[Nintendo] Los Nindies/Nicho de Nintendo Switch
Por cierto, el Manticore Galaxy on Fire que estaba puesto por ahí atrás, e iba a salir hoy, lo han retrasado indefinidamente roto2
[Imagen: DNC-04.png]
Anunciado para Switch:

Llegará en Abril:


(Ultima edición: 23-03-2018 15:42 por Sir_Dekar.)
[Imagen: Golden-Sun-Dark-Dawn-Wallpaper-th.jpg]

Aquí tenemos el update de Hollow Knight:

Switch Update
Status report! Everyone here at Team Cherry HQ, including our buds from Shark Jump, has been working furiously on the Switch port. It’s all looking and playing great, but we’ve still got some stuff to iron out.

Performance: Our aim has always been minimal load times and a steady 60fps for Switch. Over the last month we’ve smoothed out the last couple of problem spots and we’re all locked in on this stuff now! Hollow Knight is looking great on that Switch screen!

Languages: As of Lifeblood, HK’s is now in 10 Languages! And for Switch release these have to be in great shape. Getting the localisations cleaned up, with all their unique alphabets and spacings, has been a big undertaking, though one that goes largely unseen by players. We’re close on this, and we’re using the Lifeblood beta to iron out any last issues.

Bugs: The game is more solid than ever, however there are still a few niggling crash bugs and other odd behaviours that need some special attention. This is the pointy end, and that short-list is constantly shrinking, but to be launch ready, we need to get it completely clear!

Release: Given the current status of the build, we’re not yet ready to give an update on release window. We know that can be frustrating to hear, but like we’ve said before, we don’t want to set a concrete target until we’re sure we can hit it, and the game is rock-solid. We’re close, but there are a lot of small bits to tie up and plenty of testing to do. We’ll keep working at it and we’ll keep everyone updated as we approach the big day!

Pues al final me he hecho con kamiko gratuitamente.

No está mal, el juego. aunque en parte es ligero. Pero tiene pinta de ser bastante rejugable.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes está a un 30% de su desarrollo

Suda51 ha desvelado que el desarrollo de Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, el nuevo juego que está creando para Nintendo Switch, está a un 30% de progreso.

En 4Gamer, Goichi Suda, conocido como Suda51, ha explicado que el progreso del equipo en este videojuego está estimado en estos momentos en un 30%.

Suda expone que está completamente dedicado a este juego y su intención de hacer algo diferente con Travis, en vez de ofrecer una continuación directa de los primeros juegos de la serie No More Heroes. Por esta razón se está inspirando en diferentes juegos independientes.

Según explica, el objetivo principal era imponerse un reto y hacer algo que se alejara de lo previsible, razón por la que tanto él como el equipo abordan este juego como un experimento y esperan que termine gustando a los aficionados.

Tiene complicadisimo gustar.
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
(24-03-2018 09:14)zothenr escribió:Aquí tenemos el update de Hollow Knight:

Switch Update
Status report! Everyone here at Team Cherry HQ, including our buds from Shark Jump, has been working furiously on the Switch port. It’s all looking and playing great, but we’ve still got some stuff to iron out.

Performance: Our aim has always been minimal load times and a steady 60fps for Switch. Over the last month we’ve smoothed out the last couple of problem spots and we’re all locked in on this stuff now! Hollow Knight is looking great on that Switch screen!

Languages: As of Lifeblood, HK’s is now in 10 Languages! And for Switch release these have to be in great shape. Getting the localisations cleaned up, with all their unique alphabets and spacings, has been a big undertaking, though one that goes largely unseen by players. We’re close on this, and we’re using the Lifeblood beta to iron out any last issues.

Bugs: The game is more solid than ever, however there are still a few niggling crash bugs and other odd behaviours that need some special attention. This is the pointy end, and that short-list is constantly shrinking, but to be launch ready, we need to get it completely clear!

Release: Given the current status of the build, we’re not yet ready to give an update on release window. We know that can be frustrating to hear, but like we’ve said before, we don’t want to set a concrete target until we’re sure we can hit it, and the game is rock-solid. We’re close, but there are a lot of small bits to tie up and plenty of testing to do. We’ll keep working at it and we’ll keep everyone updated as we approach the big day!

Al menos podrían haber dado una estimación trimestral. Aunque me da a mí que se va como mínimo a después del verano.

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El remake de YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World llegará a Switch

Y esta última que es?

¿Una visual novel de esas?

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