Meristation y Vandal puntúan con un 8 a Persona x Fire Emblem (más notas inside)
Vandal le ha puesto un 8:
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE┬áes┬áuna de las sorpresas más agradables que nos ha dejado Wii U en su breve pero intensa existencia. Toda una rareza destinada a un público muy concreto y de nicho que esconde una aventura de rol japonés tan clásica como disfrutable, con la única y gran peculiaridad de contar con una historia, ambientación y temática de lo más atípica que no será plato del gusto de todos.
Tanto el guion como la ciudad de Tokio en la que se desarrolla podrían haber dado mucho más de sí, y en cierto sentido a veces peca de conservadora en sus mecánicas, pero esto no ha evitado que hayamos pasado┬áunas 50 horas entretenidísimas de principio a fin┬áluchando, explorando mazmorras y deleitándonos con la ingente cantidad de guiños y referencias que esconde a Fire Emblem y Shin Megami Tensei. Si os gusta el género y la locura japonesa que plantea no os echa para atrás, aquí tenéis┬áuna opción de compra muy recomendable y atractiva┬ácon la que ir preparando la despedida de la actual consola de Nintendo con uno de sus juegos más únicos y peculiares.

Y más notas:

Polygon 95
Though I went into it skeptical about how well a popstar-themed blend of both the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series might work, Tokyo Mirage Sessions never misses a beat.

God is a Geek 95
A resplendent addition to the Atlus catalogue, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE draws from two acclaimed series and outshines them both with an innovative combat system, radiant in-game world and charming cast of characters.

FNintendo 90
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is one of the best turn-based RPGs to be released in recent years and the best of its genre in the Wii U catalogue. While it does not reach a perfect balance between the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series and it certainly could have a more inspiring plot, its length, the fun and deep moments of combat and dungeon exploration are more than enough to genuinely attract any RPG fan to this title.

Nintendo Enthusiast 90
However, those that decide to pick up the latest Shin Megami Tensei title will be pleasantly delighted by its gameplay and dungeon deisgn. With a near barren summer release schedule this year, Tokyo Mirage Session is the perfect game to sink hours and hours into.

Attack of the Fanboy 90
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE takes a lot from the Shin Megami Tensei series and mixes in some Fire Emblem-flavored icing, and the results were fantastic. It's a superb RPG with a lot to offer, and is a must-have game for Wii U owners.

RPG Site 90
While long load times and jarring localization decisions hold it back slightly, #FE is still a unique cross-over that Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei fans and newcomers alike won't want to miss.

NintendoWorldReport 90
The colorful world, the characters, the battle system and so much more brings this game together in a major way. I could nag about the loading times and small hub worlds more, but Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE does too many things well for it to really matter. There are very few RPGs that I wanted to see 100% completed, but darn, I am glad that it is this one. 88
Quotation forthcoming.

Game Informer 83
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is a solid RPG with its own unique style and appeal. I could do without the tedious dungeons, but I still found plenty to love about the zany ride.

IGN Italia 82
A Solid and deep JRPG, with an exceptional attention to detail. Unfortunately, it suffers from repetition and a certain redundancy narrative. 80
Quotation forthcoming.

XGN 80
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is the long0awaited result of a Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem cross-over. The game provides quite the challenge, but a challenge that's worth experiencing because of it's light-hearted story and traditional JRPG gameplay.

Meristation 80
Despite the weak graphics and the lack of Fire Emblem content outside of a few references in the plot and sound effects, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a solid RPG that shows the expertise of Atlus. Sadly they have focused too much on doing well what they already know how to do and so most of the potential of such a combo as SMT x FE hasn't been fulfilled. But it's very enjoyable and attractive experience regardless. The music deserves an special mention as it includes memorable J-Pop tunes.

GameSpot 80
After a few dozen hours the semi-ludicrous story and systems set in front of you feel so comfortable together that this mashup of developer Atlus' most popular franchise and Intelligent Systems' beloved strategy RPG seems like it was destined to be.

Game Revolution 80
While this game has already released in Japan, it fizzled out for reasons I donÔÇÖt understand. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE seems to be mostly faithful to both wildly popular games from which it draws inspiration. Hopefully it will find a second wind and catch on in NA and EU, as IÔÇÖve stumbled upon quite the treat with Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

GamesRadar+ 80
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is basically the JRPG equivalent of a nightclub foam party - an absurd fun premise, great tunes, and surprisingly deep combat.

Destructoid 80
While folks probably won't be rushing out to buy a Wii U for it anytime soon, the famed publisher has once again proved that it is at the top of the food chain when it comes to JRPGs.

Lazygamer 80
A truly solid JRPG that combines deep combat, intricate strategy and customization with cute and funny story-telling and characters. It doesn't offering anything particularly new to the genre, but it's still a perfectly enjoyable experience.

Nintendo Life 80
Even if the idea of pop-star superheroes is an immediate turn off, a slew of rewarding mechanics might just be enough to pull you back in. Whether you ignore the silliness or embrace it, we'd dare say that any title featuring a rocket-powered cyborg pegasus is worth investigating.

The Games Machine 70
Despite being designed as a cross-over, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is an enjoyable J-RPG with a steady identity, that could have benefited from a more passionate writing and a less stereotyped cast of characters.

Slant Magazine 70
The game is thoroughly pleasant in the moment, at least for dedicated fans, but one gets the sense that, by the time Persona 5 comes around, no one will remember the plight of its particular band of bland archetypes.

TheSixthAxis 70
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is a good JRPG that sadly falls short of greatness due to missteps that you wouldnÔÇÖt expect to see in a modern game.

(Ultima edición: 23-06-2016 03:21 por Sir_Dekar.)
Notas que indican que ha salido un buen juego. A ver si hay suerte y me lo encuentro por ahí.
Lástima la no traducción y la censura que se ha comido el juego, conmigo que no cuenten.
(23-06-2016 14:41)EarthBound escribió:Me molaría hacerme con este juego. Y mira que me da grima la ambientación y la estética.

Yo tengo un dilema moral también, sabía que iba a ser bueno, pero es que solo de verlo me escuecen los ojos, es como el FFX-2.
De todas formas, considero que este juego tiene una estética mucho más aceptable que la que tienen juegos como FF X-2, los Ateliers modernos y Neptunia.
El juego es un Persona de andar por casa, al que le guste Persona, le gusta este juego.
(23-06-2016 16:48)Sefer escribió:El juego es un Persona de andar por casa, al que le guste Persona, le gusta este juego.
A mi me gusta Persona y no me atrae nada el juego. Checkmate.
(23-06-2016 21:43)mike escribió:A mi me gusta Persona y no me atrae nada el juego. Checkmate.

Se lo voy a contar a tu novia la muñeca hinchable bate
La cambié por otra roto2cafe

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