[Ronda de análisis] Resident Evil Village
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En definitiva, Resident Evil Village es otro gran Resident Evil, especialmente por la gran variedad de situaciones que ofrece su nuevo entorno y el jugo que se le saca a ciertos personajes con un peso capital en la trama. Hay sorpresas, momentos de gran impacto y un buen cóctel, en resumen, de lo que ya había adelantado la otra aventura de Ethan en 2017. Si eres de los que disfrutaron con aquella propuesta, te habrá conquistado sin esfuerzo, pese a que no alcanzar la misma excelencia.

Vandal - 8.2

Resident Evil: Village es una entrega muy disfrutable con la que nos lo hemos pasado realmente bien, pero que no ha conseguido terminar de enamorarnos. Que nadie se equivoque: se trata de un buen juego que sabe hacer de su ritmo, variedad de situaciones, rejugabilidad y fascinante ambientación sus principales fortalezas para ofrecernos una aventura entretenidísima de principio a fin y repleta de grandes momentos que no conoce la palabra aburrimiento, pero a la que sus errores le impiden codearse con los mejores representantes de su saga. Teniendo esto claro, si os gusta la serie y os atrae lo que aquí nos proponen, encontraréis una compra muy recomendable a la que haríais bien en darle una oportunidad.

GameReactor - 7

Una vez más, Capcom parece no tener claro lo que los fans adoran de su franquicia, repitiendo fallos del pasado. Resident Evil no debería ser un juego de acción y, aunque generalmente es divertido y tiene buenos momentos, Village ha resultado ser algo decepcionante, sobre todo tras la genial dirección que tomó Resident Evil 7. El juego deja la puerta abierta a secuelas, pero solo podemos esperar que Capcom entienda que este no es el camino a seguir con Resident Evil.

Hobby Consolas - 93

Village se apoya sobre lo conseguido con RE7 , mejora todos los aspectos técnicos y jugables e introduce nuevas mecánicas. La ambientación es impecable, y ofrece momentos aterradores, pero en ocasiones, tantas posibilidades (lo relacionado con el "crafting", los coleccionables o la caza) nos hacen perder "el foco" en esta gran historia de terror.

Alfa Beta Juega

Los cambios que ha introducido la nueva saga de Resident Evil, protagonizada por Ethan Winters, han servido para que Capcom se adentrase en territorio desconocido y experimentase con un tipo de gameplay nuevo, con enemigos y tramas alejados de Umbrella y los personajes de las 6 primeras entregas, aunque con ciertos lazos que Resident Evil Village se ha atrevido a acabar de cerrar. Si bien en la narrativa de Resident Evil Village podemos poner muchas pegas, la experiencia jugable resulta excelente y la inmersión en un mundo de terror y supervivencia no podría ser mejor.

Al fin y al cabo, lo que le pedimos a un Resident Evil es que nos lo haga pasar mal, que nos asuste, que nos de ansiedad, que nos recompense luego con grandes armas y que nos sirva para acabar de la forma más desagradable posible con nuestros enemigos, algo que Resident Evil Village cumple de sobras.

Polygon - Unscored (Perfect blend of horror & action)
Cita:Eventually, the swings between horror and action became so common that, moment to moment, I had no idea what I’d see next. That’s the cycle that Resident Evil Village keeps chasing: the hesitation, anticipation, and payoff that make both action and horror such powerful draws. It’s definitely an action game, and despite all the shooting, it’s also a horror game. And while it induces both creeping dread and righteous fury, its biggest triumph is in not-so-quietly arguing that horror and action aren’t that different after all. They’re both just ways to get your blood pumping.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored
Cita:Resident Evil Village felt like it wanted to provide something for everyone, but to its own detriment. Those early bits which serve horror fans more were so, so good, and it was such a shame it lost sight of what made things engaging as it careered towards the end. I still had trouble putting it down, though. Even in its most absurd moments.
GameSpot - 9/10
Cita:Resident Evil 7 was an excellent return to the horror underpinnings of the franchise, but cunningly altered with new ideas and a new perspective. Similarly, Village is an intelligent reintroduction of the best action elements of Resident Evil. Though it captures some of the same things that made RE7 such a breath of fresh air (or maybe rancid, stale, mold-filled air, but in a good way), Village evolves to become its own unique creature. It makes you wonder what beautifully twisted fiend Resident Evil might mutate into in the future.
IGN - 8/10
Cita:Roaming the streets of Resident Evil Village is like visiting a disturbing and deadly Disneyland, where every attraction is a house of horrors. I got just as big a thrill out of revelling in its frenzied violence as I did retracing my steps through the gradually revealed recesses of its sizable village setting to uncover the darkest story secrets of its monstrous main cast. Boss fights are a bit of a letdown but the great variety of enemies throughout keeps things tense, especially on Hardcore mode. The fact that it's very much a throwback to the fast-paced action of Resident Evil 4 also means it largely takes a step back from the slow-burn scares of Resident Evil 7's excellent opening hours, which may well disappoint those who prefer more psychological dread to blowing off heads. But if you have an itch for action-heavy survival-horror, then Resident Evil Village will scratch it like a fistfull of Lady Dimitrescu’s freakish fingernails.
Game Informer - 9.25/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village is an impressive package. I loved the recent remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, but I’m excited to see Capcom push the series forward again. Village expands on Resident Evil 7: Biohazard’s approach to first-person combat, offering a series of white-knuckle encounters that perfectly complement Capcom’s unnerving environmental design. Thankfully, Village’s amplified action doesn’t diminish its horror. If anything, Village maintains a sense of dread that few games can match. If you have the intestinal fortitude for intense terror, playing Resident Evil Village is a great way to check your pulse.
Press-Start - 9/10
Cita:While Resident Evil Village channels the best bits of several Resident Evil games, it stands on its own to be something never done before in the franchise. A macabre potpourri of European, gothic inspired styles of tension and horror, Resident Evil Village is a worthy follow-up to Resident Evil 7: biohazard and one that any self-respecting horror fan shouldn’t miss.
Eurogamer - 3/5
Cita:And for all these flaws, Resident Evil Village was a thrilling adventure that kept me hooked from beginning to end, despite its jarring twists and turns. But the delightful level design isn't enough to mitigate a strange, unsatisfying, plothole-ridden story, and that bizarre final act ultimately sullies what is an otherwise terrifyingly good horror romp.
PushSquare - 9/10
Cita:While the Resident Evil series has been on a high for a number of years now, Resident Evil Village sets an entirely new standard. Its cast of villains is up there with the very best, memorable sequences and gameplay sections beg to be played over and over again, and a sense of constant dread created by the atmosphere and soundtrack keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even the combat is solid this time around and the lengths Capcom has gone to take advantage of the PS5 pays off with impressive Ray-Tracing. Does it better Resident Evil 4? Maybe not, but it's damn close. Real damn close. Resident Evil Village is an essential playthrough for anyone with even a passing interest in the franchise.
VGC - 4/5
Cita:Resident Evil: Village is a powerful monster, bolting together parts from Resident Evils 7, 4 and more besides. It’s longer than recent games in the series, yet still feels trim and sculpted as it shifts between it wide range of locations and set pieces. The downside of its eclectic approach is some unevenness and less tension, especially in a relatively weak opening act. But its eventual blend of parts is gloriously big, daft and fuelled by the finest of nightmares.
Destructoid - 9/10
Cita:I don't think Resident Evil Village is going to be very divisive per se: I suspect the reaction will be generally positive. But it's going to definitely spark some conversations as to how it stacks up against the current darling of RE7, and it has a long hill to climb to match its success financially. As for me, I think it complements it quite well, and then some.
PC Gamer - 85/100
Cita:Village is its own game with its own identity, and the elements it borrows from earlier sequels never define it. This is a quality horror game in its own right, and proof Resident Evil still has the power to thrill, surprise, and scare 25 years on.
PSU - 9/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village combines the best of the past 25 years of the franchise, bringing a compelling adventure that should appeal to action and horror fans alike. With massive locations offering a wealth of exploration and hidden goodies, a meaty campaign with some decent unlockables, Village is the franchise at the top of its game.
Comicbook - 4/5
Cita:With as far as Village reaches and as much as it tries to incorporate into one short experience – one playthrough lasted just under 11 hours – it has more successes than shortcomings to show for its efforts. It’s not perfect, though it shows how Resident Evil can grow outside of its comfort zones while still managing to pay respects to history and satisfy all types of players.
ScreenRant - 4.5/5
Cita:Capcom has managed to make a game that feels both familiar and fresh at the same time. It's not a complete overhaul, but rather a refinement of the series as a whole. Resident Evil Village is a gorgeous innovation that preserves the heart of a beloved franchise, and continues a string of excellent mainline entries that will dazzle veterans and newcomers alike.
ShackNews - 9/10
Cita:I feel Resident Evil Village does great as an action game with solid horror elements. The combat is visceral and vibrant, the environments are splendid and mysterious, and the story had decent enough oomph to keep me involved throughout. I wish this was an overall scarier game, but it’s still a thrilling one nonetheless.
VentureBeat (GamesBeat) - 4/5
Cita:Resident Evil: Village is going to make fans of the franchise happy, especially those who aren’t cowards like me. But even if you also find yourself shying away from horror, I’d encourage you to screw your courage to the sticking place and consider a look at Capcom’s latest survival horror stunner.
Xbox Hub - 5/5
Cita:Resident Evil Village is worth every cent. If you loved Resident Evil 7: Biohazard then you’ll be ecstatic about being able to step back into the shoes of Ethan Winters in this new title. This is a game that is worth every penny, offering up a great blend of horror and action alongside some superb character development.
Inverse - 7/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village is a good — but not exceptional — middle ground between the action-oriented RE4 and the horror thrills of RE7. While the game has some pacing issues and the campaign seems a bit shorter than previous entries, Village offers plenty of reasons to play through multiple times. It doesn’t quite live up to the sum of its parts, but it’s a satisfying and fun survival horror romp that won’t disappoint fans of the series/
WCCFtech - 9/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village is a wild, thrilling ride across seemingly every horror genre and idea that happened to pass through the mad minds at Capcom. Not every aspect of the game is perfect, but its highs are very high and solid core mechanics and excellent presentation hold the grisly patchwork together. You may survive Resident Evil Village, but your thoughts will linger there long after you’ve escaped.
PC Mag- 4/5
Cita:Resident Evil Village is a great survival-horror game that nearly slots in among the franchise’s best.
Power-Up Gaming - 8.6/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village is a modern-day horror classic. While it doesn’t quite reach the heights set by Resident Evil 4 or, the best-in-the-series, Resident Evil 2Village is a game worthy of the Resident Evil moniker.
Progress Bar - 9/10
Cita:This game is a triumph. Its clarity of vision shines through every moment whether it’s the inspired design of the various lycans and of Mother Miranda and her cronies, the sublime, intricate level design, the pitch-perfect pace of progression and exploration, the punch of shotgun blasts or the joyous panic of being hounded by some unknowable horror. The confidence and skill with which Capcom has expanded upon the new formula laid out by Resident Evil 7 is so genuinely impressive that it completely outweighs any complaints I may have. Resident Evil is in the best place it’s been in over 15 years and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.
Rectify Gaming - 9/10
Cita:No matter if you are an old fan like myself, experiencing a story that has continued to evolve and change over two decades, or a new fan looking for the next great next gen triple-A blockbuster, Resident Evil Village has something for everybody.
NME - 4/5
Cita:Despite the few drawbacks, Resident Evil Village is memorable and fiendishly fun, like any new spin on a franchise should be
Paste Magazine - 7.5/10
Cita:For all the game’s problems, though, it provides some truly excellent moments that I’ll remember for a long time. I shouldn’t be shocked that a major AAA game like Village would fall into AAA traps, but there’s something special about Village that felt like it could escape the franchise’s own sordid past and deliver something as revolutionary—if not more—than RE7. But, like all things camp, maybe we’ll reevaluate the game’s banality in a decade or two; Village might be a cult oddity in good time.
Metro - 7/10
Cita:A competent but uninspired sequel that’s unwise to create so many obvious comparisons to Resident Evil 4, although it still manages to find some memorable moments of its own.
VideoGamer - 5/10
Cita:Reaching the credits, I sat back, exhausted and disappointed at where the series had ended up.
Pure Xbox - 7/10
Cita:Resident Evil Village may not quite live up to the highs of its terrifying predecessor but it's a still a solid entry in the long-running series that's well worth checking out. Eastern Europe makes for a fantastically atmospheric and surprisingly open setting here, it's chock full of delightfully oddball characters and features a handful of properly entertaining set-pieces to blast through. There may well be a few rough edges, with a rather painful protagonist and some duff boss battles to contend with but, overall, this is one truly messed up village that's well worth a visit.
IGN France - 9/10
Cita:(Translated)It's good to be a Resident Evil fan. This Village brings together in a single game everything that can be expected from the series, and does it brilliantly. Survival horror has rarely been so satisfying.
PSX Brazil - 95/100
Cita:(Translated)Resident Evil Village is just incredible. It is a mixture of what was established with Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 7 biohazard, but it manages to have its own identity and offers a unique experience. The gameplay is fun, challenging and features smart puzzles. Fear, as well as tension, is also present in much of the journey. The game is only due in Mercenaries mode and the story that may not please everyone.
Digital Trends (Spanish) - 4/5
Cita:(Translated)Resident Evil Village is a highly recommended game either for fans of the saga from the beginning or for those who have never been interested in Resident Evil before. All the elements that compose it are at a very good level and it does not matter if it is played on a previous generation console or on the newer ones: the feeling of being in a gloomy, semi-defenseless environment and surrounded by beasts is achieved perfectly. As if it were an ancient Resident Evil .
4Players - 68/100
[quote[(Translated)But what Capcom does in the last third of the approximately twelve-hour quality roller coaster riddles all the good approaches in a stupid continuous fire to which both the sometimes fantastically realized horror with PT bonds and the fun finally fall victim.[/quote]

3DJeugos - Recommended
Cita:(Translated)Resident Evil Village is good proof of what the franchise is capable of, looking for the variety of environments, situations and enemies. But trying to cover so much, sometimes the game is not as consistent as I would like, with a more basic and linear level design.
GameKultFR - 7/10
Cita:(Translated) An imperfect sequel to Resident Evil 7, but one that is nevertheless enjoyable to play through for about ten hours, and to which one will return much more willingly to try its higher difficulty modes.

Mensajes en este tema
Resident Evil Village - por Antares - 05-05-2021 16:51
RE: Resident Evil Village - por goshe - 05-05-2021 17:06
RE: Resident Evil Village - por Jesucristo - 05-05-2021 17:40
RE: Resident Evil Village - por Jagang - 05-05-2021 17:46
RE: Resident Evil Village - por Dionisos - 05-05-2021 17:53
RE: Resident Evil Village - por [DNC] - 05-05-2021 18:02
RE: Resident Evil Village - por Tas - 05-05-2021 20:12
RE: Resident Evil Village - por Dionisos - 06-05-2021 01:17

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