Singstar se pasa al free-to-play
Aunque más que free-to-play es, paga las canciones aparte, nosotros sólo ponemos gratis el programa. Lo típico, vaya.

Cita:I promised you exciting news, so here it is! SingStar, the ultimate competitive singing game for PlayStation 3, will now be available to everyone in SCE Europe territories (as well as Australia and New Zealand) as a free download straight from the XMB.

Yes, thatÔÇÖs right, no more need to slot in a disc to get that party started. Simply install SingStar from the XMB and you will be able to start singing in no time, share your performances with the community and visit the SingStore to get hold of more great tracks for your collection.

IÔÇÖve listed all the great things about SingStar on the XMB for you below but I am most excited about the fact that you can now play SingStar with your PlayStation Eye camera. We have spent many an afternoon testing this in the office and are pretty pleased with it so please let us know what you think! This will only work for single player mode, so if youÔÇÖre gearing up for a serious SingStar battle, youÔÇÖll obviously still need to plug in some mics.

If youÔÇÖre brand new to SingStar and have never bought a song from the SingStore before, there are also some short demo songs available for you to download and try out.

SingStar on the XMB:
  • The client is FREE, no disc required!
    Sing with PS Eye
    Compatible with SingStar microphones, official PlayStation Wireless headsets and common USB microphones
    Short demo songs available for download for new SingStore customers
    Easy access PS2 and PS3 disc swap from song carousel
    Use PSP or PS Vita to create playlists with SingStar Remote
    Instantly share your performances with the SingStar community and your friends on Facebook
    Acquire new trophies

SingStar will be added to the XMB very soon. Follow us on Twitter @SingStarHQ and keep your eyes peeled on for more news and a confirmed release date.

Menudo timazo XD. Ellos se van a forrar, desde luego.
(23-10-2012 17:01)Tolo link escribió:Menudo timazo XD. Ellos se van a forrar, desde luego.
No sé qué esperabas, antes te obligaban a comprar canciones que no querías. Ahora puedes elegir.
Pero si lo que es gratis es simplemente el cliente o programa esto tiene de free-to-play lo que yo de monje tibetano, ¿no?.
Free to Play dicen jajajaj... no me fastidies al menos da unas 10 canciones gratis para que si a la gente le gusta compre despues pero si solo das el mucho más barato encontrar uno en alguna tienda y comprarlo pues suelen estar tirados de precio.
[Imagen: jahtI3f.jpg]
Hombre, mala idea no es. ¿Cuantas canciones venian de base en los singstar? ¿15? ¿30? Y seguro que muchas de ellas ni gustaban.

Si cada cancion saliera por 1 eurillo pues por 15-20 euros te montas la base de canciones que te gusten y ya esta, aunque tambien se podrian estirar y dar un par de ellas gratis.
Pero eso no es F2P, de hecho acertadamente no usan ese término. Dicen que el cliente es gratis y ya.

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