Y BOOM...Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire apareció
Se confirma futura expansión. Se puede pillar añadiendo 20 pavos.

Cita:Finally... Early Bird DLC!

Since a lot of folks have been asking in various fora: we wanted to let people get an early bite at our DLC. We aren't exactly sure what the DLC will contain yet, as we're 100% focused on making the core game awesome right now, but we know we're going to want to expand Pillars II at some point post launch. And since some of you want to get in on that early, we're offering a very low price as a way to guarantee you'll be able to do just that. It's available now as a Fig add-on when you purchase any tier, or to be added to your purchase if you've already bought.

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[Imagen: KQRQQTW.jpg]


[Imagen: C1DlHWJ.jpg]
(Ultima edición: 22-02-2017 23:03 por Sayckeone.)

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RE: Y BOOM...Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire apareció - por Sayckeone - 22-02-2017 22:40

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