[Hilo Oficial] Nintendo Switch
Fire Emblem Warriors permitirá jugar a 60fps sacrificando resolución

Fire Emblem Warriors will offer something that we haven’t really seen with Switch games before. In this month’s issue of Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, it’s revealed that the game will allow players to select a higher frame rate in exchange for a lower resolution.

Director Hiroya Usuda indicated that Fire Emblem Warriors was created with a 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second experience in mind. However, an option is included so that you can increase the frame rate to 60 FPS while lowering the resolution to 720p. Usuda hopes that those who want a focus on action can give the option a look.

What Usuda was discussing should only apply to the Switch version of Fire Emblem Warriors. The New 3DS version will almost certainly run at 30 frames per second similar to Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Something else worth mentioning from the Nintendo Dream interview is that you can change from Classic to Casual Mode while playing. If you do so, lost characters will be revived. However, the game was made so that you can’t change from Casual to Classic.

Nintendo Dream has been conducting regular interviews with the Fire Emblem Warriors developers over the past few months.


No me parece mala solución, a ver cómo lo usa la gente
Comparativa Skyrim PC/PC Remaster/Switch

[Imagen: iVFSZvf.png]

[Imagen: bwohsjV.png]

Parece que no va a estar basada en la versión original si no que va a ser una mezcla con la versión remasterizada
Pero... Viene con todo el contenido, ¿no?
Es una versión que me interesa a largo plazo (cuando tenga un precio acorde a su tiempo, es decir, menos de 20), pero si no viene todo, como que pasando.
[Imagen: DNC-04.png]
(27-08-2017 16:59)[DNC] escribió:Pero... Viene con todo el contenido, ¿no?
Es una versión que me interesa a largo plazo (cuando tenga un precio acorde a su tiempo, es decir, menos de 20), pero si no viene todo, como que pasando.

Realmente no se sabe casi nada, veremos a ver qué trae y cómo sale, aunque dicen que se mueve bastante bien y que se juega muy bien. Hay algún reportaje de la Gamescom al respecto
Double Dragon IV llegará a Switch en Septiembre

Nintendo promete aumentar la producción de Switch de cara a Navidad

Switch stock has been an issue for Nintendo since the console launched in March. Six months later, the situation has improved slightly, but the system is still difficult to find in many areas.

The Wall Street Journal covered the Switch stock situation in a new article. It covers mostly what we’ve talked about before – things like lotteries in Japan and inconsistent units available in the states.

For its part, The Wall Street Journal also reached out to Nintendo for a statement. The company said it’s doing everything possible to meet demand, and “will ramp up production for the holiday period”.

Nintendo’s full statement reads:

“We’re doing everything we can to make sure everyone who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch system can do so. We will ramp up production for the holiday period, which has been factored into our forecast.”

Nintendo currently intends to ship ten million Switch units for the fiscal year ending in March 2018. The Wall Street Journal does say, “People involved in the supply chain say they have been told to prepare for 18 million units.” Further noted is that one anonymous executive “in the supply chain said his company was ready to pick up the pace of production if asked.”

UBI confirma que Steep sigue en desarrollo

Well here we have some more info that explains why Steep hasn't released on Switch yet. Most importantly, the game is still coming, so says the Ubisoft Montreuil dev above. He also points out that the game is currently undergoing optimization, and they are working on framerate issues. Obviously, no time frame for release was given. 

Muy buenas las críticas hacia Mario + Rabidds 

Juego muy completo y divertido según comentan los análisis. 

Me ha gustado especialmente este:


Yo creo que es sin duda una de las sorpresas del año.
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
Impresiones IGN
BY BRIAN ALTANO At Gamescom 2017, tucked away in a small room in Nintendo’s press area, I got to spend forty minutes playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Monolith Soft’s monstrous new Nintendo Switch RPG.
I was dropped into a save file more than a dozen hours into the game where my eclectic party of level 20 warriors were nudged to start attacking the first enemy we saw. “This should be easy,” I thought. “There’s five of us and one of whatever that thing is, so I should be able to fly through this quickly.” I was quite wrong.
Xenoblade’s battles are a frantic mix of charging icons, switching characters, finding and mashing buttons for short quick time events, and darting your eyes around every corner of the screen to manage a set of interconnected systems. There's a lot going on here, and I immediately realized even this low-level grunt was going to take some strategy and perseverance.
In the lower right corner, a series of attack icons take turns charging up at various speeds as an numbered symbol slowly counts up. Get it to level three with the proper combination of moves, and you’ll be able to unleash an impressive and cinematic “summon”-style strike. The hardest part about waiting for this to happen is that you’ll be tempted to summon smaller, less effective versions of that attack at level one or two. The game prompts you with a giant “Hit the A button” cue that I really, really wanted to press before it reached level three, like having a big piece of candy sitting in front of you that you’re not allowed to eat yet.
In the lower left, you’ll switch characters - something you’ll want to do often, as they take turns charging their individual attacks. In the upper right is a small “skill tree”-style menu that displays how the right combination of various attacks can flow to create bigger ones. Don’t expect to just tap the A button over and over to win battles here, especially against tougher enemies. Xenoblade’s combat is smart and strategic and really damn satisfying if you’re patient enough to maximize it. This is not a passive RPG battle system by any means.
The environment I traversed in this sprawling demo (an area that will most certainly only represent a tiny fraction of the game) was not only gigantic, but teeming with bizarre creatures and plant life. Weird armored lizard men roamed in packs, orange horse creatures stood on small islands, and adorable cow-sized armadillos grazed a pasture. Panning the camera up and around revealed lots of winding paths, waterfalls, and massive trees that increasingly bloomed with pink flowers as the demo’s day/night cycle progressed. My goal was to reach a castle-like structure high up in the distance where my party could buy some gear, food, and hopefully get some rest. On my way up, I waded through luminescent pools, over rocky, narrow ridges and giant stone walls. I wanted to stop and explore more, of course, but I was determined to reach the top.
Standing with my party at the end of the demo, I was able to look around and survey just how far I had traveled. Not since Breath of the Wild have I seen a setting this vast on my Nintendo Switch. I’ve adored playing the dozens of quirky and interesting indie games filling out the library on Nintendo’s new hybrid console/handheld device since it launched, but Xenoblade’s scope and scale is on a whole other level.
I walked to the cliffside, leaped off, and landed on a mile long ramp-shaped waterslide that launched me into a lake and brought me back near where the demo started. There I landed with a splash and watched giant bird-like enemies soar over me and terrifying fish swirl around me, all of which were more than 50 levels ahead of my party’s current stats. It’s going to be really satisfying to come back and kick all of their asses when I’m finally strong enough, but for now, I got out of there before they could tear me apart.
I left Xenoblade’s world a little bit bewildered, a little bit overwhelmed, but ultimately completely absorbed in its wonder and promise. I’ve got much to learn about the combat system and mastering the rhythm of its battles, and while it all feels a little daunting, the world here is a beautiful one and I’m excited to train my party (and myself) to be strong enough and smart enough to conquer it. If Monolith Soft sticks to their promise of launching the game by the end of 2017, we’ll all get to explore it soon.

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Nintendo Switch podría esconder un modo de realidad virtual

Nintendo Switch acaba de llegar y ha entrado como un elefante en una cacharrería, pero el futuro podría deparar muchas más cosas para el dispositivo de Nintendo que las hasta ahora vistas. En el código que mueve el corazón de la máquina se han encontrado unas líneas que llaman bastante la atención, primero porque hacen referencia a algo que no está ahí y segundo porque lo que hacen es confirmar si está activado o no. Se trata de un supuesto modo para realidad virtual, la tecnologíaque parece que gana enteros a pasos agigantados

Al menos es lo que se extrae del hallazgo del usuario Cody Brocius, al que el portal Go Nintendo da como una fuente fiable. El código manejaría un valor booleano (es decir, 0 o 1 para “falso” o “verdadero”) para indicar si lo que está designado como “VrMode” se ha activado o no se ha activado. La hipótesis lógica es que este interruptor permitiría a la consola reconocer y conectarse mediante otra función a un futuro dispositivo de realidad virtual.

No obstante, por el momento esto son puramente conjeturas y será Nintendo quien si llega el momento confirme o desmienta si hay planes para la realidad virtual en Switch. Lo que sí llega a través de estos rumores es que no se trata de ningún residuo de código dejado por Nvidia, sino que serían líneas específicamente programadas por la propia Nintendo.

Me encanta todo lo que veo de Mario + Rabidds. Ya veremos pero qué bien pinta joder.
[Imagen: metroid-2.gif]
(29-08-2017 15:58)chente escribió:Me encanta todo lo que veo de Mario + Rabidds. Ya veremos pero qué bien pinta joder.
Yo ya lo tengo, a ver si lo pruebo a la noche

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