[Hilo Oficial] |†| Bloodborne The Old Hunter |†| Let's Hunt the GOTY!
I came.
La verdad es que lees eso y piensas en lo que piensas. Ademas, ya han confirmado personalizacion, lo del mapa, como se "siente" el combate para los que todavia no tenian claro de que iba esto.

Este año, aunque sea en la Tokyo Game Show, tiene que mostrar un video del juego.
(10-06-2014 14:23)DarkBlade69 link escribió:http://blog.hokanko-alt.com/archives/39297573.html

Traducción de un Mod en NeoGAF:

Bloodborne is the cover story of this week's Famitsu, and there's an interview with Miyazaki in it as well. Here are some details reported by a Japanese blog who got the magazine early.

- Spring 2015 release window
- They started work on this right after finishing Artorias of the Abyss, targeting Sony's new hardware
- The world and story is completely new, and the setting takes full advantage of the PS4's capabilities
- They're targeting 30fps at 1080p
- The keywords for the game is "blood" and "beast"
- There will be melee and long range weapons (guns) this time
- Character customization is confirmed
- There will be no map display in the game
- He wants combat to not just focus on action but also the strategic element
- The combat in the game is designed to feel like a life or death struggle
- There will be online elements of some sort, and it will involve players "discovering" together

Lo dije. Action-erre-pé-gé, mindungui sisi
Que te calles, chupacharcos.
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
- The combat in the game is designed to feel like a life or death struggle

[Imagen: he-man.gif]
(10-06-2014 14:44)DarkBlade69 link escribió:Que te calles, chupacharcos.
:dale2: :dale2: :dale2:

PD: Manco
i can't hold all these hype.

(10-06-2014 14:48)Jase link escribió::dale2: :dale2: :dale2:

PD: Manco


P.D. DS2. 16º aviso. :dale2:
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
Prefiero esperar a jugar a este que al DS2 :yao
Esto sale de Reddit. Credibilidad justa, pero no parece demasiado disparatado. Esperemos a er si sale algo oficial.

Cita:I was at a Sony conference a while back where they showed this game, been dying to talk about it! It really is a spiritual successor, with bonfires and fog doors making a comeback. HUD looks exactly like souls.
Main difference is this game is built around co-op, four players. Also this means real co-op, not summoning each other and being unable to play with friends consistently! Can't wait until the full reveal!

EDIT: Ok so they didn't show much at the time. Just a short gameplay trailer, cuts of character exploring the world, fighting some enemies. Movement looked very similar to dark souls, but the character seemed to be dashing instead of rolling. Era seemed vampire hunter ish (trenchcoats and shotguns). Sounds in the trailer sounded identical to dark souls (slashing sounds and other sfx) but I'm thinking they were probably place holders. Bonfires are back, different look but seem to serve the same purpose. Fog doors as we know are back.
Aside from the trailer the rest was screenshots showing the multiplayer elements. You could see multiple characters on screen with gamertags hovering above the characters. Definitely seems like multiplayer is a running in the traditional sense. No ghostly aura on any of the characters and the speaker did specifically talk about playing with friends.
Might be targeting a slightly more casual audience, got the impression the fighting was more forgiving but again it's hard to tell from a short gameplay trailer. Hopefully they will show more today.

"Main difference is this game is built around co-op, four players." Espero y deseo que sea falso porque si no le van a dar por culo al juego.
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
(10-06-2014 14:47)Ekirne link escribió:- The combat in the game is designed to feel like a life or death struggle

[Imagen: he-man.gif]

Joer que asco de gif XD

(10-06-2014 14:55)DarkBlade69 link escribió:Esto sale de Reddit. Credibilidad justa, pero no parece demasiado disparatado. Esperemos a er si sale algo oficial.

Si algo quedó claro ayer es que esta es la generación del cooperativo. Y en Dark Souls 2 para invocar a otros era mucho más implementado que en el 1, no? (Pregunto).

Imaginad en ese mundo victoriano-gótico con cooperativo a 4 y que te invadan 4, yo que sé. Es que sería un Mundo de Tinieblas hecho realidad. Voy a hacerme a Theo Bell┬á Caballo

Edit: veo que no sale el quote dentro de tu quote  cabezazo

Edit2: veo que no te gusta el multiplayer xD
(Ultima edición: 10-06-2014 15:03 por Rafa.)
Lo seguiremos intentando, aunque sepamos que es en vano.
Sí, desde luego DS2 estaba hecho para el multijugador de los cojones. O jugabas cooperativo (Easy mode) o lo jugabas solito que es como merece la pena jugar a estos juegos. Lo bueno es en NG+, donde la compañía es excesivamente abundante. En el momento en que este juego tenga una mínima importancia el juego online, por pequeño que sea, no lo pienso comprar.

De todas formas, en DS2 no estaba al cargo Miyazaki, sino un equipo casi totalmente distinto. Otro concepto de desarrollo. Bloodbourne está al cargo de Hidetaka al igual que Demon's Souls y Dark Souls, donde el multiplayer jugaba un papel discreto si no querías introducirte en él.
[Imagen: QXiqbuC.gif]
Cuando el río suena... más casualizaciones roto2cafe

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