Cyberpunk 2077 llegará el 16/04/2020
Algunos detalles de la demo de 50 minutos que se mostrará al público en la Gamescom de agosto. Al contrario que la del año pasado, esta vez parece enfocada a mostrar aspectos más específicos del juego como las habilidades, personalización, exploración, sistema de compra, etc.

- Lo han hecho, han metido el implante para que nuestro personaje pueda traducir algunos de los distintos idiomas de los NPCs que encontraremos por el mundo del juego.  pene
Cita:There was a cool dialogue bit in how Cyberpunk handles translation. V has a chip that will translate certain languages on the fly as you encounter them, and that happens live on screen as you watch the subtitles change into English. CDPR tells me you’ll unlock more languages as you progress rather than having to buy them individually, essentially gating parts of the world off with a literal language barrier.

- Se confirma la posibilidad de superar las misiones de varias formas (en la demo se mostró una ruta más sigilosa mediante hacking y armas especiales, mientras que la segunda vez se jugó la misma zona de forma más agresiva). El juego se podrá superar sin matar a nadie.

Cita:One of the best parts of that was a live character-swap the demo did twice. The demo started from the perspective of a hacking, netrunner-focused version of V - hacking doors to open them or vending machines to distract enemies - but at one point CD Projekt Red jumped back to an earlier section and replayed it as a much more aggressive, strength-focused character.

While one was making stealth kills with a laser garrot called a monowire, the other ripped a turret off its base and used it as a minigun in a bloody rampage. When it came to stealth, the hacker route had them sneak up on an enemy training against a boxing bot and hacking it to up the difficulty to knock them out cold, while the strength route just ripped a closed door open and avoided them entirely. If every mission has the option to go in loud or quiet (which is suggested by the fact that CDPR confirmed we’d be able to do full non-lethal playthroughs) that’s a huge amount of flexibility for a large-scale open-world RPG.

- Enseñaron el sistema para subir nivel y habilidades, así como las restricciones que impondrá:

Cita:We also saw how leveling will work: it’s a system that’s split into attribute points like Strength and the notorious “Cool,” and perks for specific things like handguns, shotguns, melee, and more. CDPR tells me those perks get stronger through use (as well as a perk point system), but they are also bottlenecked by your attributes. For example, if your strength is too low, you’ll eventually hit a wall in your melee perk until you get more, but you’ll be able to respec attributes in some fashion, too.

- También se mostró el minijuego de hackeo, variedad de armas y la conducción en moto (comentan que la conducción parece bastante arcade).

Cita:We also got our first look at Cyberpunk 2077’s hacking minigame - because of course there’s a hacking minigame. It seems to be similar-ish to Fallout’s, with a grid of hex code characters (pairs of a number and a letter) that you have to pick the proper ones from. A base level of success will get you access to whatever system you are hacking, while there are also optional objectives that give you bonuses for doing well. It’s also important to note there is such a thing as “quick hacking,” which lets you instantly access certain systems, so you won’t always have to play that minigame.

As for the other parts we’ve already seen, I’m still not yet sure how I feel about the gunfights and driving. The demo saw a variety of different weapons used and a travel scene where V is riding the red motorcycle seen in Cyberpunk 2077’s collector’s edition statue, but it’s hard to get a sense of the weight or feel of either these activities without going hands-on for myself. The combat at least looks to have lots of options to pick from (we saw everything from machine guns to broken bottles used in this demo), but the driving still looked fairly arcadey as of now.
(Ultima edición: 12-06-2019 00:45 por Sayckeone.)

Mensajes en este tema
Cyberpunk 2077 llegará el 16/04/2020 - por zothenr - 10-06-2019 08:40
RE: Cyberpunk 2077 llegará el 16/04/2020 - por Sayckeone - 12-06-2019 00:42

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