[Hilo Oficial] Tales of 33bits - ¡Ya disponible Tales of Berseria! - Versión para impresión

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Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Sir_Dekar - 22-05-2014

Si esto toma lo mejor de Graces F y Xillia 2, podría convertirse en uno de los mejores sistemas de combate en la historia de los J-RPGs.

Además esas imágenes aparentemente vienen a confirmar que los combates son sin transición de pantallas, al estilo Chrono Trigger/Xenoblade Chronicles.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Led Zeppelin - 22-05-2014



El mejor pre order se lo llevan Amazon y Xtralife : (

Un saludo.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Morkand - 22-05-2014

En serio nos dan eso con la reserva de GAME en vez del DLC como hicieron con el primer Xillia? Facepalm

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Sir_Dekar - 22-05-2014

[Imagen: Nuevos-detalles-de-Tales-of-Zestiria-Dez...30x452.jpg]

[Imagen: Nuevos-detalles-de-Tales-of-Zestiria-Dez...30x452.jpg]

[Imagen: xbvvTY5.jpg]

Tales of Zeshype !!!

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Led Zeppelin - 22-05-2014


Esa comercio-plaza a lo Lazulis me ha gustado y la casa encantada más sisi

Un saludo.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Sir_Dekar - 22-05-2014

Más info de rpgmonkey (de GAF):

Cita:Somewhat more organized details:

Around Step:
* Basically like it was in Graces, you evade attacks and damage is reduced to 1.
* You also gain SC and BG.

* The blue gauge below your HP.
* When you use an attack the SC consumed is dependent on the strength of the arte.
* You can chain attacks up to a maximum of 4 times, but if you have SC left over you can start the next chain of attacks.
* Recovers when you wait without acting, but you can recover it more quickly if you block or evade attacks, and probably various other unmentioned things. How long it takes to go from empty to full isn't specified, they just say a "short time".
* The maximum is 100.

* The number next to your HP and SC.
* Increases from defensive actions like guarding and evading.
* Can be used for special effects like SC recovery and blowing away the enemy.

Shushin and Baishin:
*A contract between two Tenzoku rather than a Human and a Tenzoku. The Baishin must act with the Shushin, who is the master of the contract, but the Shushin gains access to unique powers. It appears that it's rare now, but used to be more common long ago.

Other Stuff:
* Weakness multiplier system is back.
* Unlike Graces (and more like Xillia 2) we seem to have both resistances and weaknesses.
* The characters are paired and that thing in the center has corresponding elements. The shot with Slay, Miculio, Alisha, and Edna has Water and Earth, and Slay with Lyla has Fire.
* In a screenshot in the magazine Miculio and Lyla are entering into a Shushin-Baishin contract with other. I think that suggests that this pair/contract/fusion system thing in the battle system could be Tenzoku x Tenzoku in addition to Human x Tenzoku.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Morkand - 22-05-2014

Cada vez se ve más que el sistema de batalla tendrá cosas de Graces y Xillia 2. En cuanto a los escenarios, me está gustando muchísimo lo que están enseñando. Me gustaría ver una ciudad como Dahngrest del Vesperia que me gusta muchísimo.

[Imagen: G1E1LOV.jpg]

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Sir_Dekar - 22-05-2014

Acá aparentemente se ven con mejor calidad los scans más recientes de Zestiria:

[Imagen: jbiGPz8b9XFieL.png]

[Imagen: jbkNsUcJd1tNIB.png]

Y rpgmonkey habla del tema de los contratos:

Cita:The contract thing hasn't been explained in detail yet. It likely relates to the "Fusionic Chain" part of FC-LMBS, which also hasn't been explained yet, so it probably has both a story and a gameplay purpose.

We know Slay can make contracts with them because that's said to be one of the main powers of a Doushi. They haven't said why Alisha, and likely any other human party members if we get more, eventually gains the ability to see them and possibly make contracts with them, assuming the main feature of the battle system does relate to contracts.

Shushin-Baishin is a contract between Tenzoku, where one lends their power to another. Based on the screenshot and the description, it's a lost/ancient ritual that's uncommon in the present era, and only Lyla seems to know about it.

It wouldn't make sense if you paired someone to a character and were stuck that way for the entire game, so I suspect that either one person can be in multiple contracts, or it's possible for the master of the contract to end it and form a new one if they desire. Forming multiple contracts might be what makes Slay special, as it's said that a Doushi reaches the height of their power if they manage to form contracts with Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. Maybe a normal human can only form one contract at best, and that's if they can even meet the requirements to see Tenzoku.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Led Zeppelin - 23-05-2014


He retomado Xillia para sacarle le platino y definitivamente esta saga necesita una revisión muy a fondo de hitboxes. Si de por si los dragones que excavan son jodidamente molestos al perder todo su hitbox entre 15 y 20 segundos, las flores rojas de la mazmorra extra son aún más molestas al perder su hitbox cuando se meten bajo tierra y lanzan al onda-capsula que te puede dejar petrificado, quemado y paralizado a la vez, haciendolo además como reversal cuando quieren, sin poder pararles de ninguna forma.

Un saludo.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Gerza - 23-05-2014

Si todo va como ahora y si no se tuercen las cosas y va como preveo, es bastante posible que entre mis grandes favoritos de la consola, al lado de Dark Souls, Dark Souls II y muyseguramente tambien Persona 5.

Lo que más me interesaria saber de momento como seria el mapeado, las zonas, la libertad, el trascurso si tirando a alineal o lineal, con atajos y demás, las mazmorras, los puzzles...y si todo es explorable, pero esas dudas ya se despejaran conforme pase el tiempo.

Un saludo.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - Led Zeppelin - 26-05-2014


Al final he terminado la ruta de Jude con todos los personajes a ivel 99, todas las tiendas a nivel 100, completados todos los modos del Coliseo con todos los personajes, 95 misiones secundarias completadas, 220 skits vistas, +1000 plumas negras entregadas y +8600 puntos de grade para utilizar en el new game +.

Ahora estoy con la ruta de Milla, lo he dejado tras llegar al primer puerto clónico.

Un saludo.

Re:[POST OFICIAL] Tales of 33bits - mike - 26-05-2014

31 de Mayo nuevo trailer de Zestiria (nuevo personaje + combates)

[Imagen: BolGoC_CYAA-By1.png]