[Hilo Oficial] Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Versión para impresión

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RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - charliewoodhead - 22-08-2016

Sabeis mas o menos cuanto aumenta los pc al evolucionar? Por ejemplo, un rhyhorn de 500-600 pc superara sobradamente los 900 al evolucionar, no?

Soy nivel 19 por si sirve

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 22-08-2016


Aquí lo puedes mirar

Si es de 500 lo haría a 955; si es de 600 a 1146

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - alone snake - 22-08-2016

yo lo poco que encuentro, son los ratones cutres, el pajaro comun (que no está mal, al fin y al cabo, es el poke volador que suelo usar) y la culebra.

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Charly88 - 22-08-2016

Parece que el sábado loco de los charmanders fue un espejismo. Otro día más a dos velas sin el lagarto, sin embargo no ha estado mal la caza:
Lo más destacable:
1 Pikachu, 1 Gastly, 2 Squirtles, 1 Growlithe (ya tengo a Arcanine), 1 Vulpix y 1 puto Hitmonchan.

Y unos 6 bulbasaurs para farmear, pero en mi pueblo hay tantos Bulbasaurs y Eevees cómo Zubats XD

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 22-08-2016

Me sale un bicho gordo y es otro Clefable de 1100. Es que solo me sale morralla

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - charliewoodhead - 23-08-2016

Ha salido ya la actualizacion, aunque tengo iOS y de momento no me sale nada.

Cambio confirmado es que ahora el juego ofrece ayudas sobre el potencial del pkmn, aunque sin dar datos exactos de los IVs. Se dice tmb que ha aumentado la probabilidad de aparecer pkmn raros y que ahora en las paradas dan mas pociones. Esto ultimo me pareceria una mierda xD

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 23-08-2016

Lo de las pociones es una putada basada en marketing. Te quedas sin bolas, pasas por caja antes.

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Charly88 - 23-08-2016

Otro Charmander, ya sólo me quedan 20 sisi
Mi pueblo tiene forma de triangulo, y en cada vértice había un inicial al mismo tiempo, y mi casa está al lado del extremo dónde estaba Bulbasaur (y en mi zona hay a patadas). Lo que he corrido para llegar a Charmander y luego a Squirtle. Y el último fallo una sola SuperBall y huye el muy hijo de... cabezazo

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 23-08-2016

Me sale un charmander, el 5º que veo en lo que lleva el juego. 6 bolas impactadas azules, 2 negras, todas ellas con bayas. Para un bicho guarro de 323.

Ya estoy cerca de Gyarados, me faltan 10 pececitos. Debo ser el único imbécil de Santander que no lo tiene.

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Charly88 - 23-08-2016

Yo sólo tengo 130 caramelos Magikarp, pero me vale acercarme una tarde al port vell de Barcelona para farmear un Gyarados XD

Pues se ha dado bien la caza, poco pero bueno, 2 Charmanders, 2 Squirtles, 1 Machop y 1 Gastly. Not bad sisi

En lo referente a la captura, recomiendo ENCARECIDAMENTE intentar hacer bolas curvas, desde que les he pillado el truco rara vez me gasto más de una ball por pokemon.
En cuanto las dominas es muy fácil sacar bola curva (que por si sola aumenta el ratio de captura) + genial, así pocos pokemon se te van a escapar.

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 23-08-2016

Ahh, y me ha salido un Machopke de.............. 24pc. tila

RE: Pokémon GO | Rattatas, Zubats y viceversa - Jagang - 23-08-2016

Próxima actualización en horas. Incorporará un sistema para ayudarte en los IVs del Pokemon. Cuando seleccionemos uno nos informará

Team Mystic

Overall Pokemon Analysis

Phrase                                                                                                IV Range
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon! 80% - 100%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has certainly caught my attention.         67% - 79%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is above average.                                51% - 66%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is not likely to make much headway in battle.  0% - 50%

Pokemon Stats Analysis
I see that its best attribute is its Attack or HP or Defense.

If a Pokemon's other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by...

It is matched equally by its Attack or HP or Defense.

Phrase                                                                                   Reason
Its stats exceed my calculations. It's incredible!   Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say. Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive. Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion        Pokemon has IVs of 0 to 7 in at least one base stat.

if it's large or small...

Phrase                                                                                                          Size
The size of your (Pokemon Name) is... colossal. This is indeed exceptional. Fascinating! XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is above average in size.                                                        Large
Your (Pokemon Name) is below average in size.                                                        Small
Your (Pokemon Name) is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding.                XS

Team Valor

Overall Pokemon Analysis
Phrase:                                                                                                   IV Range
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!         80% - 100%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!         67% - 79%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a decent Pokemon                                         51% - 66%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!           0% - 50%

Pokemon Stats Analysis

Its Attack or HP or Defense is its strongest feature.

If a Pokemon's other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by...

I'm just as impressed with its Attack or HP or Defense.

Phrase                                                                                   Reason
I'm blown away by its stats. WOW!                         Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
It's got excellent stats! How exciting!                 Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
Its stats indicate that in battle, it'll get the job done. Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats don't point to greatness in battle.         Pokemon has IVs of 0 to 7 in at least one base stat.

if it's large or small...

Phrase                                                                               Size
Your (Pokemon Name) is gigantic—the largest I've ever seen!      XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is rather sizable, that's for sure!              Large
Aww, what a small (Pokemon Name)! It's rather cute, I'd say.      Small
Your (Pokemon Name) is so tiny, I almost didn't notice it!              XS

Team Instinct

Overall Pokemon Analysis
Phrase                                                                                                           IV Range
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!  80% - 100%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is really strong!                                                  67% - 79%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is pretty decent!                                                  51% - 66%
Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.    0% - 50%

Pokemon Stats Analysis
Its best quality is its Attack or HP or Defense.

If a Pokemon's other stats are equal to its best stat, and then followed by...

Its Attack or HP or Defense is great, too!

Phrase                                                                                                 Reason
Its stats are the best I've ever seen! No doubt about it!        Pokemon has perfect IVs in at least one base stat.
Its stats are really strong! Impressive.                                Pokemon has IVs of 13 or 14 in at least one base stat.
It's definitely got some good stats. Definitely!                        Pokemon has IVs of 8 to 12 in at least one base stat.
Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.        Pokemon has IVs of 0 to 7 in at least one base stat.

if it's large or small...

Phrase                                                                                 Size
Your (Pokemon Name) is just HUGE!                                           XL
Your (Pokemon Name) is a BIG one!                                         Large
Your (Pokemon Name) is a little small for its kind, don't you think?   Small
Wh-whoa. That's the tiniest (Pokemon Name) I've ever seen!        XS
