Según Cliff Blezinski los juegos se han vuelto fáciles y lineales
Cita:Cliff Bleszinski believes that this generation of titles have become too easy. He doesnÔÇÖt think games challenge us any more. So with Gears of War: Judgment heÔÇÖs cranking up the difficulty levels.

Speaking to X360A, the Epic Games Design Director outlined the pitfalls of catering to a broader audience, while detailing the pain weÔÇÖll go through in Epic Games and People Can FlyÔÇÖs upcoming Gears prequel.

ÔÇ£It feels like in this current console generation that weÔÇÖve taken a lot of steps to grow the audience and what I thinkÔÇÖs happened is that the games have become more linear and easier, so it feels like a lot of quick-time-events,ÔÇØ said Bleszinski.

ÔÇ£The more I play games like that the more I turned off to them and just want to get back to systems interacting with systems, and get back to a game that, you know, when was the last time a game really challenged you and asked something of you, right? ThereÔÇÖs a reason why Demon Souls and Dark Souls have taken off lately. ItÔÇÖs because they really require you actually try.ÔÇØ

To help embrace this spirit, Gears of War: Judgment has a few nasty tricks up its sleeve, reckons Bleszinski.

ÔÇ£Casual mode will still be casual, whatever, if you just want to see graphics and you donÔÇÖt want to die,ÔÇØ he said. ÔÇ£But every other mode will be hard in this game and you will die.

ÔÇ£When I played this in 4-player co-opÔǪ I mean, IÔÇÖve been playing Gears since the beginning of the course and I really have to hunker down and focus, and if my buddies arenÔÇÖt reviving me, and we arenÔÇÖt working as a team, youÔÇÖre going to die, and itÔÇÖs okay to die a few times in a game to try some different strategies, the S3 respawn system┬á provides unique challenges.ÔÇØ

Not only does this system maintain the challenge, it also means that different players will have different experiences with the game.

ÔÇ£We then get some cool, ÔÇÿHow did that combat scenario play out for you?ÔÇÖ ÔÇÿOh, I used grenades against this one declassified challenge and then my buddy came in,ÔÇÖ which is interesting and cool, as opposed to, ÔÇÿI came around the same exact corner and saw the same exact plane crash, the same exact enemies, thereÔÇÖs nothing unique,ÔÇÖÔÇØ said Bleszinski.

Theres nothing unique to you, added Adrian Chmielarz, People Can Flys Creative Director. This is what were trying to provide your own moments, something that youll feel like only happened to you and you figured this out.

Bleszinski concluded, ÔÇ£If this game doesnÔÇÖt make you sweat, we havenÔÇÖt done our jobs.ÔÇØ

Gears of War: Judgment is out next year.

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"Infinity Ward sólo hace COD's" - Robert Bowling
"Las tramas en los juegos de Rol deben dejar de ser tan genéricas y de utilizar diálogos escritos por infantes." - Todd Howard.

"La espectacularidad y el abuso de las secuencias prefijadas están haciendo un daño grave a la profundidad de los juegos de acción." - Naughty Dog.

"Las escenas cinemáticas de media hora atentan contra la identidad de la narrativa de los videojuegos."┬á - Hideo Kojima.

"El trato de Namco Bandai en cuanto la distribución de la serie Tales of en Occidente es lamentable." Reggie Kong.
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