me gusta ser precavido, si es con Souls II y mantuve las reservas hasta coger el juego y jugarlo, y eso que venía de DS, que no debería haber dudas.

Pienso que en parte, el efecto Souls puede ser contraproducente para mucha gente, porque quizá se haga una idea -desde el desconocimiento, que es lo que tenemos todos porque no hemos visto el juego en movimiento- y esperar algo que igual luego no es.

¿No se sabe cuándo habrá algo ingame? Deberían mostrar el combate cuanto antes, que al fin y al cabo es lo que todos estamos deseando ver.

PD: Dark, H&S al uso no, pero hay juegos de rol, tildados como juegos de rol, que tiene contenido de juego de rol y libertad, pero que en sus combates se transforma en un machacabotones, es por eso que no hay que ponerle etiquetas al juego aún, porque no sabemos lo que va a suceder. Yo insisto, de lo que se sabe, me encanta todo salvo eso de que haya tanta referencia a combates más propios de eso, de un HS, que de otra cosa. Que la gente entiende como RPG a un Mass Effect por ejemplo, y luego te vas a matar a un bicho y se transforma en Gears of War.
Ah pero que lo de Ninja Gaiden iba en serio?!.
Life's too short to play bad games!

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