Tales of Xillia será publicado en agosto en América - Versión para impresión

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Tales of Xillia será publicado en agosto en América - Sir_Dekar - 06-04-2013

"Even if the foundation of the game might be the same, we always change the story up, the characters, the music," Baba said. "We always try to tweak the battle system in a way that offers something new. Some of the stuff is the same, but I wouldn't say that everything is identical."

I don't know if I agree with him there, but one of Baba's newest games, Tales of Xillia, which came out in Japan back in 2011 but won't hit U.S. shores until August 6, does change things up in one significant way: there's a female protagonist. A rarity, for a video gameÔÇöespecially a Japanese RPG.

Fuente: Kotaku

Re:Tales of Xillia será publicado en agosto en América - Led Zeppelin - 06-04-2013


Parte de una entrevista a Baba:

Cita:- One other frequently-asked question: why don't the U.S. versions of Xillia and other Tales games give people the option to play with Japanese voices and English subtitles?

"Of course we want to cater to the hardcore audience," Baba said, "but I think it's very important to cater to the more casual user who doesn't want to just read the subtitles and wants to enjoy the game in their native language. I think for first-time users who pick up one of our games for the first time, I think it'd be a lot more of an enjoyable experience playing it with English voices."

- "So why not offer options for both English and Japanese voices?" I asked.

"We've definitely heard this feedback from a lot of our fans across the world," Baba said. "I can't promise anything at the moment, but we're definitely looking at the option. I can't say which title it might be in the future, but hopefully, eventually, we might have that option available in one of our titles."

Para Baba es importante que disfrutemos el juego con voces en nuestro idioma, el Inglés.

Un saludo.