
Versión completa: 100 mil polígonos para los personajes principales de "The Order"
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Andrea Pessino ÔÇÅ@AndreaPessino

@C_0guy main characters run over 100K polys each, >250 joints just in the head, >130 blend shapes in face, etc.... CRAZY stuff! Smile


Pues eso. Un número verdaderamente increible de ser cierto.

Esta comparación está sacada de GAF:

Kratos: ~20k
Heavy Rain main characters: 15k
Lee in The Walking Dead: 5k
Marius in Ryse: 85k
John Rambo in  Rambo the Videogame: ~15 sisi
Las franjas cuantos poligones tienen??


Alguien se atreve por twitter??  XD
Lo he visto en neogaf y me ha parecido curioso.

The model for Aki was designed to closely follow human appearance, with Sakaguchi commenting in an interview "I think it's OK to look at Aki and be convinced that she's a human."[7] Each of her 60,000 hairs was separately and fully animated and rendered,[9] her entire model was estimated to be made up of around 400,000 polygons.[15] Sakaguchi intended to have Aki as Square Picture's "main star", with intentions to use her in later games and films by Square and the flexibility of being able to modify aspects such as her age for such appearances.

Acojona como se multiplican los poligonos pero cada vez la diferencia es menor