[Hilo Oficial] Nintendo Switch
Capcom muy contenta con Switch y su diseño, están tratando de adaptar el RE Engine, preparan varios AAA para la consola

Earlier today, the Game Creators Conference was held in Japan. At the event, Nintendo’s Masaru Mitsuyoshi held a joint session with Capcom’s Masaru Ijuin about Switch.

One big thing to get out of the way: Switch development kits. These are planned for a cost of roughly 50,000 yen. If you’re doing a direct conversion, that’d be about $450 / $500.

Originally, the Joy-Con controllers were still in the research phase and weren’t included in the explanation document. Ijuin from Capcom said that there was only a touch panel form factor and nothing like the Joy-Con. Because of that, he wasn’t sure in what way the device would be portable. Then after the Joy-Con appeared, he thought “I got it!”.

Hardware specs for Switch focus on high performance and low power. It means you can achieve nVidia GeForce’s high performance capability in TV mode, and you also can use the same device running with a battery in tabletop mode and portable mode.

There was also some talk about how Nintendo achieved high performance and low power in portable mode and how it differs from smart devices. Nintendo is adopting an original operating system. You can use plenty of hardware resources for gaming apps and it can secure enough memory space for these apps as well.

Nintendo is putting a high priority on wireless. Even if you go from TV mode to portable mode with Switch, it transmits without a disconnection.

Next, the talk shifted to developing games while hardware is also in development. Capcom had been working on Ultra Street Fighter II for the new system. They are using their original engine MT Framework for the time being. The engine has plenty of actual results already and it had previously run on Nintendo hardware, so it made sense to use the technology. Lots of staff at Capcom are used to the engine as well.

To implement Switch compatibility with the MT Framework, Capcom begin to develop an environment to quickly examine the hardware right away. They initially excluded support of hardware-specific features and also excluded sound and network support. After this, Capcom began to develop a PC emulation environment in parallel. Nintendo provided a GPU emulator which is capable of recreating the same shader of the actual console on PC. The Switch version of the GPU emulator is enhanced, so it was easier for Capcom to create a PC emulator. It’s very easy to do iterations on PC, so the advantage of preparing a PC emulator is quite big.

One month was used to understand tools, development environment, and the SDK. Since they had been busy working on other titles, they only could secure two programmers. But with only one month with two people, they could port basic engine features.

The reason why it only took a couple of months was because the staff were accustomed to porting. Previously, they developed a Wii U version MT Framework. Also helping the situation was how the hardware structure was easy to understand, and they could use experience of creating conversion process from HLSL to GLSL.

The port process was overwhelmingly faster than 3DS or Wii U. On 3DS, it took four months with four people. On Wii U, it took three months with five people. The hardware structure was very easy to understand and it also had similarities to Wii U, so that they could achieve it in a month with two people.

About main memory space, Capcom had told Nintendo that the initially planned space wasn’t enough. If you are comparing to what’s inside other current-gen systems, it definitely wouldn’t be enough. In the end, Capcom’s request was accepted and the memory capacity became as per to their expectation.

There was some talk about whether they should go capacitive or pressure sensitive with the touchscreen. The situation was considered based on the associated costs. Of course, it’s difficult to build hardware while making the right balance between feature and costs. As we know, ultimately Nintendo decided to implement a capacitive touch screen.

To examine the situation with the CPU clock and power consumption, it is necessary to have a high-load application which is close to the product level. During the early development stage, there are not many environments which fit that need. But since Capcom was able to get a grasp on Switch in just a month, Nintendo offered Capcom to work on the task.

In order to polish up the hardware, Nintendo and Capcom collaborated using each other’s specialties. It wasn’t a one direction collaboration, but rather a two way interactive collaboration. Nintendo and Capcom built up a trusting relationship while going through a trial and error process.

Another part of the session was about issues to examine for the future. Since Switch’s SOC power consumption takes a bigger toll on the GPU than the CPU, Capcom asked Nintendo about implementing a feature to adjust the GPU clock corresponding on scenes (note: this is a development term), but Nintendo said that even if you lower the clock, the overall processing time will be longer and it won’t necessarily give an advantage in the end.

Finally, Capcom is looking into having the RE Engine, made specifically for Resident Evil 7 (and likely to be used in future titles) to be compatible with Switch. The company also wants to develop AAA titles for the platform.

Las filtraciones del SO vinieron de unas consolas robadas en USA

Nintendo has commented on the Switch leak that occurred a couple of days ago. In fact, a representative at Nintendo fully explained what had happened, saying that “earlier this week, individuals claimed to prematurely purchase a small number of Nintendo Switch systems from an unspecified retailer. Nintendo has determined these units were stolen in an isolated incident by employees of a U.S. distributor, with one system being illegally resold. The individuals involved have been identified, terminated from their place of employment and are under investigation by local law enforcement authorities on criminal charges.”

The statement closed with the representative saying that “Nintendo Switch will launch worldwide on March 3, 2017, and we look forward to everyone being able to discover the wonders of the new system for themselves at that time.”

(19-02-2017 00:47)zothenr escribió:Capcom muy contenta con Switch y su diseño, están tratando de adaptar el RE Engine, preparan varios AAA para la consola

Earlier today, the Game Creators Conference was held in Japan. At the event, Nintendo’s Masaru Mitsuyoshi held a joint session with Capcom’s Masaru Ijuin about Switch.

One big thing to get out of the way: Switch development kits. These are planned for a cost of roughly 50,000 yen. If you’re doing a direct conversion, that’d be about $450 / $500.

Originally, the Joy-Con controllers were still in the research phase and weren’t included in the explanation document. Ijuin from Capcom said that there was only a touch panel form factor and nothing like the Joy-Con. Because of that, he wasn’t sure in what way the device would be portable. Then after the Joy-Con appeared, he thought “I got it!”.

Hardware specs for Switch focus on high performance and low power. It means you can achieve nVidia GeForce’s high performance capability in TV mode, and you also can use the same device running with a battery in tabletop mode and portable mode.

There was also some talk about how Nintendo achieved high performance and low power in portable mode and how it differs from smart devices. Nintendo is adopting an original operating system. You can use plenty of hardware resources for gaming apps and it can secure enough memory space for these apps as well.

Nintendo is putting a high priority on wireless. Even if you go from TV mode to portable mode with Switch, it transmits without a disconnection.

Next, the talk shifted to developing games while hardware is also in development. Capcom had been working on Ultra Street Fighter II for the new system. They are using their original engine MT Framework for the time being. The engine has plenty of actual results already and it had previously run on Nintendo hardware, so it made sense to use the technology. Lots of staff at Capcom are used to the engine as well.

To implement Switch compatibility with the MT Framework, Capcom begin to develop an environment to quickly examine the hardware right away. They initially excluded support of hardware-specific features and also excluded sound and network support. After this, Capcom began to develop a PC emulation environment in parallel. Nintendo provided a GPU emulator which is capable of recreating the same shader of the actual console on PC. The Switch version of the GPU emulator is enhanced, so it was easier for Capcom to create a PC emulator. It’s very easy to do iterations on PC, so the advantage of preparing a PC emulator is quite big.

One month was used to understand tools, development environment, and the SDK. Since they had been busy working on other titles, they only could secure two programmers. But with only one month with two people, they could port basic engine features.

The reason why it only took a couple of months was because the staff were accustomed to porting. Previously, they developed a Wii U version MT Framework. Also helping the situation was how the hardware structure was easy to understand, and they could use experience of creating conversion process from HLSL to GLSL.

The port process was overwhelmingly faster than 3DS or Wii U. On 3DS, it took four months with four people. On Wii U, it took three months with five people. The hardware structure was very easy to understand and it also had similarities to Wii U, so that they could achieve it in a month with two people.

About main memory space, Capcom had told Nintendo that the initially planned space wasn’t enough. If you are comparing to what’s inside other current-gen systems, it definitely wouldn’t be enough. In the end, Capcom’s request was accepted and the memory capacity became as per to their expectation.

There was some talk about whether they should go capacitive or pressure sensitive with the touchscreen. The situation was considered based on the associated costs. Of course, it’s difficult to build hardware while making the right balance between feature and costs. As we know, ultimately Nintendo decided to implement a capacitive touch screen.

To examine the situation with the CPU clock and power consumption, it is necessary to have a high-load application which is close to the product level. During the early development stage, there are not many environments which fit that need. But since Capcom was able to get a grasp on Switch in just a month, Nintendo offered Capcom to work on the task.

In order to polish up the hardware, Nintendo and Capcom collaborated using each other’s specialties. It wasn’t a one direction collaboration, but rather a two way interactive collaboration. Nintendo and Capcom built up a trusting relationship while going through a trial and error process.

Another part of the session was about issues to examine for the future. Since Switch’s SOC power consumption takes a bigger toll on the GPU than the CPU, Capcom asked Nintendo about implementing a feature to adjust the GPU clock corresponding on scenes (note: this is a development term), but Nintendo said that even if you lower the clock, the overall processing time will be longer and it won’t necessarily give an advantage in the end.

Finally, Capcom is looking into having the RE Engine, made specifically for Resident Evil 7 (and likely to be used in future titles) to be compatible with Switch. The company also wants to develop AAA titles for the platform.


Muy interesante este tocho de Capcom. Sigo pensando que el año que viene van a presentar la realidad virtual de Switch con un Resident Evil 7 (completo) de lanzamiento.
¿RE7 y RV? Será un demake a 480p y 10FPS, entonces.

Es físicamente imposible que RE7 funcione tal cual en Switch y más con la RV, la cual ya en PS4, y eso que es la RV de tieso, lo tiene que recortar gráficamente.
(19-02-2017 10:55)Rivera escribió:¿RE7 y RV? Será un demake a 480p y 10FPS, entonces.

Es físicamente imposible que RE7 funcione tal cual en Switch y más con la RV, la cual ya en PS4, y eso que es la RV de tieso, lo tiene que recortar gráficamente.

Muy recortado, pero es lo que hay. Cualquier juego de esta generación se puede hacer para la generación anterior sin demasiados compromisos gráficos y con la misma exacta jugabilidad. Hay decenas de ejemplos.

Van a hacer triples A en Switch, eso dicho por Capcom es oficial. Les sale más barato portear que arriesgarse sacando algo nuevo, eso es innegable. Y lo de RE7 y la VR está rumoreado desde hace tiempo por varias fuentes. A eso le juntas que ya tienen el engine de RE7 prácticamente funcionando en Switch... pues se ve a la legua lo que va a pasar.
(19-02-2017 10:55)Rivera escribió:¿RE7 y RV? Será un demake a 480p y 10FPS, entonces.

Es físicamente imposible que RE7 funcione tal cual en Switch y más con la RV, la cual ya en PS4, y eso que es la RV de tieso, lo tiene que recortar gráficamente.

Se estuvo comentando que si Nintendo se metiera en la RV sería con una solución pareciada a la de los móviles, como el Samsung Gear VR.
Sí, pero AAA no tiene por qué ser el juego popular de turno compartido con el resto.

Yo considero AAA a cosas como Xenoblade, por ejemplo. Perfectamente podemos estar hablando de exclusivos para NS o de algún otro que no sea una bestia gráficamente.
Por cierto, habéis puesto por aquí los pantallazos y vídeos de la UI de la switch "leakeada" que hubo hace poco? Los pondría yo pero estoy en el móvil.

Enviado desde mi MI 5s mediante Tapatalk
Pero cómo van a hacer RV para Switch en una pantalla de 720p? Píxeles como garbanzos. 

Y Miyamoto ha hablado recientemente en contra de la RV.  Ni hay mucho que rascar ni por hardware ni por ideario.
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
(19-02-2017 11:35)Rivera escribió:Sí, pero AAA no tiene por qué ser el juego popular de turno compartido con el resto.

Yo considero AAA a cosas como Xenoblade, por ejemplo. Perfectamente podemos estar hablando de exclusivos para NS o de algún otro que no sea una bestia gráficamente.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo Rivera, de echo los Monster Hunter pueden ser considerados AAA, no?. Pero si hablan de portar el motor con el que están desarrollando muchos de sus juegos AAA para el resto, no veo descabellado pensar en versiones Switch de los mismos.
(19-02-2017 11:45)xecollons escribió:Por cierto, habéis puesto por aquí los pantallazos y vídeos de la UI de la switch "leakeada" que hubo hace poco? Los pondría yo pero estoy en el móvil.

Enviado desde mi MI 5s mediante Tapatalk

En este mismo post creo que están.
Nueva filtración de especificaciones de Nintendo Switch sugiere una potencia mayor

Por supuesto, todas las filtraciones acerca de Switch hay que tomarlas como simples rumores, ya que por ahora no se ha confirmado como oficialmente ninguna de las anteriores y mucho menos de la que os voy a hablar a continuación. La nueva filtración procede de los foros de 4chan y sugiere muchos elementos de forma similar a las filtraciones anteriores y a las especificaciones oficiales reveladas, lo más interesante de esta nueva filtración es el cambio en la CPU apuntando a que Nintendo habría usado en el SoC de Switch dos núcleos Denver 2 y cuatro núcleos ARM A57 con una frecuencia máxima de 2.4Ghz.

Este nuevo rumor habla de memoria RAM de 4GB LPDDR4 a diferencia de la LPDDR3 de los otros rumores, esta alcanzaría los 50GB/s en ancho de banda duplicando a los rumores anteriores, mientras que la CPU estaría basada en la arquitectura Pascal aunque manteniendo los 256 núcleos CUDA, pero hablando de frecuencias máximas de hasta 1,5Ghz.

En cuanto a la salida de vídeo sabemos que sea Maxwell o Pascal la consola si quiere podría ofrecer vídeo a 4K solo encontrándose limitada por el enlace USB Tipo C de la base como medio de contacto con el HDMI del dock, lo cual podría ser el principal factor limitante a esta función. Por lo que ahora ya tendríamos dos rumores hablando de una consola más potente que las primeras filtraciones, aunque este rumor podría ser menos creíble por el hecho de la procedencia y por el hecho de que Nintendo no suele apostar por especificaciones punteras.

>Built-in display: 6.2” IPS LCD, 1280×720 pixels
>Internal flash storage: 32GB
>Battery life: 2.5-6 hours (usage varies)
>SD Card: supports microSD, microSDHC, and microSDXC up to 256GB (2TB in the future)
>802.11 AC 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi
>Bluetooth 4.1
>Chip-set: SoC equivalent to NVIDIA Tegra P1
>CPU: Nvidia Denver2 ARMv8 (64-bit) dual-core + ARMv8 ARM Cortex-A57 quad-core (64-bit) at 2.4GHz
>RAM: 4GB LPDDR4, 50GB/s Bandwith, VRAM shared
>GPU: NVIDIA Pascal archeticure, 256 CUDA cores at 1.5GHz maximum, 1500 FLOPS/cycle
>TSMC 16 nm FinFET process
>USB: USB 2.0 and 3.0
>Video Output: 60fps, at a maximum of 1920×1080 pixels; 30fps at a maximum of 3840×2160 pixels


El rumor de la tecnología Pascal pero en proceso de fabricación de los Maxwell ya se había comentado hace tiempo. Hasta que realmente sepamos lo que hay, habrá que esperar todavía un tiempo

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