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Llegan las separaciones entre categoria masculina y femenina, ya sabeis, las mujeres son inferiores y no son capaces de pulsar botones al mismo nivel que los hombres

Cita:A user on Reddit's Hearthstone community yesterday shared this imageÔÇöfrom an announcement page for a Hearthstone qualifier taking place during Finland's Assembly Summer 2014. What made "Karuta's" post notable was a single, highlighted sentence: "The participation is open only to Finnish male players."

That is, to state the obvious, a strange requirement for a Hearthstone tournament; and it makes the qualifier's organisers seem like childish boys in a treehouse, hanging a "no girls allowed" sign on their front door. Only, the qualifier is for for the IeSF World Championship, and it's this global event that has stipulated the all-male line-up.

"Your information is indeed correct, the tournament is open to Finnish male players only," said Markus "Olodyn" Koskivirta, head admin of the Assembly Summer 2014 Hearthstone IeSF Qualifier, in a statement to PC Gamer. "In accordance with the International e-Sports Federation's (IeSF) tournament regulations, since the main tournament event is open to male players only. This is to avoid possible conflicts (e.g. a female player eliminating a male player during RO8) among other things."

Koskivirta's argument is that, by allowing women into their qualifier, there's a risk that the winner wouldn't be eligible to enter the IeSF's World Championship final.

The IeSF, or International e-Sports Federation, is a global organisation based in South Korea that is comprised of e-sports associations from across the world. Their stated aim is to promote e-sports as a "true sport". The IeSF's sixth World Championship will take place this November, in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Here's the tournament list, from the organisation's Facebook event page:

    Male Competition: Dota 2, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, Ultra Street Fighter IV
    Female Competition: Starcraft 2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2

It's an absurd division. Seemingly it tells us that Ultra Street Fighter IV is for boys, and Tekken Tag Tournament is for girls; that women aren't meant to play Dota 2 or Hearthstone; and that while both men and women can play Starcraft 2, they damn well better not do it together.

Of course, that's not what the IeSF are saying. Their reasoning is far more insidious than that. In a reply to a Facebook comment asking why men and women had been divided, the IeSF responded with the following:

"The decision to divide male and female competitions was made in accordance with international sports authorities, as part of our effort to promote e-Sports as a legitimate sports."

It's a bizarre statement, attempting to defend a seemingly indefensible decision. E-sports can be recognised as a "legitimate sport" while still staying true to the differences that exist. Hearthstone is not a game that requires any division by genderÔÇöto do so is a completely arbitrary decision that smacks of a desperation to be taken seriously.

As for Assembly Summer 2014, Koskivirta told us that all other tournaments were "open to all genders". "We would also like to point out that the Finnish eSports Federation is currently lobbying for the equal rights of male and female players in the IeSF tournaments," he said. "This is an ongoing process and we of course welcome any support in this matter."

We have contacted the IeSF for a statement.

Image source: IeSF.

Update: The original version of the article stated that Assembly Summer 2014 was organised by the Finnish eSports Federation. This is not the case, and has been corrected.

Update 2:

The IeSF have responded to questions about their stance on male-only tournaments on their Facebook page, giving two justifications, quoted below.

"1 - promoting female players. We know that e-Sports is largely dominated by male players and females players are actually a portion of the overall player base. By hosting a female-only competition, we strive to promote female gaming on a global scale.

"2 - International standards. IeSF is very close to get e-Sports recognized as a true sports like it should be. Part of that efforts is to comply with the international sports regulations. For example, chess is also divided into male / female leagues."

To point one, there isn't a Hearthstone competition for women, who are only allowed to enter StarCraft 2 and Tekken Tag Tournament contests, and segregation has historically proven to be a pretty poor basis for the promotion of equality. To point two, we're unsure to what "international sports regulations" the IeSF are adhering to, and why separating men and women would "get e-Sports recognized as a true sports." The Chess example is odd, because while there is a separate competition for women, women can enter the World Chess Championship and compete against men. Just ask Judit Polgár.

Update 3:
Another update from the IeSF on Facebook, which suggests they're absorbing the feedback.

"In the last hours we have received lots of feedback from your regarding the IeSF 6th e-Sports World Championship, particularly regarding the male/female tournament division.

"We want to thank you for your interest in e-Sports and for sharing your opinions. The e-Sports community opinion is always important to the IeSF.

"Our top priority is to promote e-Sports in the best ways we can. We believe that listening is important, are we're now collecting your opinions from the social media, and we will update soon."

Dafuq. No entiendo que hagan separación aquí, de verdad XD
(02-07-2014 23:31)EarthBound link [ -> ]No creo que se deba a un tema de capacidades, sino de implicar a la mujer. Quiero decir, las barreras de entrada en la escena competitiva para una mujer son enormes, pero si le das una categoría con solo mujeres, quizás esas barreras sean más leves.

Si es lo único que se me podria ocurrir. El intentar animarlas a jugar.

Porque vamos, desde que se empezaron a usar dicho termino me pregunto quien fue el "iluminado". Deberian de haberse buscado otro indicativo que, valga la redundancia, indicara corectamente que son.

Porque de deporte como se ha entendido media vida, poco tienen realmente roto2
Las mujeres raramente se cuelen en los e-spors. En Dota que es de lo poco que sigo un poco de cerca enescenas competitivas, existía un grupo solamente de chicas chinas pero era con fines publicitarios mas que realmente competitivos. Dudo que jugaran algo, y es que ser mujer en estos casos al menos te garantiza un mínimo de visibilidad por la escasez de ellas en etos mundos. Luego en Dota hay alguna caster bastante activa como Sheever pero poco más. No es exclusión es simple falta de interés, y para favorecerlo ese empujon las ligas femeninas no son una mala solución. Lo que es díficil de entender la exclusividad de un género por videojuego, totalmente desconcertante.
"The decision to divide male and female competitions was made in accordance with international sports authorities, as part of our effort to promote e-Sports as a legitimate sports."

Pues no sé que pensar nenes.

Por una parte en lo que este ocio nos atañe, está bien que esas pachangas virtuales pasen a ser 'deporte', al fin y al cabo si el ajedrez y esa mierda nórdica del curling lo son no veo por qué no iban a aspirar a ello. Sobretodo por el reconocimiento ante la masa y tal.

Por otra, ¿hay que hacer divisiones de género para todo? esas autoridades deportivas internacionales que mencionan tendrian que empezar a hacer unisex varios de los deportes para toda competición oficial, en la que el sexo no suponga ventaja. En tiro, el mencionado curling y los esports, no es necesario hacer distinciones. Además vería hasta bien que las mujeres empiecen a ser jefas en algunos deportes en lo que a calidad competitiva concierne, que las tenemos parece en un segundo plano deportivo en plan condescendiente que no las beneficia en estos casos.