[Hilo Oficial] El Renacimiento del gaming PC (Indies, kickstarter, etc...)
Muy interesante lo que comentan en ese canal (no lo conocía), charlie. En los RPGs, por ejemplo, siempre intento tirar de diálogo y evitar los combates, el problema para mí llega cuando recompensan muchísimo más una de las soluciones.

Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous. Un RPG de fantasía para PC y C64 que imita la estética ochentera de 8-bits.

[Imagen: QLrlHCZ.png]

Quedan 23 días para que termine la campaña de Kickstarter y prácticamente han logrado la cantidad que pedían:


Cita:Alive World:

- Open world with lots of secret locations to discover.
- 64 different day, night, and seasonal monsters.
- Landscape reacts to the choices you make. Locations, characters, and game world will be impacted by your decisions, and your actions have real consequences.
- Dual-mode exploration using either overworld view or zoomed in location view.
- Traveling NPCs and settlements – stumble upon a gypsy caravan, traveling merchants or bandit encampments!

Interesting NPCs: Just because our NPCs have 8-bit brains doesn't mean they have to be dummies.

- Find NPC or animal companions to join your cause.
- Hire mercenaries to aid you on those really dangerous quests.
- NPCs might strike up a conversation with you or blurt out for you to get lost.
- NPCs can treat you differently based on their mood or how well they know you, or react to what they see you do or hear you say.
- NPCs may travel between locations in the game.
- Some monsters might even talk with you, if you happen to speak their language!
(Ultima edición: 26-12-2016 12:23 por Sayckeone.)

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RE: El Renacimiento del gaming PC (Indies, kickstarter, etc...) - por Sayckeone - 26-12-2016 12:18

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