Sony aclara dudas sobre PS4 y su relación con el online. Pinta bien.
Originally Posted by Mark Cerny:
Q: Is the PS4 console is designed to be connected in a 'permanent' way? What I'm asking is it will need to be connected all the time? And if so, how will this affect plans for PSN?

A: PlayStation 4 is not a permanent connection system in that sense, but the experience is much richer if you are connected. You will have access to digital content and the updates for your games, along with a wide range of social functions: upload videos and screenshots, see your friends play and interact with them in various ways within the games.

Originally Posted by Michael Denny:
So I think two of the other pillars we talked about in-terms of design were simplicity and immediacy. Even taking back a step from here, PlayStation 4 can still be enjoyed old school without an Internet connection at all. So it depends what level you want to use these feature sets at. So with ÔÇÖsimpleÔÇÖ and ÔÇÖimmediacyÔÇÖ we want it so that everything is one button click away, for example. And ÔÇÖimmediacyÔÇÖ takes down these barriers that can be frustrating to gamers between the player getting access to the content.

Originally Posted by Game Informer:
Q: GI- Rumor claims that Microsoft's console will require an always-online Internet connection to play games. In previous interviews, you've stated that that's not the case with PS4. Did you ever consider an always-online connection for the PS4, and if so, why did you decide against it?

Yosp: Did we consider it? No, we didn't consider it. The main reason being that many countries don't have robust Internet connections. It makes sense for people to have Internet connections to play online games, but for offline games there are many countries that we saw do not really have robust internet.

Originally Posted by Eurogamer:
Eurogamer: Does the console always need to be connected to the internet?

Shuhei Yoshida: You can play offline, but you may want to keep it connected. The system has the low-power mode - I don't know the official term - that the main system is shut down but the subsystem is awake. Downloading or updating or you can wake it up using either the tablet, smartphone or PS Vita.

Eurogamer: Are all of those things optional? For people who have broadband data limits, for example? They can customise everything?

Shuhei Yoshida: Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that.

Originally Posted by Kotaku:
More relief... At a roundtable this morning, Sony's game studios chief, Shuhei Yoshida, told reporters that any requirement for users to register a game online in order to play it would be left to game publishers. Sony won't require that.

Parecen muy buenas noticias. Un resumen rapidito es que la consola ha sido diseñada para poder ser usada 100% de modo offline, aunque por supuesto existirán funciones que requerirán de conexión como por ejemplo compartir videos y capturas de nuestras partidas en las redes sociales.

Mención especial al último parrafo, en el que indica que la activación online no será impuesta por Sony, y que en tal caso será decisión de las desarrolladoras.

Fuente: Neogaf---
(Ultima edición: 31-05-2013 23:44 por Dragonmilenario.)
Siguen siendo respuestas vagas. Cuando se les pregunta directamente la respuesta no es si ni no sino: "en este sentido bla, bla, bla"...
Hombre, a mi me quedan algunas cosas bastante claras. Por ejemplo, lo del funcionamiento sin problemas aún cuando no haya conexión a internet alguna. Todo lo que sea conectividad es opcional, aunque hoy en día las consolas (y el PC, dicho de paso) aumentan su potencial al estar conectadas a la red.

El hecho de que consideren en todo momento que no en todos los países hay conexiones a internet o de banda ancha ya es decidor.
Quiero todo el tocino y los huevos que tengas.
Y esta sera la consola que me compre , porque no tiene algo como Live que es obligatorio para jugar online
[Imagen: Clunildes.png]

No obligarán a las activaciones significa que no vendrán de serie en la consola pero no pensemos que si la propia Sony llena sus juegos de pases online ahora no los va a usar o algo equivalente en éste caso. Y el resto... mas bien la duda será si alguna no tiene ganas de joder la marrana.

Un saludo.

PD: Ésto aleja mi dinero de la PS4, por cierto XD Si yo hay un solo juego que no pueda prestar/compartir con un amigo libremente, esa consola no entra en mi casa salvo que al final de su vida cuando esté tirada y los juegos regalados vea que no tengo ningún amigo con dicha consola y a todos se la pelan y entonces ya no me restringe nada...

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