[Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - AN 2ºDevDiary + Wakes vendrán - Versión para impresión

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[Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - AN 2ºDevDiary + Wakes vendrán - yopmoi - 19-12-2011

Con vuestro permiso creo el hilo oficial oficioso de Alan Wake como fan(atico) que soy del mismo. Cabe decir que cualquier aportación es bienvenida que se que hay mas "fanses" por aquí, como xugaox.

[Imagen: alan_wake_american_nightmare.png]

Han remodelado la web alanwake.com
Nueva web:http://www.alanwake.com

Trailer versión extendida:

Gameplay del modo "horda":

Artículo revista EDGE ( http://www.next-gen.biz/features/remedy ... -nightmare )

Two Remedy games in one year, whatÔÇÖs going on?

Sam Lake: [Laughs] On that we are definitely expanding what we do. There is a big attraction with smaller digital projects like Death Rally on iOS, and Live Arcade as well. Obviously, big triple-A games are our main focus, but [digital] feels very good, and feels like the right way of being able to do something on the side as well. Death Rally, and now American Nightmare, are good examples of that, and in the future weÔÇÖre looking for different opportunities as well, expanding and doing other things. Alan Wake is our own IP and we absolutely love it, and we feel like we can do many things with it; custom versions for different mediums.

Oskari H├ñkkinen: ItÔÇÖs a learning curve as well, understanding the business. As gamers, we want to know about, and understand, all the possibilities in gaming. Our passion is bigger projects, but these smaller projects gave us an opportunity to let our hair down a bit and have fun.

SL: ItÔÇÖs a nice place to experiment and then feed what we learn back into bigger games. IÔÇÖm sure fans of Remedy Entertainment will see many elements in American Nightmare that they have come to expect from one of our games. ItÔÇÖs a tighter package, but still a cinematic, story-driven action game.

OH: American Nightmare is made for [XBLA]. We can go wilder with the weapons and include the kind of enemies that you would never expect in the Alan Wake universe. The Night Springs setting has enabled us to try out things we wouldnÔÇÖt have been able to try out in the first game.

Alan WakeÔÇÖs world, up until now, has been very focused. Were you at all worried about diluting the core fiction?

SL: Early on with American Nightmare we certainly talked about that a little bit. It's something that needs to be taken into account, and we felt that we needed a different stylisation. We wanted to create a spin-off experience that doesnÔÇÖt feel like the original Alan Wake. When you play the story, you can see there are certain elements that address this issue as well, and put it in the right place in the overall fiction. Obviously Alan Wake as a whole, as an IP, is very near and dear to us, and we want to take good care of it and make sure that we have a set course and direction for where weÔÇÖre going. And we certainly wouldnÔÇÖt take it in an unexpected direction without thinking ahead and making sure that everything is working as we wanted it to.

OH: If there was ever a Twillight Zone episode with Alan WakeÔÇÖs story themes, this would be it.

Did Alan Wake DLC pave the way for this game?

SL: In a way it did. I feel that we could have done something like this even without the DLC. But maybe the focus and stylisation would have been slightly different. I feel that for the fans, the storyline - which is in many ways optional content ÔÇô will be the meat of it. It continues the Alan Wake story from where we left off with the last DLC.

The hub areas in American Nightmare suggest youÔÇÖre closing in on your open-world ambitions for the first game.

SL: Well, certainly the tech for open-world spaces has been there in the engine and in the tools, and American Nightmare has given the team and level designers liberty to have fun with it and experiment. The idea with the locations is definitely a lot more hub-like in approach, and youÔÇÖll be revisiting the same locations under different circumstances and the tasks structure takes you to different places while unlockable areas open up.

Some of the acting in the game is quite hammy - was this a deliberate choice?

SL: That comes from where we are drawing inspiration. We are very conscious of our sources of inspiration and have always been very open about where we draw those from. Personally, I think that thatÔÇÖs a wonderful part of working on videogames, just looking at pop culture at large there are so many cool things out there that are very rarely consciously taken and used as a source of inspiration in games. With Max Payne it was film noir, Hong Kong action movies and a US action movies from the ÔÇÿ80s and ÔÇÿ90s; with Alan Wake it was obviously Stephen King and Twin Peaks and more literary sources. Here, itÔÇÖs very much B movie, Tarantino and grind house.

Has the emergence of on-demand Cloud services like Gaikai and OnLive piqued your interest ÔÇô surely this is the perfect medium for episodic distribution?

SL: In many ways itÔÇÖs still something thatÔÇÖs hard to see exactly how it will work out. Already with the original Alan Wake, there were many good reasons to make it into a TV series format. Another was that for a traditional game, the pacing for a TV series season felt like a very good thing. But more and more weÔÇÖve been thinking about it and talking about it and it works as a pacing element very well in a story driven game ÔÇô IÔÇÖm very happy with the cliff-hanger structure and how it keeps the pacing and tension up. It feels like a natural match, so for that reason alone, weÔÇÖll be continuing on this path. But certainly the idea that at some point we could switch into that kind of a model of delivering episodic content digitally, we would be more than happy to when the time is right. Personally, IÔÇÖm a slow adaptor when it comes to things like that!
OH: And the fear there is that many consumers are slow adaptors. But certainly, looking at how Alan Wake was done, and the completion rates as a result: they were really, really high. Obviously having these cliff-hangers urged players on. People just donÔÇÖt finish games anymore ÔÇô I think I read somewhere that people only complete 30 per cent of their games. Either theyÔÇÖre too long, or they get bored somewhere on the way. But we saw really good results for Alan Wake.

Is it easier, though, to keep your narrative focus with a shorter game?

SL: I think itÔÇÖs more tied to what model and structure you are using for the story you are telling. A shorter experience by nature starts to get closer to a traditional movie story with a three act structure. Back when we were making Max Payne 1 and 2, that was the model I was using. Obviously, that ends up being stretched quite thin at times, because the game is much longer. And already during Max Payne 2 I was thinking, ÔÇÿThereÔÇÖs got to be a better wayÔÇÖ. That was also the time I started watching full seasons of TV series by buying the DVD boxset. There are different things going on and different pacing in a TV series storyline than there is in a movie. For a longer game, the TV series is a natural match.

How did your iOS experiment with Death Rally go?

OH: 1.8 million players. WeÔÇÖve just released a beta of multiplayer, and weÔÇÖll be introducing friends multiplayer so that you can actually invite your friends to a match. Previously it was just random ÔÇô but you can shoot up people online, which is cool. ItÔÇÖs a lot more fun to shoot your friend in the ass, though! But yeah, itÔÇÖs been a success.

Are you planning to release more on iOS?

SL: Death Rally was our first step into that direction, and IÔÇÖm sure that weÔÇÖll do something else in the future as well.
OH: ThereÔÇÖs a few really interesting channels that have emerged in the past couple of years or so, and weÔÇÖve taken the conscious decision to explore them. Death Rally was us exploring iOS, and it did quite well ÔÇô it recouped its development costs in three days, so that was like, ÔÇÿWowÔÇÖ. The reception for it has been really good as well. The quality was there ÔÇô we used Mountain Sheep who have just released a new title as well. But yeah, it was really interesting to learn what goes on in that channel, how to work with Apple, which places you should be visible, and what players are expecting there ÔÇô what are their expectations for a $1? Is $3 too much? Is $5? It was a testing ground on all sides, in terms of gameplay, pricing, marketing a bit of everything, so it was an interesting learning curve.


Sacado de meri: ( http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_notic ... c5&pic=GEN )

Tras señalar que Alan Wake: American Nightmare, el título digital que saldrá a principios de 2012, contendría más acción que el juego original, Remedy ha revelado el porcentaje que habrá de acción y de historia.

"Si Alan Wake era dos tercios de historia y uno de acción, American Nightmare es un tercio de historia y dos de acción", señala Matias Myllyrinne relaciones públicas del estudio, que comparó esta entrega con el film Abierto hasta el Amanecer, de Robert Rodriguez y Quentin Tarantino.

"Es una combinación de un estilo arcade de acción intensa y una aventura exageradamente pulp", revela Myllyrinne, "[American Nightmare] se apoya mucho en lo sobrenatural, la ciencia ficción, las películas pulp, las leyendas urbanas y la cultura americana. Es una Ruta 66, si quieres llamarlo así".


Palabras de un desarrollador de remedy

ÔÇ£This is one step on WakeÔÇÖs path forward, and it certainly doesnÔÇÖt end here. For some gamers it begins here, and we think this is a cool entry point. But right now, this is what weÔÇÖre focused on.ÔÇØ

ItÔÇÖs ÔÇ£close to five hoursÔÇØ long, according to head of franchise development Oskari H├ñkkinen, and transports Wake from AmericaÔÇÖs tree-strewn Pacific Northwest to the Arizona desert.

The structure, too, has shifted. ÔÇ£If Alan Wake was two-thirds story and one-third action, American Nightmare is one-third story and two-thirds action,ÔÇØ Myllyrinne adds, before likening it to TarantinoÔÇÖs From Dusk Till Dawn.

For the moment, though, Alan Wake is to remain with Microsoft, who will publish American Nightmare. Remedy came forward with the game as the next step in WakeÔÇÖs adventure and Microsoft was ÔÇ£supportiveÔÇØ of the idea of an XBLA-only update, so donÔÇÖt expect it to appear elsewhere.

Resumen de Barbaroman de meri:

-AWAN es un paso adelante en el universo AW y seguro que no el ultimo. La continuacion asegurada.

-La duracion de AWAN rondara las 5 horas en su modo historia. ( buff, me parecen escasas).

-1/3 historia y 2/3 accion.......... En AW era lo contrario.

-Mejor no esperar a que se lance en formato diferente al descargable (XBLarcade)


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[Imagen: EDG236.h_wake2.art6_.jpg]

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Más imágenes:

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Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - Miquel93 - 19-12-2011

Me apunto al hilo oficial de Alan Bricowake lol: lol:lol:

Todo la info mostrada del juego no hace más que ponerme los dientes largísimos. Aunque debo ser de los pocos que esperan un juego de acción 100%, como lo fue el primero.

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - unis1703 - 19-12-2011

No se porque pero el primero cuando lo vi me decia que lo jugara,pero este con toda la info,las imagenes,y sobre todo hacerlo digital,la verdad que no me da mucha confianza...

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - Miquel93 - 19-12-2011


¿Alguien dijo "Muerto Ambulante" (Max Payne 2)? Pues esto es" Fight till Down", solo que con la mecánica jugable de Alan Wake.

No sé si será únicamente sensación mía, pero este American Nightmare creo que va a dejar en pañales al primer Alan Wake, ahora que tienen el desarrollo del juego bien claro.

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - chente - 19-12-2011

Menuda pintaza.

He pasado de ver todo el video porque prefiero verlo bien de nuevas cuando lo compre.

Lo que más me agrada es ver que esta vez sí que habrá gran variedad de enemigos.

P.D. Gracias por el hilo. Lo seguiré de cerca :beer: :beer::beer:

Te dejo un link con información e imágenes nuevas por si quieres ampliar la primera página:

http://www.vandal.net/noticia/63629/pri ... nightmare/

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - Fanclub - 20-12-2011

Hola a todos. Me alegra estrenarme en un hilo de Alan Wake. Soy de los que disfrutaron mucho con el juego de Remedy, aun con sus carencias me parece de lo mejor que esta generación ha dado. Tengo claro que este juego es algo distinto y que los que queremos ambiente oscuro y cercano a los survival horror tendremos que esperar al próximo trabajo numerado de los finlandeses.

Mientras tanto, podremos disfrutar de esta road movie "tarantiniana" con el alter ego de nuestro escritor de terror favorito. Es un shooter en tercera persona, si, y por ello será mucho más completo que AW, pues si de algo saben los chicos de Remedy, es de shooters en tercera persona. Alguien lo duda?

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - silvergate - 20-12-2011

No se que tal estará este experimento, espero que Remedy, para una hipotética segunda parte, se haya jugado unas cuantas veces Deadly Premonition y de paso que se atrevan a ser valientes.

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - yopmoi - 20-12-2011

Gracias a los que aportais material, iré ampliando el primer post con lo que vayais poniendo.

Aún seguimos sin fecha de salida, cuando creeis que saldra?? Finales de enero? Febrero?

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - Tolo - 20-12-2011

Yo hubiera deseado mejor una segunda parte en formato físico. El hecho de que sea en descarga me da la impresión que va a ser menos "grandilocuente" de lo que debiera.

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - JaviS - 20-12-2011

Aquí otro apasionado del primero. Prefiero no ver lo que vayan enseñando, pero vaya, le tengo muchas ganas y además sale en menos de tres meses.

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - yopmoi - 21-12-2011

Bueno, parece ser que han remodelado la web http://www.alanwake.com pero estoy intentando entrar y me tira un error de la base de datos por lo que no se el contenido nuevo que pueda tener hasta que funcione.

Avisados quedais!! También por facebook comentaron que añadirian cosicas nuevas a su tienda de productos, que por sino sabeis cual es: http://store.alanwake.com/

Imágenes de la preparación del primer diario de desarrollo del juego:
[Imagen: IMG_1788_low-536x717.jpg]

[Imagen: IMG_1795_low.jpg]

Me flipa las pintas de loco del señor chirridos, y es que la puede liar mucho en el mundo real...

[Imagen: IMG_1837_low.jpg]

Más cositas de la web oficial:

Alan ballestero bricowake:
[Imagen: wakeywakey2.png]

Re: [Hilo Oficial] Alan Wake - American Nightmare(Night Spri - chente - 21-12-2011

Coño, qué guapo que ahora podamos usar una ballesta.