[Ronda de análisis] Paper Mario: The Origami King - Versión para impresión

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Paper Mario: The Origami King - zothenr - 15-07-2020

Vandal - 9.1

Paper Mario: Origami King es una sorpresa constante de principio a fin. Una aventura sobresaliente que nunca deja de reinventarse a sí misma para que la diversión no decaiga y hacer que cada uno de los minutos que invirtamos con ella resulten únicos y memorables. Una sucesión de momentos y situaciones que son todo un derroche de originalidad, imaginación y buenas ideas que nos dejan claro que no hay ninguna regla escrita y que las normas de los videojuegos siempre deben estar al servicio de la creatividad, aunque para ello haya que romperlas con tal de sorprender al jugador. No se nos ocurre mejor título para celebrar un aniversario tan especial para la versión de papel de Mario, una saga que por fin ha encontrado su identidad y que vuelve a brillar con fuerza y luz propia sin necesidad de echar la vista atrás para erigirse como lo que es: un auténtico juegazo.

Hobby Consolas - 90

Un derroche de imaginación y buenas ideas, con un desarrollo muy variado en el que cada paso es una nueva sorpresa. A partir de ahora, cada vez que nos venga a la cabeza la expresión "diversión en estado puro", vamos a pensar en Paper Mario: The Origami King.

Eurogamer España - Recomendado

Pero qué queréis que os diga, a mi me cuesta enfadarme. Me cuesta tomarme a mal ciertos desvíos totalmente evitables porque en ocasiones implican recorrer un templo antiquísimo con un loro al hombro reclutando momias raveras, y no me apetece ponerme gruñón con un sistema de combate que decepciona, pero que ni por asomo consigue empañar la experiencia de uno de los juegos más genuionamente divertidos de los últimos años. Y por eso prefiero considerar esos ocasionales ramalazos de tedio como un pequeño precio a pagar: todos tenemos algún amigo especialmente gracioso que se pone pesado cuando le da por beber. Si acaso, lo único que me sabe realmente mal es ver a un juego así, tan libre, tan imaginativo, tan colmado de ideas, traicionar su propia creatividad planteando unos enfrentamientos que recurren al mismo truco una y otra vez. Enlazar mil grullas idénticas una detrás de otra encierra una cierta belleza, sin duda, pero en combate solo funciona la primera vez. Que se lo pregunten a Daniel-San.

Vida Extra

De nuevo, tenemos un juego que quiere recuperar sus raíces pero no se atreve del todo a dar los pasos necesarios para llevarlo más allá.

Los nuevos aliados, todos ellos geniales y muy agradecidos (salvo en combate, donde no aportan nada), siguen estando encorsetados dentro de esas restricciones impuestas por Miyamoto; tienen que ser, sí o sí, personajes sacados de Super Mario World y similares. A excepción quizás de Olivia y Olly. Las peleas, también con un fondo disfrutable, se decantan más por la cantidad que por la calidad, sin tener siquiera un sistema de progresión decente que apoye esa filosofía de diseño.

Pero al final, cuando The Origami King de verdad funciona, y es algo que hace casi todo el rato, es capaz de eclipsar a casi todos los puntos negativos que uno pudiera sacarle. Os aseguro que en todo momento me he divertido muchísimo con este juego, y en gran parte ha sido gracias a sus diálogos, su ambientación, y su ingenio a la hora de presentar situaciones.

Meristation - 8.8

Paper Mario: The Origami King es un videojuego imprescindible para cualquier amante de la saga y para cualquiera que quiera añadir a su catálogo uno de los mejores exclusivos de Nintendo Switch. Porque este lo es. Vuelve por la puerta grande, marca el camino a seguir en lo que a diseño de escenarios y estructura jugable se refiere, sin caer en experimentos que generen conflicto con los cánones originales y hace suyo el nombre de esta querida serie. Su sistema de combate es una delicia, con la salvedad de pecar en exceso de algunos enfrentamientos prescindibles; aderezado por batallas contra jefes finales sencillamente geniales. Es una aventura con una historia simple, pero repleta de profundidad, un mensaje, apoyada en la escritura de personajes que pasan directamente a la lista de momentos inolvidables de la saga. Un título honesto, en definitiva, que va de frente y se adapta a todo tipo de públicos; que te pide poco y te da mucho, entre ello, la sensación de estar ante algo insigne. Te da motivos para dejarte llevar, porque todo lo que viene después es una caja de sorpresas. Su mayor virtud es la reinvención. Su resultado, memorable. Estamos de enhorabuena.

3D Juegos - 9.0

Paper Mario: The Origami King supone la vuelta de la saga a sus mejores tiempos, con un videojuego duradero, muy variado, un genial sentido del humor, potente exploración, innovadores combates y un encanto global apoyado en el rico universo Super Mario. El concepto "rompecabezas" de sus batallas lastra parcialmente el resultado global, pero es imposible obviar que nos encontramos ante un RPG tan peculiar como sobresaliente, una apuesta segura por lo diversión que además se convierte automáticamente en lo mejor que vais a encontrar en Nintendo Switch durante este año.

Alfa Beta Juega

En definitiva, Paper Mario: The Origami King no es un juego predecible ni conservador. Reúne muchos elementos de las anteriores entregas, pero todo en su justa medida para que no se vuelva repetitivo. Intelligent Systems ha demostrado que la saga puede crecer todavía más y ha hecho un juego redondo, muy ingenioso y con un diseño de niveles exquisito. Es perfecto para perderse y te aseguramos que pasarás horas pegado a la consola descubriendo todos sus secretos. El estudio ha incluido novedades que le sientan como un guante como los círculos mágicos y los puzles. Estos últimos le dan mucha identidad a los combates, especialmente contra los jefes finales, más desafiantes que nunca.

Un juego lleno de matices sustentado por un gameplay muy equilibrado. Ha creado mundos que parecen estar conectados continuamente e invitan a la rejugabilidad por ese componente de colección tan amplio. Paper Mario: The Origami King tiene más de 30 horas de contenido donde exprime la bidimensionalidad del papel y termina sorprendiendo en cada mundo. Hay muy buen trabajo de localización con el humor característico de la franquicia, la guinda perfecta del pastel.

Juegos ADN - 9.0

A lo largo de estos 3 años, Nintendo Switch se ha caracterizado por sacar lo mejor de la mayoría de sagas de Nintendo. Ocurrió con Zelda, ocurrió con Mario, con Smash Bros, está ocurriendo con Animal Crossing y con Paper Mario no ha sido la excepción, pero con ciertos matices.

No negaré lo que es innegable, pero La Puerta Milenaria es un título que sí o sí se debe jugar al menos una vez en la vida, siendo este el cénit de la saga. Sin embargo, pese a que no logre ser el mejor de su saga, The Origami King' es un título que puede llevar el nombre de Paper Mario con orgullo, desprendiendo calidad por todos sus poros.

Es un juego que ofrece una historia que te atrapa, personajes que te sacan más de una carcajada, un mundo por explorar, un sistema de combate estratégico y muy entretenido que supone un crecimiento para el jugador, entre otros muchos factores que se resumen en una única sentencia: Paper Mario The Origami King es un videojuego MUY entretenido.

En la preview llegué a decir que una de sus principales virtudes (por aquel entonces) era el como te atrapaba hasta el punto de que me animó a querer llegar hasta el final de este viaje en compañía de Mario y Olivia, ya no solo por ser mi obligación de cara al análisis, sino porque era lo que deseaba. Es por ello que ahora, con el juego ya terminado, puede sentenciar este análisis afirmando lo siguiente: mereció la pena.

Metacritic (81) | OpenCritic (80)  Eurogamer (no score):
Cita:There's plenty I'd recommend about The Origami King, a journey generous with its humour, its spread of locations, its continual sense of adventure in Mario's bid to defeat the evil Origami King (a clever conceit which lets Mario befriend regular paper Goombas and Koopas while also letting him battle evil origami Goombas and Koopas). Its final section especially, while brief, is thrilling to watch unfold. But each time the game changed settings, every time it swapped in a new party member, whenever I cleared another boss, I expected it to grow the shoots it had begun to set out and dig in a little deeper. For all of the game's sense of personality and place, it never grows into anything weightier.

Polygon (no score):
Cita:Mario is a brand, not a genre. The strongest connective tissue between them is made up of the characters and basic story beats, while being designed in ways that make them fun for players of any age. These games can often be as hard, or as easy, as you’d like to make them.

For so much of Paper Mario: The Origami King, that’s true. I want to share it with my nieces and nephews, as well as my grown friends. But I hesitate due to the frustration of the combat and those imposing boss battles — those moments where I wish I had someone else to take over on the controller.

Kotaku (no score):
Cita:Origami King might not be the successor to Thousand-Year Door for which fans have been clamoring, but this time the formula works, allowing the series’ great writing and worlds to shine through.

The Verge (no score):
Cita:The fact that The Origami King is a great game almost feels like a bonus. It could’ve simply been a vehicle for Nintendo’s goofs, and I would’ve enjoyed it, such is the rarity of truly funny comedy games. But it also happens to be a fantastic example of how to freshen up the classic RPG formula with a few new ideas and clever simplification. In virtually every regard, the latest Paper Mario is anything but flat.

Ars Technica (no score):
Cita:For children or families looking for an inventive and colorful good time—or a fun and friendly introduction to a whole lot of shallow gaming ideas—you could do worse than Origami King. Players looking for the usual depth and progression of a full-fledged Japanese RPG, though, should look elsewhere.

Engadget (no score):
Cita:New Horizons will arguably be the game that defined 2020, and it introduced a slew of new players to Nintendo’s vast universe. If these fresh players — and even seasoned veterans — want something just a little denser, with slightly higher stakes, The Origami King is ideal.

And if you do play The Origami King in-between planting tulips and trading furniture in New Horizons, feel free to spend some extra time at the end of the dock in the red-streamer world. Maybe catch a few of those little fish before going after the big boy. Take your time. Enjoy the moment.

(liked, video review)

(no score, video review)

Comicbook.com (5/5):
Cita:While The Origami King can feel formulaic at times, the entry does more to reimagine the franchise than not. It won't impress fans who were hoping for a larger RPG focus, but its charming characters and story will keep fans hooked. Paper Mario has never felt so fun than with The Origami King, and its lighthearted feel is the perfect thing for gamers to sit with this summer.

COGconnected (95/100, ):
Cita:There are no paper cuts in store for you here. Paper Mario: The Origami King is as smooth as butter. I expected an epic journey as the franchise has provided in the past, but I had no clue I would fall in love with this game as much as I have. If you’re a Switch owner, you can’t miss it. And if you’ve been on the fence about purchasing one, The Origami King proves the grass really is greener on the other side. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems hooked Paper Mario up to the defibrillator, delivered 3000 volts to his chest, and now I’m here to tell you – Our boy is gonna live!

The Games Machine (9.1/10, review in Italian):
Cita:The Origami King is one of the most entertaining chapters in the long-lasting Paper Mario franchise and will surprise you with some fresh gameplay solutions.

Video Chums (9/10):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is a hilarious game with a ton of variety in its world and a clever new puzzle-based battle system. There's so much fun to be had that if you don't already own a Switch, this will act as a fantastic reason to go out and get one.

Vooks (4.5/5):
Cita:That level of creativity, imagination and personality is at the heart of what makes The Origami King such a fantastic ride. There is so much heart, joy and humour seeping from every fold that it is impossible not to have a good time. The way overall character progression works may fumble, but every other aspect of this adventure is concentrated happiness from start to finish. It excels with hilarious writing, charming presentation, inventive boss battles and a superbly paced blend of activities. This latest entry is the most fun I have had with Paper Mario since The Thousand-Year Door, and I had a smile on my face the whole time.

GamesRadar (4.5/5, ):
Cita:Gripes aside though, the latest Paper Mario title is a joy to exist in. An excellent story, charming characters, and the ability to team up with your oldest foes makes The Origami King a triumph. Yes, it may not be the new Thousand-Year Door RPG, but it's something special that should be celebrated.

God is a Geek (9/10, ):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is a triumph in so many ways, I can’t stress that enough. Presentation wise it is incredible, and the world feels fully alive, open, and vast, with many a way to explore it. The combat is so close to genius, too. While the boss fights are some of the best I’ve seen anywhere thanks to how unique they are, I can’t pretend I wasn’t avoiding battles with the standard enemies by the end. Still, this is by far the best Paper Mario game in a great long while, and if you can accept it’s not quite an RPG by most people’s definitions, and instead appreciate a sprawling, beautiful action adventure with turn-based combat, a great script, and a sublime soundtrack, you’ll have a wonderful time.

Screen Rant (4.5/5):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is pound-for-pound the best version of the series yet. An endlessly enjoyable story, a unique take on combat that fuses puzzle-solving with RPG traditions, and a beautiful world full of adventure makes Paper Mario: The Origami King yet another must-play Nintendo Switch experience.

Gameblog (9/10, review in French):
Cita:Paper Mario's heritage still floats over The Origami King, but didn't cause writer's block with this blank page, folded upside down thanks to the fantastic imagination applied to the staging and the story, decidedly audacious. Intelligent Systems' inventiveness also deploys through the ingenious architecture of this interconnected world and the tactical dimension unrolled by the battles, that become real puzzles. Such a well hammered increase of depth doesn't give headaches though, the main quest unwrapping along the realm's spread richness, so this moustached RPG asserts itself as the undisputed lord of its very own domain.

3DJuegos (9/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:A successful return to the roots of the Paper Mario series. The Origami King is a charming RPG that is going to satisfy everyone expecting a good sense of humor, inventive battles and a powerful exploration system.

Atomix (90/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:A crazy, very cool and above all, well-executed combat system that basically mixes a puzzle game with the fundamentals of a turn-based RPG; a script that will literally make you laugh out loud in a moment and at the same time cry with unexpected and intense scenes; brilliant and very complex art direction that is perfectly executed by beautiful graphics; as well as intricate, highly interactive level design are just a few of the great values of the new Nintendo Switch exclusive.

Hobby Consolas (90/100m review in Spanish, ):
Cita:A constant flow of imagination and good ideas, filled with variety and surprises at every corner. From now on, every time the words "fun as hell" come to our mind, we'll remember Paper Mario: The Origami King.

Nintendo Insider (9/10):
Cita:Creased and folded with meticulous care, Paper Mario: The Origami King is a cut above the rest that sees the paper-crafted series back at its best since the rightly lauded Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. The moustachioed paper cut-out’s journey to liberate Peach’s Castle offers a personality-packed adventure that’s worth setting out on, and one that will be remembered for the laughter, thrills and standout moments that it delivers.

CGMagazine (9/10):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King came in hot to a system that’s boasted excellent new adaptations of flagship games. It’s impossible to ignore the high bar Nintendo sets with these releases and the quality we come to expect from them. This one absolutely delivers on being fresh and new, living up to the quality we expect and is an exciting addition to the switch roster for those of us looking for the next great game to commit to. We have come to expect only the best from Mario RPG’s and this one still manages to blow through expectations and leave confetti flying.

Multiplayer.it (8.8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is an imaginative, beautiful adventure, with memorable characters and events, and a well-crafted world. The story is simple, but the writing is truly brilliant. It isn't a J-RPG anymore, but this is the best Paper Mario of the last ten years.

Meristation (8.8/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:The return of the saga that every fan was waiting for. Let no one be scared by the lack of experience points, because from the very first moment Intelligent Systems justifies the absence of levels: it is not a RPG, it is an adventure. This entry is a box of surprises, a video game capable of reinventing itself all time; a title that constantly gives you reasons to keep moving forward with a smile on your face. Without being perfect, on the verge of being excellent, it is a new must-have for Nintendo Switch.

Nintenderos (8.7/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Maybe it was not the Paper Mario we were expecting but we really liked The Origami King, both for the care it takes every step we take, and for how clever and ingenious it has been to mix puzzles with traditional battles and exploration.

IGN Italia (8.7/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Long, extremely entertaining and winking as a story, pleasant to play. Even if the double structure of the fights in the long run is a bit boring, especially when you are facing yet another semi-random clash in a row.

Spaziogames (8.5/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Tough Paper Mario: The Origami King is not an RPG anymore, this new work from Intelligent Systems is still an outstanding adventure with a lot of humor and awesome ideas.

GAMES.CH (85/100, review in German):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King may not quite reach the outstanding greatness of the first part on N64. But with its lovingly design, its pleasant cast and its exciting puzzle-kind fighting system Intelligent System brings the Paper Mario series back into line. Including the rich game world the new Paper Mario on Switch is definitely worth a buy.

Power Unlimited (85/100, review in Dutch):
Cita:After all these years Intelligent Systems finally pulls off developing a game that comes close to the extraordinarily charming The Thousend-Year Door. The brave new combat system with cirkels takes some getting used to, but doesn’t get in the way of the delightful Journey with Paper Mario and his companions.

VentureBeat (85/100):
Cita:But what I actually want you to take away is that this game works despite itself. You shouldn’t miss out on the characters, writing, and world because a small fraction of the experience doesn’t work. By the end, I had largely forgotten about standard combat. I think this is the rare game that improves as you continue playing. And that culminates in a thrilling finale that comes as a huge payoff for the story. So don’t sit this one out. Pick it up, play through it, complain about it with me, but then stick around for all of its joys.

Areajugones (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is the best entry of the series since 'The Thousand-Year Door'; it ain't your typical RPG, nor does it aim to be. The IP has taken a different path, and now its main selling point is the originality of its gameplay (quite demanding and strategic this time). A must-have game for the Nintendo Switch.

Gamer.nl (8.5/10, review in Dutch):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King offers a grand adventure with delightful creativity that can be found in every corner of the game. The renewed fighting system that revolves around circles knows how to tickle your brain, although it takes some getting used to. Even without in-depth RPG elements, The Origami King succeeds perfectly in combining the highlights of the franchise with successful innovations.

IGN Spain (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:New first-party from Nintendo, new great game for Switch. Despite the fact that being announced just two months ago, the new installment of Mario's RPG saga is brilliant, even if its combat puzzles mechanics end up getting too repetitive.

Everyeye.it (8.4/10, review in Italian):
Cita:The Origami King does not reach the excellence of its impressive predecessor, The Thousand-Year Door, precisely because it decides to overshadow the PRG component.

Destructoid (8/10, ):
Cita:There's room in my heart for both styles of Paper Mario. The old games still exist and this newer, sometimes thinner formula is fine too. That said, it's possible Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have folded this subseries every which way they can at this point. I hope the next one is a little more fresh.

Digitally Downloaded (4/5):
Cita:Paper Mario is such an eclectic and generally experimental series that it's difficult to define what makes a good entry in it. Some people like the specific combat systems that the series plays with. Others enjoy Mario in the JRPG context. For me, it's the sense of humour that's important. On that basis, I couldn't be happier with The Origami King. I feel that there will be a discussion about that ring-based combat system and some of the world design elements, but through it all, I do think that most people will simply love the deadpan, dry, droll and refreshing humour, and a general return to form for Paper Mario at what it does best.

GAMINGbible (8/10):
Cita:Had Intelligent Systems found some way to make fights more interesting or worthwhile, this might have been the best Paper Mario game to date. As it stands, it's easily the best adventure with the paper plumber I've had in years. Even if it doesn't quite reach the delirious highs of those first two entries, this is a game that kept a genuine smile on my face for almost its entire duration - and I don't know that we can underestimate the value of that right now.

Metro GameCentral (8/10):
Cita:The Origami King is in a peculiar position where it’s not actually what The Thousand-Year Door fans have been waiting for all these years, and yet it’s still very good anyway. There’s a lot to be said for it doing its own thing and if Intelligent Systems don’t want to make a role-playing game then that’s their business. What they’ve created instead though is one of the funniest and most consistently entertaining games of the year.

GameSpot (8/10, ):
Cita:With a newfound combat system that steals the show and offers a novel take on turn-based combat, its winking, nodding, and adventuring shine all the brighter. Its world and characters might not be the series' best, but it's still able to consistently throw left turns, good gags, and smart surprises at you. Each piece of The Origami King elegantly fits into its whole, taking its irreverent flair to new heights. The Paper Mario series has recently shown that being clever and being smart are two different things, but thankfully, it's once again managed to be both.

USgamer (4/5):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is an action-adventure game, not an RPG, which is sure to disappoint Paper Mario fans waiting for The Thousand Year Door's second coming. If you refuse to touch a Paper Mario game that's not an RPG, The Origami King will leave you dry and irritated, like the hands of a paper-folding master. But if you're OK with Paper Mario's turn to action, you'll find an enjoyable game packed with humor, secrets, and unique boss battles. The Paper Mario team is clearly learning how to make these distinct Mario games more appealing.

VG247 (4/5, ):
Cita:That simplicity is overridden by originality and vigor, then – but I also know all too well that some fans of the older Paper Mario games will once again walk away a little disappointed. This is still undoubtedly no Thousand Year Door. Perhaps the next outing can bring back a little of that RPG depth – but regardless of that, this is still the best Paper Mario game in years.

Nintendo Enthusiast (8/10, ):
Cita:At the end of the day, Paper Mario: The Origami King surpassed my expectations. It isn’t the RPG return to form many gamers were hoping for, but it is the best Paper Mario game since The Thousand-Year Door. The combat is unique, the writing is superb, and the world is brimming with charm.

Nintendo Life (8/10, ):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King tries to do something different with its combat system and, to be honest, we aren't feeling it. That doesn't mean the rest of the game isn't thoroughly entertaining, however, and while the puzzle-based battles aren't quite what a new Paper Mario game needed, they aren't so awful that everything else shouldn't be experienced as a result. It still isn't the new Thousand-Year Door fans will have been hoping for, but it's still one of the funniest games in the series and it's got a truly likeable companion character, and while the combat is far from ideal the fact that we still thoroughly recommend the game regardless speaks volumes about every other aspect of it.

Press Start (8/10):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is another exceptional Nintendo game. The story is laugh out loud hilarious, the world begs you to explore it and the art style is absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately, the battles get in the way of its successes and ultimately let it down.

Trusted Reviews (4/5):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is a hilarious new entry into the series, chock-a-block with memorable oddball moments and side-splitting quips from the fantastic cast of Mushroom Kingdom characters. The puzzle-centric combat is disappointingly one-dimensional and lacks any sort of challenge to please seasoned RPG gamers, but there's enough variety here to keep you engaged until the credits roll thanks to various platforming and Zelda-esque dungeon sections.

Carole Quintaine (16/20, review in French):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is an adorable adventure, a breath of fresh rhythm on Nintendo Switch. The artistic direction, the well thought-out fighting system, the puzzles that require a reading of the environment and the atmosphere through the many sets make this game a real fun video candy-filled with humor and secrets, and very good experience.

Game Informer (7.8/10, ):
Cita:As a series, Paper Mario constantly explores new concepts and mechanics, which is exciting, but that comes with plenty of risks. Origami King’s biggest chances don't pay off in a satisfying way. I enjoyed Mario’s hijinks and all the misfits he encounters, but the new ring-based action needs refinement. I hope Paper Mario’s next twist on combat can rise to the same level as its humor.

Wccftech (7.5/10):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is the best Paper Mario game I've played in over a decade, and yet I'm still feeling let down. While it's incredibly endearing and genuinely funny, it's also painfully boring and the thought of playing it again puts me straight to sleep. There will undoubtedly be massive fans of Paper Mario: The Origami King, but I can't say I'm one of them. A lovely action adventure game, but essential for no one.

Nintendo World Report (7.5/10, ):
Cita:I liked playing Paper Mario: The Origami King. It has such high points with the music, the visuals, the comedy, and the willingness to try new ideas. I love how experimental the adventure is with the large variety of situational humor and mini-games. This world was such a treat to journey through, and it was nice to have more then one meaningful emotional moment again in a Paper Mario game. It’s so clear that The Origami King is trying to have its cake and eat it too when it comes to its combat system. It’s so strange to me how optional the game is to play. I did go for completing every challenge presented to me, but I can definitely foresee players skipping ahead because of the lack of incentives. I applaud Paper Mario: The Origami King for trying something new, but am worried that the friction between its ongoing genre identity is going to keep the series running around in circles.

Post Arcade (7.5/10):
Cita:Needless to say, Paper Mario: The Origami King doesn’t have the general appeal of a traditional Mario game. It’s smart, creative, and rarely less than lovely to look at, but its combination of odd combat mechanics and sporadically subversive wit are bound to reinforce the franchise’s status as distinctively niche within the Marioverse.

IGN (7/10, ):
Cita:The Origami King is a truly likeable game despite the shallowness of its new spin on gameplay. Its characters are winsome, its visual design is gorgeous, its world is fun to explore, and its storytelling is outside the box and playful. At the same time, however, it could be so much more. Combat is largely unfulfilling, and your journey as a whole lacks meaningful choices. For a series with RPG roots, that’s a real shame.

Stevivor (7/10):
Cita:Paper Mario The Origami King is a delightfully charming game, with a vibrant open world to explore and endearing characters that are genuinely funny, so long as you can handle a healthy dose of dad jokes. While the open world design is a strong step forward, the slow combat system is completely at odds with the action-adventure focus. With no worthwhile reward for completing these tedious encounters, The Origami King encourages you to explore its varied world while avoiding unessential combat. Paper Mario has long retired its role-playing origins and firmly established itself as an action-adventure game. It has nailed the adventure game, but is still working out how to best apply the action.

TheSixthAxis (7/10, ):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is a solid, but unremarkable sequel. It's like a table of snack food at a party, where you'll happily nibble away just because you're stood next to it or feeling a bit peckish, but it's not exactly going to fill you up. The new battle puzzles and the boss fights in particular stand out, but the world and endless Toads fail to spark the same delight. This feels like a missed opportunity.

Jeuxvideo.com (14/20, review in French, ):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King may not be the best game in the series, but it remains a pretty good adventure thanks to funny scenes, a clean realization and diverse and varied situations.

My Nintendo News (7/10):
Cita:When all is said and done, Paper Mario: The Origami King is a solid, wonderfully charming adventure-come-puzzle title. Thankfully, for series’ fans, it’s closer to Color Splash than it is to Sticker Star, but the game still doesn’t come close to The Thousand-Year Door territory. Perhaps this is down to The Origami King’s need to do everything at once, rather than focus on one core element of gameplay. Until the series can truly settle and develop an identity to call its own, Paper Mario will always be a little creased in the corners.

XGN (6.5/10, review in Dutch):
Cita:In the end, Paper Mario The Origami King is a fine game, but throughout the years Nintendo has delivered games that are far better. If the game was a bit more challenging it would have gone a long way for the overall enjoyment.

PowerUp! (6.3/10):
Cita:Ultimately, let down by a lacklustre combat system that is far too repetitive and frequent, Paper Mario: The Origami King is only… ok. It’s still worth playing for the wonderful visuals and excellent storytelling but don’t expect a true Mario RPG.

EGM (3/5):
Cita:Despite everything, Paper Mario: The Origami King is a charming game. I wanted to fully explore every area of the Mushroom Kingdom. I wanted to find every Toad. I wanted to do everything except actually engage with the game’s combat system. In trying to rewrite the basic rules with every outing, Intelligent Systems keeps fans of the franchise on its toes. But that can also start to distort the identity of the series itself. How can you perfect a formula if you’re constantly pouring it out and starting again?

PCMag (3/5):
Cita:Paper Mario: The Origami King is a fun, colorful JRPG that trips itself up by either overthinking or underthinking one of its core elements. The ring battle system is repetitive and frustrating, lacking the strategic depth to make it satisfying as a puzzle game and lacking the mechanical sense of progression to make it satisfying as a JRPG. It has a fun world and an interesting story, but the fights are an endless draft. Nintendo could have done away with the ring battle system entirely and just gone with a conventional turn-based RPG combat system, or done away with its weapons and come up with a more satisfying puzzle system, but instead the game ends up caught between those two elements. The fights generally just aren’t very fun, which is a shame, considering how charming the rest of the game is.

VGC (3/5):
Cita:The Origami King contains some of the series’ standout moments – almost all of them related to its enjoyable script and wonderful, varied environments – but it also frustrates with some disappointing new features and all-too-familiar missteps.

RE: Paper Mario: The Origami King - DalaiRasta - 15-07-2020

Vaya, pues parece que ha salido bueno. Queda apuntado en la lista de futuribles.

Un saludete

Paper Mario: The Origami King - Rosstheboss - 15-07-2020

Yo también me alegro de que haya salido bien. No sé cuando lo podré jugar, pero al menos, si lo consigo, veo que el juego cumple con esa parte visual que me ha enamorado.