Rumor: posible reinicio de Sonic - mundo abierto
Cita:TSSZnews[/url]"]Sega May Be Looking to Profit Off Fans Further

About a week before the bomb dropped at Sega Sammy about SegaÔÇÖs poor financial shape, we learned from a source who spoke to TSSZ on condition of anonymity of possibly serious changes the company may have in store for its flagship franchise.┬á Again, thatÔÇÖs ÔÇ£mayÔÇØÔǪnot ÔÇ£will.ÔÇØ

The source alleged that both Sonic Team and Sega are looking to better monetize Sonic well beyond the merchandise arrangements already in place, as part of what was said to be a potentially ÔÇ£massiveÔÇØ and ÔÇ£totalÔÇØ reboot that is allegedly still in the exploratory phase. WeÔÇÖve bolded that last part to remind you that nothing weÔÇÖre saying here is set in stone, and that it may be a least a year or two before any of this may pan out.┬á While we have been told Sega and Sonic Team are ÔÇ£committedÔÇØ to the reboot, to what extent that stretches is still being pitched.┬á While several ideas are being floated around, what weÔÇÖre about to explain is the alleged current frontrunner.

WeÔÇÖre told the core tenets of speed, platforming, and surreal environments will remainÔÇôas will Sonic and Dr. Eggman and the rivalry they share, though both characters may undergo a makeover.┬á But as part of this possible reboot, anything and everything else is under review, says the source.┬á That includes, at its core, the main supporting Sonic cast, even Tails, our source says.┬á And while the idea of surreal environments would remain, a whole new universe for Sonic to do battle and new characters for him to befriend may be concocted, in effect destroying most canon that precedes the relaunch and wiping the slate nearly clean, according to our source.┬á All the meanwhile, new gameplay methods and gimmicks are allegedly being fleshed out for Sonic to try.

Specifically, our source alleged the concept of ÔÇ£zonesÔÇØ may be revamped.┬á In this possible reboot, zones would be massively expanded and become their own worlds, sort of speak.┬á Within the zones, there would be individual levels masked as missions for Sonic to complete.┬á The source most closely compared it to Electronic ArtsÔÇÖs Burnout Paradise, which is open-world and lacks a concrete, linear level structure.┬á All of this would be enclosed in a new engine.┬á Our source compared its next-gen capability to the likes of Unreal Engine 4, currently in development for the next crop of consoles, and Frostbite 2, used with EAÔÇÖs Battlefield 3.

If this sounds like Sonic intends to take a turn back toward the serious and photorealistic, not to worryÔÇôour source assured that will not be the case, and injecting photo-realism is of no concern in this potential reboot.┬á To be sure, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has said as much in recent interviews.

But thereÔÇÖs a catch, and it lies in that monetizing part. The source tells TSSZ that Sega and Sonic Team may aggressively pursue a collection model as part of the reboot.┬á The source claimed the company intends to target the young audience bent on physical collectibles by perhaps going so far as to require physical emblems and collectibles to unlock special features in future Sonic series.┬á An example would be to purchase a Knuckles statue in order to gain the echidna as a playable character in-game.┬á The strategy could also be used to unlock extra levels.

If that sounds far-fetched, itÔÇÖs not.┬á In fact, itÔÇÖs already been executed successfully.┬á Our sourced pointed to Skylanders: SpyroÔÇÖs Adventure as a major source of SegaÔÇÖs inspiration for this model.┬á Released last year, Skylanders featured more than 30 playable characters, but only came with three out of the box as physical figurines, as did an interactive peripheral.┬á Remaining characters had to be purchased in stores. When a characterÔÇÖs toy connects to the peripheral, which in turn connects to the console, that character unlocks in-game.┬á Skylanders performed pretty well in its multiplatform debut, well enough that a sequel under the same model is planned for release later this year.┬á With SegaÔÇÖs recent commitment to expand its Sonic merchandise and the partners who make them, the backbone may already be there to support this kind of a strategy.

WhatÔÇÖs more, Sega and Sonic Team have already tried this method outÔÇôalbeit on a much smaller scaleÔÇôand you may not quite realize it.┬á If you remember the secret statue room in Sonic Generations, it was always SegaÔÇÖs intent to release codes for that room through various promotions and merchandise.┬á That in fact happened on a very limited basis in some territories despite fans mining the game and releasing all the codes online.┬á If our sourceÔÇÖs information holds, this strategy would be an extension of that.

Other possible revenue models our source discussed was for these physical toys and collectibles to have an interactive component with a new cartoon series, or to offer classic characters in-game straight up as DLC.  But ultimately, Sega is looking to attract a new generation of fans, the source said.  That would certainly explain why classic Sonic was touted as a one-time deal for Sonic Generations, but this information also indicates that modern Sonic, as we know him, is at risk as well.

To again be clearÔÇôweÔÇÖre told this is all very early and exploratory.┬á WeÔÇÖve labeled this story as rumor for that reason.┬á We are, in some respects, just as skeptical of some of the above as you may be, but we do at least want to tell you what weÔÇÖve learned.┬á ItÔÇÖs not unreasonable to expect little else related to this for a least a year to eighteen months.┬á Of course, for any of this to pan out, Sega as a company still has to exist by 2014. Keep in mind we learned of it just a few days before the full scope of SegaÔÇÖs financial troubles was known, and there certainly are a few components above that may become necessities for Sega to survive as a business.┬á Anything more we learn will be passed along.
- SEGA busca nuevas formas de sacar dinero a los fans
- Reinicio de Sonic.
- La velocidad y las plataformas seguirán pero los amigos de Sonic no está claro.
- Cambio en las zonas para hacerlas más abiertas como Burnout Paradise
- Motor de nueva generación
- Coleccionables para quitar a los fans de dinero. Como Skylanders: SpyroÔÇÖs Adventure.
- No esperar noticias hasta dentro de un año o año y medio.

Yo creo que Sonic debería de seguir el camino de Colours, pero se ve que una vez han logrado más o menos encontrarle de nuevo el punto, SEGA piensa en hacer un Sonic para otro publico.

Nada de lo que leo me gusta, y aún menos que sea para consolas de la próxima generación, así que tampoco me preocupo mucho.

Un saludo.
(04-04-2012 23:23)Indyana link escribió:Resumen:
- SEGA busca nuevas formas de sacar dinero a los fans
- Reinicio de Sonic.
- La velocidad y las plataformas seguirán pero los amigos de Sonic no está claro.
- Cambio en las zonas para hacerlas más abiertas como Burnout Paradise
- Motor de nueva generación
- Coleccionables para quitar a los fans de dinero. Como Skylanders: SpyroÔÇÖs Adventure.
- No esperar noticias hasta dentro de un año o año y medio.
Soy yo, o Sega está necesitada de ingresos urgentes?
Cuanto han vendido Colors y generations? Han vendido mal como para que SEAG tenga que recurrir a un nuevo cambio radical?
Justo cuando parecía que SEGA había aprendido la lección, van y demuestran una vez más que son idiotas.┬á Facepalm:
(04-04-2012 23:55)Bart_10 link escribió:Justo cuando parecía que SEGA había aprendido la lección, van y demuestran una vez más que son idiotas.┬á Facepalm:

Si quiebran por contentar a los fans serán idiotas al cubo.

De la gran SEGA ya no queda ni la señora de la limpieza, en el actual Sonic Team la mayoría son caras nuevas.

SEGA aprendió la lección demasiado tarde.

En fin, a ver si consigo los dos últimos -Colors y Generations- y me despido de Sonic de manera mas o menos decente, que visto lo visto...

(05-04-2012 01:48)Fumator link escribió:Si quiebran por contentar a los fans serán idiotas al cubo.

De la gran SEGA ya no queda ni la señora de la limpieza, en el actual Sonic Team la mayoría son caras nuevas.

SEGA aprendió la lección demasiado tarde.

Psche, yo pensaba que de vender se trataba, y para vender una saga como Sonic no viene mal contentar a los fans y futuros compradores. Hay que saber buscar nuevos compradores pero si te quitas la legión de fieles se convierte en las gallinas que entran por las que salen. Ahí Nintendo lo ha sabido hacer con sus Super Mario por ejemplo ¿Ha habido algún problema para vender bien los Galaxy por citar solo una de sus exitosas sagas? ¿Acaso no han contentado y requetecontentado a los fans con ellos?

Yo lo soy -fan de Sonic-, tengo casi todo Sonic desde los 8bits, y desde luego ese se lo pueden meter por el buyake.

Sobre el segundo y tercer párrafo nada que añadir, deberían hacer placas con esas dos frases y ponerlas en la puerta de SEGA-Sammy Studios.

PD: HOLD! -para los que no lo leyesen en otro post, es el término que se me ha ocurrido para definir lo contrario a "SOLD" que creo que nos va a hacer falta uno así con lo que se nos avecina. Viene a ser como "ahí lo dejo" en lugar de "me lo llevo fijo"-.
(04-04-2012 23:37)Led Zeppelin link escribió:Nada de lo que leo me gusta

A mí es que nunca me ha gustado Sonic┬á :yao:

(05-04-2012 10:06)refixed link escribió:A mí es que nunca me ha gustado Sonic┬á :yao:

Bueno, cuestión de gustos.

A mi siempre me ha gustado su diseño, incuslo a dia de hoy xd, como personaje es el que más me artae del genero (seguido de Rayman), una lastima que SEGA se haya cebado con él, aunque por lo menos en sus dos últimos juegos le han dado una mini época digna.

Un saludo.
Colurs y Generations son el camino. Si Sega se aparta de él volverá a cagarla. Lo de que no haya secundarios no me parece tan grave. El primer Sonic en 8 y 16bits no tenía secundarios y sin embargo era un juegazo. Pero resulta más interesante un equilibrio entre velocidad y plataformas. De todos modos siempre pueden internar ambas cosas. Fases que peudan tener caminos rápidos para quien quiera velodcidad y plataformas cargadas de items para quien quiera ir más despacio.

[Imagen: 50701731706_49f21af0b6_o.jpg]
Si SEGA quiebra, no pasa nada, que venga compre y se quede con la licencia de Sonic, imaginaros un Sonic hecho por Nintendo EAD...podría comprarla cualquier otra empresa, pero...como que menuda chufa saldría.

Salto de foro:

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