
Versión completa: Etrian Odyssey IV - 26 Febrero en USA - Bonus Items
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Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Rises saldrá el 26 de Febrero de 2013 en Norte América. Habrá una edición limitada, con un artbook y un CD bonus. La versión digital saldrá el mismo día que la física.

Cita:Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan Rises For February Release With Art Book And Music CD

ATLUS today announced details of the gift with purchase items that will accompany retail versions of the upcoming RPG Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan for Nintendo 3DS. Those that pre-order or pick up the game at retail launch will be treated to a limited edition art book as well as music CD while supplies last. Etrian Odyssey IV will be available at retail and on Nintendo eShop for digital download on February 26, 2013 across North America.

The art book showcases a variety of colorful imagery from the game. New for the North American audience, illustrator Alexandra Douglass, known for her work on Cloud Factor and the Netrunner collectible card game, will contribute a brand new piece of art inspired by the game's fantasy world and characters. For a two-page preview sample of the art book please visit: http://issuu.com/atlususa/docs/etrian4artbook

The "Rough Drafts & Outtakes" CD gives fans rare access to the famed game composer Yuzo Koshiro's process by providing early arrangements that would be used in creating the final atmospheric orchestrations of Etrian Odyssey IV's musical score. Moreover, the CD includes tracks that did not make it in the final selection of musical themes.

"Fans of the Etrian Odyssey franchise will not want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind collectible for Etrian Odyssey IV," said Tim Pivnicny, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, ATLUS. "The game's bonus items in Japan were extremely popular, and we're excited to bring this unique art book with updated imagery and stunning CD soundtrack to those who get their hands on this title at retail launch next year."

A ver si lo traen a Europa. No hay noticias de ello, no?
Menuda marcha llevamos...

- Sin noticias de Code of Princess
- Ni idea de Etrian Odyssey
- Retraso de Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked y si no recuerdo mal, la segunda parte tambien
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 The Golden para Primavera del 2013 (y ya veremos)
- Sin noticias de Persona 4 Arena

Como saquen todo esto a la vez es para mandarlos a la mierda ¬¬
La llevamos clara los europeos si Nintendo no mete mano.