[OT] Nintendo entra en el mundo del cine-entrevista completa a Kimishima (móviles, NX...)
Muchos recordarán la primera y hasta la fecha única incursión en el mundo del celuloide por parte de Nintendo. Fue en el año 1993 a través la película Super Mario Bros, un film que los acérrimos a Nintendo recordarán con nostalgia, aunque sus cifras en taquilla demostraron que no fue precisamente un éxito. Quizá por esa razón la compañía ha decidido volver a intentarlo.

La noticia se confirma a través de las palabras de Tatsumi Kimishima, CEO de Nintendo, para el diario japonés Asahi Shimbun. Según explica el directivo en dicho medio, Nintendo lanzará una serie de largometrajes en un futuro próximo.

En cuanto a qué tipo de género, según Kimishima no será como en ese primer intento con personajes de carne y hueso. Al contrario, la apuesta de la gran N estará centrada en películas de animación, bien de dibujo tradicional o en 3D, para luego asociarse con otras compañías de cine con las que distribuir el producto en todo el mundo.

Lo que no ha confirmado es cuál de sus franquicias se convertirá en película de animación o cuándo llegará ese primer largometraje a los cines, lo único que sabemos es que no será este año, se trata de un proyecto a largo plazo para los próximos 5 años.

Como apuntan algunos medios en Estados Unidos, es posible que con esta incursión en el mundo del cine (junto al próximo lanzamiento de la consola NX) la compañía espera mejorar los resultados financieros, tras las bajas cifras del último trimestre fiscal donde las ganancias se redujeron drásticamente respecto al ejercicio anterior.

Entrevista completa: películas, juegos de móvies, NX...

Cita:-YouÔÇÖre currently working to invest your IP in new fields. In April Nintendo sold its stake in the Seattle Mariners; are you putting the income from that to use?
We arenÔÇÖt looking to make money simply by directly licensing our characters, but we must invest heavily in new areas such as film production going forward. When weÔÇÖve finalized that sale, weÔÇÖd like to use part of the proceeds in these areas.

-By film production, you mean movies?
The most common meaning is films, but thereÔÇÖs a variety of opportunities such as video content. WeÔÇÖre currently talking with a number of partners, and I think weÔÇÖll be able to finalize something in the not-too-distant future.

-In the past, there was a live-action Super Mario Brothers movie, correct?
That live-action film didnÔÇÖt do particularly well at the box office. From now on weÔÇÖd like to do things ourselves more than just license something.

-Are you partnering with Hollywood companies?
That could be an option. ThatÔÇÖs not to say it absolutely must be Hollywood; weÔÇÖll be able to discuss more once things are finalized. However, weÔÇÖd like to work together with partners who can be successful on a global scale.

-Does that mean another live-action film?
WeÔÇÖve already tried that, so perhaps not this time.

-Is the intent to be like (3D animation companies) Disney and Pixar?
We have a strong stable of IP, so weÔÇÖd like to be able to do something like them. So weÔÇÖll keep that in mind as we work towards making this a reality.

-Will you be announcing any production in 2016?
While I canÔÇÖt say a particular year, we are in specific talks at the moment. Of course weÔÇÖd like to make use of any income from this year, but I canÔÇÖt say weÔÇÖre pushing it to something five years out. IÔÇÖd like to make something happen before that.

-Would it be movies for Zelda or Mario?
WeÔÇÖd like to use IPs that are really quite popular. But I canÔÇÖt exactly say ÔÇ£weÔÇÖre doing Mario!ÔÇØ All I can say is that weÔÇÖll make something everyone can enjoy.

-Well, if weÔÇÖre talking movies, it seems like the Zelda series would be a good fit, considering how popular it is overseas.
Put that way, of course we understand that itÔÇÖs something thereÔÇÖs a strong demand for.

-So you feel thereÔÇÖs many people who want a Zelda movie?
ThatÔÇÖs right.

-Do you believe these films will be profitable for the company?
Our primary goal is to increase the number of people who know our IPs. Our core business is to create games and hardware, but the question becomes how to make that business more effective. And of course simple advertisment is no good. So weÔÇÖd like to create other businesses that can support that goal.

-In the past, have there been movies created by Nintendo?
Our partner companies have created films such as the Pokemon movies, so itÔÇÖs not an area weÔÇÖre entirely unfamiliar with.

-PokemonÔÇÖs a franchise that involves games, movies, toys, all sorts of things. Would the same sort of expansion be possible for other Nintendo characters?

ItÔÇÖs true that Pokemon has become a great success, and we have learned a lot from it, but the question for us is always ÔÇ£should this be the case for our IPsÔÇØ? We came to the conclusion that these things must be in order to guide consumers to our core business, but that weÔÇÖd like to actively move forward.

-Is Mr. Miyamoto involved in these new businesses?
Of course. HeÔÇÖs taught many other game producers, and as a result of that weÔÇÖre able to have him consider how best to use our IPs. WeÔÇÖd like his input in our film business as well.

-How is Miitomo doing?
The number of downloads is in line with expectations, but the most important thing is that weÔÇÖd like people to keep playing for a long time. WeÔÇÖve gotten many requests to make it easier to add friends and to increase the speed of the app, and weÔÇÖre working to respond to those. With Miitomo, the more friends you connect with the wider the possibilities become, and weÔÇÖd like to implement that into our next apps as well.

-Your next apps will be the two games announced for release this fall, correct?
ThatÔÇÖs right.

-The Animal Crossing series, where players enjoy creating fantasy towns, has fans from children to adults. Is the plan to have the smartphone app connect with games on traditional hardware?
We aim to have our smartphone games work in synergy with our traditional hardware, so weÔÇÖd like to make something like that a reality. I feel that we at Nintendo are well-suited for that sort of thing.

-Do you mean interacting with the 3DS?
Considering the sales numbers for the platform, I donÔÇÖt think you would be wrong to imagine as much.

-Fire Emblem is more popular amongst hard-boiled fans. ItÔÇÖs a SRPG where you direct an army, after all.
ItÔÇÖs precisely because of that that we felt it was a good fit for smartphones. But if we were to bring it over 1:1 it would feel a bit pointless. So the question is, what parts of Fire Emblem would be enjoyable to bring to smartphones? That was the key question, and while IÔÇÖm afraid the answer to that is an industry secret, weÔÇÖre keeping it in mind as we develop.

-In your future apps the plan is to have more monetization, but is there any concern about the increasing number of people who spend too much on smartphone games?
At the moment, we have no official reports on that. However, the players of Nintendo games are not simply made up of people who can splurge on any amount of DLC. WeÔÇÖre looking for a safer middle ground that can satisfy everyone.

-You previously announced that five apps would be released before March of 2017. That leaves two; is the next one finally Mario?
WeÔÇÖre working to plan and develop IPs with a strong demand for them. I canÔÇÖt say ÔÇ£the fourth game will be MarioÔÇØ, but weÔÇÖre well aware of peopleÔÇÖs hopes.

-What are your thoughts on your next-generation console, NX?
ItÔÇÖs something very new. The hardware, the software lineup, all of it is something IÔÇÖd like to play for the first time myself.

-By releasing in March 2017, youÔÇÖre missing end-of-year sales. IsnÔÇÖt that a bit late?
ItÔÇÖs for the purposes of our game development schedule. When people finish the launch titles, theyÔÇÖll want things to buy in spring, on summer break, at Christmas. As such, itÔÇÖs not simply a question of when the hardwareÔÇÖs ready; rather, we need to ensure our software lineup is also in a good place.

-Is that in response to criticisms that the Wii U stalled out due to lack of games?
That was indeed a learning experience for us. However, itÔÇÖs also true that we were struggling with the exchange rate at the time as well.

-Given the NX will be released next March, wonÔÇÖt that cause people to stop buying consoles this year?
Our business is a lively one. Of course, if you compare the Wii U to the Wii, you understand that situation. When the NX is released, the Wii U business will slow. But the 3DS has Pokemon coming this autumn, and thatÔÇÖs such a big hit that I canÔÇÖt imagine the NX will have a negative impact on the 3DS.

-It seems more to me that the NX will have an effect on the Wii U due to the fact that both will be consoles.
I suppose it can be seen that way. However, the NX is neither the successor to the Wii U nor to the 3DS. ItÔÇÖs a new way of playing games, which I think will have a larger impact than the Wii U, but I donÔÇÖt feel itÔÇÖs a pure replacement for the Wii U.

-The forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2017 remains unchanged from last year. However, projected Wii U sales are 240,000 units behind. Do you feel the NX will sell enough to make up that difference?
The NX is still an uncertain quantity, so any numbers are tentative. However, itÔÇÖs true it will be difficult unless we foster a strong interest in the NX in our customers. In addition, I have high hopes for the sales of our smartphone apps.

-I am curious about the price. Nintendo has a history of value-focused consoles.
ItÔÇÖs true there is a certain expectation for the prices of Nintendo consoles. Our developers put a lot into them, but we can not sell at a loss. The final price is determined by balancing these two conflicting ideas. I donÔÇÖt believe itÔÇÖs as simple as ÔÇ£because this is a new platform, we can make it more expensive.ÔÇØ

(16-05-2016 09:47)EarthBound escribió:Si al final se confirma eso de una serie de Metroid hecha por la HBO, me corro vivo sisi

Muchos por internet se quejan de que si los móviles, las figuritas, ahora esto.... Pero yo pienso... Si pelis o series, hace que algunas sagas que cada vez venden menos y no por calidad, precisamente, consigan ese punto de "fama" para volver a primera línea... Good.

Claro, la idea es que se lo den a compañías y personas que sepan sacar algo en condiciones. Si lo que hacen es dárselo a alguien que las hunda mas en el fango, mejor que no. roto2

Y sí, una serie que recorra la vida de Samus desde lo que se ven en el comic (vamos┬ácuando siendo niña su planeta es atacado por┬álos piratas)┬áhasta Fusion estaría genial. Y visto lo visto, casi prefiero Netflix que HBO,┬áque los de HBO son capaces de meter┬ásexo interracial entre┬áSamus y "Remember me".... Para mayor trauma tuyo, Earth roto2rie
(16-05-2016 09:47)EarthBound escribió:Si al final se confirma eso de una serie de Metroid hecha por la HBO, me corro vivo sisi
Estás pidiendo que se confirme un sueño de Resines.
Una serie a lo Fire Emblem bien hecha sería como un Juego de Tronos a la japonesa. Política por un tubo, y podrían cargarse a un personaje en cada capítulo sin dejar de ser fieles a la esencia.
Me parece estupendo que diversifiquen sus ingresos, ya deberían haberlo hecho hace mucho tiempo.

De todas formas me alegra que en cada una de sus intervenciones Nintendo siga diciendo lo mismo: que su core bussiness son los videojuegos y el hardware. El resto son medios de potenciar estos 2 puntos.
(16-05-2016 10:28)EarthBound escribió:A mí el sexo interracial me parece fantástico, lo que quiero es que los de HBO hablen con Retro y no con Sakamoto :café

No se que tiene de malo┬áSakamoto. Que hablen con el que lleva la trama┬áy ya de ahí que tiren con un buen guionista. Que se base correctamente en ella. ┬á

Por otro lado, y olvidándonos de esto y volviendo a la entrevista... Uno de los puntos, que lo dicen siempre que les pregunta por ello, que me da curiosidad es el de que no es una consola que sustituya a las exitentes (3DS o WiiU) sino algo nuevo....
No se, yo vi bien la trama.┬áAl menos en cuanto┬áa lo que nos quería contar y relacionado con Super Metroid y Fusion.┬áPero supongo que era mejor la Samus objeto.
(16-05-2016 09:47)EarthBound escribió:Si al final se confirma eso de una serie de Metroid hecha por la HBO, me corro vivo sisi

Metroid Federation Force HBO Incoming  cat
Esta diversificación que está haciendo nintendo sólo hace que tema cada vez más en su futuro como desarrolladora de videojuegos.
Yo firmo ahora mismo Fire Emblem por HBO, Juego de Tronos se iba a quedar para aficionados, y nada de resucitar como Jon Nieve, muerte permanente XD

Sakamoto el picao mejor que se dedique al punto de cruz mejor.
Al rico spoiler sisi

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