Nueva información de Resident EVII_ (sin QTEs, ambientado en Sur de Europa, etc.)
CAPCOM ha realizado una sesión de preguntas y respuestas y la ha publicado en su blog, revelando algunos nuevos detalles como la ausencia de QTEs y que el juego se ambientará en el Sur de Europa (¿regreso a España?).

La entrevista la tenéis en Spoiler, está en inglés.

Spoiler :
The announcement of Resident Evil 7 at E3 2016 generated a lot of excitement from fans hungry for a new entry in the series. With the surprising reveal came a wave of questions about the new direction for the franchise. We spoke with RE7 producer Masachika Kawata and director Kōshi Nakanishi at E3 about some of the big lingering questions after the initial reveal.[Imagen: 54c90cc9676e0c59c6359fe0cb3e1f8c.jpg?v=202800]

How are you feeling after the big announcement?

Kawata-san:┬áIt was a lot of work to get to this point, obviously. First of all, weÔÇÖre super relieved that weÔÇÖre able to talk about the game and show it to everyone. Now weÔÇÖre just interested in knowing what everybody thinks and what the reaction is to the announcement we made yesterday. IÔÇÖm looking forward to seeing that.

What is your development history with the RE series?

Kawata-san:┬áIÔÇÖm the producer on the game. IÔÇÖve worked on previous titles like Resident Evil 5 and [Resident Evil] Revelations. IÔÇÖm going to try to use my history with the series to bring out the horror feeling out in this title. I want to bring a new kind of horror to players.
Nakanishi-san:┬áIÔÇÖve been on the series for quite a long time. ItÔÇÖs been a long history of taking on new challenges. Every time we have new hardware coming out weÔÇÖre putting a new Resident Evil on it and doing something different with the series. Like Kawata-san said, weÔÇÖre looking forward to doing something really new for everyone on the current generation of consoles.

The full name of the game in the West is ÔÇ£Resident Evil 7 biohazardÔÇØ and in Japan itÔÇÖs ÔÇ£BIOHAZARD 7 resident evilÔÇØ. Can you please explain this interesting new international naming convention?

Kawata-san:┬áObviously you can tell we wanted to merge the two titles weÔÇÖve had. As fans may know, the game has been called Biohazard ever since the beginning in Japan, and itÔÇÖs been called Resident Evil in the West. We really want to have the big, impactful feeling of the series being in one place right now, and having one future itÔÇÖs heading towards. To do that, we brought the two titles together into one with Resident Evil 7 biohazard. ItÔÇÖs the opposite in Japan, itÔÇÖs BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil.

In your own words, what are the core differences between Resident Evil 7 and previous games in the series?

Nakanishi-san:┬áThe demo, just to be clear, isnÔÇÖt a slice of the game. We really want to focus on what concepts we want players to understand about the game with the demo, and thatÔÇÖs horror. This is a tonal preview of what to expect in the game, rather than a little bit of game content youÔÇÖre getting in advance. In the 20 year history of Resident Evil, you know that the key pillars of the game are fear and horror, exploration of the environment, puzzle-solving elements, resource management, and combat against enemies. Those are all in this game, but we wanted to start off with the first two ÔÇô horror and exploration ÔÇô and get you experiencing those two pillars up front. If youÔÇÖre thinking that because those other elements arenÔÇÖt in the demo, that they wonÔÇÖt be in the game, thatÔÇÖs not the case. WeÔÇÖre focusing up front about the message of horror coming home in this demo.
Looking back at the history of the series and thinking ÔÇ£How do we get people playing today to experience the same fear that they felt in 1996 with the first game? How do we bring that up to date and bring that emotion back?ÔÇØ That question and the answer is what led us to make the gameplay system as you see in the demo.

Why did the team decide to shift RE7 into a first-person perspective?

Kawata-san: Both myself and the director, Mr. Nakanishi, felt if we want people to experience horror and experience it in the most direct, visceral way possible, then literally putting yourself in the position of seeing what the character sees is the best way to do that and so it was our motivation for the first-person camera change.
Nakanishi-san:┬áOf course itÔÇÖs a big change, so first we got a prototype working and we put first-person in place and we wanted to see if we could make Resident Evil work in first person. As soon as we had it up and running we were really confident that this was the way to move forward. We were really happy with the way that Resident Evil feels in first person.

Resident Evil 7 is built from the ground up in CapcomÔÇÖs new proprietary RE Engine. Can you share a little more about this?

Nakanishi-san:┬áOur artists, programmers, and the whole team are just all really fussy people. We all want to get exactly what we want out of game development. If youÔÇÖre using a third-party engine or one created by another company, it feels like there are places that you have to reach to scratch an itch compared to when we design an engine ourselves. We want to know exactly how to find our way around an engine. We decided the only way to make the game with the highest quality possible was to make our own engine for it that was dedicated to making this amazing experience. ItÔÇÖs really a sign of the teamÔÇÖs dedication as artists to not only make a new game but a new engine as well.

[Imagen: bd88df59bf96b35e2dfd1518b9251226.jpg?v=185400]

Pictred above: Masachika Kawata, producer of RE7

What character(s) do players control in this game?

Kawata-san:┬áJust to confirm ÔÇô it isnÔÇÖt an existing character whose eyes youÔÇÖre seeing through. I think one of the places we got in the series up until now is youÔÇÖre kind of playing these superhero characters. TheyÔÇÖre fully equipped, powerful people who go into these survival horror situations but theyÔÇÖre ready for them. They can take it on. To bring the horror experience right to the player, we thought now that youÔÇÖre in first person youÔÇÖll feel like youÔÇÖre there. You canÔÇÖt be looking through the perspective of a macho, hero character because thatÔÇÖs not you at home. Or maybe you are macho, I donÔÇÖt know [laughs]. ItÔÇÖs sort of a powerless, ordinary person youÔÇÖre playing as. WeÔÇÖre not really talking in too much detail about who they are right now, but theyÔÇÖre an ordinary person stuck in an extraordinary situation. I think that really brings the horror right to the fore. You wonder if this person youÔÇÖre playing as ÔÇô or you ÔÇô will be able to cope with this situation. ThatÔÇÖs a real feeling of helplessness that helps the horror stand out. If you try the demo thatÔÇÖs out on [PlayStation 4] for [PlayStation Plus subscribers], youÔÇÖll see.

Is RE7 a reboot?

Nakanishi-san:┬áItÔÇÖs not a reboot and weÔÇÖre not throwing away the seriesÔÇÖ canonical storyline. ItÔÇÖs the new numbered title in the series and itÔÇÖs a sequel to the existing mainline series titles. After I say that and you try the demo, you may say ÔÇ£Really?ÔÇØ, because it looks nothing like any of that, but trust me. We need to have a bit of mystery in survival horror, so weÔÇÖre trying to make you wonder when you play it how could this possibly be connected? ThatÔÇÖs part of the appeal.
Can you tell us more about the VHS aesthetic and found footage taps featured in the Resident Evil 7 Beginning Hour Teaser?
Kawata-san:┬áThings have gotten so digital in the modern era that we wanted to bring an analogue, grungy feel to this horror. If youÔÇÖve already played the demo then youÔÇÖve seen this VHS found footage motif going on. You play them on a big, old, cathode-ray TV. There are also going to be audio cassettes appearing in the game as well. That sort of thing has a certain atmosphere. Almost like it could be set anytime, could be the ÔÇÿ80s, it could be now.

RE7 is fully playable in PlayStation VR Mode. Tell us about the impact this has on the game.

Kawata-san:┬áI think VR is a really good match for horror. When we first got it implemented we were all so excited to try it out, put on the headset, and get into the horror experience. You have to try it out for yourself to figure out how immersive it is and how you feel like youÔÇÖre right there in the room.┬á
Is the game content the same between PSVR and a regular playthrough?
Nakanishi-san: Yes, the content is the same, but of course for VR we need to optimize the experience to make it comfortable and as immersive as possible. But the game itself is the same, whether you play in PSVR Mode or play it regularly.

Is there ever a concern that the development team could make Resident Evil 7 too scary?

Nakanishi-san:┬á[Laughs] You take responsibility if you choose to play in PSVR Mode. Whether you think youÔÇÖre ready for it or not is up to you to decide. We certainly did have feelings at some points where we thought it was possible to push it too far in VR with horror.

Why did the development team decide to focus the setting of RE7 to a derelict plantation mansion?

Kawata-san:┬áResident Evil 6 and recent entries in the series have had this massive, global scale to the horror and the threat, and we figured if we brought it down to a more intimate, personal scale of horror that would make it easier for players to experience the fear that we want them to experience. I hope that fans will enjoy this ÔÇ£bringing it back to basicsÔÇØ feeling we have where itÔÇÖs just one person in one location with a lot of fear. By not having a huge, broad scale of environments it also lets us focus on the details. [The mansion] is this one place you are [exploring], so I think Capcom has some expertise in our DNA over the years of bringing one area to life, like in the original Resident Evil. By focusing on that I think weÔÇÖre able to bring our expertise to bear on this really great, singular experience. ThatÔÇÖs not to say that this house you can see in the Beginning Hour TeaserÔǪ the game isnÔÇÖt set in a series of corridors in and around this opening area. Again, I canÔÇÖt go into too much detail, but thereÔÇÖs a little bit more to it than that.

Would you like to deliver a special message to the fans following the reveal of RE7?

Nakanishi-san:┬áI want to give a reassuring message. IÔÇÖve seen from initial reactions of what weÔÇÖve put out that people are getting the impression that weÔÇÖve taken Resident Evil and turned it into some sort of supernatural, occult, ghost story. I think you can look at the trailer or the demo and get that impression, but donÔÇÖt worry, we havenÔÇÖt just thrown out Resident Evil as it exists and turned it into a ghost story. It will all make sense in the end. I know itÔÇÖs frustrating holding back on what we can show fans, but this is really the best way to let you enjoy the game to the fullest when it finally comes out. We just have a trailer and a demo at this moment, but watch this space in the coming months and we hope you look forward to the game. WeÔÇÖre going to do our best to make the best game we can.
Kawata-san:┬áIÔÇÖve been talking with the Capcom R&D group back in Japan, including my boss Mr. [Jun] Takeuchi ÔÇô fans might know who that is [RE, RE 2, RE 5] ÔÇô and we really want to be able to bring everything we can and all kinds of experiences to the Resident Evil series going forward. We hope you look forward to and enjoy what weÔÇÖve got in store for you with Resident Evil in the future.
Also I just want to say one last message: There will be no Quick Time Events in Resident Evil 7 [laughs]. I know there are a lot of people who will be relieved to hear that.
(Ultima edición: 27-06-2016 09:12 por disgraciau.)
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