NBA Jam XXX - He's on fucking fire
Cita:nintendoplayer[/url]"]Due to the memory constraints of the 16-bit system, the long strands of voice samples from the classic arcade game had to be modified to fit a Super Nintendo cartridge. Tim Kitzrow, NBA JamÔÇÿs memorable voice-over announcer, was called back into the studio to shorten his calls. During one of these recording sessions, a number of outtakes were saved as a joke, which served as the basis for a special, profanity-filled, in-house-only gameÔÇôone that, if word ever got out about its existence, could have severely jeopardized AcclaimÔÇÖs relationship with the NBA league and completely shut down NBA JamÔÇÿs development for good.

At least, that was the explanation given from this supposed Acclaim employee. Even after almost two decades, this industry insider remains in hiding, unwilling to publicly divulge his identity for fear of retaliation.

Debido a las restricciones de memoria, tuvieron que grabarse de nuevo las voces del NBA Jam para la versión de SNES. Durante estas grabaciones, se hicieron algunas versiones con palabras soeces que sirvieron de broma. Al parecer, incluso dos décadas después, la fuente se niega a desvelar su nombre por miedo a las represalias.

Mensajes en este tema
NBA Jam XXX - He's on fucking fire - por Indyana - 06-08-2012 22:35
Re:NBA Jam XXX - He's on fucking fire - por Bart_10 - 06-08-2012 22:45

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