[Hilo Oficial] El Renacimiento del gaming PC (Indies, kickstarter, etc...)
A ver si saco tiempo para terminar el original, que por fin me estaba gustando con la cámara libre (WASD + ratón) sisi

El 28 de junio comienza el Kickstarter de System Shock Remastered y por lo visto van a ser bastante ambiciosos, pedirán 900.000 dólares como mínimo.

Recopilo algunas de las recientes preguntas y respuestas con Night Dive Studios en Reddit:

Cita:How much money do you think you'll reach on SS Remaster's Kickstarter?

I hope we reach our minimum goal of $900K - it will provide us with what we need in order to finish the game the way we envision it, but I believe we'll raise considerably more. We've gone all in on the Kickstarter and I think everyone will be surprised by what we have to offer. We're doing things no other crowd funding campaign has done and we're doing everything we can to differentiate ourselves from other high profile projects that have failed to deliver on their promises.

Would SSR change any original game mechanics?

The core mechanics themselves will be present, but we've gone great lengths to make sure the players experience will be smooth and intuitive. There is an inventory mode that allows you to examine, equip, and drop items but you'll find it much easier to use than the original. I'd describe it as a hybrid between Shock 1 and 2, so you could definitely say we're influenced by more modern games.

The interface. Will there be clunky dragging and dropping like the original? Or at least an option to have that?

The interface has been redesigned to be streamlined and easier to use. It's starting to resemble a hybrid of what is in Shock 1 and Shock 2 with some Deus Ex thrown in for good measure. Either way it's completely intuitive for veterans of the genre and new players alike.

How will cyberspace be? Will it be close to the original?

We are redesigning Cyberspace - it will still serve the same purpose as it does in the original but the environment and visuals will receive a total overhaul.

Is the soundtrack going to be close to the original or completely different?

It's going to be completely different but we are offering a D&B style remix album of the original tracks. We will have a playable track on the Kickstarter page!

Will the arcade mini games on the hud make a return?

Yes! We will be including mini games from the original as well as some new ones.

Will you change enemy aggro system?

We are experimenting with that at the moment. A number of the team members are definitely on board with a stealth system that's definitely more robust than the original.

Además, comentan algunos detalles sobre la remasterización de Turok 2 en la que están trabajando. También dicen que les gustaría conseguir los derechos de Blade Runner (Westwood), pero no les está resultando nada fácil, sobre todo ahora que se acerca la segunda película.

(Ultima edición: 23-06-2016 08:05 por Sayckeone.)

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RE: El Renacimiento del gaming PC (Indies, kickstarter, etc...) - por Sayckeone - 23-06-2016 07:50

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