Turbulencias en el desarrollo de Rainbow 6

El presidente de Ubisoft Norte-America habla con IGN y le comenta lo siguiente:

- El proyecto inicial ha sido cancelado.
- El juego está siendo rehecho desde el principio.
- Añade que si esta re-edición no funciona, definitivamente será cancelado.
- Pregunta IGN: ¿Si no funciona se convertiría en un shooter con otro nombre?, la respuesta fue "Es posible".

Como dato curioso, El año pasado Polygon habló con Yves Guillemot y le comentó que el juego lucía increiblemente bien y que una vez saliera al mercado "sorprendería a la industria".

Palabras mojadas han sido.

Cita:Ubisoft's Rainbow 6: Patriots, in its previously announced incarnation, "wasn't working," president of Ubisoft North America Laurent Detoc told IGN. The project is in the process of being remade, he said, adding, "If it doesn't work, we're not going to bring it to you."

Since being announced in November 2011, Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots "got caught in the transition of going to next-gen," Ubisoft senior vice president Tony Key said earlier this year. "Sometimes you have to take a step back and go 'you know, I'm seeing the possibilities, but it's gonna take more time,'" he said.

Detoc said Patriots might ultimately arrive under another name entirely, and with very different mechanics.

"Could it become a shooter with another name in the end, because the team doesn't want to do counter-terrorist guys?" he told IGN. "Say they want to be in a mercenary setting? That's possible."

Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots was announced as a single-player-focused game that "captures the reality of modern-day terrorism and allows players to experience it from multiple characters' perspectives." Patriots was said to be guided by difficult moral choices and would bring "new innovative co-op and multi-player experiences" to the franchise. The game was originally slated for release in 2013.

Late last year, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told Polygon the game was still in development and "really looking good," adding that when Patriots comes out, "it will surprise the industry."
[Imagen: uz8Fj3q.jpg]

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Turbulencias en el desarrollo de Rainbow 6 - por Janito - 14-12-2013 16:26

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