
Versión completa: [Hilo Oficial] Unreal Tournament 4. Arena FPS: 100% gratuito y libre, 200% old-school (Alpha, WIP)
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[Imagen: ut4logoilufu.jpg]

Unreal Tournament 4 es la nueva entrega de la saga desarrollada por la comunidad de Unreal Tournament en colaboración y beneplácito de Epic Games. Las principales novedades de esta entrega es que será completamente gratuita sin Pay2Win (posiblemente en el futuro abogue por un sistema Premium similar a Quake Live), usa el nuevo Unreal Engine 4 y su jugabilidad está más enfocada a UT99.

El juego está en estado Alpha, y al principio solo se podía probar descargando un Torrent. En dicha versión el juego usaba bastantes elementos reciclados de Unreal Tournament 3 como armas, HUD, etc. aunque eso ha ido cambiando en las últimas actualizaciones. Para jugar ahora hay que crearse una cuenta gratuita en Epic Games, ir al hilo indicado del juego, bajarnos nuestra versión de Launcher (esa es otra, el juego es compatible con Windows, Mac y Linux), y bajar el juego a través del Launcher, que es donde también podremos actualizarlo.

Para crearos la cuenta de Epic Games, id a este enlace: https://accounts.unrealtournament.com/register/index

Luego os dirá algo de si queréis suscribiros como desarrollador del Unreal Engine 4 por X € al mes, podéis pasar de eso sin miedo.

No lo recuerdo, pero creo que tenéis que verificar vuestra cuenta vía correo de verificación. Una vez hecho, el launcher se descarga desde este hilo: https://forums.unrealtournament.com/show...able-Build

Dependiendo de si tenéis Windows x64, Windows 32 bits, Mac o Linux, dadle al "YES" resaltado en azul de cada uno.

Iré actualizando este hilo si puedo para dejarlo más presentable. Mientras tanto, os dejo las novedades de la actualización del 20 de Febrero. Tened en cuenta que el juego está muy MUY verde y que hay mapas totalmente blancos por falta de texturas, al igual que hay algunas armas recicladas del Unreal Tournament 3 sin animaciones algunas o modelados nuevos totalmente blancos porque les faltan texturas. Posibles crasheos al escritorio del juego no están descartados. El multiplayer online funciona.

Cita:Unreal Tournament Release Notes - 2/20/2015

TLDR: Major Changes This Build:

*New Basic Training tutorial map is available from the Training option in the main menu.
*New Game tutorial videos by Zaccubus are also available from the Training option.
*Lots of new and improved player animations including new taunts!
*Flak cannon now has real material and textures.
*Lots of mesh and effects polish for various weapons.

Spoiler :

Basic Training
*New Basic Training tutorial map is available.

*Fixed crouching under ramp by slime pit.


*Flak Cannon vfx and some tweaks
*Flak cannon now has real material and textures.
*Reduced flak shard overlap sphere.
*Added Stinger mesh, animation, and montage assets, hooked into blueprint.
*Updated Enforcer anims & new base material.
*Updated Impact Hammer mesh
*Updated Translocator mesh
*Refined Shock Rifle anims.
*Projectiles don't rotate to follow velocity if velocity is zero.
*Fixed link gun beam sparks when viewed from a distance (bad LOD)
*Always tick anims for local player's currently held weapon (fixes sniper playing late fire anim after zooming then firing)
*Optimization work ongoing on the updated weapon effects.
*Added failsafe to keep weapon from firing again too early, fixing exploit to fire slightly early if start and cancel weaponchange quickly.
*Fixed handling rocket alt-fire tap for last rocket ammo.
*Polished weapon scale & placement.
*Polished UT3 weapon textures (lightened) to work better with PBS and sync better visually with new weapons.
*Pawn still runs movement code while guiding remote redeemer.

HUD and Scoreboards

*Fixed UTHUDWidget:Big GrinrawText to return the proper size of the text
*Make sure correct weapon name is always displayed on HUD for weapon switching.
*Fixed team scoreboard double counting spectators.

Friends list

*Added join game functionality from friend ui.
*Auto join a game invite on comand line provided by launcher.
*Don't fail game invite if session id does not match.
*Load mcp configs *after* delegate callback to allow for being able to override the embedded configs.
*Show friends on Hubs.
*Show friends on the scoreboard.

Hubs and Server Browser

*Fixed non-host game panels not updating.
*Modified Engine to cancel the pending level but not disconnect when a pending connnect error occurs.
*Added a virtual ShouldShutdownWorldNetDriver() to control if the engine should kill the current netdriver in Browse.
*Fixed incorrect hub display when a player readies up, leaves the match, then enters/starts another match.
*Fixed hub issues if a client spams clicks due to multiple RPCs of the same type not being handled.
*Fixed Server Browser columns so that they all save again.
*Added the proper password recovery link.
*Fixed the server browser so it showed # of friends.
*Changed the text on the random server hub to show # of servers not # of matches.
*Fixed players getting kicked to the main menu when the server travels.
*Added a handler for when you connect to a full server.
*Precheck the search results before attempting to travel to a server to make sure you can get in.


*Fixed movement replication after alt firing redeemer.
*Make sure client clock is accurate for short matches (player joins with 1 minute or less to play).
*Fixed duplicate tracers in laggy net games.
*Fixed sending netspeed control message when server isn't expecting it after failing a join attempt.
*Limit lifespan of delayed projectiles to avoid doubled projectiles on high ping clients.
*Don't update client ping when don't have pawn, as it's not accurate if servermoves not driving packets.
*Fixed replication issues with translocator.
*Fixed real projectile synching to an about to be timed out fake projectile.

Engine, Editor, and Mac/Linux support

*Merged to latest UE 4.7 preview code.
*Fixed crash when lifts interact with ragdolls.
*Can now take screenshots in menus.
*Fixed weapon flickering or missing in UT Linux client.
*No longer changing ViewDistanceScale in UT because it could cause players with low settings to gain a sight advantage. View distance is *controlled manually and uniformly via cull distance volumes instead.
*Added a few expensive effects to be managed scalability settings, so they can be turned off for low end machines.
*Tweaked dynamic decal default lifespan and lifespan slider in settings.


*Added Training dropdown to main menu.
*Hooked up Sid's Basic Training map
*Added SUTWebBrowserPanel and hooked up the community videos by Zaccubus.
*Tweaking player preview window - changed FOV and mesh position.
*Fixed mid-game menu change team functionality.
*Split player settings and weapon settings into two menus.
*Weapon config menu now available from main and mid game menu settings drop downs.
*Fixed "listen server" option in create game dialog.
*Make sure the server instance run for the listen server option exits if the client goes away even if it crashes, is end task'ed, etc
*New Exit menu (and sub menus).
*New Login Menu.
*Fixed attempting to login if both user id and password are not present.
*Clicking on the login while logged in will allow you to switch accounts. Properly handles in session, etc.
*Popup Login dialog if non-epic user attempts to go to the server browser or quick match.
*If Login is called with no user name, it will attempt to fill out the last known best user name.
*Added AA quality to the system settings.
*Fix for the menu not being displayed again when you get kicked during prelogin.
*Reworked player settings color picker so that it works in fullscreen.


*Added wall dodge start anims for when dual pistol.
*Added dodge poses for mid air when dual pistol.
*Added blendspaces for wall dodging and dodging when dual pistol and hooked them up in animation blueprint.
*Fixed crouching not working when idle.
*Added new knee slides for rifle, 4 directions, created blendspace and hooked up for rifle.
*Added kneeslide anims and blendspaces for dual pistol.
*New wall slide rifile poses added.
*New NoNo taunt anim and montage added.
*Updated Taunt_PelvicThrust and Taunt_SlitThroat anims, polish.
*Updated crouch anims and blendspace to more accurately represent speed.
*Updated crouch idle so feet are in same spot as regular idle.
*Changed playrate of runs and crouch walks to play at normalized playrate based on player speed so anims are playing at the correct speed when speed modifiers are applied. (current crouch anims have their playrate in the anim asset set at 2.1111 so play time is equal to the runs and then slowed back down based on the normalized playrate)

Misc. Gameplay

*Fixed not updating the respawn choice shots in Duel on successive spawns.
*Some improvements to ragdoll physics in water.
*Really fixed showing advantage message in overtime.
*Create MIDs for all player mesh slots instead of just 0.
*bAllowOvertime, bForceRespawn, bOnlyTheStrongSurvive, and bHasRespawnChoices are no longer config properties.
*if UTProjectile::OverlapRadius is zero, detach the PawnOverlapSphere (perf improvement).
*bForceRespawn true by default in team DM.
*Improved bot balancing of teams when players leave/enter midgame.
*Fixed crash picking up shieldbelt coming out of feign death.
*Removed code clamping of decal projection depth. Need to set decal depth individually.
*Reduced mobility on light components found in various BP where appropriate for performance reasons.
*Fixed pressing jump during feign death while having jump boots causing a jump boot activation immediately upon returning to normal.
*Lifts are not blocked by dropped cosmetic items.
*Brightened rocket ammo pickup.
Cita:Tened en cuenta que el juego está muy MUY verde y que hay mapas totalmente blancos por falta de texturas, al igual que hay algunas armas recicladas del Unreal Tournament 3 sin animaciones algunas o modelados nuevos totalmente blancos porque les faltan texturas. Posibles crasheos al escritorio del juego no están descartados

Entonces me espero, no me molesta jugar una alpha, pero eso es que ni llega a tal distincion. Me mola que vaya a ser F2P...
Esperaré a la beta.

Es curioso que en la época del online de pago, casi todo lo que juego online sea F2P.
He estado probando la build de ayer y parece que las armas ahora están completas y tienen sus animaciones.

Si me animo, grabo un vídeo y así veis un poco como es.
Nueva actualización:

Cita:Unreal Tournament Release Notes - 3/2/2015

TLDR: Major Changes This Build:

*New DM-Outpost23 fully meshed visual bar level.
*New Malcolm and Necris characters are playable.
*Re-skinned and updated Launcher.
*New Unreal Tournament Marketplace with cosmetic items by community contributors.
*DM-Lea by CaptainMigraine is available for free from the markeplace.
*Unreal Editor customized for UT is now available for free from Launcher.
*New set of web tutorials to teach you how to create content and mods for UT. Check them out at http://learn.unrealtournament.com .
*Polished and optimized weapon effects.
*Revamped menus with new graphics and layout.
*Hubs are now fully functional.
*First pass on performance optimization, barely touched the surface.
*Polished and optimized weapon effects.
*Revamped menus with new graphics and layout.
*Hubs are now fully functional.
*First pass on performance optimization, barely touched the surface.

Spoiler :

*New DM-Outpost23 fully meshed visual bar level.
*DM-Lea by CaptainMigraine is available for free from the markeplace.

*Fixed slime volume at bottom of deck.

*Updated to match new look.
*Reworked to integrate post & lighting example map content.


*Fixed Translocator disk broken when fell out of world.
*Polished Translocator scale/position, materials, textures, & animations.
*Fixed weapons that fire projectiles with nonzero extent collision not properly preventing the projectile from starting out inside a wall.
*Polished Redeemer texture & material, polished 3p mesh.
*Created anims and montages for Redeemer (Equip, Fire, Down) and hooked them up.
*Hooked up Flak Cannon ammo counter material.
*Reduced Flak shard overlap sphere.
*Checked in new Flak shell using separate texture (no longer needs old flak materials).
*Fixed Enforcer left hand mesh igorning blueprint initial rotation
*Fixed not playing udamage fire sound when firing bio alt-fire while have udamage.

HUD and Scoreboards

*Fixed team scoreboard double counting spectators.
*Don't force two digits for hours in HUD.
*Fixed spectator text color on scoreboard.

Hubs and Server Browser

*Lots of polish for Hub menu.
*Bugfixes for Hub match creation and joining code.
*Some new icons for the Hub Browser.
*Add a "Start New Match" fake badge for Hub.
*Moved the Start/Leave and Start/Ready/Abort buttons to a better place.
*Made Hub instance match max player counts more reasonable.
*If a player not in a session joins a HUB they will be kicked with a friendly message telling them to use the browser.
*Hub match creation always falls back to DM if can't resolve game mode, as UI code counts on having a valid game mode.
*Cleaned up the Server Browser


*Failsafe timer for client-side projectiles which don't get matched up with replicated server side projectile.
*Temporarily extended timestamp reset until we can figure out why rollover is broken.


*Improvements to bots reacting to new enemies.
*Better wall dodging AI.
*Bots engage enemies more in DM when powerups are far away.
*Fixed an issue with bot consistency in PIE due to different world initialization order.
*Stop considering favorite weapon as important pickup once the bot has a copy.
*Bots fill out multiplayer game to max of BotFillCount and MinPlayersToStart.
*Always add bot to duel game that starts with less than 2 players.
*Fixed some incorrect jump paths being generated.
*Fixed lift pathing data being broken when the lift is a mesh with an origin that is not near the center of the lift

Performance Optimization

*Performance tweaks and art polish pass on all weapon effects.
*Detail settings are now auto-detected at startup.
*Don't use SimpleDynamicLighting for lowest quality setting.
*Fixed performance regression in IsShadowOccluded().
*Set bLightAttachmentsAsGroup for UTCosmetics and UTWeaponAttachment (perf optimization).
*Disabled receiving decals for projectile meshes.
*Don't use projectile meshes as occluders.
*Projectile meshes don't cast shadows (except redeemer missile).
*WeaponAttachment meshes don't receive decals.
*Fixed bio explode effect particles having collision.
*Disable other player's projectile flight lights at low detail settings.
*Effects use detail modes to disable some parts of the effect at low detail settings.
*Cosmetic Items have bUseAsOccluder false.
*Force shadow casting off on all impact effect lights unless at Epic effect quality.
*Flak shard bounce effect light is high detail only.
*Added bLowPriorityLight flag to UTProjectile. For projectiles not fired by the local players, low priority lights and all projectile flight lights if effects detail is low or medium are turned off.
*Link projectile has low priority light.
*Added system to allow impacteffects to specify a lifetime scaling for their decals.
*ImpactEffect sets component location before registering it. Fixes particle system LOD being base on a position at (0,0,0).
*Enforcer and link impacteffects scale decal life by 0.5.
*ReflectionEnvironment disabled at low and medium settings.
*Added ability to play fireeffects at greater than 1 shot intervals. Minigun tracers now happen every other shot.
*Turned off lit translucent lights in particles. Super expensive, don't ever use.
*Checked in new 3 level LOD's for all 3p weapon meshes.
*Added option to force impact effects to use LOD 0 if created by the local player. Shock combos fired by you now always render at LOD 0
*Optimized BoneDataVertexBBuffer updates to only copy the data needed, can be merged into main, saves memcpy time in the render thread

Engine and Editor

*Unreal Editor customized for UT is now available for free from Launcher.
*New set of web tutorials to teach you how to create content and mods for UT. Check them out at http://learn.unrealtournament.com .
*Cleaned up editor content organization and fixed up redirects.
*Improved movement collision, reducing stickiness in some spots.
*Rebuild navmesh prior to saving if out of date; turned off "build navigation automatically" by default for UT.
*Fixed projection distance of various weapon impact decals so they are properly applied to curved surfaces.
*Bound Ctrl-B to build geometry.
*Auto rebuild geometry off by default
*Fix for Linux server crashing because OSS attempts to cancel HTTP requests after the HTTP module has been unloade
*Explicitly clear timers when actors are destroyed because engine isn't auto clearing looping timers of destroyed objects.


*Re-skinned and updated Launcher.
*Updated game splash screen and editor splash screen.
*Updated Main Menu background.
*Updated loading screen.
*New Menu top bar and icons
*Updated menu graphics and styles.
*New layouts and look for player settings menu.
*New layout and look for system settings menu.
*Added tooltips to system settings menu.
*New layout and look for create game menu.
*Tweaked dynamic decal default lifespan and lifespan slider in settings.
*Fixed the Slate combobutton double click issue.
*Fixed text sizes and backgrounds on various dropdown menus (Settings, About)
*Added Connect via IP to the Play Now submenu
*Added a bunch of Common styles (EditBox, NormalText, BoldText)
*Fixed being able to choose from all country flags.
*Added anti-aliasing selection combo box and screen percentage slider to system settings menu.
*Fixed a case where the level summary gets the wrong internal object name so the UI can't find it
*Fix UT menus still allowing gun fire when open.
*Lots of friends and chat system fixes.
*Added delegate callback to the movie player when it finishes playing movies and can safely return to gameplay.
*Fix crash if attempting to interact with the game while the eula prompt is up. The eula is now shown after loading movies are finished.
*Fix separators on UT main menus changing size when resolution changes.
*Removed confusing dedicated server button from create match server panel. (all servers are dedicated servers now)
*Added a warning message when creating a server while local custom content is out of sync with the user's cloud storage
*Added a connecting... dialog after entering an IP to join instead of closing all the menus
*Fixed controls reset to defaults switching show menus and show scores.
*Added a basic warning about running a server from a LAN and what ports to open when hosting a game
*Added the player preview environment to the entry level to improve response time opening that menu; hooked up level screenshot in the hub.
*Hooked up "No Screenshot available" image.
*Fixed number of combatants create game option being respected for net games.
*Fix race conditions when updating textures from an SWebBrowser.
*Introduced a new thread safe way to update a texture (this is expensive as it requires an extra memcopy).
*Added in-game toasts when getting a game invite, friend invite or friend request accepted.
*Added a button to auto-detect settings again after startup in the settings screen

Characters and Animation

*New Malcolm character is now the default character.
*New Necris character is selectable.
*New cosmetic items in marketplace by KazeoHin-TechAE and TeriyakiStyle.
*Replaced swimming animations, added dual pistol versions as well.
*Hooked up new swimming aniamtions with playrate based on speed.
*Added dual pistol wall slide poses and hooked up.

Misc. Gameplay

*No longer spawn with helmet.
*Lifts are not blocked by dropped cosmetic items.
*Fixed tutorial shouldn't have time limit.
*Hooked up new gore and blood effects.
*If player feigns and is unable to get back up after several attempts, kill him.
*Damagetypes now define the text of the centered self suicide message.
*Added new feignfail damagetype with custom death messages.
*Fixed feigned player falling out of world when killed while a ragdoll.
*Fixed Instagib spawn protection time.
*Fixed crash at end of idle team game that was never actually played.
*Fixed dropped pickups blocking lifts only on clients
*Fixed flak and rocket decals attaching to lifts.
*Lifts crush ragdolls they can't push aside, including players feigning death.
*Scale down head bone to 0.001 instead of 0 when taking a head shot so that any attached effects still work.
*Unhooked the annoying train sound.
*Unlimited ammo now controlled by gametype with bAmmoIsLimited.
*Ammo not limited in BasicTraining.
*Fixed powerup overlays not applied to left hand enforcer right away when acquired
*Fixed left hand enforcer mesh being invisible if dual enforcers are acquired directly by a player who had no enforcers at all (lost due to feign death or gametype doesn't come with them)
*Fixed feigning death blocking lift function.
*Fixed teleport velocity not being transformed correctly
*Fixed gibbed corpses still having (Unreal) physics turned on
*Fixed playing hitscan impact effect if no hit (like linkbeam).