[Ronda de análisis] Gears Tactics - Versión para impresión

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Gears Tactics - zothenr - 28-04-2020

Vandal - 7.5

Gears Tactics es un más que digno spin-off de la saga Gears que a nivel de combate es exquisito, ofreciéndonos mucha libertad táctica, buenas mecánicas y unos enfrentamientos formidables que contrastan con un diseño de niveles pobre y en ocasiones repetitivo amén de unas secundarias obligatorias que simplemente sirven para alargar de forma bastante artificial la duración de la campaña.

Por suerte, la monotonía de las misiones "base" se rompe con las que nos enfrentan a los jefes finales de los distintos actos, que están muy bien diseñadas y que nos ofrecen la sensación de estar ante un combate increíble, disfrutándolo tal y como lo haríamos en un shooter o en un juego de rol.

A nivel técnico, más allá de algunos pequeños fallos que probablemente se solucionen con un parche de lanzamiento, Gears Tactics es un juego más que notable tanto por sus gráficos (teniendo en cuenta el género en el que nos encontramos) como por su trabajo en el sonido y en la localización al español.

En definitiva, creemos que vais a disfrutar mucho Gears Tactics, sobre todo si lo hacéis como con el buen café, en pequeñas dosis, ya que ante largas sesiones de juego corren el riesgo de volverse monótono por las misiones un tanto repetitivas a las que nos enfrenta. Pese a ellas, esta particular entrega de Gears es excelente a nivel de combate y gestión, los jefes finales son una delicia y os va a dar grandes momentos sobre todo si os gusta el género, además, los que tengáis Game Pass lo encontraréis mañana mismo disponible.

Vida Extra

Si algo nos han demostrado Marcus y Dom es que un par de tropiezos y errores nunca frenan a un Gears, y Gears Tactics se mantiene fiel a ese dogma. Desearíamos que el nivel de perfección que demuestra al trasladar la acción de los shooters al combate táctico también se materializase en otras áreas, pero que todo no raye al mismo nivel no hace de él un juego menos recomendable.

Lo que podría haber sido un spin-off aislado que se sale de la norma y que queda ahí, para el recuerdo, ha demostrado ser un cambio que merece un más y mejor en futuras entregas. Retornos que, por el compromiso y diversión demostrada para todos los que hemos vibrado con esta saga, esperamos poder seguir disfrutando en el futuro.

Meristation - 8.5

Gears Tactics es una de las gratas sorpresas que nos va a dejar este 2020. No tanto por lo que aporta al género turn based, que es más limitado, sino por lo bien que ejecuta todas y cada una de las propuestas que propone (y pone) en pantalla. Un apartado técnico y gráfico de escándalo, una jugabilidad que encaja y sabe profundizar en puntos concretos, y la magia de la saga Gears. ¿Se ha creado una subsaga? Que nadie lo dude.

3D Juegos - 8.0

Sí, es posible que Gears Tactics acabe pecando de repetitivo y poco inspirado en lo encorsetado de sus misiones, pero destaca en su acción el no presentar mayores lunares que lo permitan alejarse de la calidad esperada de un producto de la marca. Podría haber aprovechado mejor su historia para contar algo interesante tras el Día de la Emergencia, pero salva cualquier escollo con una buenísima ejecución en lo jugable que hace factible el brutal cambio de género sin complicaciones. Aprovecha con soltura sus humildes recursos y apuesta por un doblaje al castellano de gran altura, siendo capaz de llevar a Gears of War lejos del género que lo hizo grande. Una notable experiencia que puede abrir nuevas posibilidades a la saga.

Hobby Consolas - 82

Gears Tactics es un buen acercamiento de la saga Gears of War a otros géneros. Tiene actos muy divertidos, audiovisualmente es una bestia y la historia es interesante en ciertos momentos, pero la repetición de situaciones y unas misiones secundarias que no sirven de mucho impiden que el juego brille.

Area Jugones - 9.2

La personalización de nuestras tropas, los combates contra los jefes finales y la agresividad son los tres elementos que diferencian a Gears Tactics de otros exponentes del género de la estrategia por turnos: no os equivoquéis, es un spin-off pero huele a Gears por los cuatro costados

IGN España - 9

No hay mucho que echarle en cara a la pareja formada por The Coalition y Splash Damage, pues juntos han conseguido adaptar muchas de las sensaciones que evoca Gears of War para ofrecer con Gears Tactics una obra que puede agradar a dos tipos de públicos a pesar de tener algunas sombras que pueden echar para atrás.

Alfa Beta Juega

The Coalition y Splash Damage han hecho un buen trabajo. Aunque en esta ocasión sea un título de estrategia y no un juego de disparos en tercera persona, los seguidores de la franquicia disfrutarán del juego. En términos de jugabilidad y mecánicas han pensado en llegar al máximo de público posible. La curva de aprendizaje no es muy alta. Poder elegir los soldados que formarán parte del pelotón da mucho juego, y más si tenemos en cuenta que hay varias clases disponibles. Que los soldados suban de nivel y tengan un árbol de habilidades es todo un acierto. En cuanto a la historia, simplemente cumple. Te invita a seguir jugando para ver cómo evolucionan los acontecimientos, pero no tiene un gran peso.

Algo que no he comentado anteriormente y que merece la pena mencionar es lo siguiente. Gears Tactics soporta monitores ultrapanorámicos (21:9). Aquellos que tengan un de estos monitores podrán disfrutar un un campo de visión mucho más amplio. Al ser un juego de estrategia viene muy bien. Sin embargo, muchos echarán en falta un modo multijugador. Podría estar bien jugar la campaña en modo cooperativo con varios amigos. En definitiva, es un título que no defrauda. Ahora bien, posiblemente no pase a los anales de la historia como uno de los mejores juegos de la franquicia.

Eurogamer (no score):
Cita:There are moments in which Tactics does manage to be the successful marriage between Gears of War and XCOM that you might have hoped for, but as a whole package, I'm not convinced it's ever quite as good as that. I applaud it for experimenting with some brand new ideas, as well as providing another solid entry point into the turn-based strategy genre for those who've not been convinced in the past. But with the likes of Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2 having paved the way before this, Tactics had some big shoes to fill and not even Sid Redburn (who looks to be a size 16, at least) could quite manage it for me. But that execution mechanic! What a fantastic idea.

Polygon (no score):
Cita:This is a near miss, but as anyone who has ever played a turn-based game will tell you, a near miss can be all the enemy needs to take you out. This is an interesting, but hardly essential, addition to the Gears family.

Kotaku (no score):
Cita:Two years removed from its surprise announcement, Gears Tactics is a creative success. While it lacks multiplayer and features a few too many repetitive missions, its aggressive combat and dedication to translating all the details from Gears of War into a tactical game are impressive. This isn’t a gimmick or reskin of XCOM. This is something great that stands on its own.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun (no score):
Cita:So, in conclusion. This is 100% a Gears Of War game, that also happens to be a top flight strategy effort. Arguably the best of its kind on the market, in fact, despite a bit of trouser trouble. It’s a spectacular thing to play through, and it’d be more than enough to merit the fifty quid price tag if it deleted itself on completion. Thankfully, however, the replay value is much greater than you’d expect. There’s the randomised side missions, for a start. And even for the linear-ish story missions, the massive spread of subclasses and squad compositions allow for way more playstyles than you can feasibly test out in one run. Plus you can play them on “veteran” mode after one completion, offering a new suite of game rule modifiers to present you with fresh challenges. It’s the first game in ages that gave me the urge to start a second playthrough in the same session as my first completion, which says a lot.

Echo Boomer (no score, loved, review in Portuguese):
Cita:The revolutionary cover-based shooter gets adapted into a turn-based game, that still gets the fun, the action bits, the chaos and the adrenaline that defined the series.

 (buy, video review)

Player 2 (B+):
Cita:Gears Tactics won’t be for every Gears fan, simply because of the genre switch, but for those looking to embrace something new, they’re going to have the pleasure of experiencing yet another wonderful take on the franchise, only from a totally new perspective. The narrative leaves you in an interesting position too, leaving me hopeful that this won’t be the only time we get to witness a Gears story play out from a bird’s-eye perspective.

Expansive (no score, loved):
Cita:I really loved Gears Tactics. Everything just comes together so well and without doubt, it’s one of the surprise packages of 2020. Cast it aside and discredit at your own risk Gears Tactics is a brilliant game that works as well as any other in the genre on almost every level.

CNN (no score):
Cita:It may come as a surprise for some, but Gears of War works exceedingly well as a turn-based tactical game. Gears Tactics is an excellent entry in the series that satisfies, whether you're looking for the franchise's signature carnage or seeking a twist on its familiar action. Though the next entry in the Gears saga is undoubtedly a return to form, it would certainly be nice to see another tactical installment at some point as well.

God is a Geek (10/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics does an incredible job of mixing loud, brash action with strategy and caution, to deliver one of the most satisfyingly playable games of the last few years. Everything about it oozes confidence, from the story and mission design to the fast-paced, flashy combat. This is more than just another tactics game, and far, far beyond a re-skinned XCOM. It’s Gears of War all the way through to its Emulsion-soaked core, and arguably sets the bar for the genre going forwards. Yes, it’s big and brash and loud at times, but it’s also deep, intelligent and balanced, with all the heart and passion we’ve come to expect from a Gears game.

MSPoweruser (9.7/10):
Cita:Tactics is a fantastic conversion of Xbox’s iconic franchise into a more thoughtful gameplay setting. It’s a spin-off that takes everything Gears is known for and masterfully retools it for an engrossing strategy game that we’ll likely be playing for years to come. With a Locust enemy that’s finally more imposing than General RAAM and a lovable cast of characters, it’s also a game that continues to tell an epic, cinematic story that strategy games have never had the budget to do before. This is everything you love about Gears, you just have to think a bit more.

Impulsegamer (4.7/5):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a fantastic strategy game and an excellent addition to the Gears of War series, and I’d recommend it to anyone who is either a fan of Gears of War, or to the XCOM series style of game. Also, Cole Train, as always, is a goddamn delight.

Areajugones (9.2/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:The customization of our troops, the combats versus de final bosses and the aggressiveness of the enemies are the three elements that makes differences between Gears Tactics and other titles of the turn based strategy games, but don't make a mistake; this is an spin-off but smells like Gears from start to the end.

Destructoid (9/10):
Cita:All my quibbles are on the periphery of Gears Tactics, though. The core -- getting onto the battlefield and agonizing over every move -- is excellent. There's a smart experience here, one that feels both authentically Gears and tactics. That's the best possible outcome. Gears Tactics is a great Gears game and a great tactics game. This 90% doesn't miss.

Financial Post (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics has established itself as a serious presence in the turn-based strategy space. With a flavour very much its own, and the exceptional production quality for which the Gears games are known, it’s something close to an essential play for fans of tactical combat.

GamingTrend (90/100):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a stellar tactics game that still manages to feel like the Gears you know and love. With a solid story, addictive RPG systems, and dozens of hours of gameplay, this is a must-play for any fans of turn-based strategy games or the Gears franchise in general.

Gaming Nexus (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is definitely different than what Gears fans are accustomed to, being a tactical-style game, but I think it fits the genre pretty well. If you've ever wondered what Gears would be like outside of the main series, Gears Tactics shows that it does pretty well in a tactical-style.

Critical Hit (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics isn’t just one of the biggest surprises of the year, it’s a vulgar display of power starring everyone’s favourite beefy boys in a bloody new direction that’ll test your trigger fingers with pure heavy mental action.

GameSpew (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is the best Gears of War game since the original trilogy came to a close. The genre may have changed, but the action still has the same immediacy, and it’s just as much fun as ever to chainsaw an enemy in half or blow them to bits with a frag grenade. The joy of leading a four-man squad against the Locust Horde once more is heightened by the fact that you’re in control of all of their actions and how they’ve been developed. But Gears Tactics isn’t just a great Gears game; it’s an outstanding strategy game. Whether you’re a Gears fan or a connoisseur of the strategy games genre, this is a must-play.

WellPlayed (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a spinoff that The Coalition and Splash Damage should be proud of. Through their hard work and effort, these developers have shown the industry that Gears, as a franchise, is capable of more than just being a cover-based shooter. It also helps move the IP in the modern day away from the expectation of setting standards in the third-person cover-based shooter as it initially did. Great storytelling, solid characters, impressive performance and subtle changes to the formula set by XCOM not only allow for this game to stand out by itself but also serve as a great entry into the turn-based tactics genre as a whole.

Xbox Tavern (9/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is better than the sum of its parts. It recreates classic Gears in a reverent and relevant way and adds its own flavour with some great new characters and new mysteries surrounding the locust. I look forward to playing this on Xbox in the near future, but for now I can absolutely recommend the game on PC. It’s deep, satisfying, and incredibly faithful and authentic.

With such appreciation shown to the roots of the whole franchise, as well as the courage to take the old settings of emergence day and make it something we’ve not experienced before, Gears Tactics is a reminder that Gears of War is an excellent example of world building that transcends being genre specific, and despite borrowing some staple gameplay elements from XCOM and other turn based strategy games, is a blast to play and an awesome strategy game in its own right.

IGN Spain (9/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Gears delves into the Turn-based strategy genre with a game extremely faithful to the core saga, fun shootings that keep the essence of those played in the third person, but somewhat repetitive after a few hours.

PC Invasion (9/10):
Cita:Even with some flaws, Gears Tactics manages to meet and exceed expectations. Fluid and fast-paced action, along with tactical decisions, will keep you on the move. Likewise, brutal firefights and executions, as well as battles against massive bosses, capture the frenetic Gears of War experience for an entirely different genre.

Neowin (9/10):
Cita:All in all, Gears Tactics gets an easy recommendation from me. It kept beating my expectations and remained alluring throughout with well-built playgrounds that allow the player’s decisions to shine through, resulting in a genuinely fun game. Splash Damage and The Coalition have done a remarkable job at translating the Gears of War setting, characters, bosses, satisfying weapons, and traits to a new perspective while nailing the turn-based strategy experience.

Geek Culture (8.8/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics delivers signature over-the-top action in a brand new genre that not only works, but succeeds spectacularly.

Spaziogames (8.7/10, review in Italian):
Cita:To say Gears Tactics was a surprise is an understatement. By transitioning from a third-person, action-heavy genre to the tactics space, this could have been a big mistake. However, not only do you get a satisfying addition to the genre that rewards smart thinking with gratifying results, but also injects an impetus of aggressiveness that nobody thought was lacking.

The Coalition and Splash Damage have made Gears Tactics not just a competent tactics game, but one that could shake up the genre entirely. Combining it with the popular Gears series, and this is one true warrior that could stand up against the Locust Horde for years to come.

Wccftech (8.5/10, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics is, simply put, an excellent turn-based tactics game that stands up well against titles like XCOM and others at the top of the genre. While it has some slight issues, such as disappearing characters and a story that can best be described as "more Gears of War", the character development is better than the series' average and most importantly, it makes slight changes to the genre that make it a tactical joy to play. From extensive character customisation letting you specialise characters and teams, to gameplay tweaks, like adding a slight movement boost if you end in cover or removing the idea of a movement and attack phase of a character, Splash Damage has created one of the best RTT games in quite a while.

Stevivor (8.5/10):
Cita:While XCOM comparions are front of mind, I’d be remiss not to compare Gears Tactics to the likes of Halo Wars and Halo Wars 2. I honestly, and easily, prefer Tactics to Wars, with the latter’s all-too-similar units and overreliance on vehicles a detriment rather than a bonus. While Gears Tactics has some refining to do, it’s hard not to recommend, especially when free to those with an Xbox Game Pass for PC subscription… and later this year, those with an Xbox Game Pass for console subscription too.

Gamers Heroes (85/100):
Cita:Everything about Gears Tactics screams quality, and it’s easily one of the best debut titles this genre has seen in years. It’s nearly time for X-COM to step aside – this genre just went up a Gear.

Game Informer (8.5/10, ):
Cita:Stilted pacing blunts some of the aggressive joy in Gears Tactics, but I still walked away impressed. At the heart of any engaging tactics games is the sense of emergent moments, where careful skill usage and planning leads to clutch wins. Taking control of a squad of COG soldiers in this adventure, I repeatedly encountered those moments, along with the thrill of a narrow victory. This is a solid new front in the Gears theater of war, and one worthy of additional opportunities to grow.

AusGamers (8.5/10):
Cita:To say that an experience was ‘surprisingly good’ or ‘surprisingly fun’ has a somewhat negative connotation. In that there’s the assumption that heading in expectations were set to ‘low’. To call Gears Tactics surprising is not that at all, it’s all about coming to terms with the realisation that at its core, Gears of War combat is tactical, deep, and full of its own style and flavour. And that all of that, when given enough time to develop and flesh out and expand upon, makes up the perfect list of ingredients to create a great turn-based tactics game.

Worth Playing (8.5/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a solid turn-based strategy game that has something for genre veterans and newcomers alike. The faster pace and more aggressive style of the game will appeal to fans of the franchise, while the tweaks to established elements, like action usage and overwatch, will also tickle the fancy of strategy fans. The brutal difficulty may be par for the genre, and while the lack of multiplayer will turn off some players, the strong campaign and post-game skirmishes will keep others interested for quite some time. Both the series and Splash Damage are relative newcomers to strategy, but they've done a good job of convincing people that they can handle the challenge.

Nexus (8.5/10):
Cita:Despite my gripes with the simple mission progression and ungainly inventory management, these aspects only slightly detract from the deep, tactical gameplay and high production values throughout. Gears Tactics is a great fit for the IP and its gameplay complexity matches – and sometimes surpasses – that of other long-established IPs in the genre. It’s not going to convert hardcore Gears players into turn-based strategy fans if they don’t already like the genre, but those that do should consider this a must-buy. Better still, you can pick it up at launch on the Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta) service.

Gamerheadquarters (8.5/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is turn based excellence, a strategy title that takes the Gears of War franchise in an interesting new direction. It builds upon the lore, and captures many iconic parts of the core series. There were some parts of the narrative that could have perhaps been handled better, but you do get a lengthy and engaging story to work through.

Player.it (8.5/10, review in Italian):
Cita:A fantastic tactical game with all the features that makes Gears of War series a global success.

SECTOR.sk (8.5/10, review in Slovak):
Cita:Gears franchise reach new horizon with superior turn-based strategy game with admirable graphics and good gameplay.

Meristation (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Gears Tactics is one of the greatest surprises that this 2020 will have. Not so much for what it brings to the RTS genre, which is more limited, but for how it executes each and every one of the proposals on screen.

JeuxActu (17/20, review in French):
Cita:Gears tactics is a pleasant surprise with its nicely tailored gameplay that reminds us of the XCOM series, and it's lore that's without a doubt from the Gears of War IP.

PowerUp! (8.4/10):
Cita:Turning Gears of War into a turn-based title sounds like a stretch but it suits it down to the ground and the dev teams have done a wonderful job making sure it feels just right.

Gamersky (8.4/10, review in Chinese):
Cita:Gears Tactics delivers a very deep dimension of strategy while maintaining the wild style of the Gears series. It keeps me engaged for multiple hours. But at the end of the day, repetitive missions make me feel bored.

PC Gamer (83/100):
Cita:Clever combat abilities and brutal executions translate Gears of War into a deep, fast-paced strategy game.

Hobby Consolas (82/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:Gears Tactics reinvents the saga moving from shooter to tactical strategy. It keeps the essence of third-person shooter, it's fast, wild and fun, despite some boring side missions.

Voxel (82/100, review in Portuguese, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics is an interesting entry in the franchise and has its strengths, even if it doesn't add as much to the franchise's history or bring tactical elements as dense as XCOM. Undoubtedly it is something that Microsoft can continue in the future and improve this first entry more and more.

IGN (8/10, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics is an excellent turn-based tactics game that does a fantastic job of melding Gears’ famous style and action with the mechanics laid down by XCOM. It’s one intense and satisfying tactical battle after another, and it looks absolutely fantastic doing it. It does slightly wear out its welcome with too much of a good thing in its Gear-grinding side missions, and due to the lack of larger strategic decisions I don’t see it as being as replayable as its tactical role model. Even so, it’s an excellent campaign that leaves a great impression with some clever, Gears-appropriate original ideas.

GameSpot (8/10, ):
Cita:Though Gears Tactics wears itself a little thin by the end of its protracted campaign, the rush of pulling together a victory from the jaws of defeat carries an exciting, chaotic energy. Unlike most strategy games, playing well doesn't necessarily make you feel like a mastermind, so much as though you've cheated death. Every successful plan, even a last-ditch effort, feels like a small stroke of genius. That's no small feat.

Twinfinite (4/5):
Cita:Despite its rather shallow endgame and pace-slowing side missions, Gears Tactics is Gears of War like you’ve never experienced it. A blend of excellent gameplay and a compelling story that feels true to the Gears universe is guaranteed to turn the COGS of series veterans and newcomers alike. Gears Tactics should be on the radar of all Gears fans, even those entirely new to the tactics genre.

VGC (4/5):
Cita:Tactics is an accomplished, action-packed alternative to XCOM that genre fans will certainly appreciate – especially those looking for a larger-scale experience than the recently released Chimera Squad. It also lays a promising foundation for the Gears of War series – which is possibly feeling tired in the shooter space – to grow in a new genre it’s clearly suited to.

Windows Central (4/5, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics is tied together nicely with some epic set-pieces, stunning, well-optimized visuals, and hey, it's on Xbox Game Pass for PC, which in some ways makes it a no-brainer to at least try. While I think this one could have done a lot more to evolve its macro-level progression layer, the minute-to-minute combat is some of the best I've experienced in the genre.

DualShockers (8/10, ):
Cita:Effectively blending the Gears of War universe with strategy gameplay, Gears Tactics is a fast-paced experience that succeeds on both fronts.

Shacknews (8/10):
Cita:The game offers a solid experience of squad customization and tactical turn-based battle, but still keeps some of the most satisfying head explosions to ever come out of an action game.

TheSixthAxis (8/10):
Cita:There's a sense that this is Splash Damage and The Coalition playing to the crowd with Gears Tactics. It undoubtedly captures the look and feel of the Gears universe, squeezing it into a slick turn-based tactical game, but while I can see a few genre fans attracted to its more cerebral form of warfare, it's the series fans who are going to get the most out of it.

Gameblog (8/10, review in French):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a nice surprise. If you like the XCOM genre, there's a lot of fun waiting for you. It's beautiful, epic and clever in its gameplay mechanics. And you dont need be familiar with the Gears saga to appreciate it. But if you are, it's definitely a treat.

TechRaptor (8/10):
Cita:On the gameplay front, Gears Tactics nails the transition from high octane shooter to tactical strategy. You'll be hooked even as you grind through an overlong campaign filled with repetitive missions.

GamingBolt (8/10, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics marries classic Gears of War elements with engaging tactical combat. It's not as deep as X-Com, but this is a unique, enjoyable tactical game with a lot of depth that should entice fans of both Gears and X-Com.

GameSkinny (8/10):
Cita:If the lack of extras and multiplayer isn’t a big issue, Gears Tactics is great fun. The tactical combat is violent and satisfying, the story is solid, and the presentation is excellent.

Thanks to intuitive controls, Gears Tactics is easy to get into even for players who have never played a turn-based tactical squad game before. It’s just a shame there’s not more here.

USgamer (4/5):
Cita:The gap between Gears and the isometric strategy genre popularized by XCOM isn't that wide, based around cover and squad action. Gears Tactics finds its niche by leaning further into the hyper-aggressive action and gore of the franchise. It throws tons of enemies at you, which forces you to move and keeps you on your toes, but can also become annoying and tedious in some missions. For a first-time outing though, Gears Tactics is a fantastic start.

TrueGaming (8/10, review in Arabic):
Cita:Maybe some missions felt repetitive and the overall structure felt linear without branching options to advance, but the combat in Gears Tactics is amazing and it can even rival the amazing XCom.

Glitched Africa (8/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics is one of the best tactical games on the market. It delivers a challenging and unique approach to the series. As for replayability, it offers hours of intense gameplay, fantastic boss fights and a large emphasis on an end-game modifier experience. You don't want to miss this.

TrustedReviews (4/5):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a great game that is sure to delight fans of the series. More hardcore gamers will find it a little lightweight to be considered an XCOM rival.

TrueAchievements (4/5):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a fantastic strategy game. The character classes, with their unique abilities and complex progression trees, offer up a deep strategic meta. Complex and different enemy types add to this along with tremendous boss battles that radically shake up the gameplay. However, tedious side missions get in the way of the fun and slow the story to a crawl, while Gabe Diaz and the crew are somewhat uninspiring and lack the charisma of other characters from the Gears franchise. Still, if you're after a well-constructed and deeply thought out strategy title that can keep you busy for hours on end, Gears Tactics should definitely not be missed.

The Games Machine (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Gears Tactics is not only a pretty good turn-based tactical game, but it also manages to keep the typical feeling of the Gears of War series unchanged.

Game Revolution (4/5):
Cita:Gears Tactics makes a wonderful addition to the franchise, and I hope that it spins off as its own series. It avoids many of the pitfalls of the genre and provides a streamlined experience that was a breath of fresh air. Hardcore fans of tactical games may find it to be a bit too easy, but most will find it very enjoyable.

Metro GameCentral (8/10):
Cita:By the end of the 30+ hour campaign you begin to realise that the worst thing about Gears Tactics is that it’s a Gears Of War game. The gameplay and controls work very well but the repetition and lack of strategic control becomes more of a problem the longer the game goes on. As an introduction to the genre it works very well, and we hope it’ll get more people interested in turn-based action, but we doubt it’ll do the same for Gears Of War itself.

3DJuegos (8/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a great experiment that proves the versatility of the franchise Gears of War. Dismiss the chance of telling a great history of the Emergency Day and maybe it's a little repetitive, but it's a great first step in the turn-based strategy.

PC Games (8/10, review in German, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics delivers great tactical challenges combined with the brutal action the series is known for. The story of Gabe Diaz and his band of makeshift Gears fits right into the larger universe of Gears of War. But the game lacks an overarching strategic layer, that would give the forced side missions a different purpose than just to stretch the overall playtime.

Carole Quintaine (8/10, review in French, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a very good mix OF action and strategy: we find the DNA and atmosphere of the Gears series and the quality of XCOM with all the strategic dimension that goes with it. The system of progression of soldiers is very satisfying and the story, even if it remains classic, makes you want to go to the end, with very beautiful cinematics of which it is full. A very nice surprise.

CGMagazine (8/10):
Cita:Gears Tactics successfully translates the ferocity of its third-person shooter brethren into a turn-based tactics game while retaining much of the strategy that makes the genre what it is. And for that, I’ll dive into battle with the Locust again and again.

Attack of the Fanboy (4/5):
Cita:Overall, Gears Tactics is a top tier strategy game. Despite a change in genre, the game still feels uniquely Gears. The more linear nature of the campaign might not give it as much replay value as some other strategy giants, but the core experience is fantastic and the surprisingly compelling endgame is sure to keep people playing well after the main story wraps up. While it might not be on Xbox One just yet, there is controller support on PC, so if you have a setup powerful enough to run it, it’s worth jumping into Gears Tactics right now. Gears Tactics perfectly translates the aggressive, bloody action of the series to a turn-based format, and series veterans will feel right at home battling the locust horde from a top-down view.

GAMINGbible (8/10):
Cita:While Gears Tactics could serve as a great introduction to the more traditional and brutal turn-based tactical games that inspired it, it shouldn't be seen as just a stepping stone. It's a brilliant adaptation of the Gears universe into a new genre, and the freedom of movement and action that comes in its late-game is hard to find elsewhere. Developer Splash Damage has found a wonderful sweet spot of thoughtfulness and violent reward, where the battlefield becomes a challenging puzzle which once cracked unravels with bayonet charges, chainsaw dismemberments, and exploding heads.

Tech Advisor (4/5):
Cita:I wasn't expecting to like Gears Tactics this much, and the tactical layer is phenomenally enjoyable. If this is all you want, Gears Tactics is a must-buy. However, a lack of memorable moments and the lack of a grander strategy layer to dig your teeth into could leave some itches unscratched, despite the quality shown by Splash Damage and The Coalition.

GameMAG (8/10, review in Russian):
Cita:Gears Tactics is an exciting game with incredibly beautiful graphics, interesting missions and well-developed mechanics, which could have been better if the authors of the game paid more attention to the story. Anyway we have a great project for fans of the genre, regardless of their loyalty to the Gears of War franchise.

Digital Trends (4/5):
Cita:Gears Tactics is my favorite Gears game in years. It isn’t nearly as feature-rich as the main series titles. Still, its slower pacing is an exciting new way to enjoy the crumbled civilization of Sera, whether you’re a long-time fan or a newbie looking for a new big-budget strategy title.

Everyeye.it (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a visually impressive and playfully solid strategy game, which fearlessly borrows the legacy of XCOM, and then adds some important tweaks.

Eurogamer Italy (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a gem of tactical combat with a precise personality that brings the gore and the furious action of the Gears series in the tactical genre with a big oomph.

Cerealkillerz (7.8/10, review in German):
Cita:Gears Tactics successfully injects the brutal acion of the Gears of War Series in a tactical environment with phenomenal boss fights and gory executions but runs itself in the ground with a repetitive mission structure and a lot of missing variety in many departments. Even newcomers of the Genre will soon have a desire for more.

IGN Italia (7.8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:A solid tactical game with some pretty good ideas, damaged by repetitive missions and a lack of a meaningful squad and strategy management.

Millenium (77/100, review in French):
Cita:Despite its flaws, Gears Tactics should manage to satisfy tacticians and fans of the license, pushing players to be aggressive while showing some finesse. It's a pleasure to play this campaign, which has a correct lifespan. Unfortunately, the strategic dimension is almost non-existent and replayability is really lacking. It's a great game to play on occasion via Gamepass, but probably not one that many will choose to dwell on.

GameWatcher (7.5/10):
Cita:Staying true to the franchise, your Gears are brutal killing machines who live in a soap opera. We'll add that it's also rare to find a tactics game which makes you feel powerful but vulnerable at the same time, and that's worth a lot.

Vandal (7.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Gears Tactics has a great combat design, fantastic final bosses… and very repetitive missions. The overall experience is very good, and we think if you play the game in short sessions you won’t feel it as repetitive. Regardless of how you choose to play it, it’s a game that deserves an opportunity.

3DNews (7.5/10, review in Russian):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a successful experiment for both Gears franchise and Splash Damage. But there is much more potential than the game shows us.

SomHráč.sk (75%, review in Czech):
Cita:Gears Tactics' devs took a lot of inspiration and know-how from the XCOM series, but they implemented it so elegantly, it's not very bothersome at all. The visual style and atmosphere stayed very true to the original series, but the whole experience is compromised by repetitive forced side missions and weak RPG progression.

New Game Network (72/100):
Cita:Gears Tactics is a worthwhile spinoff that does a great job of integrating key franchise elements into a different genre. The story is shallow and the missions get quite repetitive, but fans of turn based tactics should get some gory fun out of this one.

GamesRadar (3.5/5):
Cita:There's a lot to love in Gears Tactics. The ebb and flow of the action is strong enough that it can be easy enough to overlook its flaws, but they are still there – present and accounted for. It's a game desperately in need of a little variety; perhaps the same can be said of the core franchise games too, but it's particularly noticeable when there's a degree of separation between a command and the resulting action.

PCGamesN (7/10):
Cita:Its core combat is probably better than XCOM's. If only it did a little more with it, Gears Tactics would be one of the greats.

Press Start (7/10):
Cita:As a spin-off, Gears Tactics has strong core gameplay, but unfortunately surrounding areas in the design hold it back from being greater. A lack of a base management system or side economy to support the main gameplay makes the gameplay feel a little less rounded, and relies heavily on the narrative to keep things from getting stale. The tactical gameplay is excellent, however, its biggest fault is that it left me wanting more.

Hardcore Gamer (3.5/5):
Cita:Despite some stumbles, Splash Damage has successfully taken the essence of the Gears franchise and transferred it into a turn-based strategy game. Gears Tactics is a true Gears title with a campaign that builds and expands the franchise’s lore, all while introducing new characters and adding new wrinkles to old ones. The turn-based gameplay fits well within the universe, providing plenty of strategy both on and off the field. Combined with some genuinely excellent main missions, Gears Tactics comes together nicely. It does frequently stumble thanks to the repetitive and frequent side quests that vastly hurt the pacing, but remains a joy to play throughout its many hours. Gears Tactics is a solid turn-based game that’ll make Gears and tactics fans happy.

Screen Rant (3.5/5):
Cita:It's probably not the best turn-based squad tactics game nor the best Gears of War title out there, but Gears Tactics is an impressively solid adaptation of the beloved Xbox franchise, proving that The Coalition is capable of bringing out the best of the couch co-op classic while continuing to take risks. Its pacing leaves something to be desired and it borrows as many genre ills as it does strengths, Gears Tactics is mechanically and thematically engaging from the start of its long campaign to its end and does its inspirations justice. It isn't at all inaccessible to newcomers while also taking care to pay respect to veterans of the franchise and other squad tactics games, and fans of both will be absolutely enamored with Gears Tactics.

Rocket Chainsaw (3.5/5):
Cita:While it doesn’t quite have enough tricks up its sleeve to remain engaging throughout its 40-hour main story, it’s still a creative, interesting new take on the franchise that’s worth a look for any fan after something a bit different.

GotGame (6.5/10):
Cita:While more strategy games, especially featuring popular franchises is good, Gears Tactics is a disappointingly mediocre experience. Mechanically and graphically, it’s no slacker, but it falls apart strategically. For a full $60 experience, it lacks the diverse tactical experience that other games offer. The streamlined experience works both for and against this game, and I wish there was just more to do. Ultimately, Gears Tactics may be inviting to someone who wants a bridge between robust strategy and high octane excitement. However, veteran strategy game players may find this game a shallow ride.

VG247 (3/5):
Cita:Despite the necessary rules and stricture of turn-based strategy, the action feels just as chaotic and unpredictable as any trophy match Cole played in his sporting days.

COGconnected (55/100, ):
Cita:Gears Tactics tries some new things, but ultimately results in a game that’s less tactics oriented than the name suggests. It’s a competent experience, but completely whiffs on character with a lackluster story and every tool is a hammer class design. Add in repetitive mission structure and Gears Tactics is a far sight less replayable than the giants of the genre.

RE: Gears Tactics - Tolo - 28-04-2020

Bastante positivas en general para un spin off. Me alegro.

RE: Gears Tactics - Cikio - 28-04-2020

Pues descargando está... y he visto que el gamepass se me vencía el día 1 y he dado a renovar con mi cuenta principal y otra vez me sale a 1 euro. Menudo negocio se han montado... tienen que nadar en monedas de un euro como el Tío Gilito xD

RE: Gears Tactics - DalaiRasta - 28-04-2020

(28-04-2020 12:54)Cikio escribió:Pues descargando está... y he visto que el gamepass se me vencía el día 1 y he dado a renovar con mi cuenta principal y otra vez me sale a 1 euro. Menudo negocio se han montado... tienen que nadar en monedas de un euro como el Tío Gilito xD

Joer, será en pc porque en la one lo mejor que encuentro es seis meses (mas uno extra) al precio de tres.

Un saludete

RE: Gears Tactics - Rosstheboss - 28-04-2020

Lo que leo me atrae mucho: tiene menos gestión que un Xcom -no hay base ni investigacion, ni cosas así-, pero no es un sucedaneo, hay que currar un poco, puedes palmar en misiones que no son excesivamente largas y seguir aprendiendo, con un sistema táctico solvente, le das al coco sin ser una jarcorada. Y manteniendo en cierta medida el espíritu Gears aún con el enorme cambio de género. Lo único, leo que pueden ser unas 20-25 horas, que para un slowalker como yo ya las veo convertidas en 40. Veremos, veremos.

RE: Gears Tactics - Cikio - 28-04-2020

(28-04-2020 14:13)DalaiRasta escribió:Joer, será en pc porque en la one lo mejor que encuentro es seis meses (mas uno extra) al precio de tres.

Un saludete
Es en Xbox.com tampoco he buscado en otra parte.

El caso es que le he dado a renovar y pone 1 euro.

Estuve 1 mes también por un euros con una cuenta que me cree para ello, pero se ha renovado la oferta en mi cuenta principal.

RE: Gears Tactics - DalaiRasta - 28-04-2020

(28-04-2020 14:42)Cikio escribió:Es en Xbox.com tampoco he buscado en otra parte.

El caso es que le he dado a renovar y pone 1 euro.

Estuve 1 mes también por un euros con una cuenta que me cree para ello, pero se ha renovado la oferta en mi cuenta principal.

Yo me adscribí a la oferta de convertir gamepass y gold a gamepass ultimate por un eurito y pensaba que por eso no me salía la oferta de gp por 1 €, pero sé de compis que hicieron igual y aún así consiguen la oferta ¬¬

No sé, o yo no doy con la tecla o por lo que sea no entro en la oferta, pero bueno, la verdad es que este Gears en cuanto salga me lo compro esté o no en el gamepass.

Lo único que temo es que se me haga corto (yo soy de echarle 100 horas a una partida de XCOM), pero lo cierto es que el Mario+Rabbids (como ejemplo de juego de estrategia "corto") me duró 40-50 horas XD

Un saludete

RE: Gears Tactics - Razork - 28-04-2020

PDYo le llevo dando los ultimos 5 minutos a reproducir para ver si me deja de una puñetera vez. Quiero probarlo y ya, pero me dice que me adelanto y no esta disponible  XD

PD: Ya esta disponible!!
PD2: Como sospechaba, mi portatil no da mas de si. Es cierto que en medio parece que se juega bien, pero prefiero esperarme al PC nuevo.

RE: Gears Tactics - Rosstheboss - 28-04-2020

Me pone malo la puta Microsoft Store, treinta gigas que son realmente sesenta, porque la descarga e instalación del juego deja archivos de seguridad por esa misma cantidad de memoria. Joder, es como bajar e instalar algo en la PS3. Venga, a limpiar otra puta vez el disco, así le va a ir bien a la vida útil de mi SSD.

RE: Gears Tactics - Cikio - 28-04-2020

(28-04-2020 16:30)Rosstheboss escribió:Me pone malo la puta Microsoft Store, treinta gigas que son realmente sesenta, porque la descarga e instalación del juego deja archivos de seguridad por esa misma cantidad de memoria. Joder, es como bajar e instalar algo en la PS3. Venga, a limpiar otra puta vez el disco, así le va a ir bien a la vida útil de mi SSD.

Yo he tenido que cambiar la unidad de instalación por defecto de las aplicaciones, porque la que elegía al dar a instalar tenía espacio de sobra, 317GB libres, pero aun así, parece que quería instalarlo en C:

Pues estoy jugandolo y está curioso, además de que lo han encajado como un guante en la jugabilidad de los XCOM, pero la verdad es que echo en falta la parte de gestión de los XCOM. Ayer mismo estuve dándole al XCOM Quimera Squad y la verdad es que me gusta más.

Voy a seguir dandole un rato.

Edit: Me adelanté... algo de gestión ya tiene desde el furgón, por lo menos gestionas el equipo y las habilidades de los personajes. Supongo que se irán metiendo más cosas.

RE: Gears Tactics - Cikio - 02-05-2020

Pues cada vez me gusta más... Voy por el Acto 1 capítulo 4.

El caso es que he llegado a una misión que empiezas con dos tíos... después de una hora intentando una y otra cosa a ver si me la pasaba, lllego a la conclusión de que tengo que reiniciar la misión porque tal como me había pillado el último punto de control no tenía más opciones y siempre me mataban. El caso es que al volver a empezarla, resulta que me dejaban poner dos unidades más... y yo que sé, la anterior misión sólo era de dos xD pensaba que era igual. A ver ahora con 4... es que con dos era literalmente imposible.

Pues está muy bien como van metiendo muchas cosas de los juegos de acción y todo encaja como un guante. La verdad es que el núcleo jugable es muy bueno.

RE: Gears Tactics - Rosstheboss - 02-05-2020

Palabras tú congratulan a mi, que esta semana me pongo con él y agradezco tanto algo más ligero que un Xcom como que no sea un puto paseo para noobs. Lo pondré en intermedio, y que los dioses-gusano guíen mis lancer hacia sus blancos.