[Multi] Comparativa PS4/PS4 Pro/XOne/XOne X de Far Cry New Dawn

- SSR is selective, some elements like gunfire etc are not reflected.
- Outside of cut-scenes, in-game character model lip sync is poor quality.
- Xbox X: Native 4K
- PS4 Pro: 2880x 1620p
- Base PS4: Native 1080p
- Base Xbox: 1440 x 1080p
- Pop in is present on both base/mid-gen consoles and mostly in same places
- Self shadowing looks poor on all systems, even mid-gens. Dithering effect is seen. X has some areas with more shadows, otherwise quality is same.
- Frame rate targets 30 FPS on all consoles again.
- 30 FPS is mostly locked on X and Pro and all evenly frame paced.
- Base PS4 is also a rock solid 30 FPS.
- base Xbox has some intrusive dips and adaptive v sync which kicks in frequently.
- Tear lines also come right in the middle of the screen, not on top like most games.
- Outside of battles, in the rest of play, the base XBO sticks to the 30 FPS adequately.
Aún no he visto el vídeo pero por lo que leo te comes los 30fps aunque tengas la Pro... pffff Yo al final porque al tema técnico le doy la importancia justa y me acabo comprando la mejor oferta y ya, pero esto es un minipunto para Pc.
Podrían dar la posibilidad de desbloquear los FPSs cómo  en GoW, pero personalmente prefiero 30 rocosos a que oscilen entre 30 y 50.
Entre todas las estrellas, una desprende más calor y brilla más que las otras, la luz de Samus Aran.
Sus batallas se extienden más allá de su vida y quedan grabadas en la historia.

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