[Ronda de análisis] Mario Golf: Super Rush - Versión para impresión

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Mario Golf: Super Rush - Antares - 24-06-2021

Meristation - 7.8

Mario Golf: Super Rush es una entrega a la altura de la saga, con una jugabilidad exquisita, pero donde la innovación jugable choca con una ambición general que le impide alcanzar la excelencia. Su modo aventura es bastante entretenido, especialmente por cómo puedes configurar tu personaje Mii y lo bien que se nos enseña todas las mecánicas, opciones y escenarios. Por lo demás, faltan alicientes para seguir jugando una vez terminamos esta campaña. El modo multijugador es donde debería apoyarse el grueso de nuestras horas de partida, pero su limitado abanico de opciones, incapacidad para organizar torneos y ausencia de componente competitivo impiden que la obra luzca como debería. Por lo demás, a nivel jugable es una delicia y lo hemos pasado muy bien con él.

Vida Extra

Habiendo disfrutado de no pocos juegos de Camelot, la sensación con lo probado durante estos últimos años es de preocupante desgana. Mario Golf: Super Rush es divertido y entretenido porque cualquier juego con estos personajes y un puñado de golpes especiales muy mal tendría que hacerlo para no ganarse ese calificativo, pero está a kilómetros de lo que uno espera del sello de calidad de Nintendo.

Que lo vas a disfrutar si te llama mínimamente la atención, y tienes a alguien con quien exprimirlo un poco más allá del juego en solitario, no me cabe la menor duda. Que vayas a salir de él dando saltos de alegría por todo lo que te ofrece y el nivel al que lo hace, eso ya me parece más complicado.

IGN España - 7

Mario Golf: Super Rush es un buen regreso de la franquicia mítica a Nintendo Switch, muy divertido y que cumple. Cada hoy es una gozada y se pueden poner pocos peros a nivel jugable. Muy entretenido para jugar acompañados, donde Camelot parece haber puesto todos sus esfuerzos tras un modo historia que no pasa de cumplidor y al que se le echa en falta mucho más cariño y recursos.

Hobby Consolas - 85

Da igual si te gusta o no el golf. Nintendo le ha dado la vuelta para que este deporte pausado sea una locura con carreras, tiros especiales o trampas, para gustar a todo el mundo, con un control exquisito y un colorido apartado visual. Lástima que el modo historia y el online no den más de sí...

3D Juegos

En términos de golf, podríamos decir que Mario Golf Super Rush hace un buen par, pero se queda algo lejos del birdie. Buen título, con una valiente propuesta que se materializa en la inclusión de un modo aventura y un estilo de golf rápido que se aleja del enfoque tradicional. No obstante, esto último no termina de convencer, aunque el mayor problema es otro: la falta de contenidos y de una mayor variedad de propuestas. Por ello, este Mario Golf para Nintendo Switch se siente como un juego que cumple, pero que no va más allá.

Area Jugones - 9

Mario Golf: Super Rush me ha hecho echar de menos a mis amigos y a este deporte que tanto he querido. Camelot ha creado una entrega que en lo jugable es brutal, en los modos de juegos ha roto esquemas y que en cóctel arroja un sobresaliente. Estamos ante el juego de la franquicia que más ha innovado en de las últimas entregas. Personalmente me ha provocado querer volver a retomar un deporte que hace casi 10 años que dejé de lado. ¿He vuelto? Todavía no he tenido tiempo. De una forma u otra, nos vemos en el campo.

Vandal - 7.5

Mario Golf: Super Rush es un juego de golf con una jugabilidad fantástica, unos campos muy bien diseñados y unas ideas muy interesantes y divertidas a la hora de plantear nuevas y alocadas variantes de este deporte. Sin embargo, no consigue terminar de rematar este dechado de virtudes por culpa de la mecha tan corta que tiene para jugar en solitario y las limitaciones de su multijugador, quedándose nuevamente a medio camino de ser algo realmente redondo e intachable. Sea de un modo u otro, es un título que sabe divertir y animar una velada con amigos, y su modo historia es entretenidísimo, por lo que haríais bien en echarle un vistazo a poco que os guste este deporte y os apetezca un buen exponente del género.

Metacritic (73)
OpenCritic (72)

Video Chums (9.1/10):
Cita:With its frantic new modes and spot-on gameplay, playing Mario Golf: Super Rush is the most amount of fun I've had with a sports game in a very long time. Throw in that iconic Nintendo charm and comprehensive multiplayer and you're left with a hole-in-one.

Wccftech (9/10):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush is the plumber’s best sports outing in a good long time, featuring smartly-revamped core mechanics, beautiful, varied courses, clever new modes, and a single-player Adventure full of fun twists. The game may be a bit light on content (something Nintendo is promising to address with free updates), but aside from that, Mario’s form is close to flawless this time around.

COGconnected (90/100):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush’s plethora of options and solid mechanics make this one of the greatest arcade golf video games to date. The inclusion of the exciting, speed-based Rush and Battle modes helps take the genre in a new direction that will appeal to gamers old and new. With an incredible story mode that will keep you hooked throughout and the returning cast of characters in fresh golfing garb, it's clear Nintendo has hit a glorious stripe down the fairway.

ComicBook.com (4.5/5):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush is just about everything a player could want out of a Mario sports title. Nintendo and Camelot really threw the kitchen sink at the game, giving players a plethora of options to make the experience whatever they want it to be. The three modes available in Play Golf are a blast solo or with other players, and Golf Adventure is a meaty single-player experience for those that want one. Re-doing the same challenges in Golf Adventure can be a bit of a pain, but it can also be pretty satisfying completing some of the tougher tasks. Mario Golf: Super Rush continues the proud legacy of the series, offering just about everything a fan could ask for.

Game Informer (8.25/10):
Cita:Despite the underwhelming nature of the story mode, Mario Golf: Super Rush delivers plenty of golfing greatness. With a strong foundation and multiple fun avenues of play, Mario Golf: Super Rush carries on the long-standing tradition of Nintendo sports games by being a good time regardless of your fandom of the actual sport.

The Washington Post (8/10):
Cita:Is nostalgia and love of golf enough to carry “Mario Golf” as a whole? It has enough just to keep players interested. During a multiplayer session with Nintendo, I got to run around in Battle Golf and Speed Golf. Much of the fun came from other people’s reactions to landing bogeys or particularly clean shots. If you happen to have a gaggle of friends who love golf, this just might be the game for you. Otherwise, “Mario Golf” falls flat on its ow

God is a Geek (8/10):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush is a terrific game with friends. It’s also mechanically thoughtful and rewarding. It’s only really let down by the fact that outside a fairly lackluster adventure mode, you will need to get online, or play locally. I couldn’t shake the feeling the entire time that it felt a bit like a second tier game, as though it was lacking some polish. But it’s a tremendous arcade game of golf that will keep us all busy until we get a new Mario Strikers, because that has to be next, right?

PCMag (4/5):
Cita:If golf is your arcade sport of choice, you’ll have a great time with Mario Golf: Super Rush. The Speed and Battle modes breathe fun and frantic new life into the classic golf formula, even if the visuals could use more of that exciting energy. The lengthy solo adventure will keep you plenty busy, too, as you accept challenges and level-up your character. You’ve helped Mario save the Mushroom Kingdom on multiple occasions, so you deserve to relax and hit the links.

My Nintendo News (8/10):
Cita:With speed taking precedence, Mario Golf: Super Rush is for players who want to experience the thrills of golf at quadruple the pace. However, traditional Mario Golf fans may feel snubbed here as there is little challenge outside standard golf and solo play, with character unlocks and incentives completely excluded. Perhaps with the promise of continuous updates due to its rather limited base game, Super Rush may feel less one-sided, though for now it values velocity over proficiency – the complete antithesis to real-life golf. Not quite an eagle, almost a birdie, but absolutely on par.

Nintendo Insider (8/10):
Cita:Reflecting on my time with Mario Golf: Super Rush it’s hard not to draw comparisons with 2018’s Mario Tennis Aces. Just like that game, the story mode once again lacks punch leaving little (outside online) to keep lone players occupied. That being said, new modes Speed Golf and Battle Golf are fantastic additions and the mechanics at play continue the series trend of offering an accessible and highly satisfying golfing experience. Get some friends together and Mario Golf: Super Rush is a hole in one.

GameSpot (7/10):
Cita:With three radically different styles of play and some seriously inventive courses, Mario Golf: Super Rush is a compellingly original sports game. Speed Golf and Battle Golf actively make you adapt to wildly different conditions while balancing technique and speediness. The three-click swing system still feels great, though if you desire an accurate motion-controlled golf game, this isn’t it. Golf Adventure curiously lacks a conventional tournament structure or record keeping, which actively dissuaded me from ever wanting to revisit it. Super Rush isn’t the best entry in the series, but it’s a worthy addition.

TheSixthAxis (7/10):
Cita:It's great to see Mario Golf: Speed Rush reviving another Mario sports franchise for Nintendo Switch, but it's a game that feels that restrained in some places and muddled in others. The Adventure mode loses its focus half way through, and it lacks course variety, but underneath it all, this is still a fun, accessible and often frantic golf game that is easy to enjoy.

CGMagazine (7/10):
Cita:There’s definitely an enjoyable golf game here that is more approachable, and less serious than something like PGA Tour 2K21. I think it would definitely have been made much better by a camera and UI that reflected that of its predecessors, and maybe had a little more to offer. Even if you’re a stickler for things like this, such as myself; if you can look past these flaws, I think you’ll enjoy Mario Golf: Super Rush.

Nintendo Life (7/10):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush is a game that in many respects hits its marks. Golf Adventure has plenty of charm and offers a fun way to learn various mechanics and unlock courses. Away from that solo endeavour there are decent options and customisation for multiplayer games, local or online, button controls or motion-based swinging. It's not a premium effort, however, with a nagging feeling of corners cut and at times an absence of creativity. However, many players should get a good amount of fun out of this one, both solo and with friends. This ain't the Masters, but for Mario Golf fans it is a solid par.

IGN (6/10):
Cita:Mario Golf: Super Rush is a comfort-food game that, to some (like me!), can take you to a happy place with a couple taps of the same button followed by an exclamation of “Nice Shot!” Its standout Speed Golf mode is a great twist on Mario Golf and a genuinely fun way to play that goes a fair way to spicing up an age-old formula by filling the space between swings with a madcap foot race to the next one. Though even if that mode is a tidy birdie, sadly there are just too many bogeys elsewhere in Super Rush in the form of a poor adventure mode, a slight selection of courses, low replayability, and just a general lack of things to do after you’ve burnt through its content once that make for an unsuccessful round. Arcade golf games like this are made to be played with friends for a long time, but there just doesn’t feel like enough variety on offer here to make me want to. Without that longevity I just can’t place Super Rush in the category of a top-tier Mario Golf game.

VGC (3/5):
Cita:With any luck, a steady stream of extra content post-launch could potentially push it to the forefront of the series. For now, though, the game is great to play, but the lack of meatier features and a somewhat less wacky nature than expected means it falls short of being truly fantastic.

Guardian (3/5):
Cita:The innovation of players running around after their shots is fun but you may find yourself longing for a leisurely stroll over the course.

VG247 (3/5):
Cita:It’s the sort of arcadey sports experience that doesn’t really happen any more. Most sports games now are simulations – so I’m so glad to get another game that carries the spirit of older, arcadey, more silly sports games. The adventure mode’s shortcomings don’t dent that significantly enough to stop me from recommending Mario Golf: Super Rush – but just don’t go in expecting an all-time-great sports story mode.

GAMINGbible (6/10):
Cita:Like Mario Tennis Aces before it, Super Rush gently caresses its traditional take on the sport it's simulating to a new, better-than-ever standard. But just like that older game, too, its exaggerated extra modes don't stand above the 'basic' experience of simply playing 18 holes as a superpowered plumber.

Screen Rant (6/10):
Cita:Overall, Mario Golf: Super Rush has a few interesting ideas, but it fails to give any meaningful purpose to most of its content.

EGM (3/5):
Cita:For the first home console game in the series in nearly two decades, Mario Golf: Super Rush is a bit underwhelming, at least in terms of what it has to offer. Speed Golf and Battle Golf are both great ideas, but they aren’t fleshed out enough to feel like main modes. Golf Adventure is a great way to add depth to what basically amounts to an extended tutorial, but it too suffers from pacing problems. Thankfully, the bulk of the game—the actual golfing—feels better than ever by being both technically challenging and more accessible.

GamesRadar (2.5/5):
Cita:Swings in multiple different directions without ever making a convincing impact. While Mario Golf: Super Rush isn't too rough in most places, it's just not on par compared to other recent golf games.