Galería de ilustraciones de LOTR (por Ted Nasmith) -estas cosas molan-
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Departure at the Grey Havens height=300 width=440][/img]
The Company Attempts the Pass of Caradhras
[img alt=The Company Attempts the Pass of Caradhras height=450 width=395][/img]
The Argonath
[img alt=The Argonath height=450 width=437][/img]

Last Sight of Hobbiton
[img alt=Last Sight of Hobbiton][/img]
Beyond the Old Forest
[img alt=Beyond the Old Forest][/img]
A Song in the Trollshaws
[img alt=A Song in the Trollshaws height=300 width=440][/img]
At the Ford
[img alt=At the Ford][/img]
Gandalf Escapes Upon Gwaihir
[img alt=Gandalf Escapes Upon Gwaihir][/img]
The Fellowship Leaving Rivendell
[img alt=The Fellowship Leaving Rivendell][/img]
Fire on Weathertop
[img alt=Fire on Weathertop][/img]
At the Bridge
[img alt=At the Bridge][/img]
The Great Tree at Caras Galadhon
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Great Tree at Caras Galadhon][/img]
Lady Galadriel
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Lady Galadriel][/img]
The Pillars of the Kings
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Pillars of the Kings height=300 width=440][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Boromir height=300 width=440][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Galadriel height=450 width=294][/img]
Gandalf and Shadowfax
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Gandalf and Shadowfax][/img]
The Willow Man is Tamed
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Willow Man is Tamed height=450 width=276][/img]
The Attack of the Wraiths
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Attack of the Wraiths height=450 width=278][/img]
Fifth Day After Weathertop
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Fifth Day After Weathertop][/img]
Password Into Moria
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Password Into Moria][/img]
The Anger of the Mountain
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Anger of the Mountain][/img]
Farewell to Lórien
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Farewell to Lórien][/img]
At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Sign of the Prancing Pony][/img]
Green Hill Country
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Green Hill Country][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Rivendell][/img]
Riders at The Ford
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Riders at The Ford][/img]
Leaving the Shire

[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Leaving the Shire height=300 width=440][/img]
Under the Spell of the Barrow-wight

[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Under the Spell of the Barrow-wight][/img]
The Balrog

[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Balrog][/img]
Green Hill Morning
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Green Hill Morning height=300 width=440][/img]
Elves in the Woody End
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Elves in the Woody End][/img]
Tol Brandir
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Tol Brandir][/img]
Boromir's Last Stand
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Boromir's Last Stand][/img]
At the Falls
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Falls][/img]
The Riders of Rohan
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Riders of Rohan][/img]
Fangorn Forest
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Fangorn Forest][/img]
The Stranger in the Forest
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Stranger in the Forest][/img]
The Tree Shepherds
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Tree Shepherds][/img]
The Wrath of the Ents
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Wrath of the Ents][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Apparitions][/img]
At the Cross-roads
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Cross-roads][/img]
First Sight of Ithilien
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - First Sight of Ithilien][/img]
The Terrace at Henneth Ann├╗n
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Terrace at Henneth Ann├╗n][/img]
The Tower of the Moon
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Tower of the Moon][/img]
Shelob's Retreat
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Shelob's Retreat][/img]
Treebeard and the Entmoot
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Treebeard and the Entmoot][/img]
Through the Marshes
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Through the Marshes][/img]
The M├╗mak of Harad
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The M├╗mak of Harad][/img]
The Last Words of Boromir
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Last Words of Boromir][/img]
No Way Down
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - No Way Down][/img]
GollumÔÇÖs Debate
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - GollumÔÇÖs Debate][/img]
Pursuit in Rohan
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Pursuit in Rohan][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Wellinghall][/img]
Sam Enters Mordor Alone
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Sam Enters Mordor Alone][/img]
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Shelob][/img]
Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil][/img]
Gandalf Rides to Minas Tirith
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Gandalf Rides to Minas Tirith][/img]
Sam and Rosie Cotton
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Sam and Rosie Cotton][/img]
Éowyn and the Nazg├╗l
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Éowyn and the Nazg├╗l][/img]
Nazg├╗l at the Walls
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Nazg├╗l at the Walls height=300 width=440][/img]
Storming the Bank
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Storming the Bank][/img]
In Haste to the White City
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - In Haste to the White City][/img]
The Shadow of Sauron
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Shadow of Sauron][/img]
The King of the Oathbreakers
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The King of the Oathbreakers][/img]
Saruman is Overtaken
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Saruman is Overtaken][/img]
The End of the Age
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The End of the Age][/img]
The Domes of the Dead
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Domes of the Dead][/img]
The Aid of the Wild-men
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Aid of the Wild-men][/img]
Éowyn and Faramir
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Éowyn and Faramir][/img]
Endgame on the Mountain
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Endgame on the Mountain][/img]
The Sun Unveiled
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Sun Unveiled][/img]
Across Gorgoroth
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Across Gorgoroth][/img]
Departure at the Grey Havens
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Departure at the Grey Havens height=300 width=440][/img]
At the Court of the Fountain
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Court of the Fountain][/img]
Éowyn and the Lord of the Nazg├╗l
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Éowyn and the Lord of the Nazg├╗l][/img]
The Glittering Caves of Aglarond
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Glittering Caves of Aglarond][/img]
Minas Tirith at Dawn
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - Minas Tirith at Dawn][/img]
The Nazg├╗l
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Nazg├╗l][/img]
At the Cracks of Doom
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Cracks of Doom][/img]
At the Foot of Mount Doom
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - At the Foot of Mount Doom][/img]
The Blue Wizards Journeying East
[img alt=Ted Nasmith - The Blue Wizards Journeying East][/img]
Hay muchas imagenes que son ya miticas. Sin embargo creo que John Howe y Alan Lee supieron ilustrar mucho mejor el mundo de Tolkien...
A Túrin Turambar turún' ambartanen

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