I Am Setsuna: Primeros análisis españoles y otras notas en occidente
Gamereactor Nota: 9

I Am Setsuna es la demostración por parte de Tokyo RPG Studio de que se puede crear una experiencia RPG clásica nueva en lugar de tener que volver una y otra vez sobre las viejas. No se separa demasiado de los caminos que marcaron los grandes del género hace ya dos décadas, pero es capaz de superarles gracias a la tecnología actual bien aplicada y desde el respecto al eje de estos títulos, su narrativa y su sistema de combate. Con sus pequeños fallos, estamos ante un título que hará las delicias de quienes echaban de menos este género.

GuiltyBit Nota: 6,9

Por todo esto, I am Setsuna se queda en algo menos de lo que podría haber sido si no se hubiese catalogado casi como una especie de sucesor de Chrono Trigger. El título de Squaresoft triunfó por muchos motivos, y entre ellos estuvo la unión de una serie de cabezas pensantes, manos dibujantes y fans incondicionales, que crearon uno de los títulos que siempre se recordará por los fans del género.
Pero si nos olvidamos de estas promesas, lo que nos queda es un juego bastante interesante, que le introduce un elemento de estrategia y acción a los combates por turnos, y que consigue darle un toque de estrategia que te hará echarle algo de sesos al asunto.
La conclusión final a la que llego es que es un buen punto de partida para este nuevo estudio, el Tokyo RPG Factory, aunque no cumpla con lo que prometieron. Espero mucho de este estudio ya que viendo lo visto, posiblemente si se sueltan y le dan rienda suelta a la imaginación, consigan hacer algo realmente digno de alabanza.
Pero no, este I am Setsuna no será ese juego. Y realmente, me da mucha pena que esto sea así.

[Imagen: i-am-setsuna-3.jpg]
(Ultima edición: 20-07-2016 05:00 por Sir_Dekar.)
"I Am Setsuna is an unapologetic homage to beloved Japanese RPGs that plays well but takes few risks. Tokyo RPG Factory has accomplished their implied mission statement: to make Japanese RPGs the way many of us remember them back in the day. As a result, I Am Setsuna walks in the footsteps of giants, and is thus dwarfed by the memories of games that inspired it. There are times when its familiar music and faces feel comforting, like returning to your hometown after a decade away, so as someone who grew up playing Japanese RPGs, I enjoyed my time with I Am Setsuna. It's like any trip down memory lane: it was nice to look back and remember the good times."



It's not a new classic by any stretch, but I Am Setsuna demonstrates a great understanding and mastery of what made Square Enix's past successes work so well. It might have benefited from stripping down the mechanics even more, or spending more resources creating a wider range of locations and enemies. But as it is, I Am Setsuna is a soft, sad experience that nonetheless filled me with joy. That should tell you everything.

Polygon 8,5


Combat is deliciously retro with gauges, no movement or dodging, and battles that instantly transition in the field. Given the depth of the Spritnite system, you can customize your (three-person) party as you see fit, with any number of roles at your disposal including tank, damage, and magic user archetypes, and the option to swap in characters outside of battle. Again it's all functional, but the lack of a cursor over the head of your party (leaving you at the mercy of knowing all their names) can be taxing to acclimate to, especially when you're learning the difference between Endir and Ndir. It's such a minor thing, though.
When you're out and about you'll have the chance to pick up ingredients and chests hidden around the field, fiddle with equipment menus, and do some light micromanaging. It's never too complicated, always fitting within the confines of the lower "budget" price of the game. Setsuna clocks in at roughly 25 hours or so, which is brief enough to not overstay its welcome and drag. Naturally it doesn't really have enough room to stretch its legs and challenge hardcore players, because once you've really gotten a handle on the game's systems and equipment, it's basically over. In some ways it's meant as an entry point into JRPGs and is at odds with its identity.
I actually quite like the adherence to nostalgia, as Square is only giving fans with they want after years of complaints that projects like Final Fantasy XIII strayed too far. But by the same token of goodwill, it plays it a little too safe in regards to its at times predictable story, and doesn't really do anything new that moves the genre forward in any way. Still, if old school is what you want, you'll get it.
Destructoid 7,5

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