
Versión completa: World of Warcraft ha perdido 1 millón de suscriptores en 3 meses
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Cita:Things haven't gone too well for subscription MMOs this week. On Tuesday, EA announced that it's turning Star Wars: The Old Republic into a free to play game to combat its declining user numbers, and today Activision Blizzard revealed that World of Warcraft lost more than one million subscribers in just three months.

As part of the publisher's quarterly earnings report, Activision Blizzard revealed that World of Warcraft had 9.1 million subscribers as of June 30, 2011. That's an impressive figure, to be sure, but it's soured a bit by the fact that the game boasted as many as 10.2 million subscribers in March.

World of Warcraft has been leaking subscribers for some time now, but this drop is the game's steepest in recent memory. Over the past several quarters, the game's player count has remained relatively stable, hovering around that 10.2 million mark.

Activision Blizzard hopes to stop, and perhaps reverse those declining numbers later this year, when it launches World of Warcraft's latest expansion: Mists of Pandaria. Typically, these content updates have helped breathe new life into the seven year old MMO, so this upcoming release should help the game hold onto its players for at least a little bit longer.

Much like World of Warcraft, EA and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic has also seen its subscriber numbers drop off over the last few months, and the game hopes to address these issues in November when adopts a brand new free to play business model. Of course, The Old Republic's situation is particularly rough compared to World of Warcraft, as it currently has fewer than one million subscribers.

For now, at least, World of Warcraft is holding strong as one of the few remaining subscription MMOs, but with it and other games struggling to hold onto their audience, it's hard to say how long that'll last.


Activision Blizzard revela que han perdido más de un millón de suscriptores en sólo 3 meses. Han ido perdiendo suscriptores estos años, pero esta ha sido la perdida más pronunciada.

Espera que esto cese cuando lancen la última expansión para el juego: Mists of Pandaria.
Yo no juego al WoW pero tengo unos amigos que lo jugaban hasta hace unos meses y que lo retomaran con la nueva expansion y segun lo que me han comentado, es que no hay NADA por lo que seguir jugando, por lo visto en la ultima expansion una vez tumbado al jefe final no hay nada que hacer, dicen que hechan en falta mucho contenido
(02-08-2012 23:12)Alphos2000 link [ -> ]¿Y gran parte de la culpa de esa pérdida no la tendrá Diablo 3? Imagino que muchos jugadores han pasado de un juego a otro...
WoW llevaba ya, al menos, unos cuantos meses en declive antes de la salida de Diablo 3. Hoy en día la mayoría de los MMOs son F2P y cuesta mucho convencer a la gente de que deben pagar por ello.