
Versión completa: Lo que se sabría sobre el juego Mistwalker (Sakaguchi)/ Silicon Studios
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En GAF, un usuario ha dejado algunas pistas sobre el nuevo proyecto de Sakaguchi y Mistwalker (supongo que es la colaboración Mistwalker/Silicon Studios):

Hi there. So as stated I'm the guy who was at the talk/Q&A. Just to clarify a few things:

- The art is courtesy of Fujisaka. Part of the reason Sakaguchi wants the game's art to have that sort of sketch 3D look is because of how much of a fan he is of Fujisaka's artwork.
- He didn't state definitively if it was going to be console or mobile. However, an answer to a question seemed to indicate that it was very much a possibility. Unfortunately, I personally don't have a recording of the question (or any). Given that the game will have a 3D art style, that does at least push it a bit more towards the console side (at least in my eyes). Thankfully, my school did record the talk. Hopefully that will be uploaded somewhere soon. In which case, I'll make sure to post a link.
- Beyond that, there was very little actual discussion of the game in question. More than anything it was a question and answer session.

I shot a video of him discussing the artwork (as well as some artwork for some upcoming Terra Battle stuff). In that video you can see an early prototype of what they're trying to go for in the game's look. It's uploading as we speak. It's about 9 minutes long, and the stuff specifically relevant to the new game are in the back half of the video. I'll post a link to that once it finishes uploading.

Okay, yeah, nothing too specific. Really he just talks in broad strokes in that Periscope. More than anything he gets across his creative process. At the end he explains that in pre-production he tries to come up with "one genius idea a day" over the course of a month. By the end he'll have 30 genius ideas and then they have a game. He also mentioned that his primary goal for his games is to find a way to surprise players. So for example the visual novel sections in Lost Odyssey, which was a (at least in my mind) a clever way of telling Kaim's backstory in an emotional way.

He also talks about who he considers to be most important on his teams. The first is the programmer, because without them, no game. After that is the graphics designer. Given the fact that he spends a whole lot of the time talking about Fujisaka, that's not surprising in the slightest.

Those are the main takeaways that I found/remembered.

Un RPG, suponemos

Los amantes de los RPG están de enhorabuena, puesto que Mistwalker y Silicon Studio, dos de las compañías más importantes del género, han anunciado una colaboración para el desarrollo de un nuevo videojuego.

No han trascendido demasiados detalles al respecto, pero la nota de prensa incluía la siguiente ilustración, obra de Mistwalker, y que ya pudimos ver en 2009. No sabemos si será una pista sobre este recién anunciado proyecto.

Según afirma el comunicado, esta colaboración pretende combinar el poderío tecnológico de Silicon Studio con la imaginación y narrativa de Mistwalker, ideal para crear un videojuego que todo el mundo pueda disfrutar. Como decimos, no se ha profundizado demasiado sobre las bases de este nuevo trabajo, pero sí aseguran que tendrá un argumento totalmente nuevo y original.

Mistwalker es el estudio fundado por Hironobu Sakaguchi, creador de la saga Final Fantasy, tras abandonar Square Enix. En su currículum tienen la creación de interesantes trabajos como Blue Dragon, Lost Oddyssey o The Last Story.

Por su parte, Silicon Studio son los padres del original 3D Dot Game Heroes o de Bravely Second: End Layer, exclusivo de Nintendo 3DS y del que acabamos de publicar su correspondiente análisis, al que le hemos otorgado una puntuación de 7.3 sobre 10. Una nota algo más baja de lo esperada, ya que esta secuela recicla muchos elementos de su predecesor: Bravely Default.

Por el momento, queda esperar para saber de qué trata esta colaboración entre Mistwalker y Silicon Studio. Desde luego, son dos estudios con fuerza y con experiencia para dar como resultado un buen trabajo que encandile a todos los amantes de los RPG.

Fuente: IGN España

[Imagen: Mistwalker-01.jpg][Imagen: Mistwalker-02.jpg]

La conclusión es que no sabemos una puta mierda, claramente XD
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Crear contenido para Terra Battle (juego de móviles) y supongo que preparar el prototipo jugable del juego en colaboración con Silicon Studios (3D Dot Game Heroes, Bravely Default, Bravely Second).