[Ronda de análisis] Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - Versión para impresión

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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - zothenr - 16-01-2020

Como pasó casi totalmente desapercibido en su salida en WiiU, dejo los análisis de la versión remasterizada para Switch:

Anait - 6

Casi parece que Tokyo Mirage Sessions, resultón de una manera muy satisfactoria (es gustoso y facilón; superficial y esotérico, paradójicamente, como las idols con las que está obsesionado), busque a ese jugador que casi siente nostalgia, o algo parecido a la nostalgia, hacia algo tan reciente como Wii U y su curiosa colección de «joyas ocultas»: incluso el nuevo contenido se presenta como nuevo contenido, una distinción seguramente irrelevante para la mayoría que llegue de nuevas a esta versión Encore. El crossover sigue siendo irresistible, incluso si se piensa en él como en un disparate; repasándolo, sin embargo, quedan a la vista unas sombras cada vez más difíciles de ignorar. Quizá toque esperar otros cuatro o cinco años, hasta que se convierta en una «joya oculta» de Switch

Area Jugones - 9

No voy a mentir: es un juego complicado de digerir a primera vista, tanto por la falta de traducción al castellano, como por su historia y jugabilidad, pero si te gustan los JRPG, o eres un gran seguidor de Shin Megami Tensei o Persona, debes correr hacia tu tienda para adquirir el que será uno de los mejores lanzamientos de Nintendo Switch durante los próximos meses.

Alfa Beta Juega

Para muchos, probablemente esta sea la primera ocasión de probar TMS #Fe. Quienes ya jugaron a la versión original de Wii U se van a encontrar con un título que ahora se vuelve portátil, que suma algunos extras, pero que no tiene mucho más nuevo que aportar. Aunque también mantiene todo lo bueno y lo malo del original.

Quienes no lo jugaran deben darle una oportunidad. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #Fe Encore es toda una sorpresa por lo que esconde tras su color y su estética anime. Hilvana una historia repleta de clichés en un reparto ideal para una trama sencilla con unas mecánicas propias de un RPG con todas las letras.

No lo juzgues por sus tapas si no te atraen ni el manga ni el anime, porque puedes estar dejando pasar una oportunidad sensacional de descubrir un juego exigente y magnético. De hecho, te acabará atrapando hasta el punto de descubrirte tarareando sus canciones sin querer. Para ese entonces, sentimos decirte que ya será demasiado tarde.

Vandal - 8.5

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore fue y sigue siendo un JRPG de primer nivel que no debería faltar en la colección de ningún fan del género. Con esto no queremos decir que sea perfecto ni que vaya a ser del gusto de todo el mundo, pero si te agrada su temática y dominas el inglés te encontrarás con un producto que tiene el sello de calidad habitual de Atlus e Intelligent Systems, y eso es mucho decir. No vamos a negar que las novedades son un tanto escasas y que es una pena que no se haya aprovechado esta segunda oportunidad para traducirlo y eliminar su censura, pero eso no quita que siga siendo una obra muy recomendable y con muchísimo que ofrecer.


El equilibrio es precisamente uno de los problemas de Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Para un título que invierte tantísimos esfuerzos en crear una estética distintiva, un universo sólido, unas bases sobre las que construir una historia, y para ser un juego con un ciclo de feedback tan satisfactorio en ocasiones, nos pasamos más tiempo del que nos gustaría enfrentándonos contra enemigos aleatorios para subir niveles que nos permitan seguir progresando. El "farmeo" es intrínseco al género JRPG, y a estas alturas es difícil que cualquier jugador se sorprenda al encontrarse límites de nivel muy por encima de su equipo actual, pero ni el juego nos ofrece ninguna forma entretenida o, al menos, variada de hacerlo ni tiene sentido que necesitemos pasar horas fortaleciendo a nuestros personajes entre capítulo y capítulo cuando el ritmo que tendría el juego, de no ser por esto, sería muy bueno. El problema se acrecenta todavía más cuando sus sucesores en ambas sagas, Persona 5 por el lado de Shin Megami Tensei y por otro, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, ya habían sabido identificar este problema y solucionarlo para que la curva de progreso siguiese siendo satisfactoria, pero manteniendo el desafío. Así, el relanzamiento de Tokyo Mirage Sessions se mantiene como un buen JRPG, uno con unos personajes carismáticos y una historia que atrapa, pero que en el año 2020 parece un poco anacrónico a causa de sus mecánicas. No es que sea imposible de disfrutar, porque no es el caso en absoluto, pero sí parece probable que quienes se acerquen a él en esta nueva versión, viniendo de las entregas más recientes, esperen un poquito más que el juego no termina por dar.

Hobby Consolas - 88

Segunda oportunidad para descubrir uno de los JRPG con más frescura de los últimos años. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore es prácticamente un Persona con una pizca de Fire Emblem, así que si sois fans del género no deberíais dejarlo... Incluso aunque odiéis profundamente las canciones J-POP (cambiaréis de idea, os lo garantizamos).

Juegos ADN - 8.5

En general, se trata de uno de los JRPG más inesperados pero muy bien valorados por los jugadores. Tiene una esencia única y una de las tramas más sorprendentes, sobre todo al contar que esto viene de la mano de una colaboración en la que nos reencontramos con algunos personajes muy queridos del mundo de Fire Emblem.

Por ello, si eres de los jugadores que quieren volver a disfrutar de esta aventura después de su paso por Wii U, trae consigo algunas novedades que harán revivir la historia con un enfoque nuevo. Si eres de los jugadores que disfrutan de los títulos JRPG, entonces Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore es uno de los juegos que añadir a tu catálogo de Nintendo Switch. Sobre todo para conocer algunas de esas melodías que llegarán para quedarse grabadas en tu mente.

Atomix.vg - 85

De todos los juegos olvidados de Nintendo que vimos en la última década, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE era uno de los que merecían una segunda oportunidad para brillar, más aún por la propuesta arriesgada que ofrece y que muy pocas compañías se atreven a cristalizar. O, ¿acaso alguien se imaginó en algún momento ver a dos franquicias de la talla de SMT y FE coincidir en un mismo juego?

Si bien Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore no encuentra el hilo negro de nada y su esquema de juego resulta demasiado tradicional, su maravillosa presentación audiovisual y los elementos que complementan al gameplay bastan para darle su propia identidad y hacerlo sentir como algo fresco dentro del propio género de los JRPG. Además, el hecho de que se trata de un título poco conocido le permite pasar fácilmente como un proyecto totalmente nuevo.

Quizá la única queja que le pondría a esta nueva reedición es toda esa lista de carencias y omisiones que ya mencioné arriba y que, a mi parecer, le habrían permitido alzarse como una versión definitiva de un juego memorable. Pero aún y con ello, no puedo negar que Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore es una excelente escusa para por fin entrarle al juego o, en su defecto, retornar para revivir la aventura junto a Itsuki, Chrom, Tsubasa, Caeda y los demás miembros de la agencia Fortuna Entertainment.

Fans de los juegos de rol, seguidores de las series de Shin Megami Tensei y Fire Emblem, amantes de la cultura pop y musical japonesa, poseedores de un Switch, este es un juego que no pueden dejar pasar.

RE: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - Cyberio - 16-01-2020

En Wii U el juego está muy bien. Una especie de Persona con cosas de Fire Emblem (no distingo casi ninguna porque no he jugado a FE), con una estética más flower-power (hasta cierto punto) de lo normal en un Persona, aunque ciertas partes son algo más oscuras. Y sin "paso del tiempo" como en P3 y P4 (y supongo que P5). 
Veo correctas las notas, quizá unas decimillas más en general merece, pero muy buen juego. 110 horas o por ahí le di.

RE: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - zothenr - 16-01-2020

The Verge (no score):
Cita:It’s becoming cliche to say that a game is perfect for the Switch, but RPGs in particular benefit from the platform. Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a great example of this. So much of the experience is slowly trawling through maze-like dungeons, with plenty of strategic battles along the way. These moments are perfect for playing on the go, while the story sequences — particularly the gorgeous cut scenes — benefit from a bigger screen. Either way, the game looks great, and the copious text and menus are still legible on a small display. Functionally, the two versions of Tokyo Mirage Sessions are virtually identical, but when a game takes dozens of hours to complete, being able to play how and when you want is a huge deal.

Eurogamer (no score):
Cita:If you want to truly learn more about the idol industry, here you'll hear mostly platitudes, and beyond that all elements from characters to combat stay rather simple. As it stands, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a stylish game with a unique theme that's as often questionable as it is cute, but it doesn't reach the depth of either of its crossover franchises to leave a lasting impression.

GoNintendo (no score):
Cita:Prepare for a time-consuming title, jam-packed with content! Tokyo Mirage Sessions will likely take around 30 hours just to complete the main story. With plenty of additional discoveries beyond, the portability of Nintendo Switch, and TMS’s pick-up-&-go nature, there is lots of fun to be had. Playing through Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore isn't a right, but a privilege. It's not just a game, but rather, an experience. The Atlus and Intelligent Systems developed title deserved the second chance that it got, and the Nintendo Switch version is highly recommended for long-term fans of the JRPG genre, as well as those fishing for something new to play.

Destructoid (no score):
Cita:Although it does have some issues with text readability in handheld mode, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore otherwise represents a clear improvement over its Wii U counterpart. The ability to speed up Session combos makes the combat feel substantially faster in the game’s later stages, and the new content exclusive to the Switch release is a more than welcome addition to an already sizeable package. Despite my one issue with it, I can’t help but consider it the superior version of an already excellent game.

Nintendoomed (recommended, review in Italian):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore is the expanded port of one of the best RPGs released on Wii U. If you haven't had the opportunity to play it at the time, you have it now.

 (video review, liked-a-lot)

Digitally Downloaded (5/5):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions was one of the very few Wii U titles that I've been hanging out for a Switch re-release of since I first got my hands on the console, and it doesn't disappoint on any level. It's a brilliant concept, well told, and backed by Atlus' skill with turn-based combat at its peak.

Nintendo World Report (9.5):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore remains one of the best Role Playing Games I've ever played. Everything from the characters to the battles has its own specific purpose, making for one meaningful adventure. Right from the get go, the game races at break-neck speed and really doesn't stop. Even as someone who played the game multiple times, I was charmed all over again by #FE's unique way of presenting the Japanese entertainment industry. What made it better are the improved loading times as well as the training dungeons, which slim down the potential grinding you have to do. As a result, you can focus on what actually matters: pop idols battling in funny outfits and destroying some mean-looking demons. Encore! Encore!

Video Chums (9.4/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE is one of the greatest JRPGs of all time. However, if you already own the Wii U version, there's little reason to buy it again on Switch. That being said, the new follow-up attacks, improved performance, and story content are nice treats.

Nintendo Insider (9/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is yet another brilliant Japanese RPG to add to the Nintendo Switch’s growing line-up. More Shin Megami Tensei than Fire Emblem, it’s hard to care too much when the end result is this enjoyable. Likeable characters and a satisfying combat system all wrapped in vivid visuals and a wonderfully weird and often uplifting story. Of the remaining Wii U games left to bring over to Switch, this was quite the curveball, but it’s one I hope gets the recognition it deserves second time around.

DualShockers (9/10):
Cita:For those who I’ve spoken with that have heard of Tokyo Mirage Sessions before, they usually say something along the lines of, “Oh, it’s Persona with Fire Emblem characters,” which is a simplification that does the game a disservice. The aesthetic, charm and gameplay Tokyo Mirage Sessions brings make it worthy to stand on its own and I hope that those who end up playing the game see it this way as well. Nintendo seemed to think that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was worthy of an encore here on Switch, and I find it to be a worthy encore, indeed.

Nintendo Enthusiast (9/10):
Cita:With quick loading and Nintendo Switch portability, it’s easy to call this the definitive version of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. It’s a fun, silly, and engaging experience that excels at paying homage to two iconic game franchises while also crafting its own memorable, endearing world. Fans of the addictive RPG gameplay of Persona 5 or the charming characters of Fire Emblem: Three Houses will be right at home with this game, as long as you’re prepared for yet another lengthy RPG experience to absorb your life for a while.

TheSixthAxis (9/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore feels particularly timely. The world hasn’t been the brightest, most hopeful place in recent years, but leading a team of cheerful, committed teen pop idols against demonic entities makes it feel that much brighter. This is a game that’s dedicated to hope for the future, and that creativity is an integral component of that. I’m willing to believe them too.

Gaming Boulevard (9/10):
Cita:In conclusion, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a game that withstood the test of time and is still as awesome as I found it way back on Wii U. The game has some of the best music and a strong storyline to keep you entertained for a nice 50 hours average! If you did not get this game on the Wii U, this is your chance to pick it up for the Switch!

Hobby Consolas (88/100, review in Spanish):
Cita:Second opportunity to discover one of the most fresh JRPGs in recent years. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is practically a Persona with a hint of Fire Emblem, so if you are fans of the genre you should not leave it ... Even if you deeply hate J-POP songs (you will change your mind, we guarantee it).

Nintenderos (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a good role-playing game, with a very original story, great soundtrack and tremendously fun and always surprising introducing new mechanics throughout the adventure. This version also adds a lot of content, so if you do not play it in your day and you are attracted to its proposal, it is certainly a good time to give it a try. On the other hand, if you already played it on Wii U, the news may not be enough to replay it.

As we have also commented previously, not everything is good and it is that the technical section, beyond the fighting, is very simple and the design of its dungeons is very irregular. A proposal that will surely delight the most staunch JRPG fans and that will leave others somewhat indifferent. As always you should be the one who makes the last decision after reading all the above.

Vandal (8.5/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore was and continues to be a top-level JRPG that should not be missing from the collection of any fan of the genre. With this we do not mean that it is perfect or that it will be liked by everyone, but if you like its theme and you master English you will find a product that has the usual quality seal of Atlus and Intelligent Systems, and that It is a lot to say. We will not deny that the news is somewhat scarce and that it is a pity that this second opportunity has not been taken to translate it and eliminate its censorship, but that does not mean that it is still a highly recommended work and with a lot to offer.

God is a Geek (8.5/10):
Cita:Overall, this is not only one of the best JRPGs on Nintendo Switch but one of the better Atlus games in a long time. The soundtrack is still superlative and the game is a joy to play on the go. While I’m not too pleased about how it looks docked and the lack of a dub and battle subtitles, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is well worth your time if you enjoy great stories, excellent combat and music, and own a Nintendo Switch.

The Games Machine (8.3/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Session #FE Encore remains one of the best JRPGs of the last generation, but the improvements introduced in this edition are not enough to recommend a new purchase to those who already own the WiiU version.

Everyeye.it (8.2/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Four years after the original debut, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE continues to be a valid and captivating product, also thanks to the interesting influences due to the fascinating Japanese culture. Those same characteristics, in short, which at the time made the title quite divisive and palatable almost exclusively in the eyes of fans of anime and manga. Despite the small tricks made to the gameplay and the technical component, without forgetting the (very few) extra contents, it should however be specified that the re-edition of the Intelligent System title betrays a listless porting and unable to justify a possible encore by those who appreciated it at its time. For good reason, we recommend the approach to JRPG fans who if they were lost during the Wii U era: even if some elements of the narrative were not exactly to your liking, we are convinced that the excellent combat system shifts, so overwhelming and articulated, would still be able to keep you glued for hours on end in front of the screen.

Wccftech (8.2/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore is definitely the definitive version of the game - who needs the Wii U GamePad, anyway? JRPG fans and those who love idol culture will find a lot to love here, but this certainly won't convert anyone who hasn't liked JRPGs in the past, like Persona 5 and other games might. A great title to have in your Nintendo Switch library.

Switch Italia (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:For those who approached for the first time, then know that the game differs from the classic Fire Emblem not only for the tones (as mentioned, rather frivolous and in "idol" sauce), but also for the game dynamics; phases of exploration of the map (overworld entirely set in a contemporary Tokyo, divided into various neighborhoods) or of the dungeons alternate with clashes that, however, are not strategic but borrowed from the classic turn-based RPGs. The game, however, has a really good rhythm, thanks to several foundations capable of not weighing the classicism of the general approach at all and rather of entertaining precisely for the pleasure of the battle system. Different characters, divided into classes, will acquire both different weapons and different skills to spend during their turn (in a dynamic exchange between moments of attack and defense, without the player having to wait for the conclusion of the actions of the whole opposing group, before become an active part), in a context of truly intriguing interaction.

Cubed3 (8/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE has been judged quite harshly in the past, with the original release not doing particularly well in Japan or in the West, and for reasons completely outside of the quality of the game. Not enough Fire Emblem, not enough SMT, too much Idol content, cut out fanservice in the West... but, ignoring what could have been, judging this on its own merits, there is a hell of a gem here. The Switch continues to give home for the very best the Wii U had to offer, and this certainly falls under that category. A new Persona game in everything but name (and the lack of collecting Persona!), this delivers a fascinating blend of the franchises, some great dungeon crawling, wonderful combat, and a decent story… eventually. Any Megaten or Persona fan needs to give this one a shot.

Multiplayer.it (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:In this Encore version, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE remains the colorful, fun and original RPG that had conquered those few who had the pleasure of playing it on Wii U. Absolutely identical in the graphic aspect, the Nintendo Switch edition has a rhythm better and gives more value to the time of the player, with shorter uploads and the ability to speed up fights or character grinding sessions. Cheerful, stylish and with pretty good music, Tokyo Mirage is an excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch library, which is enhanced by an imperfect but absolutely unique Japanese RPG. Too bad only for the unpublished additions too skimpy, which are not enough to justify a second round of carousel for those who have already played the adventure on Wii U. All the others prepare the ticket, which the show is about to begin.

SpazioGames (8/10, review in Italian):
Cita:Even if with a porting that adds little in terms of new content, Tokyo Mirage Sessions arrives on Switch as the same, great JRPG it was on Wii U. Just don't expect to be surprised again if you've already played it four years ago.

GAMINGbible (8/10):
Cita:In short, Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore fully deserves its place, its second chance, on Nintendo Switch. Its characters are charming, the dialogue is always enjoyable, gameplay is satisfyingly addictive, and the overall narrative is compelling. It may not be the best Atlus game coming out this year, but it's still a wonderful adventure that you won't regret playing.

Nintendo Life (8/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is one of the most colourful, approachable and downright endearing RPGs you’ll find on the Switch. Its new story chapter, music tracks and character assists improve on the original to an extent, but not enough to greatly affect its overall quality. Thankfully, what was there was already fantastic, meaning those who missed out on it the first time around really have no reason not to get stuck in now.

Daily Star (4/5):
Cita:The performance, extra content and handheld functionality make this a must for JRPG-loving Switch owners – even ones that owned the game back on Wii U.

Twinfinite (4/5):
Cita:Ultimately, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore still isn’t a game that will stick with you after you’ve beaten it, but it’s a groovy time while it lasts.

Switch Player (4/5):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore will prove to be the Switch game many didn’t know they needed. It’s funky, fresh and full of personality, and is an exciting and inventive opener to 2020 on the Nintendo Switch.

Trusted Reviews (4/5):
Cita:It’s a delight to see one of the JRPG genre’s hidden gems find a second home on Nintendo Switch – and, hopefully, a much larger audience with it. While it doesn’t make perfect use of the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei franchises it blends together, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore remains a solid adventure with plenty going for it.

Players after an engaging battle system alongside cute and meaningful characters will find a lot to love here, especially if a sucker for exploring contemporary Japanese settings. Just prepare yourself for a healthy dose of eclectic imagery and an endless stream of J-Pop.

XGN (8/10, review in Dutch):
Cita:When Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was released for Wii U, relatively few people played this game. Now that the game is coming out for the Switch, it's finally time for more people to give this unique JRPG a chance. In addition to the story that will last you around 20 hours, some extra storylines have been added that you can follow during the main game to get even more out of the game.

Although the game goes a bit too far with the level of difficulty, this is quickly resolved when you play the game on easy or regularly use the Area of Aspiration. If you don't do this, this game can be quite frustrating, and that's a shame. If you do choose this, we have little to complain about, especially since Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is just a hugely happy and successful JRPG to feel good about. You have to love Japan a bit, but otherwise we give a thunderous applause for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, we want more!

My Nintendo News (8/10):
Cita:At its heart, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore has delivered what’s expected in an enhanced port. New content, improved UI and small tweaks to make the gameplay faster all make a significant difference to the overall enjoyment. Although flawed in places, it’s a JPRG that dares to be bolder and braver with its stylish sequences and kawaii (though bizarre) story. It may not be to everyone’s tastes, but its whimsical ways will spoil those who can’t help but enjoy adorable things. Thanks for reincarnating this one, Atlus.

USgamer (4/5):
Cita:Whatever you think of port-begging, it's justified with Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. Not only does #FE Encore give us a chance to play a great game that was overlooked on the Wii U, but it also adds a new dungeon, new songs, and content that was previously DLC. A lot of new Persona fans have been minted since #FE's initial release in 2015, and this is one song they should all enjoy.

GameMAG (8/10, review in Russian):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a great game for fans of classic jRPGs with bright performances and interesting locations, which got a second chance on Nintendo Switch. If you like Persona and you haven't played TMS on WiiU, then you can safely buy the game.

RPG Site (8/10):
Cita:In the end, I believe Tokyo Mirage Session is a wonderful game and anyone that is into JRPGs should give it a try. Players that have already played and beaten the original Wii U version might find that there isn't much reason to get this game other than that you can play on your Switch. If you haven't played this before, it's a great addition to your library, especially for fans of Fire Emblem and the Shin Megami Tensei series, although I do feel that it’s quite the missed opportunity for not restoring some of the deleted content from the original Japanese version.

COGconnected (76/100):
Cita:Going into this game, I was incapable of expectations. The strange premise could hide an infinite number of genre mashups and mechanics. Somehow, the actual experience retains a portion of that jumbled energy. You divide your time between merciless dungeon exploration and sparkling idol training. Your allies are a hit parade of Fire Emblem heroes, while your party is a checklist of anime tropes and muzzled insecurities. If you must prepare for this game, then prepare to be exhausted, elated, and energized. I found the Persona/Fire Emblem mix to be a bit unbalanced for my tastes, with too much tough and not quite enough touching. Still, under the layers of glitter, music, and misery, there’s a rock-solid JRPG to be found. If any of these disparate ingredients caught your eye, then Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore will almost certainly keep you hooked.

Jeuxvideo.com (15/20, review in French):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore is a version on Nintendo Switch which, like that of 2016, plays in the category of pure strain J-RPGs, and it always does it honorably. That said, if the hopes of seeing major innovations in terms of gameplay are not fulfilled by the arrival of the new area of the Domain of dreams, it is not either the added cosmetic elements that will be able to transcend this version and make it a staple of the genre. Nevertheless, whether fans of the first hour or newcomers, every fan of contemporary Japanese culture, of Shin Megami Tensei and J-Pop will certainly find something in it, especially for those who see the localization in French make the title accessible to him.

Millenium (75/100):
Cita:Let's be clear: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore isn't a game for all. Its gameplay, very close to Shin Megami Tensei, is rather complete and interesting enough to catch the Japanese RPG lover in you. The nature of its scenario and the themes it explores may surprise you. Approaching J-Pop without complex, #FE goes completely wild with a sharp universe and a story so absurd that they end up generating more awkward laughs than empathy: if Japanese culture isn't your thing, move on. On the other hand, if you've always dreamed of saving humanity with your idol talents, you can go for it without hesitation.

PoweUp! (7.5/10):
Cita:I don’t have much time for sprawling, intensely long RPGs anymore but I made time for Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE Encore because it’s just that good.

Eurogamer Italy (7/10):
Cita:The title is therefore to be recommended to fans of the genre and to Persona lovers. From the latter takes the approach of roaming and social elements, but streamlines the dialogues and the progression of the characters, something that is in favor of accessibility. If you like JRPG with classic turn-based combat, it's truly a title not to be missed. The game is colorful and lively, less gloomy than the Persona series titles. Too bad only for the absence of a graphic remastering, and the lack of Italian localization.

Metro GameCentral (7/10):
Cita:To be honest, we were always surprised that Tokyo Mirage Sessions was released in the West at all, given how to the casual observer it’s not obvious it even is a crossover. But now it’s made the trip twice and while it only skims the surface of what both franchises can do at their best it’s still an enjoyably bizarre experience that isn’t like anything else on the Switch.

Vooks (3.5/5):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore is a deeply fascinating game. On the one hand, it's mechanically one of the best RPGs I've ever played. On the other, its inability to appropriately handle serious issues, complete lack of character growth, and often downright creepy characterisation makes it a difficult game to recommend to anybody. It's a divisive game, but it's been given a second life on the Switch nonetheless. Whether or not that's a good thing is still up for debate.

Impulse Gamer (3.5/5):
Cita:If you never played the original and this kind of game is up your alley, you won’t be disappointed. It’s a lengthy JRPG with all the things you would expect, and it runs fantastically on the Switch in docked and undocked modes. But if you’ve also just finished the excellent Fire Emblem: Three Houses and want something more substantial to sink into that features classic characters from the series, you may find it a little disappointing.

Press Start Australia (6/10):
Cita:Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore features some much-needed quality of life improvements, as well as a strong opening and novel combat. But, ultimately, tedious dungeon design and unrefined boss battles that plagued the original remain and prevent Encore from being the improvement it could be.

Gameblog.fr (6/10):
Cita:The fact remains that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore remains a fun game, thanks to its dynamic Sessions and turn-based system (the hallmark of Atlus), even if its very J-pop atmosphere will not fail to sadden those who are resistant to certain "japoniaiseries".

AnaitGames (6/10, review in Spanish):
Cita:A quirky and irresistible crossover, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is nonetheless an anachronistic game that doesn't explore its themes as much as it could --even though its battle system is solid enough to be attractive on its own.