Pedro Molinillo continúa su camino por ser el mejor visionario de la industria
Hoy conocemos a través de un artículo muy elaborado de Eurogamer, que el ganador de aquel juego de cubos que lanzo Molinillo en móviles, Curiosity, ni ha cobrado parte de las ganancias de Godus, ni ha podido ser "God" en Godus.

Ya han pasado 18 meses, y no parece que la cosa vaya a cambiar.

Cita:During the early afternoon of 26th May 2013, 18-year-old Scot Bryan Henderson tapped on Peter Molyneux's Curiosity cube for the last time. He had won the game.

A tiny message appeared on the screen of his smartphone. It contained an email address for someone at 22Cans, the Guildford studio Molyneux had founded after leaving Microsoft and traditional game development behind.

Bryan, confused but intrigued, followed the instructions. Have I really won, he asked? An email appeared with a link to a video. In it Molyneux, dressed all in black and set against a virtual cube, delivers a message of congratulations.

The prize? In the months before Curiosity's release, Molyneux had hyped it up, promising it would be "life-changing" for whoever discovered it. "Life-changing." Quite the claim, and Molyneux's video message repeats the words. But how? You will become a digital god, Molyneux proclaims in the video, of 22Cans' next game, Godus. And, you will receive a cut of the money made by Godus from the start of your reign to its end.

"That, by any definition of the word, is life-changing," Molyneux says.

18 months later, as Bryan approaches his 21st birthday, he has yet to become God of Gods, he has yet to receive the "riches" Molyneux promised him, and it's looking increasingly likely he never will.

Resaltar esta perlaca del articulo:

Cita:This is my favourite part of the story. Sounds like he is living the dream Smile

"They were talking amongst themselves and didn't pay attention to me. For some reason they had their backs to me and my friend for the start of the evening. Then more people came and that's when we started having a conversation with someone. That was a bit strange. You're here because of me, and they weren't really paying attention. Maybe they were caught up in some interesting conversation.

"This guy called Tony, he comes with shots for me and my friend. It was Jägermeister. We talked to him for the most part of the evening. What games we like, what music we like, a normal conversation. We were talking to this young guy. He was just doing an internship. He got us Jägerbombs, and we just had to do them because they had already been paid for."

Peter Molyneux didn't get to the pub in the end. He had to shoot off for a flight, Bryan remembers, to some far-flung place for a games convention. Around 7pm, the slightly drunk pair left for Heathrow buoyed by the day. But what, exactly, had it meant? What would the God of Gods role involve? How much money were 22Cans talking about? Would Bryan's life really change?

A signed poster and T-shirt followed him up to Edinburgh soon afterwards.

For Bryan, it was downhill from there.

Que jeta tiene Molinillo.
Al chaval le ha hecho el lío pero bien.
Entre todas las estrellas, una desprende más calor y brilla más que las otras, la luz de Samus Aran.
Sus batallas se extienden más allá de su vida y quedan grabadas en la historia.

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