[Ronda de análisis] FarCry 5
Vandal - 9

Far Cry 5 nos ha encantado. Con una fórmula que a base de pulir y mejorar sigue funcionando igual de bien que hace seis años, pero con más posibilidades jugables que nunca, con los contenidos más elaborados y cuidados de toda la serie, y con una ambientación realmente atractiva y diferente dentro de la saga, que da mucho juego para proponer todo tipo de situaciones y personajes tan divertidos como sorprendentes.

Un juego de acción sobresaliente, que en lo único en lo que falla una vez más es en construir una gran historia, algo realmente complicado teniendo en cuenta su particular estructura, y en su su de falta de innovación y de grandes novedades jugables, algo que van a tener que afrontar sin falta para la siguiente entrega.

Si disfrutaste anteriormente de algún Far Cry y te gusta su propuesta no te lo pienses, te va a encantar, y si simplemente eres un amante del género aquí hay muchos y muy buenos motivos para estar entretenido durante un buen puñado de horas con una aventura de acción divertidísima.

3D Juegos - 9

Far Cry 5 es un muy buen exponente de lo que quiere conseguir la saga shooter y, seguramente, también de hacia dónde quiere dirigirse. El nuevo videojuego de la serie se hace fuerte en todos los elementos que caracterizan a la marca y, aunque no arriesga demasiado en sus ideas, logra un resultado muy bueno. Muchas horas de entretenimiento, mucha diversión y, sobre todo, la acción más espectacular y explosiva que puedes encontrar en estos momentos.

Juegos ADN - 8

Far Cry 5 es un gran juego capaz de brindarnos centenares de momentos únicos. Llega además repleto de contenido, con la mejor trama de toda la saga, personajes emblemáticos y una nueva vuelta de tuerca a la locura inherente a la franquicia. Sin embargo, palidece en aspectos que ya creíamos superados tales como: un mundo algo vacío, excesiva repetición de enemigos y eventos aleatorios o su pobre inteligencia artificial. Si os atrae su satírica caricatura de la américa rural, sus desquiciados personajes y su interesante propuesta no dudéis en echarle el guante ya que tenéis juego para rato y una de las mejores experiencias de libertad y locura que encontraréis. Si no os atrae demasiado su ambientación y habéis jugado ya a entregas anteriores quizá se os acabe haciendo monótono y repetitivo debido a las pocas novedades palpables que trae.

Hypertextual - 9

Far Cry 5 la confirmación de que la fórmula Ubisoft funciona. Es un juego sobresaliente en todos los niveles del que solo se puede criticar la repetición de algunas mecánicas y aventuras secundarias que alcanzan el tédio máximo. La compañía ha sabido poner sobre la mesa elementos de sus otras franquicias exitosas con bastante aciertos, haciendo de Hope County un lugar vivo en el que tendremos muchas más horas de juego además de su campaña, que son altibajos también sobresale.

Es, en definitiva un apuesta más que segura para los amantes de los juegos de acción y de mundos abiertos en primera persona y la mejor entrega hasta la fecha.

Hobby Consolas - 93

Far Cry 5 es, a todos los niveles, el mejor Far Cry hasta la fecha. Tiene la mejor historia, el mejor sistema de progresión, subsana fallos de entregas pasadas, introduce numerosos cambios (todos para bien) y mantiene intacta esa fórmula explosiva de la que es difícil cansarse. Que Dios bendiga al condado de Hope.

Vida Extra

En definitiva, 'Far Cry 5' es el mejor Far Cry hasta la fecha. Una aventura con una historia con momentos memorables que pasarán a la historia de los videojuegos y que resulta una experiencia de lo más adictiva. Su final os dejará sin palabras.

Eurogamer - Recomendado

Hay ganas de ver qué resulta de todo esto, pero como poco creo que es un buen ejemplo de una de las mayores virtudes de la saga, y a la vez de uno de sus principales problemas: ese componente salvaje e indómito que funciona como una bomba cuando se aísla en laboratorio pero que podría no maridar tan bien con ese otro Far Cry que quiere contarnos cosas. Es, creo, el único problema real de un juego por lo demás enormemente disfrutable, y la única mancha que emborrona unas escrituras que la compañía insiste en recitar de carrerilla. Con confianza, con fe, pero sin dejar demasiado hueco a nuevas interpretaciones. Con un fervor que ralla en lo religioso.
Metacritic - 81 after 35 reviews
Opencritic - 84 after 56 reviews

We Got This Covered: 4.5/5

Cita:Ubisoft have cherry-picked everything that has made the Far Cry series successful, and distilled it into a single, laser-focused package. Far Cry 5 probably isn't going to blow anyone's mind, but it provides a continuously fun experience that avoids the repetition and formulaic nature of past titles.

GamingTrend: 90/100

Cita:With new gameplay mechanics, overhauled progression systems, a strong narrative, and the Guns/Friends for Hire system, Far Cry 5 is the overhaul that the series desperately needed. It is easily the best of the series, and represents a positive step in a new direction. Come for the storyline, stay for the co-op chaos.

Gamespot: 9/10

Cita:With smart changes to exploration, discovery, and progression, Far Cry 5 makes engaging and experimenting with its gorgeous open world more exciting than ever.

USGamer: 4.5/5

Cita:Far Cry 5 is a game that struggles in trying to serve two purposes. On one hand, there's a dark, horrific tale of a cult taking over a small town. On the other, it's a playground of destruction, letting players fly and drive around, blowing up things with a bear and a dog. Both sides are good, but they don't really meet in the middle. If you can survive the tonal whiplash, you'll find a great game here and Far Cry Arcade only makes it better.

Playstation Universe: 90/100

Cita:Far Cry 5 is the best Far Cry to date. The great additions and refinements made to the franchise are fantastic. Along with the inclusion of Far Cry Arcade, which extends your play time, Far Cry 5 is the ultimate open-world first person shooter.

Destructoid: 7.5/10

Cita:Far Cry 5 is a solid first-person shooter set in a vibrant, breathtaking location. It plays well, looks great, and is packed with enough content to keep players invested in Hope County for a good, long while. Though Joseph Seed and Eden's Gate work better in theory than in practice, the Montana-based doomsday cult marks a departure for the franchise that pays off.

Press-Start: 9/10

Cita:Far Cry 5 is an absolute blast from beginning to end, chock full of things to do and involve yourself in. The narrative is interesting, and everything you do in Hope County feels meaningful in some way or another — making for an experience that feels as rewarding as it does enjoyable.

Pure Playstation: 9/10

Cita:Far Cry 5 is the best in the series, as expected. I can practically taste the Montana air as I explore the mountainous region, performing a more diverse set of actions than I’m used to. The story and villains are top notch and the gunplay is as satisfying as ever. This is easily the peak of the franchise and something one can enjoy for at least thirty hours. Having Far Cry Arcade to fall back on is just the cherry on top. Meaningfully being able to make your own missions can be a game changer in an open-world shooter and I’m hoping it works out for Ubisoft. If only those damn microtransactions weren’t in my face every time I opened a shop.

Metro Game Central: 8/10

Cita:The best Far Cry yet and one of the best open world shooters of any kind, with an impressive variety of missions and non-linear structure.

Critical Hit: 90/100

Cita:Choice is the driving theme in Far Cry 5, a game which opts to venture out of its comfort zone while fine-tuning every aspect of what makes the series so great. It’s incredibly relevant, Montana is a gorgeous slice of new terrain that is fraught with peril and the road ahead that Far Cry Arcade represents is exciting to say the least. Simply put, the fifth numbered chapter in Ubisoft’s series of madness, freedom and exploration is Far Cry perfected.

IGN (in progress): 8.9/10

Cita:I’m really enjoying Far Cry 5 and think this is another great entry in Ubisoft’s most daring, risk-taking franchise. Look for my final review later this week.

The Guardian: 3/5

Cita:There are great individual moments in Far Cry 5. The gunplay is excellent, its unpredictable world generates daring stories of accidental heroism, and when it leans into the whole red-blooded American patriotism schtick, it’s genuinely funny. It doesn’t always fit together as well as it should, sometimes forcing the player to work around the game rather than with it – but the wildly vacillating tone is the bigger issue. It’s at once disorienting and noncommittal. Paradoxically, this is an extreme satire of modern America that says pretty much nothing about it.

God is a Geek: 9/10

Cita:The best Far Cry yet, with well written characters, lots of freedom to play how you want, and a lot of fun to be had on your own or with a friend.

GamersGlobal: 9/10

Cita:Far Cry 5 is certainly not free of errors and other defects such as the blunt AI. But I can't remember any part of the series where I always wanted to keep playing. In Far Cry 5 I'm highly motivated from the beginning to the end, I'm curious about what's to come, but I always have a goal in mind. Certainly, who liked the generic of the earlier Far Cry parts, has to make smaller cuts. But if you are looking for a Far Cry that doesn't repeat itself all the time, that offers real freedom without reducing the action, you will find its fulfilment here. The proverb may read "All good things come in threes", but in relation to the new Far Cry it would have to be changed to "All good things come in five" in my view.

ComiConverse: 4/5

Cita:Far Cry 5 does not change the genre, in fact, embraces what made it a favorite series with the audience creating their adventure within beautiful surroundings.

Eurogamer: No score

Cita:The real intrigue of the Arcade mode, however, is that it exposes how Ubisoft's open world games have become slaves to a formula. In letting you mingle pieces from several franchises - the skyscrapers of San Francisco towering over the ruins of a daydream Tibet, the cannons of revolutionary France lifting rusted muzzles amid the splintered daylight of backwoods America - the editor reveals their basic interchangeability, the way all of these series default to the same broad framework of killing, conquering and unlocking. This is the core truth of Far Cry, a series that still has a lot going for it, but remains in serious need of a revamp. It is a moribund apparatus of conquest that is unable to tell any story other than the rise to power of a well-armed outsider over a lushly imagined, exoticised realm, however urgently it might try.

GameInformer: 7.5/10

Cita:Virtually everything about Far Cry 5 is thoroughly okay. For a series that has provided so many thrills and surprises, that's a major disappointment

TheSixthAxis: 9/10

Cita:Far Cry 5 is another improvement to a series that hit its stride quite a long time ago. It gets a recommendation not because of any of its individual features, but because they all combine together into a game that becomes paradoxically funny and horrifying, occasionally at the same time. It depicts a part of America lovingly with its tongue very firmly glued to its cheek, but when I close my eyes, I still see Joseph Seed staring back at me.

Attack of the Fanboy: 9/10

Cita:We didn't get it with the last two entries in the series, but Far Cry 5 feels like the generational leap that fans have been waiting for. This installment certainly feels like the biggest in terms of content and it just might be the best Far Cry game to date.

BaziCenter: 8/10

Cita:The 5th installment in Far Cry franchise is yet another effort by Ubisoft to build on a successful formula, And while some elements such as story and AI are not as good as we’d expected, the core mechanics of THE gameplay are so great that it’s just impossible not to love it. Far Cry 5 tastes as good as its big brother, Far Cry 3. Maybe even tastier.

GamerSyde: No score

Cita:Far Cry 5 remains Far Cry, in that its adjustments do not modify the game's DNA. Because of that, this fifth installment is not likely to convince you if you have never truly liked the franchise since 2012. That being said, we still feel that this new episode is more legitimate than Far Cry 4 was and more fun to play in the end. Like many people out there, we suffered from Far Cry fatigue and we thought it would be just the same with Far Cry 5. It turns out we were wrong, but it's quite hard to be sure everyone will feel the same. The world is appealing, the content is huge, but there is clearly not as many innovations as we would have hoped to make it feel different. Still, this new opus is most certainly the best in the franchise so far. We'll see if it'll be enough for the players to join in.

Gadgets360: 8/10

Cita:These issues notwithstanding, Far Cry 5 is a welcome entry in a series that’s been consistently entertaining over the years. The campaign is filled with memorable characters, robust progression, and action galore that all combine to make it a treat to play.

Wccftech: 9.1/10

Cita:If you're wondering whether bringing the madness to our doorstep, making the entire campaign co-op and including an impressive toolbox to create new levels and missions while still retaining that visceral gunplay the series is known for keeps Far Cry 5 fresh and worth playing on Day One, my answer is: yes, absolutely.

Budgetgaming: 78/100

Cita:Far Cry 5 has a lot of wasted potential, but when it tells its story, it's pretty good. However, someone who recently played Primal or even Far Cry 4 won't find enough new stuff here to book a trip to Hope County.

Gamer.nl: 7.5/10

Cita:If this is your first Far Cry: go for it. If it is not you might want to skip this one seeing as it does not really improve on the formule all that much.

Wait for a sale

JeuxVideo.com: 16/20

Gameblog: 8/10
Me alegro que por fin haya salto y no sea un simple skin como me pareció el 4 respecto al 3 (aun así seguía siendo un gran juego)

Lo pillaré con ganas esta semana santa.
Parece que ha salido muy bueno. Para la lista de deseados.

Aun asi, para mi no habria problema que fuera mas de lo mismo que FC3 y 4, pero mejor.
Final Fantasy XIII mola, y quien diga lo contrario es un haterbate

[Imagen: sangrad.png]
Me alegro por los que le gustan los FC, parece que ha salido muy bueno.

Yo jugué al 3 y 4 y no más, Santo Tomás.
[Imagen: 1099402.png] [Imagen: 1099401.png]
Me alegro muchísimo de que se esté llevando buenas notas aunque no necesitaba saberlo para tenerle ganas, he disfrutado de todos los Far cry hasta la fecha y seguro que este no va a ser una excepción
[Imagen: 5Kh4fak.png]
Si alguien se entera, que comente si hay conquista de radios como en 3-4, es que creo que es lo que sobra y es lo que quiero que cambien.

Por cierto. Hay una novela que aconsejan leer antes de jugarlo.
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
Platineé el 3 y el 4, y tengo el Primal esperándome, cuando lo acabe vendrá el 5 a casa.
He empezado el juego y de momento me ha gustado mucho lo poco que he visto, que habrá sido media hora. El tema de la secta me ha gustado y promete.

Gráficamente hay una mejora bastante evidente (jugué al 4 el domingo) aunque de optimización no es ninguna maravilla. Al final lo he puesto en ultra porque los bajones son parecidos aunque baje muchas cosas. El test de rendimiento me saca la misma media poniendo en ultra, en alto y en alto pero bajando algunas cosas a medio.
(Ultima edición: 27-03-2018 07:37 por Cikio.)
¿Hay conquista de radios?
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]
(27-03-2018 08:22)Jagang escribió:¿Hay conquista de radios?

He jugado media hora... aún estoy en la introducción.
¿Y a qué esperas? Vamooosssss dale caña. No comas ni trabajes, tú solo juega e informa.
[Imagen: WZSsaPY.jpg]

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