[Digital Foundry] Ninja Gaiden 3 WiiU vs PS360 - Rayman Legends WiiU - Versión para impresión

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[Digital Foundry] Ninja Gaiden 3 WiiU vs PS360 - Rayman Legends WiiU - mike - 15-12-2012

Sobre Rayman Legends.


Cita:One of the most genuinely exciting playable demos released in recent times, Rayman Legends on Wii U combines beautiful artwork, animation and audio with some innovative GamePad integration - and it all runs at native 1080p with a nigh-on flawless 60 frames per second update. Exclusive to the new Nintendo console, it's an interesting example of how third parties can put the hardware through its paces without having to worry about cross-platform conformity. The GamePad features aren't optional extras but instead form an integral part of the whole proposition: it's a release that simply wouldn't be the same on any other home console.

Ahora Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge:

-El juego ha tenido muchos cambios respecto a las versiones de PS360. (Dejo algunos párrafos)

Cita:The newly restored technical combat system has much in common with the last game, skills progression is back via a reworking of the Karma system, a choice of weapons is available throughout the game and the difficulty level is restored to a level that fans of the series should appreciate, retaining a beginner 'hero' mode for more casual gamers. Bloody dismemberment and brutal decapitations are also back on the menu, and - yes - bosses have a life-bar now.

Cita:But that's not all: the hated QTEs are mostly gone and the faintly ludicrous Kunai climbing system has been tweaked. In the process, the game is vastly improved and the character of Hayabusa himself is less compromised than once he was in the older, nerfed edition of the game. The notion of our highly trained combat master continually being "surprised" by goons jumping out at him (triggering a pointless QTE) along with the even more bizarre sight of a master ninja falling off a wall are now removed completely. And as for the enemy begging for his life? Team Ninja sidesteps that one adeptly simply by removing the offending sequence in its entirety.

-Cut-scenes a 720p en todas las plataformas. 360 usa FXAA y PS3/WiiU usan 2x multi-sampling y antialiasing.

Cita:For all the sweeping changes implemented in the gameplay, it's clear that the technological underpinnings of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge share much in common with the older code, with the Wii U version seemingly based on the superior PlayStation 3 version of the game. Cut-scenes render out at 720p on all platforms, with many of them pared down to 30FPS in order to implement higher-quality models and effects work. Here we find the Xbox 360 game utilising FXAA, while both PlayStation 3 and Wii U use 2x multi-sampling anti-aliasing.

-In-game, vemos resolución dinámica y antialiasing.
-Cuando la acción se intensifica, el antialiasing se elimina por completo en todas las versiones para mantener el rendimiento. La resolución se ajusta al vuelo.

Cita:Moving in-game, we see the application of both dynamic resolution and anti-aliasing. If the GPU horsepower is available to maintain 60 frames per second, we see the same 720p and 2x MSAA/FXAA combination. However, once the action hots up, anti-aliasing is completely removed from all versions of the game in order to maintain performance, while resolution adjusts on the fly seemingly according to load, scaling down to a minimum of 1024x576. We say "seemingly" because taking snapshots from any given point in the game throws up a number of anomalies: scenes that all consoles should easily be able to render can see the scaled-down resolution effect still in play. It may well be that the changes take time to kick in.

Cita:With no real performance conclusions, we turn to the gameplay comparison in order to find answers. Here we confirm that Xbox 360's tearing issues really impact on the visual quality of the game, and that while significantly reduced, it's still something of an issue on PlayStation 3 too. Wii U continues to run with v-sync engaged, and for the first half of our comparison it manages to do so while keeping pace with the other versions in terms of raw frame-rate too. However, on later stages we find the Wii U version taking a significant hit to frame-rate for reasons unknown - especially on the helicopter boss battle.

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