TW ROME 2 PATCH 5 LIVE! + Nueva Facción +soporte de steam workshop ++cosas!

Cita:Hi everyone,

WeÔÇÖre delighted to share with you news of the next free content drop for Total War: ROME II, which is available today in an automatic update. The Seleucid Empire is now a playable faction in single-player campaign and multiplayer games.

Renowned for their civil engineering and city-building feats, the kings of the vast Seleucid Empire rely on expert cavalry regiments to enforce and expand their borders. This content update includes new unique Seleucid units, building and technology trees, Campaign Objectives and the Paradise of Daphne; a unique new wonder. For more details on this faction, please visit this link. (

WeÔÇÖre also releasing Patch 5 today, which delivers a huge number of fixes, tweaks and upgrades to the ROME II experience.

This patch contains a large number of improvements across pretty much every part of the game. Among these are a number of optimisations to Campaign Map performance, which improve framerates with the fog-of-war and when there are many armies, navies and agents on-screen. WeÔÇÖve also sped up end-turn times in situations where the player has multiple allies.

There have been further improvements to diplomacy as well. The campaign AI now encourages factions to form allegiances based on personality, perceived threat and the existing balance of relationships the faction holds. Players can also see relationship information by hovering the cursor over factions on the map in the diplomacy screen.

WeÔÇÖve also reduced the chance of AI armies standing close to the player in Forced March mode ÔÇô thereby reducing their chances of being ambushed ÔÇô and any garrison of armed citizenry will now reinforce friendly armies in battle outside their settlement.

Finally, weÔÇÖve added tooltips to Agent Actions, which reveal their normal and critical success and failure chances. This gives you a much clearer picture of the potential outcomes.

As always, please note that some changes take much longer to effect than others ÔÇô particularly gameplay and battle AI changes ÔÇô so donÔÇÖt worry if the improvement youÔÇÖre looking for isnÔÇÖt here yet. Chances are weÔÇÖre working on it!

You can see full patch notes here on the official Total War Wiki.

We also updated you yesterday with news from Creative Director Mike Simpson on the patching process in general and our plans for the future. In case you missed it, you can read that post here.

As well as this free content and patch, weÔÇÖre also delighted to announce Steam Workshop and Mod Manager support for Total War: ROME II, making the sharing and loading of user mods a breeze.

WeÔÇÖve been working closely with some key names on the modding scene to offer original Workshop content from day one, such as the incredibly talented Radious, who has crafted some of the finest mods available for Total War.

ThatÔÇÖs not all for modding support, though ÔÇô weÔÇÖre consulting closely with the community and are looking to host another Mod Summit soon to gather opinions on what we can do next for Total War: ROME II to further unlock its modding potential.


The Creative Assembly

Noticia totalmente en inglés ya que es un copy & paste del foro oficial de TW. Intentaré traducirlo en lo que resta del dia. Aclaro que el juego actualmente se encuentra finalmente ya funcionando poco a poco como debió haber sido de salida, en la noticia, el director creativo dice que estarán quitando cosas -de hecho ya lo han hecho- que habian metido y que a la comunidad habia desagradado -las banderas por ejemplo-, e irán metiendo las cosas que faltan -supongo que el senado, intros, los war speech, etc- que tenian anteriores TW a pedido del reclamo de la comunidad. Amén por los bug fixes, IA, re-balanceo y la mejora en el rendimiento. Por cierto, nuevo contenido GRATIS.

Mañana será un gran dia con este parche, creo que finalmente será momento de ponerse enserio con esta entrega que poco a poco va siendo lo que debió haber sido de salida.

Cita:Hi everyone,

Thank you for playing our patches and reporting issues you find on the forum. Without that help we wouldnÔÇÖt be able to turn around the patches as fast as we have been doing. WeÔÇÖre achieving in weeks what, on previous projects, took months.

Over the next few weeks thereÔÇÖs going to be a shift from dealing with stability and config to working on gameplay and features, while performance and AI remain high priorities. I expect the pace of patching to slow a little as gameplay and deeper AI changes need longer to test and tune. ItÔÇÖll still be weeks rather than months between patches though, and we're going to continue to patch the game regularly for the foreseeable future.

Gameplay and AI fixes take a long time to test, and we have to play a lot of 200+ turn games to be sure a change has worked as intended. To make the regular patches possible we have to overlap them, so while patch 5 will go live tomorrow, we've already started work on patch 7. This does mean it takes a while for your feedback to manifest as changes in the game, so please donÔÇÖt be too disappointed if your top issue isnÔÇÖt fixed in the latest patch. We are listening to you, and we will get there.

Our long-term plan from here is to get as fast as possible to a point where everyone is broadly happy with the state of the gameplay and AI. After that weÔÇÖll shift modes again to long-term support ÔÇô something which is new for TW and was very much our plan for the title all along. Our games already have a long lifetime, but by releasing occasional DLC packs and free content updates we keep working on them for much longer. This means upgrades in a number of areas which help the game evolve, and stop it becoming obsolete.

IÔÇÖm not going make any detailed claims about what weÔÇÖre going to do in the short term. The best way ÔÇô the only really credible way - we can let you know what weÔÇÖre doing is by delivering it in the game. But rest assured that weÔÇÖre constantly reading the TW forums and a variety of others, and the feedback youÔÇÖre giving helps us to prioritise the issues we deal with, as well as getting a sense of which features work well, which are not liked, and which features from previous Total War games which werenÔÇÖt designed into Rome II are missed. This is an interesting topic actually, as a lot of people think that weÔÇÖve ÔÇÿcutÔÇÖ features to make Rome II and it isnÔÇÖt as simplistic as that assumption.

A lot of the game is designed from the ground up. We develop many features in parallel, some of which work differently to how they did in previous games: we aim to create a different experience every time, and thatÔÇÖs very important to us. New features are added, and certain features from previous games are therefore not included as they must naturally make way for different features. WhatÔÇÖs been interesting ÔÇô and very useful for us ÔÇô is listening to you telling us about which features you like and donÔÇÖt like, and what you miss from previous titles. We take your views seriously, and weÔÇÖll take them with us in the future.

For now, were about to roll out our largest patch yet, which contains a number of key fixes and changes. The next update will also bring you new, free game content which weve been talking about for a while we hope you like it. Alongside this, youll see our next major step towards mod support for ROME II.

Enjoy the update, enjoy the game, and thanks again for your ongoing feedback.

Mike Simpson
(Ultima edición: 18-10-2013 16:32 por Übermensch.)
[Imagen: ibguFo9WkujcdQ.png]
Redheads über Lover
Este juego me ha encantado Big Grin quizás lo compre cuando este de rebajas por que ahora mismo solo lo tengo versión ''sparrow'' por si lo jugaba y no me gustaba.
Con que mejoren el rendimiento en combate me doy por satisfecho
[Imagen: uz8Fj3q.jpg]
Ya disponible desde hace un rato los 600mb de descarga del parche más importante hasta el momento para el TW ROME 2! Iré actualizando la noticia en lo que queda del dia una vez que vaya probando, de momento sigue descargando
[Imagen: ibguFo9WkujcdQ.png]
Redheads über Lover

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